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Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Seven

Clifton Lawrence was having a headache.He thought that it was somewhat of a mistake for him to let things go this far.He was sitting in the bar at Toby's house, and Toby said to him, "Cliff, I proposed to her this morning and she said yes. I feel like a lad of sixteen." Clifton tried not to look surprised.How he handles this matter, he must be absolutely careful.He only knew one thing: he couldn't let that little whore marry Toby Temple.As soon as the wedding announcement comes out, all the jerks in Hollywood will come out of every corner and say they've had a taste of it.It's a wonder Toby still doesn't know about Jill.However, it is impossible to hide it from him forever.If Toby knew the truth, he would kill, and he would curse everyone around him.He can't spare anyone who let this happen to him.And Clifton Lawrence is bound to bear the brunt of Toby's insults.No, Clifton cannot let this wedding take place.He tried to tell Toby that he was twenty years older than Jill, but he didn't say it.He looked at Toby, and said cautiously: "Maybe mistakes in the busy schedule. It takes a long time to really understand a person. You may change your mind..."

Toby said, as if he hadn't heard, "You'll be my best man. Do you think it would be better for us to get married here, or in Las Vegas?" Clifton knew he was spitting in vain.There is only one way to stop this disaster.He had to find a way to stop Jill. That afternoon the agent called Jill and asked her to come into his office.She was an hour late.She let him kiss her cheek, then sat on the edge of the sofa and said, "I have limited time, and I have to meet Toby." "It won't take much time." Clifton studied her.Here's another Jill.She was very different from the girl he had met a few months earlier.She seemed confident now, and had a determination she hadn't had before. "Humph," thought Clifton, who had dealt with similar girls before.

"Jill, I'm going to get to work on this right now," Clifton said. "You're not right for Toby. I want you out of Hollywood." He pulled a white envelope from a drawer. "Here's Five thousand dollars in cash. Enough to go anywhere you want." She stared at him for a moment with a look of surprise on her face, then leaned back on the sofa and laughed. "I'm not kidding," said Clifton Lawrence, "do you think Toby would marry you if he found out you slept with so many people in town?" She stared at Clifton for a long moment.She wanted to tell him that he was responsible for everything that had happened to her—that he, and everyone else in power, had denied her a chance.They made her sell her body, her dignity, her soul.But, Jill knew, she couldn't make him understand.He was trying to scare her.He dared not tell Toby about her, it would be evidence that Lawrence was against her.

Jill stood up and walked out of the office. An hour later, Clifton got a call from Toby. Clifton had never heard Toby speak so emotionally. "I don't know what you said to Jill, friend. But I've got to leave it to you—she can't wait any longer. We're off to Las Vegas for the wedding." The Learjet, flying at a speed of 460 kilometers per hour, is still 35 kilometers away from Los Angeles International Airport.David Kennevan contacted the LAX landing control station and informed them of his position. David was elated.He was on his way to see Jill. Sasse has largely recovered from the injuries sustained in the car accident.But her face has been ruined beyond recognition.David once sent her to the best plastic surgeon in the world - a Brazilian doctor for treatment.She has been gone for six weeks.During this period, she kept writing to him warmly praising the doctor.

Twenty-four hours earlier, David had received a long-distance call from Sasse, saying she wasn't coming back, that she was in a relationship. David could hardly believe his good fortune. "That--that's great," he stammered with difficulty, "and I wish you happiness with the doctor." "Oh, not the doctor," replied Sasse, "a little planter here. He looks exactly like you. David. Only difference is that he loves me." The ticking of the radio interrupted his train of thought. "Pa-Lear Three, LAX Control is speaking. Please land on runway 25 to the left. A Consolidated 707 is following you. When landing, taxi to the runway to your right."

"Almost there." The plane began to land.He gets excited.He's going to find Jill, tell her he's still in love with her, and propose to her. As he walked past the end of the runway, he passed a newspaper reading column.See headlines headlined: "Toby Temple marries actress".He read the whole thing twice, then turned back to the airport bar. There, he got drunk for three days before flying back to Texas.
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