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Chapter 6 2. The flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple

What is history 4 袁腾飞 9860Words 2018-03-21
Believe in God than in yourself Now let's talk about politics, there are two points: First, Soviet Russia, the victory of the October Revolution.In fact, it is the two systems that have impacted the democratic politics of the bourgeoisie, that is, the socialist system of Soviet Russia and the fascist road of Germany, Japan and Italy, which have impacted the democratic politics of the bourgeoisie. Second, the establishment of the Soviet Union. Third, a highly centralized political system, that is, the Stalinist model.The first characteristic of Stalin's model is the cult of personality. People think that he is a living Lenin, greater than Lenin.In Stalin's hometown, Georgia's main peak, on the main peak of 1800 meters, stands a bronze statue of Stalin more than 40 meters high.I really admire the Soviets. There were no helicopters at that time. How did they get them there?Also engraved on the base is a line dedicated to the greatest figure of our time.Gotta adore him.

The second feature is that anyone who disagrees with me will be killed. We have no political disputes, and you are not allowed to give me opinions. Your opinions are counter-revolutionary, and I will kill you if you are counter-revolutionary.Therefore, under Stalin's rule, a terrifying anti-revolutionary movement took place in the Soviet Union. In order to maintain his rule, Stalin wielded a butcher's knife against his former comrades-in-arms.Originally, when Lenin was dying, he had already seen that Stalin had great shortcomings, so he suggested that he should be dismissed and not let him take over. Let Trotsky, the father of the Red Army, take over.As a result, Stalin was already full-fledged at that time, and his subordinates cut off all contact between Lenin and the outside world. Even Lenin's wife Krupskaya would be searched when she came out to visit Lenin.After Lenin died, Stalin became the leader of the Soviet Union. As soon as he came up, he first drove Trotsky away. Trotsky was considered a spy of the imperialists and was deported, first in Turkey, and then lived in Mexico City in 940. He was hacked to death with an ice pick.Then he focused on his other two comrades-in-arms, Galiyev and Zinoviev. These two men were of the same generation as Stalin and Lenin. They were put in prison and tortured until the wounds crawled out. , When the temperature in the cell is thirty-seven or eighty degrees, turn on the heating for you, so that your wounds cannot heal.Stalin's subordinates told Galiyev and Zinoviev that as long as you both plead guilty in court, you will be punished lightly, so you plead guilty, who can bear it?In the time of the Tsar, I did not suffer such a great crime.

In the 80 years of the tsar, 191 of the 625 political prisoners sentenced to death were sentenced to death, and Stalin shot 5 million people. Why these people, he can’t stand the torture, so just plead guilty, plead guilty, Stalin staged a trial of the century in Moscow, called all foreign journalists to make a movie, the foreign journalists were recording and enjoying themselves, did not see After such a trial, did you do this?I didn’t do it, normal people have this kind of reaction, it wasn’t me who did it, you see your fingerprints here, you forged it, he is a witness, he forged it.As a result, the court tried these two, Galiyev and Zinoviev, are you two imperial spies?Yes, both of us are.Then you say it, you explain it, your crime against the party, rush to say, I did it, not you, it was me.

This deceit is so obvious that anyone can see it, and the reporter is very happy. Well, you two admit that you are spies. The judge will give Zinoviev and Galiyev the death penalty as soon as they hit the gavel. Execute, silly.Comrades, that’s not what they told us. No matter, pull it out, pull it, they shouted, we want to see Comrade Stalin, pushed into the prison car, the prisoner knocked on the door, for the dead Lenin’s sake, we want Meet Comrade Stalin.The prison van has arrived at the execution ground, and the pit has been dug. Let them drag it into the pit.They both yelled, for God's sake, the Communists don't believe in God. He even yelled out his childhood idol, "bang bang" two shots, and then buried him.At this time, among Stalin's peers, the leader of the Bolshevik Party, only Bukharin was left. He was arrested and was about to be beaten. Bukharin said not to fight. I admit that I am a spy. If I admit it, I will die. , don't fight, don't suffer, I'm a spy.I just have one request, before you kill me, I want to see my wife.Stalin said it’s okay, let’s meet in an hour, as soon as his wife came in, Bukharin gave his wife a suicide note, memorized the suicide note, and then ate it, because you will definitely be searched when you go out, you If you can’t take it out, you carry it down.The suicide note was an open letter to the leaders of the next generation of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Bukharin understood that he wanted my life, but you have to live anyway. His wife is 25 years younger than him, so you have to live.She handed the suicide note to Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader of the last generation of the Soviet Union Party, and Gorbachev announced the vindication of Bukharin.

In the Lenin era, there were 11 members of the Politburo, and 9 were shot dead by Stalin; in the last party congress held in the Lenin era, 1,162 delegates attended, and 1,095 were shot; Officials, 95% were executed.What's even worse is that in the army, 3 of the 5 marshals were shot, and the remaining 2 didn't even know how to read the combat map, so they would give it to me shirtless, leaving Voroshilov and Budyonny . Then, 15 deputy ministers of defense and generals were all executed, 80 army commanders, 57 were shot, 110 division commanders, 87 were shot, 195 brigade commanders, 121 were shot, and Soviet Red Army officers above colonel were executed. 80% were shot.Hitler was so excited that he wanted to award Stalin the first-class Iron Cross. No war could cause such a large loss to the enemy's senior generals.It is said that Stalin fell into Hitler's countermeasures.Therefore, Hitler said very proudly that the Soviet Red Army was a headless giant.More than 4 million tanks, more than 10,000 tanks, looked amazing, without a head, and without a command center. Therefore, in the early days of the Soviet-German War, the Soviet Red Army lost its position and collapsed thousands of miles;The reason is that all your senior generals have been purged, like General Kilponos, commander of the Southwest Front Army, who was promoted from regiment commander to division commander, army commander, group army commander, and front army commander within a year, and was promoted five ranks in a row , sitting on a rocket, can he command an army of 700,000?He commanded two to three thousand people, so when the Southwest Front Army was besieged, General Kilponos' first reaction was to destroy the radio station to break through. The people under him lost contact with him and then surrendered. 700,000 people were besieged and 665,000 people were captured. The admiral led one or two thousand people from the headquarters to break through. He was very handy in doing this. He was able to command these people. When the tank rushed over, the admiral held The explosive package went up, worthy of being a battle hero, with an earth-shattering bang, the admiral was smashed to pieces, and the tank continued to drive forward, without blowing up... So, you think, his so-called highly centralized system, later we said Socialist countries need to carry out reforms, which means changing this model. In terms of politics, they should promote democracy, and in terms of economy, they should develop a market economy.Therefore, to reform, the correct path is democracy and a market economy.As long as you reform like this, you can succeed. The reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe failed because they did not reform in this way.

alternative decision Between the two world wars, faced with the economic crisis, Germany and Japan, and Roosevelt’s New Deal, were different in that they established a fascist dictatorship. The same place used state intervention to get rid of the economic crisis. First look at the establishment of the fascist dictatorship in Germany.Germany and Japan are both fascist dictatorships, but the methods of fascist dictatorship are different. The characteristics of Germany are: Germany belongs to the civil political party, the Nazi Party, which came to power through legal elections.So he took power from the bottom up.In the past, when we had trouble with democratic politics, we harmed the elections of the West. Once we harmed the elections of the West, we used this matter as an issue, saying that look at your democratic elections and elect a Hitler.

The establishment of the fascist dictatorship is completely the product of the lack of a nation's soul, and it is impossible for a healthy nation to worship such a figure.None of the fascist dictators were born into wealthy families and were well-educated.Basically, they come from petty bourgeois families, and honest and honest farmers can't do this job, because they have studied for so many years.Hitler studied in junior high school for five years, and his father was a junior civil servant of the customs. His father saw that this was really not material for studying, so he might as well be a national civil servant like me.Hitler was not happy either. He wanted to engage in art and applied for the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, but the result was yellow. He could only wander on the streets, giving some picturesque postcards to the painters.So he has a deep hatred for the society. A person as educated as me can't pass the exam. The society is too corrupt and dark.How can the deep-seated hatred be vented?That is, once I have power, I will be ruthless to this society, and I will take revenge on this society. "World War I" broke out. Hitler applied to join the army in Austria, but failed the medical examination. He didn't know what was wrong with this guy, so he turned to the German army. The Germans are not picky eaters, and they died too much. to the battlefield.As a result, Hitler showed an astonishing, almost crazy "bravery" on the battlefield. When others saw the bullets lying down, he stood upright, like a death squad.

So this buddy was quickly promoted from a soldier to a squad leader and won the Iron Cross.Generally speaking, medals for soldiers are rarely awarded.As a result, during a war, he was poisoned by the poisonous gas of the British and French allied forces and his eyes were damaged. He lay in the hospital for a year. When the gauze on his face was finally removed and he could see clearly, the war was over.Hitler was very miserable and wanted to commit suicide. He felt that if the war did not end, I could be promoted to general.Now he rested, the war was over, he resumed his status as a tramp, and went to work as an agent for the German Army Intelligence.

Because the German Army after World War I could only retain 100,000 people, it was impossible to leave a job for a person like him who didn't even have German nationality. The party, called the German Workers Party, became the 97th member of the party, and then developed this small party.He changed the name of the party to the National Socialist German Workers Party. At first glance, it seems that it was founded by Marx, and the name was changed.The abbreviation in German is NAZI in English, and the translation is Nazi. This Nazi is a transliteration of the German abbreviation. If you translate it according to Chinese, it should be the Democratic Socialist Party, the National Socialist German Workers Party.The party designed a brightly colored party flag with a white circle on a red background and a black swastika in the middle, which is a cross with a hook, a terrifying symbol of the ancient Aryans.Uniform uniforms, because of the support of the bourgeoisie and the lower class, the power has greatly increased. In the parliamentary elections, the Nazi Party became the largest party in the Congress, and then he was elected as the Chancellor of Germany. In 1934, Marshal Hindenburg died of illness. He became the head of state of Germany, combining the powers of the president and prime minister, and the fascist dictatorship in Germany was established.After that, we started to expand the army and prepare for war. When we talk about expanding the army and preparing for war, the unemployment problem is actually solved. The factories are open. If the factories are full, you can still go to the army.

There are several points in this: the first is to withdraw from the League of Nations, and the second is to expand the army.The army was originally not allowed to exceed 100,000, but he got 500,000, and later developed it to more than 1 million and 2 million, and then rebuilt the air force and navy.The third is to march into the Rhineland, which is the so-called Rhine Demilitarized Zone, the Rhine Demilitarized Zone, and march into the Rhineland.Especially when the German army marched into the Rhine Demilitarized Zone, there were more than 1,000 Germans in three battalions who entered, mainly relying on horses and riding in.The French on the other side of the Rhine have 23 divisions and more than 600 tanks, so once the French do it, Germany will definitely be finished.Hitler gave the commanders of these small units a secret order saying that once the French made a move, they should run away, but unexpectedly the French did not make a move. Hitler saw through the fierceness of the country of Versailles, and only raised a few weak protests.These German soldiers were warmly welcomed by the local people in the Rhine region. A German boy who was about 1.8 meters tall rode a horse more than 2 meters tall and could be buried by flowers.Having not seen the army of the motherland for more than ten years, the German people warmly welcome the occupation of the Rhine Demilitarized Zone by the German army.That's why Hitler was more at ease in expanding his armies and preparing for war, and formulated a four-year national economic guidance plan. Generally, only authoritarian countries can formulate economic development plans. Whoever listens to your German plan, your president formulates a five-year plan, and get out in four years. Well, you're making a five-year plan, isn't that a joke?Fourth, ideological control begins in addition to military expansion and war preparations.According to our words, it is called promoting the main theme.There can only be one thought, and only one person in the country can think, and that is the Führer himself.Children in Germany had to join the Hitler Youth League when they were young. They wore white shirts, blue pants, and red scarves. When they woke up every morning, there was a portrait of the Führer standing next to the blackboard in the classroom. The teacher led all the students to pay tribute to the Führer and report his thoughts. Children after the age of 12 had to join Hitler's Youth League. In the Youth League, every child was told that the role of a boy was to become a qualified fighter, and the role of a girl was to produce more qualified fighters for the country.Therefore, on the battlefield, why do German soldiers treat one as ten and ten as a hundred? He began to receive military training at the age of 12, and the whole country was a Spartan-style militarism. They began to receive military training at the age of 12. Before they put on the military uniform, they had never killed anyone before, and they were already very proficient in various combat skills. After going to the battlefield, they fired two shots at the dead body, and their courage became stronger. Those who dare to beat a dead body will dare to beat a living person, and their courage will be stronger.

Consequences of Death Worship After the Allied forces landed in Normandy, one of the most elite units in Germany was the 12th Division of the SS, also known as the Hitler Youth Division. All the soldiers were 17 or 18 years old, and they were members of the Hitler Youth League. The division commander was just 33 However, on the battlefield, his division blocked hundreds of thousands of allied troops. There were originally 18,000 troops in the army, but there were 200 left after the battle. Helping people is completely brainwashed.Cult organizations all over the world are brainwashing you, making you forget who you are, you are not yours, you are a member of the country, and you are a member of the party, so go for it.You are from the Nazi Party, you are from this Germany, so he forgot who he is, your personality, and why you died.In addition, the most terrifying and heinous thing about the Nazi Party is to engage in genocide. Who will be killed?Jews, because Jews are considered heretics and do not convert, so Jews in Europe are persecuted.In addition, the Jews made a fortune, and you pagans made a fortune, and you became even more popular. Therefore, the Jews were persecuted throughout Europe, especially during the Nazi Party’s rule. There were about 6 million Jews in concentration camps. Among them were killed, the most terrifying of which is Auschwitz concentration camp, three gas chambers, which can poison 6,000 people a day, the Germans are very efficient in killing people, unlike the Nanjing Massacre, they used knives and did not do it. Well, it is only in the agricultural society that people kill people like that. The murder in Germany is industrialized, and it is an assembly line method.As long as the Jews enter the concentration camp, there will be a line of big characters engraved on the iron gate of the concentration camp, labor makes people happy.Then when you go in, you think you are going to work. Immediately, women and children are singled out and sent directly to the gas chamber.The young and middle-aged men stayed behind, and sick ones went to the gas chambers. If you are a skilled craftsman, for example, I am a jewelry maker or a leather sewer, your chances of survival are relatively high.Entering the gas chamber and telling you to take a bath, 2,000 people wash in one room, how do you wash it?When you take off your clothes, the Germans will tell you to hang your coat here, your coat here, your shirt here, your shoes here, and your socks there.The Germans took it back for disinfection and distributed it to German residents for use.Sorted and transported away, and then you entered the gas chamber.When the faucet is turned on, what comes down is not water, but poisonous gas.About 20 minutes later, all 2,000 people in a house were poisoned to death, and then the blower blown away the poisonous gas, and the iron door was opened.Some concentration camp guards, usually the scum of the Jewish people, used iron hooks to hook people out one by one.After the hook comes out, the second process is to pull out the gold teeth. Anyone who has gold teeth in the mouth is pulled out. Make a leather bag, get this off, and then the next workshop is responsible for melting your fat, making soap for use by the Germans, and then the next workshop, burning what is left of you, and the next workshop is responsible for your The ashes are scattered in the fields to plant crops, and there is absolutely no waste.There is also a workshop responsible for shaving off human hair and weaving carpets. When the Soviet Red Army entered Auschwitz concentration camp, the human hair that could not be removed in time weighed 7 tons and more than 2 million pairs of shoes.So, you worship such a regime, you worship the leaders of such a regime, and the distance between you and people is about 500 billion times the distance from Beijing to the sun. Worshiping this kind of thing is terrible. Japan, no one worships this, it is even more terrifying.Its characteristics are different from those in Germany. Germany, as we have said, is a political party that comes from the people and obtains political power from the bottom up through legal elections.So, how was the fascist dictatorship in Japan established?He is bureaucratic.Japan's bureaucracy adopted an illegal coup, because he wanted an election, and no one elected him. How could he elect a soldier?Does Japan need a civilian like Hitler?No need to.There is a ready-made thing there - the emperor.They believe that the emperor is the descendant of Amaterasu and is supreme. It is impossible for anyone to challenge his authority, so there is no need for someone like Hitler. Then, if the emperor wants to establish a dictatorship, it will be a feudal autocratic monarchy, which is similar to a fascist dictatorship.Therefore, he, the emperor, can directly establish the dictatorship of the feudal monarch, through whom?Let’s talk about the Emperor of Japan. After the Meiji Restoration, he took the road of capitalism. In 1889, he promulgated the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, marking the establishment of his constitutional monarchy. However, his constitutional monarchy is a typical dual constitutional monarchy. The Emperor, Prime Minister of the Cabinet.Appointed by the Emperor, not Diet, ministers are accountable to the Emperor, not Diet.So at that time, the emperor had a lot of power, which was called a dual constitutional system. In addition to leading the cabinet, the emperor also led the army. The army was called the headquarters. This institution was not a formal institution, but was established during wartime. In the war, he set up a base camp, fought against Russia, and in the Russo-Japanese War, he set up a base camp.In addition to administrative power, the emperor also has military power and command power.There are two organizations in the base camp, one is the Army’s General Staff Headquarters, the other is the Navy’s Military Headquarters, and the other is, isn’t the Prime Minister of the Cabinet set up with ministers of various ministries?Among the ministers are the Ministry of the Army, because Japan has a separate army and navy. The Army Ministry and the Navy Ministry are equivalent to our Chinese Ministry of National Defense. It is a separate army and navy. Its staff headquarters and naval command are roughly equivalent to our general staff. One is the military and political organs, and the other is the military order organs. These four organs are collectively called the military department.However, Japan does not have such an official institution. What does the Japanese military department refer to?The Ministry of the Army and the Ministry of the Navy belong to the cabinet, and the Army Staff Headquarters and the Navy Command Department belong to the base camp. Japan has a very special place. I told you about this issue before. Look at today’s democracies, and in all democracies, the minister of defense must be a civilian. Civilian rule of the military is the most basic principle.Look at the United States, Britain, France and Germany. The defense ministers of all these countries wear suits, not military uniforms. Soldiers are absolutely not allowed to interfere in politics. I am a four-star general. If I want to run for governor, you will not be able to elect the village chief. You must retire, take off your military uniform and return to civilian status before you can run for national office.Therefore, the political status and power of soldiers in democratic countries are limited.However, Japan is different. Japan’s Minister of Army and Navy must be served by an active military attache. He is a military general who holds military power. What is the danger of a military general holding power?If a general wants to make meritorious service, he must fight. It’s useless for him not to fight a war, only to see that he can drink, and nothing else. Seeing that he can run a red light, nothing else can tell that he has any skills.Therefore, he hopes to fight, and my ability will be revealed when there is a war.But "one general succeeds and all bones die", your ability is revealed, you will not die anyway, so he just wants to fight, he doesn't think about whether this battle should be fought or not, it is tantamount to gambling on the fate of the country.Therefore, this is the reason why countries impose restrictions on generals.Soldiers cannot interfere in politics. It is up to politicians whether to fight or not. How to fight is up to you. If politicians say you can’t fight, you can’t fight.Fortunately, the Japanese politicians, the Minister of the Army and the Navy are generals, and the Minister of the Army and the Navy also has a privilege. If there is a conflict, the Minister of Army and Navy will exercise the right to report to the emperor directly.If this happens, the cabinet will be disbanded. What if there is a conflict between the Minister of Army and Navy and the Prime Minister of the Cabinet?The cabinet had to be dissolved and a new cabinet formed.The candidate for the Minister of Army and Navy must be recommended by the military department, because he must be a soldier, so he must be recommended by the military department.If the military department is dissatisfied with the new cabinet and refuses to recommend candidates for the army and navy ministers, the result will be that the new cabinet will be aborted and stillborn, and you will not be able to form a cabinet. Your country cannot have a minister of defense, right?You can live without the Director of the Family Planning Commission, but you cannot live without the Minister of National Defense.And especially the Minister of the Army and Navy, he is an active military attache, you can't replace it with someone else.Therefore, in the end, it became a practice that the military department has the final say on the cabinet, and whoever the military asks to be the prime minister can become the prime minister. As long as he disagrees, you, the prime minister, will not be able to be the prime minister.Therefore, the politics of the whole country went astray. In the end, Japan simply had someone to serve as the prime minister. Seven soldiers, all of whom were soldiers during World War II. So, look at the 12 Nazi Class A war criminals hanged by the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, only two were soldiers, and the rest were civilians.Ordinary soldiers will not be tried as war criminals, because soldiers obey orders, as long as you do not commit crimes such as killing prisoners of war or abusing civilians, you do not commit such crimes, you do not bear such crimes against humanity, war crimes, you just execute orders.Politicians are tried as war criminals.Ten civilian war criminals from Germany were hanged by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Japan?Of the 10 Class A war criminals, 6 are military generals, because he is a military general directly in power.Therefore, if he is going to be elected, military generals cannot be elected, and if you vote, you cannot elect soldiers, so what should I do?I can only do an illegal coup. counterattack on the following gram In Japanese culture, there is a very deformed thing called Xia Ke Shang 01.The social hierarchy in Japan is very strict. When the two of us work in this company, if we don’t speak honorifics, I will beat you. I will give you a big mouth, and you must use honorifics to me.How are you, level by level is strictly hierarchical.So why the Japanese soldiers are notorious for their cruelty in war, and pass on the oppression.The class monitor hit me yesterday, what should I do?If I don't just kill captives and ordinary people, that's all I do, and that's all I can do.Passing on oppression, level by level, the superior suppresses the subordinate, and the subordinate can only pick the soft bully.However, if the superior bullies me to the point of death, I can get up and kill him. Of course, when it's over, I'm going to kill myself too.Such behavior is considered to be in line with the spirit of Bushido. So, in Japan this is called Xiakeshang.This group of fascist young military officers said that in order to save the country, we beat the superior one by one: the subordinates replaced the superiors, the divisions usurped the masters, the retainers eliminated the masters, and the peasants expelled the samurai.This is the biggest source of Japanese Sengoku daimyo. what to do?I will kill all the ministers in the cabinet. In this way, the emperor and the military can be directly unified to lead the country on the path of fascism.Thus, in the 1930s, Japanese fascist young military officers planned three assassinations, all of which succeeded.Three Japanese prime ministers were killed one after another.In the beginning, Prime Minister Inuyang Yi was killed, Sun Yat-sen's buddy.After killing the prime minister, the punishment for all officers and soldiers involved in the assassination is to do a hundred push-ups, exercise well, and continue to kill next time.You say that if you kill an ordinary person, you will be sentenced to death. The prime minister was killed, so he can do some push-ups and finish.So the second prime minister was killed again. This time they were asked to run laps on the playground in full armor in midsummer. As a result, as soon as the fascist officers and soldiers went out, their comrades, one helped him carry the gun, and the other helped him carry the gun. Kettle, the one who helped him carry the helmet, finally lifted them up and paraded in the barracks. Everyone applauded him, so Prime Minister Reijiro Wakatsuki was killed again.At this time, the emperor was furious. You kept saying, this one is loyal to me, and that one is loyal to me. As a result, the prime minister I appointed, you kill as soon as you say, do you have the emperor in your eyes?So they asked to try these people, and the court held a trial.At that time, these dozen or so young military officers were tried. As a result, more than 30 fascist right-wing youths cut off their little fingers and sent them to the judge. Die, they are good for the country.After the judge received a bottle of fingers, he announced his resignation. I sentenced them to death, and mine had to be cut off too.No one dared to take over the case, and in the end the matter was left alone.You don't even need to do push-ups, these red-eyed officers and soldiers are having a lot of fun.The "September 18th Incident" and the "February 26th Mutiny" were launched successively. In the "February 26th Mutiny", there were more than 1,000 fascist right-wing officers and soldiers headed by Lieutenant Xiangtian Qingzhen. The captain is equivalent to our captain, because Japan's military ranks are all three levels: large, middle, and junior. The captain is equivalent to us. the captain.The company commander led more than a thousand people and attacked the prime minister's official residence.The official residences of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Army, and Director of Education of the Army occupied the Tokyo Police Department. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was killed on the spot, and the Minister of Finance was shot six times. The pistol is too good, and none of the shots hit the vitals. They are all arms and legs.At this time, the fascist officer saw that the chancellor was still lying on the ground gasping for breath, and he was not dead, so he drew his sword and tried to chop off the man's head.Japanese pistols are very "advanced". When you commit suicide, you can't even pull the trigger, and it often jams. It is the pistol with the highest failure rate in the world.Therefore, the Japanese military officers all carried this saber, which was useless for nothing but tripping themselves, and when they pulled it out, they wanted to chop off the old man's head.At this time, the minister's wife threw herself on the old man and said that he was going to die soon, so you should leave him a whole body. The officer probably heard the truth, and he couldn't survive being shot six times. I'm sorry I made your house dirty, then turned and left.After the robber killed his master, he always told his servants, “I’m sorry for causing you trouble, so he turned and left.Very polite people, dirty your house, go away.Then he was sent to the hospital immediately, and miraculously survived.This person is the last prime minister of Japan in World War II: Suzuki Kantaro. At that time, the Prime Minister hid in a closet and survived the death, but the Prime Minister’s secretary, that is, the Prime Minister’s brother-in-law, was mistaken for the Prime Minister and was killed. the emperor.When playing with the Emperor, the Minister of War called these rebels the rebels. Later, the Emperor was furious and said that if you don’t suppress them, I will lead the army to seek peace. At this time, the Minister of War announced that these people are rebels.Then there is no need to fight, just raise a few balloons, under the balloons, hang a big slogan, His Majesty the Emperor announced that you are rebels, these soldiers saw that the emperor said we were rebels, so they handed over their weapons and returned to camp.More than a dozen military officers involved in the coup d'état huddled together in the square in front of the palace, shouting "Long Live", and committed suicide there.Therefore, this mutiny was quelled without bloodshed, and a balloon was raised, and the emperor said that you were rebels, and all these people ran away. So, why did the United States keep the Emperor of Japan after the war? In Japan, the Emperor is equivalent to the leader. If you kill him, all Japanese will fight with you. If you see a mutiny, they will raise a balloon. This matter is resolved. .Therefore, although the "February 26 Mutiny" was unsuccessful, at least the Japanese understood that this group of people cannot be offended, and the group of people in the military cannot be offended, and they will kill whoever they arrest.So Hirota Hiroshi formed a cabinet, which was the only civil official hanged by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Hirota formed a cabinet and established a fascist dictatorship.In this case, what we are talking about is that Germany follows.Japan established a fascist dictatorship, and Soviet Russia established a highly centralized political and economic system, no different from fascism, twin brothers, these three countries have embarked on a path completely different from that of Britain, the United States and France.Therefore, we think about such a question, what is the reason why the United States, Germany, and Japan have embarked on different development paths?Think about it, everyone, the United States has embarked on a different development path from Germany and Japan. What is the reason for this?To sum it up, it means that the historical traditions are different. Direction determines success Why do these countries embark on different development paths? From a political point of view, their historical traditions are different, so what is the difference in this historical tradition?First of all, the United States is a bottom-up revolution, while Germany and Japan are all top-down reforms, so this is the first point of difference in historical traditions. The development of capitalism in the United States is relatively thorough, or the capitalist system Thoroughly. Germany is a top-down reform, not thorough.From a political point of view, countries like Britain, France and the United States have established typical democratic politics.We call it representative democracy, which means parliamentary democracy, so the American parliamentary democracy is relatively complete.At the very least, everyone should sit down and discuss what matters they have. They have this tradition, and parliamentary democracy is relatively complete.Germany and Japan have a tradition of monarchs.We can't say that he is autocratic, he has a tradition of strong military power, so Germany and Japan worship this kind of strongman, including Russia.Russia has always been a tsarist dictatorship, and he also worships strongmen, including China. The thing we Chinese people love most is to shout long live, and we will feel uncomfortable if we don’t shout long live.Therefore, these countries all have the tradition of lack of democratic politics, which is the first major point. Secondly, the economic level is different. The economic development level of the United States is different from that of Germany and Japan. The capitalist economy of the United States is highly developed, and its self-regulation ability is strong.Needless to say, Japan is economically backward. In capitalist countries, it is backward. It is incomparable with today's Japan.In the capitalist world at that time, Japan was not ranked high, it was very backward, of course it was the leader in Asia, but in the entire capitalist world, it was not ranked high.Japan is economically backward, but Germany is not behind because it relies heavily on British and American investment. Germany relies on investment from Britain and the United States, while Japan relies on economic backwardness.So, he has poor regulation and poor self-regulation.
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