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Chapter 3 2. Group seesaw

What is history 4 袁腾飞 3917Words 2018-03-21
Alignment is an Art Lesson The second is the two major groups.The first is the Allies. In 1882, Germany, Austria and Italy formed the Triple Alliance, with Germany at its core.This Germany, it provoked the two world wars.It feels bored to do it alone, so it pulls two friends to do it together.The two friends I found are really not very good. Alliance is an art. Let’s not talk about forming an alliance with Italy. At least Italy is invincible; you are forming an alliance with the Austro-Hungarian Empire.The Habsburg dynasty has a famous saying, "Let others go to war, let's get married".The reason why the Habsburg dynasty made so much territory was by marriage. My princess married your prince, and my prince married your princess. Only in this way did the territory gradually expand, and there would be no war at all.So when "World War I" broke out, the German officers stationed at the Austrian General Staff sent a telegram to the German emperor, "Dear Your Majesty, we are forming an alliance with zombies, and their level of warfare remains at the Napoleonic era. What is the meaning of national alliance 7 "Didn't you learn from the first war? If you form an alliance with Italy, Italy will surrender as soon as the war. Let go of the enemy, what are you doing on your own? If the combat power of the German army is 1.0, Japan is at most 10, and Italy is 100. You say that an alliance with this country will only drag you down, and it will only do a disservice to you, and you will do nothing else. no.

Unfortunately for Germany, once it formed an alliance with these two countries, it offended the powerful country.Originally, when Prime Minister Bismarck was in power, he deliberately promoted the alliance of Russia, Austria, and Germany. The three of us are the most reactionary countries in Europe, and we should unite.As a result, Germany, Austria, and Italy formed an alliance, and the goal was to face France.A pair of France, France had to think about recruiting, and established the Allied Powers.In 1892, France and Russia first entered into an agreement. France, the most democratic country in Europe, and Russia, the most authoritarian country in Europe, formed an alliance between the two countries with the most opposite ideologies in Europe.In Russia, the French national anthem "La Marseillaise" is banned and is not allowed to be played, because it encourages resistance. As a result, the two countries have formed an alliance instead, of course, only if France gives money.At that time, except for France and Switzerland, the rest of Europe was a monarchy. France was completely different. You were a republic, and you abolished the emperor, which is a big treason.

friend card enemy The two countries formed an alliance, and the two major military blocs in Europe gradually formed the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.Among them, Germany, Austria and Italy are the allies, and there are only France and Russia among the allies at this time, because there is a big country that has not yet joined. In 1904, the Anglo-French Entente, the Anglo-Russian Entente in 1907, and the Triple Entente marked the official establishment of the Entente.You can see that the establishment of the Allied Powers was 25 years later than the Allied Powers, a full quarter of a century, because Britain was adjusting its foreign policy.The United Kingdom pursues a continental balance of power policy, and countries on the European continent had better maintain a balance of power so as not to pose a threat to the United Kingdom.Former British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston, who was foreign minister when the Opium War broke out, strongly advocated declaring war on China.He has a famous saying: "The British Empire has no permanent friends or enemies, only eternal interests." It means that our friends and enemies can be changed, but our interests remain the same.In fact, this sentence is the most reasonable saying in the diplomatic circles. Any country you engage in diplomacy should pursue the maximization of its own interests.

The British people are very right. There are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, but only permanent interests. If your foreign policy wants to become the boss of the European continent, it will pose a threat to me.Britain and France are feuds, and the Hundred Years War was fought twice. From 1337 to 1453, this was the first Hundred Years War.Then from the era of Louis XIV to the era of Napoleon, the second Hundred Years' War was even more severe. It was fought not only in Europe, but also in India and North America. Don't you think this is a blood feud? It went down, but France went down and Russia came up again.The European Gendarmerie is the protector of the Holy Alliance, and the defenders of the feudal system pose a threat to Britain. In the Crimean War in 1853, the former enemy France was united, and the former friend Russia was photographed.As soon as Russia was photographed, I immediately realized that Europe and Europe were not places for me to play, so I turned to the East and signed a series of unequal treaties with China—"Aigun Treaty", "Beijing Treaty", "Ili Treaty" and so on.Occupy China, Xinjiang, Tibet and the United Kingdom are colliding head-on.The hatred between the two countries is even greater. If you want to occupy Xinjiang, the UK also wants to occupy it. If you want to occupy Tibet, the UK wants to even more. Especially if you want to get involved in Tibet, the UK will never allow it. This is separated from India by a mountain. This is my backyard, so the conflict between Britain and Russia intensify.

After the Crimean War, Russia was photographed, and France became the largest country in Europe, because at that time there were only a few big countries, one went down, another came up;The French emperor Napoleon III wanted to restore the glory of Napoleon, but he was not as smart as his uncle. He was seeking external expansion all day long, posing a threat to Britain. Before Britain could do anything, Germany jumped out angrily and wiped out the Second Empire Yes, the unification of Germany changed the structure of Europe at once, and the power of the four major powers on the continent of France, Russia, Prussia and Austria was balanced.

This is very happy for the British, and I am very happy to see this. Germany is so cute. The German Emperor Wilhelm II is the grandson of Queen Victoria. Of course, so are Nicholas II and the Russian Tsar. Queen Victoria is known as the grandmother of Europe. , because her princess married to the courts of various countries, all of whom are her grandchildren.Originally, Yingde was very likely to be a good relative, good friend, and good neighbor. As a result, Germany was very ignorant and offended Britain on this issue. At first he was his uncle, and later he was his cousin.When Queen Victoria died, Edward VII was the uncle of William II. William II mentioned his uncle all day long in the palace, this old immortal guy, all day long.Then when he died, George V and his cousin could have become good brothers, but because you challenged your uncle on these two issues, the conflict between the two countries intensified, and Britain adjusted its foreign policy. France and Russia He just wanted some money from me, and Germany wanted my life and his uncle's life, so his uncle had to adjust.

family's sorrow Edward VII visited Paris. Before leaving, the prime minister told the king that you should be prepared to be unfriendly to the French people. When the king visited Paris, as soon as he landed, the French played "Marseillaise" to overthrow the tyrant. As soon as the carriage passed by, eggs and tomatoes greeted them, and they could cook a pot of dishes when they returned to the hotel.Later, as soon as the king heard the "La Marseillaise", he jumped off the carriage and stood at attention. He saluted the military when he was in military uniform, and put his hands on his chest when he was in civilian clothes, paying tribute to the "La Marseillaise". When they left Paris 10 days later, the common people went to the street to send them off spontaneously, "Long live the friendship between Britain and France, and "Long live His Majesty the King." Afterwards, the newspapers in Paris exclaimed, saying that this was the first time on the streets of Paris after the "July Dynasty" was overthrown in 1848. I once shouted "Long live His Majesty the King". You see, you Nicholas II is also your nephew, why should you make trouble with your nephew? Britain and Russia also made an agreement. In this way, the Triple Alliance and the Triple Alliance were formed, and a war broke out. From July 1914 to November 1918, the First World War lasted for four years and three months. The fuse was the Sarajevo Incident, where the Crown Prince Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and the Grand Duchess Sofia were assassinated in Sarajevo.

Have you seen the movie "Sissi"?Sissi's husband, Emperor Franz, was 84 years old at that time, and Princess Sissi was Queen Elizabeth. If you go to countries such as Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic today, you can see their portraits all over the streets.But the portraits of the emperor are all of the emperor's old age, with a white beard and gills, and the portraits of Queen Elizabeth are all of her youth, so if you say that this is a couple, you don't believe it, and you always feel like a grandparent and grandson.Queen Elizabeth was assassinated in Switzerland in 1870, attacked by an anarchist.The anarchist didn't have to kill her, he just wanted to kill any royal family. They happened to be traveling, traveling lightly and without entourage.The only son of the two of them was the Crown Prince, Duke Rudolph, who later committed suicide because of a broken relationship.You said that this foreign emperor is really interesting, who do you want to fall in love with when you become the emperor?He had to commit suicide, but with his death, Archduke Ferdinand had a chance.He was the nephew of Emperor Franz, and he was not very popular with the old emperor, but there was no one else, and the Habsburg dynasty had no other male heirs, so he had to be made the crown prince.This buddy is fighting against the old emperor again. He insists on marrying a court lady, which is absolutely not allowed in the European royal family. European royal families did not marry commoners until the 1980s. They always said that Diana was a commoner princess. The earl, how can he be a commoner, his ancestors were earls and nobles.You are a pure commoner, and your ancestors were conductors. That is impossible, especially the British royal family is very conservative. It is impossible for him to marry a commoner.In this case, the emperor disagreed, but the Grand Duke insisted on doing this, so in the end the emperor had no choice but to compromise. You can marry her, but she will not receive any courtesy in Vienna. For example, no one will stand up when she comes in. No one called her Your Highness, but the couple had a very good relationship.After being married for so many years and having a big child, he felt very sorry for his wife. Since he didn't receive courtesy in the Vienna court, I took her to other places to show off. As a result, both of them died after showing off. There he was assassinated by Serbian radical nationalists.As soon as the grand duke was assassinated, the old emperor became anxious. He has seen too many abnormal deaths of his relatives in his life. His wife was assassinated, his son committed suicide, and his nephew was assassinated again. The emperor was 84 years old at the time, and he was already confused. , so Germany took the opportunity to instigate him and declared war, and the old emperor declared war on Serbia as soon as he was dizzy!

As soon as war is declared, Russia will stop doing it. We are all "Nov" and "Sky". If you declare war on him, you declare war on me. If you dare to hit my Slav buddies, it is the same as hitting me. Russia will declare war on Austria-Hungary: As a result, Germany also said that we are all of the same race, and if you hit me, the German brothers, you hit me.So Germany declared war on Russia; France said that Russia and I were allies, and if you hit him, you hit me, so France declared war on Germany and Austria—there were already four major powers at this time, and Britain wanted to wait and see again, but Germany unexpectedly attacked neutral Belgium , The King of Belgium was the uncle of the King of England, and was also the uncle of the Emperor of Germany at that time. The two nephews were at war. If you are fine, why would you fight your uncle?So Britain said that you are shameless. If you dare to beat our uncle, I will smoke you. Therefore, three gunshots and three bullets were fired on the streets of Sarajevo, and the five major powers of Britain, Russia, Germany, Austria, and France did it.This is still one "meaning". Emperor William II sent a telegram to King Emanuel of Italy. It is time for you to fulfill your alliance obligations and declare war.The king replied with a telegram, we really want to fulfill our alliance obligations, but our country is poor, nicknamed pauper imperialism, you know, we need some supplies, please lend me.When the emperor saw the telegram, he threw it on the ground.You want 3 million rifles, 10,000 cannons, 5,000 locomotives, and I will give you this, we Germans have to fight with sticks.Pull it down, if you don't come, pull it down, don't want you anymore, and Italy has been watching for two years.

The Allied Powers greeted Italy, you do it with me, because all the territory Italy wants belongs to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so how can you talk to the Allied Powers, you have to do it with us, and we will give you the territory.Sure enough, Italy happily joined the war. Once Italy joined the war, the Allied Powers regretted it, and their intestines were full of regret.The front line was already very tight, and troops had to be deployed to reinforce Italy. Even Russia and Portugal each sent a division to reinforce Italy. Think about the level of combat effectiveness of the Italian army. A company of German and Austrian soldiers charged with bayonets, and the Italian army captured 9,000 prisoners of war alone.Italy's defeat is called an avalanche, have you ever seen that look?Hundreds of thousands of troops went to the front line, and they were finished in a day or two.Perhaps the enthusiasm of the Italians is in football, opera, and ice cream, and war is the kind of activity they are least comfortable with.Therefore, after the war, the Versailles conference divided the spoils. It was nothing to Italy. It was based on the contribution.

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