Home Categories Chinese history "General History of Taiwan" Volume II

Chapter 3 Volume 19 Postal Biography

Lian Heng said: "Taiwan is also a sea country, surrounded by water on all sides. Since ancient times, it has not been connected to the world for a long time."However, at the intersection of Mohan in the high mountains, wild clouds in the plains, and the tracks of animals and birds, they have been entrenched by natives for thousands of years.Futai is adjacent to Fujian and Guangdong, and sailing with the wind, it can be reached soon.In the Sui Dynasty, Dongfan was suppressed, and the people of the Song Dynasty traded with them, but none of them belonged to the territory, so the transportation was inconvenient.In the Ming Dynasty, Portuguese boats found this land, and the Dutch and Western countries then divided it, and each dominated its own land; there were hundreds of miles in the middle, but there was no communication.At that time, the name of Taiwan spread far and wide in Europe, and the Japanese Hachiman ships also sailed in and out of the sea, and the whole area of ​​Yinglu became the area where the East and the West met foreigners.People from Fujian and Guangdong come here together, Fujian and Guangdong live together, Fujian lives near the sea, Guangdong is located in the mountains, watch and help each other, go in and out of each other, and the transportation is established.After returning to the Qing Dynasty, the land was expanded day by day, and the ships from the south and the horses from the north traveled back and forth in the past, but the transportation by land and sea still followed the old pattern, which was not enough to promote the progress of group governance.And Liu Mingchuan's appointment as governor is a strategy for prosperity and strength, buying ships, building railways, setting up postal services, connecting wires, and operating arrangements, with a new look.It's a pity that the achievements are not complete, but the dismissal is better than hatred!However, the merits of inscriptions should be written in special books and not tolerated.The record says: "Climbing high makes you feel inferior, and traveling far makes you feel close." Today, I tried it in the article, which is called land transportation, sea transportation, post and telecommunications, and the lampstand is attached.

land transportation When Taiwan was under the Zheng family, the rule only reached Chengtian, and the north of the half line was still barren, except for patrols.When the Qing people won Taiwan, they followed the old law and set up post and garrison troops, and gradually reached Beibi.In the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi, Renhe Yu Yonghe went to Beitou to collect sulfur. At that time, Douliumen and above were still undeveloped land.After the middle period, there are more and more arrivals, reaching Langgong in the south, Sandiao in the north, and Taidong is far away and there are Zhiyan.However, from the extreme south to the extreme north, the distance is several to eight hundred miles, and it takes thirteen or four days to travel, and eight or nine days to rush, and the stream is vast, and every time there is a flood, it will be blocked or not crossed.Moreover, Taiwan's land transportation is only by manpower, and no horses and carts have been used to travel. Those who drive ox carts are used to carry sugar and transport grain, and travel twenty or thirty miles a day.The ox cart is made of two wheels with a diameter of several or two feet. Each cart can carry ten stones, which is heavy and difficult to move.Where there are streams, rafts are often used, which the Taiwanese call crossing.It is said that Guandu will be sued by the lawsuit, and it will not be rented.It is said that Yidu is governed by the township, and the tax is collected for charity, or as incense for temples, please allow the officials to give it.It is said that private ferry is operated by the people to carry passengers and cargo, but sometimes there is a disadvantage of extortion, and some officials prohibit it, so the wind will calm down.Small streams often build bamboo bridges, or accumulate stones as bars.In the deep mountains and valleys, there are often rattan bridges tied on both sides of the giant trees, which are tens of feet long. When people walk on them, they are like walking on empty space, and they are so swaying that the cowards dare not even cross them.However, the people who live in the mountains and drink in the valleys tend to be like barbarians, so they are accustomed to danger.Nearby, there are more iron wires attached, which is convenient for travelers.There are no cars on the platform, so sedan chairs are used.The sedan chair system is slightly the same as Zhang and Quan, and it can travel fifty or sixty miles a day. "Hanshu" King Huainan remonstrated with the southern Guangdong, saying that he crossed the mountains in a sedan chair.At that time, the roads in southern Guangdong were not ruled, and Taiwan was still there.

In the thirteenth year of Tongzhi, Shen Baozhen, the imperial envoy, asked to open the mountain. Wu Guangliang, the commander-in-chief, commanded the central army, Yuan Wentuo, the same acquaintance, commanded the southern army, and Admiral Luo Dachun commanded the northern army. Li, and the area where the hooves of animals and birds are traced, began to be the way to travel.Baozhen Zhishu said: "In the area along the South Road, since September, Yuan Wentuo led an appeasement army, crossed the Kunlun Pass to the east, and Zhang Qiguang sent his deputy general Li Guang to lead the front team to follow.On the first day of the tenth month, when Liying went to the east of Ao, Yuan Wentuo pulled out his camp and marched. From Kunlun Ao to Zhuyege, the distance was only a few tens of miles, but the desert was extremely dangerous, with steep cliffs on the top and ravines on the bottom. The mountains all went north. When the sun did not come, the ancient trees were miserable and green, the wind was howling, and they lost their colors, so they had to stop halfway to wait for the arrival of the rear team.On the day when Watchman Yuan Wen was stationed at Zhuyege, when Zhang Qiguang Neipu was in charge of the murder, there was Laoyashi, the western border of Kunlun Ao.On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Zhang Qiguang had five brave men in the left camp. At dusk, there were several killings and injuries of the two of them. Zhang Xin, the governor, guarded Zhou Sipei and others, and immediately sent a team to chase them. They fled without a trace. , It is found that the seven egg clubs are fierce.On the twenty-fourth day, General Zhou Shanchu sent out his sentry post to Shuangxi. On the way, he saw a headless brave man laying bloodstained. , shot one of them, captured the third, and the rest scattered away, all of them belonged to Chen Axiu's society, and the three of them were about to be executed on the spot.

On the 20th, Dusi Zhang Chaoguang led two sentry battalions to Dashiyan, and Dusi Zhang Tiande also led a team to Zhuyege. Yuan Wentuo had to leave the camp and go to Beinan.Below Zhuyege, the land is slightly flat, but the hazelnuts have not been cut, and it takes a lot of work to burn the wood.Wen Tuo slept in the empty mountains and was seriously ill. He led a journey to Beinan.Zhang Tiande's army has also entered the big cat, with its horns.The areas around Chenxia and Beinan have already been opened, and near Kunlun Au, although there are fierce gangsters haunting them, they have been punished separately, so no one dares to take heart, but the mountain road is dangerous and far away, and the transportation of food is very difficult.As for the Haikou area in Beinan, the waves crashed against the shore, and boats could not berth.From Neipu to Beinan, camps have been dispatched, and the momentum can still be contacted.This is also the case of the South Road opening a mountain recently.

In the area around Taipei, Tichen Luo Dachun dispatched Chief Chen Guanghua as the first team, garrison Li Ying, Qianzong Wang Dekai as the second team, and guerrilla Li Desheng as the third team to go to Xincheng since September 18.Don't send military meritorious service Chen Huihuang to lead two sentries to Daqingshuixi, the general Dai Dexiang used three sentries to tie Da Nan'ao, and second sentry to Dazhuoshuixi.At that time, it was raining and the mountains were in full swing, and the armies could not enter.On the twenty-fifth day, when the weather was fine, Chen Huihuang went to Dazhuoshui River first, but there were some fierce fighters who resisted, shot and killed the two men, and then separated.Li Desheng, Li Ying, Chen Guanghua, etc. came to survey the situation. The barren soil near the stream is about tens of miles wide, but the land is full of sand and gravel, which is not as rich as Danan'ao.The river bank is about 30 Zhang from north to south, and the waves and currents are steep. Deputy General Zhou Weiguang and others rushed to build a wooden bridge for the main river and a branch river for several days.Since Dazhuoshuixi, the former is called Xiaoqingshuixi, and the latter is called Daqingshuixi.On the eighth day of October, Chen Guanghua camped in Xiaoqingshui, while Chen Huihuang and others entered Daqingshui. That is to say, Li Along, the official of Xincheng, led twelve people from Taroko to welcome them, willing to be guides.Followed to Xincheng and camped in the east of Xixi.There were also Fuwen and Doulanshe fans coming to welcome us, so our army stationed in Qilai and the north of Hualien Port, and walked across the back mountain to show the road to Guluan.From Suao to Xincheng, Jishan Road is more than 27,000 feet long, and from Xincheng to Hualien Port, Jiping Road is more than 9,000 feet long, which is a strange 200 miles.As for the blockhouses along the way, apart from those already built from Suao to Danan'ao, there should be 12 additional forts, all of which have already been built.However, the area from Danan'ao to Dazhuoshui Creek is full of ferocious people, who snipe and kill pedestrians. A road is built on the mountainside of Danan'ao, bypassing the new city. Feng Anguo, the general manager of the Jingpai, took the courage to do it.Shexi has five layers, and it is more than ten miles away.On November 11th, 13th, etc., when the road was being opened, there were more than a thousand fierce people who shot guns.Our army tried its best to resist the enemy and retreated after killing four people, while our army killed four people and injured 18 people.On the 15th, when we reached the foot of Chongshan Mountain, our soldiers were digging in the gorge, when we heard gunshots everywhere, and resisted for two hours, the more people arrived.Huang Minghou and Feng Anguo came here with the intention of pouring out their funds, and they must be empty. They divided up their troops and went around to destroy them. There was no one there, but they saw new and old skulls, dozens or hundreds of skulls, and set fire to them, destroying ten skulls. Counting, the bursts began to disperse.On this day, four brave soldiers were killed and twenty were seriously injured.He was stationed in Dazhuoshuixi bravely, and returned from Xiaonan'ao transporting grain. On the 13th, when he passed the stone wall, he suddenly encountered fierce mobs swarming and outflanking him. Two people were killed, four were drowned, and one was seriously injured.Zhu Rongbiao rushed to the rescue after the garrison, and they all dispersed in shock.Luo Dachun was harassed by the Fan clan, and it was difficult to guard against it, and the mountains were so vast that there was not enough distribution, so he sent a letter to the merchants to ask for more troops.The ministers and others immediately called on the left and right armies of Xuanyi stationed in Changhua to rush forward, and they can arrive within a few days.However, in the Xincheng and Qilai areas, how should we set up camps and build piers, and arrange them after Luo Dachun comes to visit each other.This is also the case of the recent opening of the North Road.And said:

Luo Dachun set off from Suao on the fifth day of the first month of this year.On the ninth day of the lunar new year, we went to Xincheng, surveyed the three-story city, Malin River, etc., bypassed Jialiwan and Nanshi, and went straight to the north of Hualien Port, where we found Qili in the middle.One hundred and forty miles to the north of Deqili, the mountain road is rugged, and there are sandbars.In the area of ​​big turbid water and large and small clear water, the cliffs plunge into the clouds, the steep toes dip into the sea, the raging waves strike up, dazzling and frightening, the army marches with horses, and passes by the wall, which is especially dangerous.Sixty miles to the south, all the land is flat, with mountains on its back and the sea facing the sea. It is not without fertile land, but the land is vast and sparsely populated. There are only about 30 Han people in the new city, and there are no Fanshe outside.From Dazhuoshui to the three-layered city, the area by the mountain is collectively named Taroko, Jiuwan, Shiziyan, Guinu, Nusha, Fuki, Lunding, Shikong, and so on. Shiya Eight Eyes, Fan Eight Society, relying on high risk, wild and extravagant.Qilai and Pingpu, who live in the north of Lilanggang, are called Jialiwan, Zhuzilin, Wunuan, Qijiezi, Tanzibing, Yaoge, Fanliushe, collectively named Jiali Wanfan, whose nature is afraid of the strong and bullying the weak.And those who live in the south of Lilanggang are called Master Gen, Paogan, Bobo, Dounan, Qijiaochuan, Liliu, Zhixixi, and Fanqishe, collectively named Nanshifan.There are 7,700 men and women, and there are seven of them. Although they are familiar with each other, they caress each other, but Bo Bo and Li Liu Ershe have followed suit.Except that Bobo can cook salt, Jiali Wanpo cultivates, and the rest drink blood like a hair, rebellion is rare, so be on guard from time to time.The place where the city will be built in the future should be in Qilai.If Xincheng, Sanlou, Malin, and Lilang are not within the flood zone, then the south of Daqingshui must be attached to Qilai, and the north should be attached to Danan'ao, so as to be sufficient for control.Luo Dachun led his team into the new city and built blockhouses. At that time, he suddenly became suspicious and called to gather the fierce party. During the day, he attacked the reckless, and at night, he attacked the blockhouses.Starting from Wuli Pavilion in Su'ao and ending at Quezipu in Xiuguluan, the total area is 340 to 50 li. It is planned to be divided into five sections. Thirty or two sections will be built along the way. Contact at once.That is to say, the Xuanyi Zuoying camp was stationed in the third-tier city, responding to the north of Quezipu; the Xuanyi Right Camp was stationed in Jialiwan, responding to the south of Quezipu.This is also the case of the preparations to the north of Hualien Port.To the south is the road to show off Guluan, and it is also the hunting ground of Gu papaya. When you climb up, you can see the endless flat sand, the grass and reeds are full of feet, and there is no human trace.This show is as fierce as the history of fighting, so the fertile soil is as vast as it is.The north-south stream is more than 30 feet wide. If you want to build a wooden bridge, but you don't have any huge materials, you first build a branch river.Chen Huihuangye led his troops, formed a raft to help them, and went straight to Wuquan City. It was only a few dozen miles away from Xiuguluan, and there was Cheng Guang'ao Fanmu who came to camp to beg for help. Don't have the Dabalong Society and the Mada Om Society. , also caress.In Pingpu, I have heard all about it.Since Pingpu is attached, it is easier to use it to specialize in high mountains.It is also compared with the situation in the south of Hualien Port.Wu Guangliang, the former general of Nan'ao Township, was originally sent to lead the two battalions to station in the Jipu area in the middle of the road, and Si Jingchen and others sent the Taiwan Taoist Xia Xianlun to supervise the opening of the mountain.In the ninth month of the first month of this year, Wu Guangliang led his courage to separate the two roads from Lin Yupu Shecao, and joined them into one road at Dapingding.Going to the Dashui Grotto and reaching the top city, it is a wonder to have opened 7,835 feet.Work resumed on the 7th day of February, reaching the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, reaching the middle of the mountain, crossing the Pingxi River, passing through Daqiutian, crossing Pabukeng and other places, and entering Maopu.Two places where the eight defense stations of ponds were built, and the bridges, ditches, and wooden enclosures were gradually built along the way. Soldiers were dispatched and bravely dispatched to Shepo, Dashuiku, Daqiutian, Maopu, Nanzaijiao, and Wandongpu. Each pass is stationed at each festival, and thirty-nine communities such as Shuili and Shenlu are recruited, and there are 7,290 men and women.Now the side follows the path and gradually enters, cutting the thorns and covering the hazelnuts, so as to get out of the back of Xiuguluan.If it can be opened due to the situation, it will be united with the armies of the North Road.This is also the case of opening mountains along the middle road.

And said: From the 9th day of March to the 8th day of April, Wu Guangliang traveled from Yuehongkuitou in Maopu, via Toushezaiping, through Nanzijiaowan, to Heshui, with a total of 4680 feet. There are four built ponds, one barracks, and two Chating and Muwei public offices, so as to facilitate communication.From the ninth day of the first lunar month to the eighth day of the fifth lunar month, there was heavy rain for ten days, and the project was slightly delayed.However, from Heshuili Dongpu Community, walk to Shuangshan Mountain, and reach Dongpu Kengtou, and open another 3,790 feet. The public office and military room will be built anywhere, and we should continue to advance. One road connects to Maopu on the side, so that it can reach Puli, Jiji, Shepin, and Nantou, so as to facilitate business travel.So the middle road passes through Dongpu and Kengtou Yueba Pass. It is the highest mountain in the mountains, facing Taitung's Xiukuluan. It has a majestic scene and trees cover the sky.The name of the light, the inscription on the cliff, still exists today.After crossing the customs and going east, it is the pheasant public relations, the pioneer seal, and the Leifeng Cave.And the South Road starts from Silinge in Hengchun and passes through Mudanwan and Bar. . , Weibei, and Nanmi to Dazhuang.The North Road runs from Suao in Yilan, through Xincheng, Hualien Port to Dabalong, all of which were completed in the fall of this year.The north and the south are connected, and the east and west are accessible, and Lifan's reclamation is one of them.It was a service, with a road of 850 miles and nine miles. It lasted for a few years, but the funds were only more than 30,000 yuan.However, due to the deep and steep valleys, the rampant miasma and plague, and the rampant killings, many losses have been lost.But in the face of danger and danger, persevere, prepare for hardships, and advance forward in order to open up this ancient and unopened way, it can be said to be exhausting.So Baozhen asked for a reward: Luo Dachun was dismissed as an admiral and appointed as a restoration officer, Wu Guangliang and Yuan Wentuo each advanced to a higher level, and Yu Yi praised him.

In the seventh year of Guangxu, Cen Yuying, the governor of Fujian, visited the platform and took the Dajia River as the main road from north to south. The foundation, the bridge is 150 feet long, and the cost is 200,000 yuan.On the seventeenth and eighth day of the sixth month of the next year, the mountains and rivers rose sharply, and the torrent carried the trees down, the bridge foundation was cut off, and the embankment collapsed six hundred feet.Liu Zhen, the inspector of the road, planned to repair it, and ordered the Taipei government to conduct a survey.Everyone thinks that the stream is dangerous and the flow is big, and it may be useless.At that time, autumn rose and flourished, and it was suddenly difficult to construct, so it was stopped.Tainan is the most desirable area, but the roads are narrow and narrow, and the shops are lined up, and business is not based on the safety of residential buildings.It is proposed to open a canal to guide water into the city, divert the water from Wukong Bridge to the east, divert the water from the second floor to the south, and divert the water from Chaitougang to the north, so that they can flow out of the sea to dispel the filth and facilitate transportation.On both sides of the river, avenues are rebuilt, trees are planted and houses are lined up, which is the representative of the county.In the past, the water in Anping could reach the middle of the county, and the boats arrived at Dajingtou Street, but the river course was gradually silted up, and the water was turbid, so I wanted to dredge it.However, the people of the county believed that the demolition of houses would cause a lot of damage, so they could not hold on to it, and their discussions stopped.Anping is six miles away from the county government, separated by water, and travels by boat.He ordered the defense soldiers to build it, and there were banyan willows next to it, so there was a carriage, and the traveler said it was convenient.In the thirteenth year, Chen Mingzhi, the road inspector, and Zhang Zhaolian, the deputy general of the Zhenhai Houying, asked the governor Liu Mingchuan to build a road to the back mountain, from Jiji in Changhua to Shuiwei in Taitung.From the first month to the third month, the great success has been accomplished, but the connection between the front and back mountains has been relatively narrowed.

First of all, in the sixth year of Guangxu, the inscription was passed on to Shangshu, please build a railway in order to strengthen yourself.Lue said: "The minister sighed for personal troubles, thinking that if he lost the present and did not seek self-improvement, even if he wanted to do it in the future, he might not be able to achieve it. The way of self-improvement, the training of weapons and equipment should be held in sequence, but the opportunity is not to rush to build railways. The benefits of the Husband Railway for water affairs, relief services, commerce, mining, donations, and travel are not to be overstated, but it is especially urgent for the use of troops. Looking at the main roads in China, two south roads should be opened. One goes from the Qingjiang River through Shandong, and the other passes through Henan from Hankou to reach the capital. The north road should go from the capital, east to Shengjing, and west to Gansu. However, there is a lot of money and it is urgent to do it all. It is proposed to build the road from Qingjiang to Jingshi first. , and the electric wires proposed to be repaired this year, are external and internal. It is related to the military and the country, and the safety is related. If it is delayed, it will be regarded as a slow plan, and it will be empty talk, and there will never be a day of self-improvement."Li Hongzhang and Liu Kun both praised his proposal, but Liu Xihong, the minister in Germany, who returned from Europe, urgently said no, so the proposal went to bed.And Ming Chuan served as the governor of Taiwan for twelve years. He asked to try out the railway. He briefly said: "Taiwan is an important part of our country's coastal defense. When we build a province, we should speed up the revitalization of production and attract business and industry, thinking that it will be prosperous and strong. But if you want to do something, you must first sharpen your tools. In the past, Zhang Honglu, a dismissed Taoist, and Li Tongen, an alternate acquaintance, were sent to investigate Nanyang business. Now they have returned to Taiwan and set up a new steamship company. They used to travel to Tamsui, Singapore, and Saigon. Waiting for Hong Kong. However, due to the inconvenient transportation in the mainland of Taiwan, the goods along the mountain cannot be distributed to the port. According to the report of the committee member, overseas Chinese merchants in Nanyang have heard that Taiwan has fertile land and prosperous production. However, the ground is full of thorns and the roads are rough. It is not easy to expect business and industry to gather and trade to flourish. It is proposed to build a railway starting from Keelung to Taipei and connecting with various ports. It will not only stimulate the business of the whole Taiwan , and it is also of great benefit to Haiphong. According to the request of the committee member and others, when the country is in financial difficulties, it is not easy for the government to do business. Please recruit one million taels of business money and issue railway stocks. If the mother rests, the public funds will not be used, and the railway can be built. It is also a good plan. The minister thinks that Taiwan is not only an isolated island overseas, but is actually a shield for the seven southeastern provinces. It is sufficient for self-sufficiency. The soldiers stationed in Taipei can move freely and keep Yanjiang forever. For example, the training of the army, the Qing Fu and the erection of electric wires are held sequentially, and they should be completed in succession within this year. As for the construction of the railway, I have no doubts. Because of the funds, I have been hesitating so far. Fortunately, this committee member, etc., please use business funds to deal with it, but it will be protected by the government, and the benefits will be reaped in the future. The discussion is very good, and it seems that it can be held. It is like building a railway. In addition to the development of business by the post office, there are three who are still beneficial to Taiwan's affairs today. Please briefly mention them. Taiwan is surrounded by seas, and it is impossible to defend. The four ports of Keelung, Huwei, Anping, and Qihou are now building forts and stationing troops for defense. Along the coast of Hsinchu and Changhua, the ports are divided. Once something happens, the enemy soldiers will land, and the north and south will be cut off, and the whole Taiwan will be in danger. If a railway is built, the army will be dispatched, and it will be convenient for coastal defense. Taiwan is built For a province, choose the provincial capital and control the north and south. Its location is most suitable with mountains and the sea. However, it is far away from the sea. In the future, government offices and temples will be built, and labor will be used to manage materials. Transportation will be inconvenient. If the railway is opened, commerce will prosper. The second reason is that it is convenient to build a province. From Taipei to Tainan, the distance is 600 miles, and there are many giant streams in it. In spring and summer, the mountains and rivers are soaring, and travel is stopped. I plan to build bridges at the narrow places of the upper and lower streams. If the construction of the railway is approved today, more than 20 bridges will be built together, which can save the imperial court a huge sum of money, and it is also convenient for Taiwan's fortifications."

Sparse the above, and decree according to the discussion.Therefore, the General Administration of Railways was established in Taipei, with Liu Chaoqian, the registered admiral, as the general office, and engaged in public offerings, and many people responded.With the German Moore Creek as the supervisor and the Englishman Morrison as the engineer, the survey route was 20 miles from Taipei to Keelung.In June of that year, work started from Dadaocheng, with Yu Dechang's fourth battalion of Changzi as his labor service.Passing Shiqiu Ridge in the middle, a tunnel was dug with eighteen locks.The next year, from Taipei to the south, we waded through the Danshui River and built a bridge to cross it.It crosses Guilun Mountains, passes through Taoyuan, Zhongli, and Dahukou to Hsinchu, with a total length of 42 miles.Among them are three giant bridges, such as the 750 feet of the Hongmaotian River, the 680 feet of the Fengshanqi River, and the 617 feet of the Douzai Pu River.The route from Taipei to Keelung will be completed in October of the 17th year, while that from Taipei to Hsinchu will be completed in the first month of the 19th year.The road is eleven or twelve feet wide, the rails are three feet six inches wide, and weighs thirty-six degrees.Its locomotive is 15 tons, or 25 tons.In addition to the serial number, it is also called Tengyun, Yufeng, Chaochen, Shudian, and its speed.There are two classes, upper and lower, and the equipment is quite simple.Each car is about two feet long, and the truck is about the same.All sixteen stations are made of earth, called train houses, and the postmasters are called ministers.When Gu Dang was first established, there was no signal machine in the station, and there was no elevator.At the beginning, he drove six times a day, and then reduced it to four times.However, if you meet a car on the way, you can take it at any time, so the time is uncertain.On the day when Dadaocheng offers sacrifices to the City God, the number of vehicles is temporarily increased for commuting, and there are no stops at Ladi and Wujie at the beginning of the year.The fare for traveling by car is four cents and four cents from Taipei to Keelung, and eight cents and six cents to Hsinchu, which is twice as much, and every mile is about two cents and one cent.The goods are covered by one person.On average, there are 500 visitors per day in Keelung, Taipei, and 400 in Hsinchu, Taipei.Gu Shi was not used to civilian use at that time, the products were not yet abundant, and the Keelung River was still deep, the boat transportation was relatively cheap, and the railway was not enough to compete with it, so the income was still small, 16,000 yuan per month for passengers, and 4,000 yuan for goods , Insufficient income and expenditure.However, Mingchuan wanted to reach South Road to speed up the traffic in Taiwan.From the south of Hsinchu, there are many and wide streams, and it is not easy to cross.Nai ordered German engineers to measure the two streams of Da'an and Dajia and plan to build an iron bridge.Its policy is fruitful, and the Taiwanese people are also blessed.At that time, Ming Chuan said that the New Deal was strictly enforced, and taxes were increased in the Qing Dynasty.Seventeen years later, he said he was sick and resigned.Shao Youlian succeeded him, and talked about the difficulty of running the railway.Lue said: "I have found out that Taiwan is an isolated overseas island, and the branches of Hong Kong are divided. If you want to control it in the middle, it is advisable to build a railway. However, it has been in operation for seven years, and only Taipei has been completed. In the past, the planning was not bad, but the death was not good. Why? Taiwan’s land is loose and floating, and the countryside is scattered. If the construction is not dense, it will collapse. ;To the south of Guilun, the slope is more than 90% off, and the roadwork is so difficult. Or the stream is criss-cross, suitable for Linyishu; the current is fast, and the defense is built according to the situation; The rocks are tilted; the accumulated sand is deep, and the piles are also sunken, and the bridge is as difficult as that. Adding the price of industrial and silver materials, the total has to be doubled, and it will increase in the future, which is hard to predict." Approved by decree, Taiwan Railway was setback carry on.From Keelung to Hsinchu, the total distance is 62 miles and 70 locks, and the cost is 1,295,960 taels, which is only 26,575 taels per mile. Compared with those built in other countries , labor costs are relatively provincial.Because of the use of military service, the wages of the hired road workers are also cheap, and each worker is given three triangles a day.Most of the engineers are Cantonese. For example, the Danshui Iron Bridge was built by Zhang Jiade, and the skills are also skillful.There are seventy-four large and small bridges and five hundred and sixty-eight ditches where the railway passes.Although the rails were purchased from the UK, the sleepers were all made in Taiwan, so a separate logging bureau was set up to direct Lin Chaodong to do his work and go to the mountains to collect them.A piece of fan pine is priced at three angles and five points, and camphor is transported by the stream.And camphor is more durable and inexhaustible.After You Lian announced the suspension of work, he borrowed 1,040,000 taels from the Fujian treasury, redeemed it to the government, cut down the logging bureau, and transferred the railway bureau to trade, so as to reduce it, but the Taiwan railway did not enter.

Qianshandao Ribiao From Hengchun (fifteen miles), Chaicheng (eighteen miles), Chaixi (fifteen miles), Fenggang (fifteen miles), Fangshan (thirteen miles), Jialutang (four miles), Shimangxi (five miles) Fangcao (twelve miles) Luzhuyu (fourteen miles) Donggang (seven miles) Wangye Palace (sixteen miles) Xiongjiaojiao (eight miles) Fengshan East Gate From Fengshan (nine miles) Dajiang Temple (eleven miles) Nanzikeng (ten miles) Qiaozaitou (ten miles) Agongdian (twenty miles) Dahu (seven miles) second floor Xingxi (ten miles) Dalinzhuang (three miles) Anping South Door From Anping (three miles) Chaitou Port (four miles) Sankandian (ten miles) Kanxi Street (fifteen miles) Zeng Wenxi (nine miles) Maogangwei (fifteen miles) Huoshaodian (fifteen miles) Xiajiachangzhuang (ten miles) Bali) Shuihortou (Twelve Miles) Chiayi West Gate From Chiayi (five miles) Niuchouxi (eight miles) Damao Street (seven miles) Dapulin (ten miles) Taliwu (twelve miles) Huwei River (five miles) Citong Lane (twenty miles) Baodou Street ( Fifteen miles) Erbaozhuzhuang (twelve miles) Qijiazhuang Village (eight miles) Changhua South Gate (from Tali Wubie to Yunlin City for ten miles) From Changhua (Wuli), Qijiajiao (Qili), Dadu Street (Fifteen miles), Shalu Street (Bali), Niumatou (Bali), Dajia River (Wuli), Xibei (Wuli), Dajia Street (Ten miles) Fangli Street (ten miles), Tunxiao (twenty miles), Houlong (fifteen miles), Zhonggang (seventeen miles), Xiangshan (eight miles), Hsinchu West Gate From Hsinchu (13 miles) Fengshanqi (10 miles) Dahukou (15 miles) Yangmeili (7 miles) Tuniugou (13 miles) Zhonglixin Street (15 miles) Taozai Garden (10 miles) Guilun Ridge ( Fifteen miles) Xinzhuang (twelve miles) Tamsui South Gate From Danshui (twelve miles), Xikou (fifteen miles), Shuhuijiao (sixteen miles), Badu (nine miles), Nuannuan Street (twenty-five miles), Sanzhaozizhuang (eight miles), Longtandu (fifteen miles) Sandiaoling (25 miles) Sandiaoxi Seven hundred and ninety-three miles Hou Shan Dao Li Biao From Sandiaoxi (nine miles) Mudankeng (eight miles) Caolingtou (fifteen miles) Dalijian (twenty-one miles) Beiguan (nine miles) Touwei (fifteen miles) Jiaoxi (eleven miles) Yilan North Gate From Yilan (fifteen miles) Xizhoudu (five miles) Luodong (twelve miles) Houhouzhuang (eighteen miles) Suao (twenty miles) Dongao (thirty miles) Danan'ao (thirty-five miles) ) Dazhuoshui (25 miles), Daqingshui (35 miles), Deqili (10 miles), Xincheng (50 miles), Hualien Port From Hualien Port (20 miles) to Wuquancheng (39 miles) to Dabalong (22 miles) for a week. .She (22 miles) Shuiwei (3 miles) Pushi Pavilion (24 miles) Shipaizhuang (45 miles) Beinan Grass (50 miles) Beinan Baosang Zibei South (20 miles), Zhiben (25 miles), Damaoli (33 miles), Ganziguan (20 miles) Ba. .Wei (10 miles) Alang Yixi (27 miles) Mudanwan (25 miles) Bayao Bay (20 miles) Wanlide (20 miles) Shemali (13 miles) Hengchun East Gate Eight hundred and eight miles Table 1 in the road from front mountain to back mountain From Linyipu (seventeen miles) Dapingding (seven miles) Dashui Grottoes (seven miles) at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain (eighteen miles) Maopu (eighteen miles) Nanzijiao (nineteen miles) Dongpushe (ten miles) Dongpu Pit (fifteen miles) Tiemen Cave (eighteen miles) Batongguan (thirteen miles) Bamukeng (eighteen miles) Shuangfengren (nine miles) Dalun River (twenty-five miles) Leifeng Cave (thirty-one Li) Dalinshe (Sishili) Pushi Pavilion Two hundred and sixty-five miles Front Hill to Back Hill Road, Table 2 From Fenggang (ten miles) weak shooting (fifteen miles) Shuangxikou (twenty miles) Dayunding (fifteen miles) Yinghualing (twenty miles) Alang Yixi (ten miles) Ba. .Wei (twenty miles) Ganzaipi (twenty miles) Ganzailun (thirteen miles) Damaoli (twenty-five miles) Zhiben (twenty miles) Beinan Two hundred and thirty-six miles Front Hill to Back Hill Road, Table 3 Zixia Danshui (twelve miles), Chishan (fifteen miles), Shuangxikou (twenty miles), Kunlun Pass (ten miles) Dashiyan (forty miles), Zhuyege (twenty miles), Ganzilun (thirteen miles), Damaoli (twenty-five miles), Zhiben (twenty miles), Beinan One hundred and seventy-five miles Table 4 of the front mountain to the back mountain road From Mengka (eight miles), Jianzaiwei (nine miles), Zhangjiao (six miles), Shenkeng (twelve miles), Lunziyang (eighteen miles), gun cabinet (eleven miles), Touwei (fifteen miles), Jiaoxi ( 15 miles) Yilan North Gate One hundred and three miles Middle road inside and outside From Lukang (12 miles) Maming Mountain (5 miles) Sankuaicuo (3 miles) Changhua West Gate (5 miles) Dazhuwei (10 miles) Neikuai (10 miles) Benxianzhuang (10 miles) Yingpankou (5 miles) Nantou (2 miles) Ten miles) Jiji Street (ten miles) Fengqiaokou (twenty miles) Toushe (ten miles) Shuishe (ten miles) Xincheng (ten miles) Baiyeling (ten miles) Pulishe One hundred and fifty miles Shipping The Netherlands is the tyrant of the sea and invaded Taiwan to expand business; the benefits of the splint extend from east to west, and Anping is the mouth of anchorage.At that time, the port road was deep and wide, and it was possible to reach the city of Zeelandia. The small ones were as small as the red embedded buildings, and the small islands in the sea were also built.The north of Anping is called the Taijiang River, and there are thousands of boats and boats gathered here. Now it has become a flat land.The Dutch occupied Anping, garrisoned troops, and dug a canal to Chaitou Port.From the north to Kanxi, it leads to Xiaolong and Madou villages. The old road still exists, and it is also the salt water stream today.To the south of Anping is the body of Qikun, and the branches of Hong Kong are scattered, and today it is also silted into Pinglu.At that time, the benefits of shipping reached Fujian and Guangdong in the west, Japan in the east, and Java in the south, and Anping became the key point of transportation.Yanping conquered the platform, and also relied on shipping, so it was able to cross the ocean, relying on the natural moat, and the Qing people dared not resist.In the eighteenth year of Yongli, the British came to invite business.Twenty years later, the governor of Luzon sent an envoy to hire him.In the twenty-eighth year, Li De, the governor of the household, went to Japan, and built huge ships to Jia Siam, Luzon, and Galaba, and then traded with each other, all of which benefited from shipping.At that time, the Qing government strictly banned the sea, and anyone who entered the sea would be killed without mercy, and millions of Fujian and Cantonese lived in Nanqiao, all of whom took Taiwan as their inner government, so they had the exclusive advantage of access to the sea. After the arrival of the Qing people, even though the sea was banned, merchant ships crossing Taiwan must obtain a license, which is supervised by the Xiamen Defense Department, and then the Taiwan Defense Tongzhi will test it.The ships are all built by rich people in Zhang and Quan. There are sugar boats and horizontal ocean ships. The materials are strong and huge. The big ones can carry six or seven thousand stones. , It is quite beneficial, so the business in the county was prosperous for a while.Afterwards, they dispatched Taiwan rice to carry squadrons, and the shipowners suffered from it.There are more grains accumulated day by day, so there is a discussion about hiring ships to transport officials, which is mentioned in "Grain Transport Records".Continuing with Cai Qian's Rebellion, the sea was disturbed. For more than ten years, many merchant ships were destroyed, so there were fewer and fewer fishing boats, and more and more fishing boats.However, the fishing boat is light and small, and it is not worthy of the mission. As usual, the porters only check the entry and exit, and the official documents are stagnant, and they have not arrived for several months.In the 31st year of Daoguang, Xu Zongqian, who patrolled the road, agreed that the fishing boats should also be equipped with official documents to avoid obstruction.In the past, there were two Taiping boats in the county, which were specially used to transport the bones of soldiers and attach the coffins of guests, and recruit suburban merchants to fill them up.It will be abandoned for thousands of years, so it is discussed to revive it. After the opening of trade, foreign goods came in abundance, so ships began to appear, and the Shipping Office was set up to manage them.On November 22, the seventh year of Tongzhi, the Prime Minister’s National Affairs Yamen said: “On the tenth day of September this year, according to He General Taxation Department, the fifteen articles of the water diversion regulations were changed to ten new chapters for water diversion, and the application was submitted to this Yamen. On September 15th, the ministers stationed in Beijing of Russia, Britain, France, the United States, and Japan were notified. Except for the reply from Japan, the ministers stationed in Beijing of Russia, Britain, France, and the United States successively took notes. Reply, allow all the consuls to come here for a trial run. In addition to knowing that the General Taxation Department will comply, they will also copy the ten articles of the regulations revised by the General Taxation Department, and consult the bank for inspection." Therefore, the ten articles of the water diversion chapters in Taiwan were rewritten, with slight changes to the special articles.For ten years, the British shipping line began to set the Taiwan route, and traveled to and from Anping, Tamsui, Xiamen, Shantou, and Hong Kong every two weeks.Its ship is still small, with a load of only 277 tons, and there are many cargoes and passengers, which make a lot of profits.It is set up to Ji Lishi company, with Da Lishi sailing Xiang, Shan, Xia, An, Comosa, Hailong, Haimen sailing in Shan, Xia, Danshui, and Taiwan's aviation industry has been taken over. In the seventh year of Guangxu, after the governor Cen Yuying visited the platform, the platform was isolated overseas, and there was no way to cross it by boat. The shipping ministers of the merchants sent two ships, Chenhang and Yongbao, to go back and forth in a cycle, to report quickly, and to allow merchants to distribute goods.It is an official ship.Passengers traveling from Anping to Xiamen, or from Keelung, Huwei, and Bangka to Fuzhou are charged three yuan per person, those traveling from Anping to Fuzhou and from Taipei to Xiamen are five yuan, and those traveling from Tainan to Taipei are also three yuan.For the goods, according to the decision of the China Merchants Bureau, a 20% reduction will be made, which will kill foreign ships for a while.Afterwards, two ships, Fubo and Wannianqing, were added to deliver by express mail, and more coal was carried to Shanghai.During the battle of the legal person, the coast was sealed off, and entry and exit were strictly prohibited. Only sailing boats were allowed to smuggle in, but every time they were sunk, travel was extremely dangerous.In the eleventh year, Governor Liu Mingchuan sailed to Taiwan and various Chinese ports with Feijie, Willie, and Wannianqing.Twelve years later, he set up a China Merchants Bureau in Singapore, and bought two ships, Jiashi and Simei, for 320,000 taels, traveling between Shanghai and Hong Kong, and as far as Singapore, Saigon, and Luzon.Most of the foreign ships carrying sugar and tea came to Japan and the United States, and Taikoo ships also came and went from time to time, so the shipping industry gradually prospered.First, in the second year of Guangxu, there were 110 sailboats reaching Danshui, but only 44 steamships.By the 16th year, the number of sailing ships had been reduced to eight, while the number of steamships had increased to one hundred and twenty-six, totaling more than 177,500 tons.Since Ming Chuan ruled Taiwan, the products and business have prospered, and the shipping has also benefited from it. At the beginning, it was said that the railway was built and Keelung Port was planned to connect land transportation.In the thirteenth year, with Lin Weiyuan as the general manager, the port was surveyed, and it was proposed to build a station from Niuchou Port to Oyster Port, including Limulus Islet, by filling the coast.From Xiaokeelung to Limulus Islet, new shops and piers were built to meet the station.Among them, an iron bridge was built, ten to twenty feet long, for the passage of carriages and horses.It is a pity that the merits have not yet been completed, and the dismissal is gone.Behind the banner is the commercial port of Tainan, and the port road is slightly narrow. Successive taxation officers asked for excavation. Governor Ding Richang also asked for dredging.When Richang started dredging, there were three difficulties to consider: first, there were rocks at the bottom of the harbor;Xianlun replied: "Opening a port is different from digging coal. It only digs out the floating sand and there is no stone separation. One is free from worry. The local situation is that a fort can be built to defend it. Second, there is no need to worry. One way of funding can be provided by Taiwan. It seems that the payment of salaries can be plentiful, and there are three things to avoid. Moreover, since the opening of trade, Chinese and foreign ships have been heard from time to time. If dredging is not carried out, there will be cases of foreign ships being winded. Xianlun thought it would be convenient." Before he could do it, he offered Lun and died.Zhang Mengyuan took over, but still didn't want to do it.Therefore, because the fundraising has not yet been decided, a note was sent to the Taxation Department and the Prime Minister's Yamen. The estimated value of the previous dredging was more than 53,000 yuan, and the continued estimate was more than 204,000 yuan.In the ninth year, Huo Bilan, Consul of Anpingying, said that the port roads were becoming increasingly blocked, which would easily lead to rubber boats.Not from.And Ming Chuan served as the governor. In the summer and May of the 16th year, he ordered the Englishman Morrison to investigate and conduct a large-scale fortification to trade with Zhang.If it is not done, the inscription will be passed on.The canal from Anping to Fu, for example, was dredged from the three suburbs. After decades, it gradually became silted up.And Anping Port is obstructed by sand and Shanshan. Since summer and autumn, the waves are surging, and the ships cannot enter. Most of them are moored outside Sicao Lake. Once there is a strong wind, they sail behind the flag and are far away from Penghu. The prosperity of business was frustrated. Taiwan is located in the middle of the sea, separated by Penghu, and the Kuroshio flows through it, and its current is very fast. There are many reefs around Penghu, and boats are often broken.故自通商以来,轮船遭难者凡数十次。虽有巡洋哨船以为救护,而事起仓卒,虑有未周。光绪二年夏六月,福建巡抚札饬各厅县,选举沿海地甲头目,分择地段,责成保护中外船只在洋遭风之事。并颁行图册章程告示,委员前往各海口确查,由各厅县给发号旗,以为凭准,俾其督率乡民,实力救护。十年秋八月,英船某自旗后遭风,漂至草湖。时适法人犯台,沿海戒严,庄人见之,以为敌船也者,持械御之,跃登船上,刃伤船长,并夺货物。鹿港同知邹鸿渐趣往弹压,北路营游击郭发祥、署彰化知县蔡祥麟亦至,救其船人,追还所失。兵备道陈鸣志乃与领事霍必澜商议赔款,而船主不从。旋委凤山知县李嘉棠再与领事交涉,往返数次,以七兑银七千圆赔之,事始息。十一年夏六月,琉球渔人陈文达等十二人,遭风至基隆,庄人救之,给以路费,并修船费六元,送之归。十二月,复有日本驳船漂至后山高士佛,恒春知县派人救之,资遣回国。十四年十一月,英船威定在洋遭难,澎湖右营都司李培林率兵救起五十余人。十八年八月,澎湖大风,海水群飞,英船卜尔克自上海航行香港,触礁没,溺毙洋人一百三十余名。澎湖官民赴救,得二十三名,载至府治,知府唐赞衮礼之,水师总兵王芝生馈金三百,英人大喜。救护之人各有赏给。初,纽西兰海上保险公司来台开办保险事务,委瑞兴洋行理之。已而华洋保险公司亦分设南北,商务日兴,而航运往来亦日盛。 邮电 置邮传命,其来久矣。明制十里设一铺,每铺设铺长一名,铺兵要路十名,僻路四五名。即于附近有丁力田粮五斗以上二石以下点充,必须少壮正身。每铺设十二时晷一个,以验时刻。铺首置牌门一座,牌额一方,簿历二本。铺兵各备夹板一副,铃榉一副,缨枪一把,棍一根,回历一本。凡递送公文,照古法,以一昼夜合为一百刻,每三刻行一铺,昼夜须行三百里。公文一到,不问多少,随时递送,无分昼夜,鸣铃疾走,以交前铺,即于回历附写到铺时刻,以凭稽考。郑氏因之,南北各设铺兵,故台人谓十里为一铺。清代沿用明制。乾隆二十一年,乃裁驿丞。而台湾以远隔重洋,向未设立,仅置铺兵,以事递送,军务之时,兼用塘兵。顾此为公家之用,民间私信必觅长足以寄。市镇繁盛之区,或设信局,以代传命。信资之数,按道为差,而每多阻滞,或致遗失,不能朝发夕至也。 同治十三年牡丹之役,钦差大臣沈葆桢治军台南,奏请架设电线,以速军情。乃由丹墨国人德勒耶揽办。光绪三年,巡抚丁日昌议由台南府城至凤山之旗后,先行开办。饬游击沈国先率福州船政电报学堂学生苏汝灼等,以七月初十日自郡起工,九月初五日告成。凡二线,一自郡治达安平,一达旗后,计长九十五里。是为南路电线之始。十年,法人来犯,军书旁午,巡抚刘铭传以南北电报未通,不足以辅戎机。十二年,饬通商局委员李彤恩与上海德商泰东洋行立约揽办。凡两线,一自台北郡治分歧而至沪尾、基隆,一至台南,与旧线接,计长八百里,而于新竹、苗栗、彰化、云林、嘉义各设局办理。十四年四月竣工,以候补道张维卿为总办。是为南北交通之线。十三年八月,又自淡水沉设至福州之芭蕉岛,而安平亦接至澎湖。是月二十一日,轮船飞捷自福州起工,翌日达沪尾,与陆线连,乃赴澎湖,以接安平。海陆两线既成,自台湾可通福州,远而至于东西各国,莫不瞬息万里,而台湾不至孤立矣。 当是时,铭传既筑铁路,以利交通,又以铺递迟缓,奏请改设邮政。十四年,置邮政局于台北,各地皆设分局。邮票两种,一为官用,不征其费;一为民用,按站计费。每站长百里,凡信一函重二钱以内者征钱二十,付邮之时交纳。自台南至台北凡十三站,每函须二百六十文。邮路以外之地,别加其费。其发中国外洋者,则以轮船代递。又有邮船两艘,曰南通,曰飞捷,按期往来于上海、福州及台之各港,以递送之。唯邮票之式,雕印颇粗,上绘一龙,国徽也,下绘一马,驿也,所以示中国之邮传也。十五年十一月,奏颁台湾邮政章程,归巡抚管理,以候补道任其事。每年入款达一万两,而民间信局仍开设,颇夺公家之利,使得逐渐更改,臻于至善,必有可观。是年又设电报学堂,聘西洋教习,以授台人子弟。而英国医士梅威令既在旗后,自设医馆,传授医术。十六年九月,复请架设电话,以广学业。通商局不从。及邵友濂至,而电报学堂亦废矣。乙未之役,刘永福驻台南,安平税务司麦嘉林请设邮政,其制略同前时,半取欧洲成法,以税务司兼办之。票印一虎,民主国之章也,凡三种,分为三十文、五十文、一百文,以兵递之。当是时,戎马倥偬,私信断绝,故民间多用。乃未几而台南亦陷,其制遂止。 灯台 台湾为南海之邦,而东西洋交通之道也,船舶往来,以是为的。然而礁石隐现,风涛澎湃,稍一不慎,舟辄破碎。往时船舶自厦来南,过澎湖后,遥望王城之老榕,以取航程,渐近渐现。城在安平海隅,址高而望远,荷人所建也。然当天昏月黑时,四顾茫茫,东西莫辨。则于巡道署内立一灯竿,高可三丈余,每夜燃灯,用以照远,是为灯台之滥觞。旧例船舶出入,巡道管之,故以是为航路之准。雍、乾之间,商务大盛,帆樯相接,北至天津、牛庄,南至暹罗、吕宋,皆以澎湖为门户,而澎湖错立大海,群岛相望,沉舟之祸,时有所闻。乾隆三十四年,台湾府知府蒋元枢檄澎湖通判谢维祺,择地于西屿之杙仔尾,建造石塔七级,座约五丈,每夜燃灯,光照海上。是为灯塔之始。道光八年,修之。光绪元年,乃仿洋式为灯台。先是,同治六年三月,美国商船那威号遭风,至凤山之鹅鸾鼻,触礁而没。事后美领事请建造灯台,以利航海,政府许之而未设也。已而日本来讨牡丹社番,驻军琅■,亦请速建。八年,聘英人为工师,费款七万两,规模宏大,光照二十余海里。台成,照会各国,以地迩番界,驻兵守之。 安平灯台在安平海之侧,以砖建之,形圆而色白。距水面七丈七尺,烛光三百五十烛,可照远十四海里。每四秒发光一次,为第六等闪光白色。光绪十七年建。 打鼓灯台在凤山县打鼓哨船头,以石造之,为四角形。距水面十六丈四尺,烛光三百五十烛,可照远十海里,为不动白色。光绪十八年建。 鹅鸾鼻灯台在恒春县鹅鸾鼻庄土名船帆石之南,以石造之,形圆而色白。距水面十八丈,烛光二万六千烛,可照远二十余海里,为第一等不动白色。淡水灯台在淡水海关之侧,以石建之,为四角形色白。距水面三丈三尺,烛光一百烛,可照远九海里,或红或绿,以分别之。而沪尾街上别建灯竿,火用瓦斯,色白,每二秒间发一闪光。灯高三丈五尺,距水面十四丈二尺,烛光三百五十烛,可照十五海里。均为光绪十四年建。 西屿灯台在澎湖厅西屿,则渔翁岛也,厦门航行台湾之船,均以此为标帜。乾隆三十四年,始建灯塔。道光八年修之。光绪元年,改灯台。其灯为第四等不动白色,距水面十五丈八尺。烛光五百烛,可照远十五海里。
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