Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Four

Chapter 52 don't step on this flower

Look, little friend, there is a little yellow flower at your feet.Let's walk around it, don't step on this flower! One day last year: the autumn sky was clear and the autumn wind was cool. Its mother put a fluffy cloak on it and took it to the side of the road like a parachute.Cover it with a thick coat of snow in winter, and it lies quietly, waiting for the news of spring. On this day, it felt wet and smelled the fragrance of the soil; it stood up happily and stretched out its golden wings.You see, how brave it is, it makes its home on the side of the road; it is not afraid of the footsteps of pedestrians, and it is not afraid of the passing vehicles.How happy the children on the spring outing are!New clothes are fluttering in the spring breeze—new skirts. Keep your head high and your feet heavy. Be careful that you will ruin the vitality of the little yellow flower before you know it. You also understand my thoughts. In the boundless joy of spring, This happiness also has its share!

(This article was originally published in Issue 342 of "China Youth Daily" on April 25, 1957.)
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