Home Categories Portfolio The Complete Works of Bing Xin Volume Four

Chapter 53 Try to talk about short stories

As far as short stories are concerned, since they are "short stories", of course they are not long. Since they are called "novels", they should have stories. I think a short story should use the most economical means to write the most exciting, most prominent and vivid scene in the story in a relatively short space, just like a comet passing by in the sky, the most vivid scene we see. A bright and lively section. A good short story can best show the author's familiarity with life, sensitivity to things, and tailoring of materials. Short stories are not necessarily easier to write than novels, because it takes a lot of work to choose the theme, cut the plot, and refine the text.

After the "May 4th Movement", the creation of short stories flourished for a while, but now there are far fewer, and the short stories below 10,000 characters are especially rare. The editorial department of "Literary Roots" held a symposium on the issue of short stories, and also extensively solicited opinions from writers. I think it is very timely and suitable for readers' requirements.Let's have a good talk to clarify the definition of this literary genre. At the same time, everyone should come to write and read, and let a hundred flowers bloom to decorate the literary garden more lively and gorgeous. (This article was originally published in Issue 6 of "Literary News" on May 12, 1957.)

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