Home Categories officialdom novel mayor's secretary
mayor's secretary

mayor's secretary


  • officialdom novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 191639

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Chapter 1 1. Lethal injection

mayor's secretary 王晓方 2316Words 2018-03-20
Before his execution, he sat on a chair and smoked his last cigarette.The glasses he wears are still the ones that cost more than 10,000 Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong. He is now wearing these glasses to look at the burning clouds in the sky.The blood-like fire clouds fluttered mournfully, and the smoke in his hand curled upwards in the backlight. He originally wanted to insert the lens of this pair of glasses into his throat, but he really couldn't do it.He misses this world so much, the lawn in front of him is enough to make him appreciate the beauty of being alive.He can't wait to remember everything in front of him, even the moss at the root of the gable, he thinks it is gorgeous, the creeper is like the curtain of time, completely covering the gate of heaven, at this moment, he can't wait to become a cockroach, Just live!

Everything was almost over, and there was no wind in the yard. Six or seven people looked at him with numb expressions.They have seen too much to understand the calmness of a dying person.He felt that his current calmness was a bit heroic, like a man, and this was probably the last glory of his life. His death was lucky for him. He was the first corrupt official in Qingjiang Province to be executed by injection.Sitting on a chair, he thought, just for this, he is lucky, at least luckier than some corrupt officials. He has been corrupted for more than 20 million yuan, and he was executed by injection, while some corrupt officials only corrupted hundreds of thousands or millions. , but was shot down, the law is so fucking unfair.

Thinking of this, he became more and more calm, with a smile on his face.I have been in the officialdom for more than 20 years, and I let my imagination go wild, but I never thought that I would die like this. He let out an "ah".This is his saddest performance before execution.He suddenly understood a truth, it is wrong for people to be involuntary in the officialdom, but in fact, people are involuntary in the officialdom! My wife and children came to see me last night.He could not afford to kneel in front of his wife and children.The son was shocked to see his father wearing shackles and prison clothes. His wife and son also knelt in front of him and kowtowed to him, weeping and weeping. However, he didn't cry. He had been thinking about it in the detention center for more than two years, and all his efforts could only be called stubborn resistance.Over the past two years, he has killed too many relatives and friends.

After parting with his wife, the wife will spend the rest of her life in prison. What will my son do?Thinking of his son, tears finally welled up in his eyes.He didn't cry, but howled, that kind of howling like a wild wolf in the mountains... The cigarette butt was about to burn, and he was reluctant to throw it away. He wished that the fire would burn him. Destruction was a kind of pleasure.Huoshaoyun is getting redder and redder, just like the sky is full of fire, but he has a feeling of falling into a black hole. He is the creator of the black hole, but now he is about to fall into a deep black hole. What a terrible fate!

"The time has come!" said the executioner grimly. He started to feel cold all over, the shackles were so heavy that he couldn't lift his feet, and the blue prison clothes hung around his body, as if restraining his soul.He suddenly discovered that he had a soul, but he had never noticed it before.It may be because of the soul, he can still feel that several people took him to the execution room. The execution chamber is a separate isolation room with a bed inside.The forensic doctor asked him to lie down, but he became so stiff that he couldn't bend his legs. "Don't be nervous, why is your body so hard?" the forensic doctor said indifferently.

"I'm not nervous," he replied desperately. "I'll give you a sedative first." The forensic doctor said indifferently. He didn't answer. The sedatives flowed through the body along the blood, and he entered a half-dream and half-awake state. Then the forensic doctor tied up his left arm with a hose and injected the drug into his vein. Thirty-five seconds, only thirty-five seconds, he fell asleep completely, his soul fell into a deep black hole... I experienced the process of Zhang Guochang's death by injection in my dream all night. I heard Zhang Guochang was executed by injection last night on the news broadcast of the TV station.I can't believe Zhang Guochang is dead.

In the dream, Zhang Guochang was like a dancer in the dark, erratic, with nowhere to focus, and he didn't know where to go.He grabbed my feet tightly, trying to drag me into a deep black hole.I struggled hard, grasping the threshold of heaven with both hands, and my shoes fell off.Zhang Guochang howled and fell into a deep black hole... I felt relieved all of a sudden, I came into this world barefoot, and now I'm barefoot again.As the saying goes, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.It turns out that only the feet with shoes are smelly, and if you cover them, anything will stink if you cover them for a long time.Zhang Guochang has too many shoes, all of which are Italian brands.Zhang Guochang may have given me my shoes, and I have given them back to him now.

I glanced down at the black hole and thought, maybe hell would not accept Zhang Guochang, then he can only be a wandering soul wandering in the dark, enduring loneliness, coldness and pain.Death means that you will never have the chance to repent again. The crime is extremely sinful, and death is probably his only chance. Zhang Guochang was born in a jade family, and his grandfather was once a well-known "Jade Zhang" on Niujie, Beijing.Later, in order to avoid the enemies, the whole family fled to Dongzhou.My grandfather died of illness shortly after arriving in Dongzhou, and the family gradually became dilapidated.When he was thirteen, his parents died of illness one after another, and Zhang Guochang became an orphan.

At the Muslim funeral, Zhang Guochang was covered in white cloth and lay in the mosque like a candle about to burn.He was buried.The prayers of Muslim funerals sounded from his grave: O Allah!Forgive us all, living and dead, present and absent, youth and man, man and woman.O Allah!Among us, whoever you let live, let him live in Islam; whoever you let die, let him die in faith.O Allah!Do not deprive us for his reward, and do not, after him, put us to experiment (excerpt)! Zhang Guochang's soul has been saved. He came from the Lord. I don't know if he can return to the Lord. I hope he is not a wandering spirit.

Soon after Zhang Guochang died, Li Guofan also died, he died of liver cancer.On the day of Li Guofan's death, there was light rain, and some leaders went to see him off in private, even though he was sentenced to death with a reprieve and deprived of political rights for life.Some people say that harming others first harms oneself, and Li Guofan suffered retribution for harming Zhang Guochang; others said that if Zhang Guochang did not go to Macau to gamble, no one would harm him.I watched them fight for more than two years, and instead of losing each other, they both died. I have been trying to sum up some experience and lessons, how to extricate myself in the fatal vortex.In the end, I found out that the secretary next to the mayor is just a small fish in the political whirlpool, and no one will notice even crying, because a fish is in the water, even if no one can see it crying.

But life is water, and the water finally finds the tears of fish.Because the fish is not only in the heart of the water, but the tears are salty, the water is light, and the tears increase the salinity of the water.In fact, the leader is also a fish, but he is bigger than the small fish of the secretary. If he is a fish, he will inevitably be drawn into the deadly vortex. I worked as Zhang Guochang's secretary for two years, and I found that the secretary must be well versed in the rules of the political game in order to avoid the risk of power play.However, the personal dependence between the secretary and the leader makes it difficult for the secretary to get rid of the dilemma of "success and failure are also Xiao He". Some people say that I am a victim of this political struggle. I am glad that I have "sacrificed". Of course, this "sacrifice" has brought great pain, and I can only heal myself with silence and reflection.People are as fragile as they are strong.This vulnerability allowed me to see myself clearly, and people rarely see themselves and only see others. This is my painful harvest.
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