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Chapter 20 Letters from readers-1

wildfire set 龙应台 12223Words 2018-03-18
letters from readers In order to protect individuals, all readers’ names are withheld; For the fax, typos in the letter are also preserved. Every letter is a reminder to me that I am not monologue in the dark. Mr. Long Daan: The younger generation is a pediatrician who practiced in Taipei City. I often see your masterpiece published in the Human World Supplement of the Times, criticizing the current disordered social phenomenon.How unfortunate it is to be born into this generation of Chinese people, to endure these unfair, unfair, and unreasonable facts.Your Excellency really expressed everyone's wishes, which is applauded!

Your Excellency once said, "As long as there are more angry people, it will be effective." A total of eight households in our neighborhood jointly reported against the underground auto repair shop, and I used two congressmen. Only after four months, I exchanged for a refund A fine that is unlikely to be enforced.There are not many people who are angry with us. It is not insignificant to ask for help, make phone calls, and make petitions. However, it is the appeasement of officials. May I ask your Excellency, "Many people who are angry are useful", is it true in this environment in Taiwan? still apply?

Regarding underground factories, the current attitude of the Construction Management Office of the Public Works Bureau is to report. As long as someone reports and urges, a fine (10,000 yuan) may be issued, but only once. A staff member once wanted to cooperate with the public. One fine is given for one report, but the section chief thinks that too many fines "will kill people" because no one does it.I would like to ask: Why do government officials protect people who break the law so much?Why are you so considerate of the bad guys?In doing so, how could the underground factory disappear?

January 20, 1985 Mr. Long: Reading your article again today, I can’t help but write to you quickly, give up the test papers and rest in front of me, I have lived for more than 40 years, and this is the first time I see a person like you in the newspaper, People who dare to write this kind of article, and the China Times also dare to publish it (I thought, it may be because of your surname "Long"). You moved me so much, you are a person who really loves the country and family; you are a "caring" person with a more sense of justice, and you are not a person for fame, but I will break a cold sweat for you, To this day, what I have seen and heard can be described as "I want to cry but have no tears". Now, you boldly speak out and log out, which makes me show a comforting smile when I am pinched by the neck.

There were people like you in the past: looking at their results, I have a little worry about you, Mr. Long, I hope God bless you for a long time, I hope your cry is effective, I hope you have other guarantees, not bare hands Come. Our hometown, Taiwan, used to be a place with green mountains and clear waters, but now it is used as a resting place for passers-by. They don't intend to take root.How can this kind of place tell them to love "soil" and "water", they will only build some illegal sheds to temporarily shelter from the wind and rain.In such a situation, what can be done other than being sad and helpless?May your cry be effective, please, please.

I showed my child the November 20 newspaper. He said he wanted to make a photocopy, but he wanted to post it in class, but he said he didn't dare. We were afraid of the Disciplinary Office, and we lived in fear all the time. wish you Safety 1984, December, Saturday, noon Mr. Long Yingtai is well! I am also a small person, but I hold the opposite view to yours. As a Chinese, I also feel powerless, but I agree with "obedience to authority".It is because the Chinese people have this habit that they can have a culture of 5,000 years.In ancient times, no one dared to disobey the words of the emperor.An order is unreasonable: but the people still obey.The city and the people always have the spirit of resignation, which reduces disputes.The Duke of Zhou system of rites and music made the country hierarchical and reduced riots in the country.One hundred people have one hundred minds, and no authoritative government should listen to anyone.And everyone is blind. If you emphasize too much, the consequences will be...students don't listen to the teacher's teaching, "I pay you, why should I listen to you?" How does the teacher teach?Is it okay to just give lectures?European and American culture is not suitable for us in Taiwan, but I still agree with your legal approach, some insights are admirable!I also wanted to go to the United States after finishing my studies, but thank you: "America is not our home."

Sincerely, Mr. Dong Hen, junior 1985, 2, 18 Mr. Yingtai learned a lot: I recently read a masterpiece "Robot Middle School" published by my husband in the China Times on June 26, and I felt a sense of indignation in my heart. Of course, there are good and bad phenomena among the dean of students, management team leaders, and instructors. Their practices are indeed It is inappropriate, but after all, it is a small number of people. The vast majority of training staff are working very hard on this kind of thankless "training" work. Have you ever seen a student in a car accident who is in a hospital for first aid, and when he is enduring the cold in the emergency room late at night, the dean of students is so worried?Have you ever experienced the sense of accomplishment when a stubborn student is corrected by the instructor?A lot of people who were considered unbelievable in the past, when they reach a certain age and have achieved certain achievements, these most annoying "trainers" are most often remembered in their minds.When he became a parent, what he hoped most was that the school's training staff could bring up his children well.When his children achieve something, what he is most grateful for is the trainers.Therefore, the responsibility on the trainers is the heaviest, and the more blame they receive.Of course, there is also an element of "deep love and deep responsibility" in it, but it cannot be ruled out that there is an element of innate hostility towards the trainers.There is a middle school that fined 80 students with excessively long hair. You think it is wrong, but can you not punish them?If you are the dean of students or the leader of the management team, when other students with qualified hair say to you: "They have not been punished for their long hair, then you can't punish me when my hair grows in the future."Or when you check your hair next time and find that there are more students with long hair, you want to give some punishment, and these students say to you: "Last time more than 80 students failed with hair and you didn't punish, why didn't I Do you want to punish me for passing?”, what should you say.Of course, the practice of some trainers is really not right and needs to be improved!But when it is time to punish a student, it must be punished. It is important that the trainer explain it to him, convince him that punishment is not the purpose, but a method to help him correct his mistakes.At the same time, it also makes other students vigilant.In recent years, schools at all levels have also paid attention to psychological counseling, and the school also has full-time psychological counseling teachers, but there is a sick phenomenon: in order to avoid punishment, students who commit crimes will go to the psychological teachers for counseling.His purpose is not to ask the teacher to give counseling to help him correct his mistakes, but to ask the psychological counseling teacher to intercede with the training staff, hoping to exempt or reduce the punishment.The result is friction between the trainers and the counselors.Under such circumstances, some well-known scholars will definitely criticize the trainers for Wen with a lot of reason.But, do you know that if you dote on these offending students, what will other students who abide by the school rules think? (To be honest, those who scold the instructors all day long must have problems themselves. In order to avoid punishment, I hope to scold these people down, so that I will be happy.) If the school gives appropriate punishment to students who have committed crimes, then The way of thinking is different again, they will say: "There is still justice in the world." "You deserve it, who told you to do that."

Sorry for any offense.To be honest, I was really unhappy when I read your article.I have been engaged in teaching for so many years. Many students have been tutored by me, and they have achieved success in career and morality. I used to have a sense of accomplishment, but your article has denied it. There are many people with the same mentality as me. I hope Your Excellency must think twice about writing in the future. 1985, July, and November Hello Professor Long: Since I read your "Robot High School" in the human supplement, I can't help feeling that you are a bit rare and strange.I don't know if you have studied in middle school in Taiwan. If you have, you should not make such a fuss.If not, then I would like to tell you about my six years of middle school experience.

I am 22 years old this year, and I have never been to university. Now I am working as a nurse in a certain hospital. I am happy at work. I have a regular group of friends, and my family members live in harmony.To be honest, my life is pretty good.If I have any regrets, it's that I didn't go to college. Fortunately, going to college is as dispensable to me as if I lost the decorations on my body.But looking back on the past twenty-two years, there is still a shadow in my life, and this shadow occasionally appears in dreams, and appears on the students walking on the road.Now I am very glad that I have escaped from school life, from the kind of three-shift lights and five-shift chickens, and the long nightmare of studying like desperately...

I would like to first describe this "mentor" who teaches mathematics in my country.She is very worried about the mathematics in my class. As long as it is music, art, and physical education, she will take the math class and take the math test. One time, the math competition in this class came to the end, but the whole class was fined to sit on the chair and she was punished. One by one, they slapped each other left and right, from the first number to the last number.I still remember that I made the stupidest posture, with my hands slightly crossed in front of my face as a protection, it was really ridiculous.

This old woman's more powerful trick is to row seats.It was ranked according to the monthly test report card, and the last one took the last seat.When the whole class sits down and the old woman spits out the last name, that classmate always has trembling lips and sits on the throne with a dead face. In the future, when the teachers of each subject come to class, they will always look at the "first place" who is it. Another teacher often punished those students who did not pass the test to stand on the skating rink, and the skating was surrounded by boys' classrooms, and the boys in the cattle herding class often whistled fiercely through the bars, laughing and making trouble.Those girls who were punished always lowered their heads, and some secretly shed tears without daring to reach out to wipe them. (According to my sister, the students in their class all kneeled, and some even took the test papers to the boys’ building and came back. Ms. Sanmao also had this experience.) In high school, what made me gnash my teeth the most was searching schoolbags.Every day at the court meeting, the director always gave lectures while looking at the classroom building. When he really had nothing to say and couldn’t find an excuse, he solemnly announced that the instructor was searching schoolbags one by one. Students stay where they are, and the rest can return to classrooms.The feeling of being cheated is really real... A class meeting happened to be held properly, and the tutor came back from the Academic Affairs Office, the first thing he did was "search".At that time, it seemed that someone lost money. Everyone opened their schoolbags and put them on the table for inspection.As a result, I didn't find much money, but some extracurricular books and odd cosmetics (lipstick) were found.After searching through the class, she took out those "trophies" one by one to make fun of and satirize them. In high school, as long as a student hung some inconspicuous bells or flowers on their schoolbags, they would be confiscated by the instructor immediately.There are boys who call or write letters to the school who claim to be brothers and cousins. The girl who is invited is absolutely obliged to explain her wealth and motives to those "three aunts and six wives" carefully. Repeat. Anyone who walks shoulder to shoulder with boys on the street will be punished for serious demerits. As long as you are wearing a school uniform, you are not allowed to go shopping in Ximending, go to the movies, and go to the bookstore to buy books!As long as you are a student, you should be clear about where you should go and where you should not go. (As a result, some students were smart enough to put their casual clothes in their bags and change them out immediately after school to catch a movie. As a result, they were either registered by the pickets at the gate, or they were confiscated when they searched their schoolbags in the morning.) Professor Long, sometimes I really hate being born Chinese in Taiwan. Why aren't my parents overseas Chinese?My precious teenage years were almost spent behind bars, with ugly watermelon rinds and knee-length black dresses, which seemed to be sneaky.At the age of fifteen, I saw Hesse's sentence: "I feel like a young man in first love; practicing the behavior of a great hero, but not capable of performing daily boring and boring homework."I got teary eyed.At the age of 21, I saw what Maike said in "Night Tour": The older people are jealous of the younger people under the threat of death.Apart from trying their best to torture the young people, they have no other way to vent their anger.It really made me break out in a cold sweat. I swore to myself: I will never have children in the future, otherwise, I will send my children to study abroad.I can't bear the fact that my future child will live in a teenager's life without sunshine, green lawns, rivers, basketballs and fishing rods.And if unfortunately he meets those teachers who are weird, hypocritical, and hypocritical (to tell you the truth, there are a lot of abnormal teachers. As long as there is such a strange education system, there will be so many strange teachers staff help the evildoers), then I would rather let my children suspend school and study at home. Professor Long, how can we save those children, and the children of our future children? (Note: After recently seeing a case of a schoolgirl being brutally raped by a teacher in a certain country, I was really angry: hateful teachers, stupid students and parents, corrupt education.) 1985, July, 20th Ms. Long Yingtai, After the publication of "Robot Middle School", it was welcomed and applauded by the students, but I don't think what you said is completely in line with the "moderate". First of all, the article mentions the issue of school regulations.I don't think schools are "schools" that allow us to do whatever we want. Now that the haircut is stipulated to be short, students will do everything possible to make their hair long.One day it is stipulated that long hair can be worn, and students will have some crooked ideas and want to change their hairstyles.When the time comes, the whole school will be full of Pippets and hippies, so how to teach them?As for the sleeve-rolling of clothes, there are people in my school who roll up their sleeves, and the instructors did not prohibit it, but only one or two of the fifty roll-ups can be found. Could it be that only one or two of them are hot in summer, and the other forty-eight people don't feel it at all? ?I can boldly tell you that these people just want to be different.School is not a fashion show, if you want to go home beautifully and play again, why come to school to show off.Moreover, the gap between the rich and the poor in some rural schools is not too small. If some of you are richer and some of you are more advanced, will it cause poor students to feel inferior? Middle school students do not have the ability to think for themselves. If they are not restricted, they will inevitably become indulgent.If you don't frame it with school rules, what do you think will happen.What would it be like if there were no instructors to teach and discipline?I guess we can only blame the people who got it wrong. Students, soldiers, and civil servants have no freedom at all. Could it be that the regulation of short hair and uniforms will restrict a student with the ability to "think" from inventing new things.joke!Big joke!Could it be that obeying the teacher's training is cowardice.Then why do you still want to recite the things left by the predecessors?I think this "frame" can only push us into the right path, not limit our thinking.I think innovation and boldness are not used to fight against school rules, but to improve our lives. As for the matter of cheek kissing, I still can't figure it out. We are not Westerners. Is it necessary to kiss cheeks? At last good luck a high school sophomore Ms. Long: The younger generation is a prospective graduate of the law department of a private university, and is busy preparing for the graduation exam at this time.But today I read the masterpiece: "What about "opposites"?" Afterwards, I suddenly felt the impact of a million watts of electricity. The shock was so great that it is beyond words.Therefore, temporarily put the book on the side of the desk, not to avoid the clumsy writing style, and to show "support" and "support". What about "opposition"?As long as it is based on the legal basis, even a barefoot pig farmer should not be afraid of a "dominant" government.However, the authority of the Taiwan government of China has been around for a long time, and the common people are afraid. How dare you speak lightly of "opposition". I must also give a thumbs up and respectfully call you a heroine in the literary world. The government and public institutions, like rogues, take advantage of their "boss" status to do whatever they want.The subcontracts of water, electricity, and telecommunications units are not in accordance with the nature of legal fairness and equality, and all kinds of them are necessary for people's livelihood. Can ordinary people refuse?So what if the common people complain?If you want to "oppose", who can wear the label of "anti-support", "anti-support", or even "anti-government"?Recently, China National Petroleum Corporation has raised the unit price of natural gas. Wouldn't the negative impact encourage the common people to use more "time bombs" - gas cylinders?well!Its thinking is also "beneficial", and its actions are also "dangerous"! The "Traditional Chinese Physician Examination Leaking Questions Case" has always troubled the minds of younger generations recently. Although the younger generation dare not say whether there is a "bribery" fact, the fact of "leaking questions" does exist.How do the questions flow out in advance through the strict levels?To whom did the person in charge of the cram school give the money?This is what the general public wants to know, and it is what the judiciary should explain to the general public. It is definitely not a judgment of "violation of the Tuition Education Law" that can obscure the truth and shift the focus of the case.The general public is not happy to see high-level "public servants" lose their jobs and be punished, but they hope that the government and judicial units will jointly maintain the fairness of the examination and guarantee the legal (given by the Constitution) and equal right to take the examination for most good people.The general public only hopes that the law will give appropriate punishment to those who violate the impartiality and fairness of the examination.The common people are not fools, so how can the government "fool" the people? ! Rights are fought for.But how can the poor (knowledge or power) common people go to fight with the government?How many powerful people think about the rights of the people to "oppose" the government?The younger generation is a student who should "study obediently", but he is very concerned about the affairs of the public on a daily basis. There may be grievances or disappointments (the above are all the actions of the government), and he finally wants to sue for nothing. The door is smoldering in the heart, and I am really moved by reading your masterpiece today, so I wrote a letter to express my admiration.Please forgive me for being reckless and inappropriate!Fuqi, please Wen An May 19 Teacher Long: Receive the letter safely! I often read your articles.Every time I feel refreshed.Today, I see "Human Supplement" again - "The Generation That Doesn't "Make Trouble"".I have a lot of dissatisfaction with the education model, ideology system, and mental and personality development that the young people of my generation have received.Today, I finally saw someone speak my heart for me (should speak for all young people), thank you. In fact, it's not that we "can't" make trouble, but that we "dare not" to make trouble.When we were young, our parents forbade us to "make trouble"-what do children know, adults are talking, and children should not chatter!After enrolling in school and accepting the "Spartan" education, everyone acts in the same way, thinks in the same way, and develops towards the "model" set by the instructor.Teachers are afraid that students will "make troubles", and those who have "unique insights" and "outstanding ideas" will be regarded as "rebellious", and students who "make troubles" will be called "problem students". You said that students lack the spirit of independent thinking, how many teachers have the spirit of independent thinking?The teachers also accept the development of the "model" set by the "masters", and imbue the young people of this generation with the same set of masters.It's a pity that the ancestors themselves lack the spirit of independent thinking. After graduating from the Mathematics Department of Normal University, I practiced for one year and am now enlisted in the army.During the internship, I served as the management team leader of the middle school, and I deeply realized the power of the so-called "teacher's dignity".The principal's words are the imperial decree, and the teacher's words are the school rules.Students never consider whether this regulation is reasonable. If a student dares to "react", he will be regarded as a problem student. If anyone tries the "law" by himself, he will be punished immediately.All the students obeyed their orders and did not dare to "stupidly move". When a certain teacher solved a problem, it was obviously a calculation error, and the answer did not match the "standard answer". When a certain teacher gave an order, the whole class immediately "corrected" the standard answer.The students ask for advice on a difficult problem, but the teacher Mingpeng can't do it, but he always says calmly: This question is in the scope of high school, and the high school teacher will naturally teach you in the future!Or modify the title: This question lacks the ×× condition....The teachers never "admit their mistakes" and never "admit defeat".Students also never "think". Personally, I don't think ordinary young people should be blamed. They grew up without knowing that they "can" think independently (the right).If you want to blame, blame the professors at the Normal University!Taiwan's education "failure", they have to bear 90% of the responsibility, because they did not teach our group of "education pioneers" well!You may wish to investigate how many college students in Normal University can think independently!The only leisure activity for Normal University students is tutoring. In the senior year, our instructor asked us to use the same teaching method and problem-solving style as he did. Those who did not follow were accused of "refusal to study", "deported", and "come back next year". Do students dare to "rebel"? Forgive me for "slandering" my alma mater, I love my teacher, but I love the truth more.Sincerely hope that we can educate the next generation who "will make trouble". I sincerely hope that the professors at the National Normal University can educate teachers who can think independently. As for how to improve Taiwan’s current educational deficiencies, that is the business of Minister Li. wish you often trouble September 3rd Miss Long, Hello: Sorry, I think I should call you Professor Long.After reading your "confession", I was also deeply surprised.Originally, I thought that despising "women" only happened in places with a low level of knowledge (I am a factory worker), but I didn't expect so-called intellectuals to have this kind of concept, which is really regrettable. Knowledge is gender-neutral, and the acquisition of knowledge should be gender-neutral, but just a difference in understanding ability!Maybe some people still can't forget the habit of thousands of years of male superiority and female inferiority.Professor Long, you don't have to be angry with those who haven't stepped out of the ivory tower.For those who are ignorant.If you can't educate them, just ignore them.I hope you will continue to work hard and express your anger for our girls. Thank you for reading this letter and wasting your precious time. Our time is worth more than 20 yuan an hour. You must not imagine it. I believe that as long as there are more female fighters like you who have unique insights, the status of girls will be improved. It can be improved a little.I'm sorry again, I haven't studied much, I just want to say something. Nineteen eighty-five, nine, twenty-two Professor Long: Today I saw your article in the supplement of China Times——Confession, I feel very ashamed in my heart, what you said is the truth, not to mention that I am also a "female". In the past, I didn’t know that you were also a woman, and I often thought of you as a mighty man. One day, I learned from the newspaper that your speech would attract many people. There was a photo of a woman with a ponytail tied up. I doubt that It's "Professor Long". It seems that people from ancient times looked down on women, including me. I feel so ashamed of myself! I don't know when it started, or it started with "someone". In everyone's concept, "women" should stay at home, be good mothers, good wives, good daughters-in-law, etc. It is recognized by the world as a good wife and mother, "everyone A successful man must have a great woman behind him." All these show that "women" are not suitable for showing their faces, but for working quietly... I am deeply sorry for all the things others have imposed on you. You are the same person, why can't you accept the achievements of others? I know that you are a "female", which makes me admire you even more. The same job is done by women If you want to work, you often have to be more capable than men, otherwise, there is no chance to fight for it. You are strong enough. Here, I will cheer for you and meet more challenges. wish healthy and happy Nineteen eighty-five, nine, twenty-four Professor Long: Hello! I am very urgent, anxious, and would like to ask you some questions, and I hope you will give me your advice.I am in the third day of junior high school this year. Although the entrance exam is coming, I still can't help but want to ask and talk.Use the short time after the mock exam to add these doubts and anxiety. The history teacher told us that the allusion to the origin of "leftist" and "rightist" is that when the French parliament is in session, the more conservative members always sit on the right, and the more radical members sit on the left.I always feel that the ruling party is too right and the opposition party is too left.I don't understand too many things, such as what is "protecting fishing" and "greening" and so on.I was born in 1971. At the age of fifteen, I had too many, too many doubts.Students of the same age are not interested in these after class, and some even have no idea at all.I am more interested in this aspect and am interested in social work. After reading "The Generation That Will Not Make Troubles", I am eager to read some articles such as editorials, current situation and political situation that I usually don't read. It's so isolated, the political situation is so bad, and there are so many things that I don't understand. During the last election of the county mayor, in the classroom, the mentor taught us.Although we don't have the right to vote, our parents do, especially the parents of the students in the class. Three-quarters of them belong to the blue-collar class with a low level of knowledge.Therefore, before the election, the "election policy" was implemented, and the theme was: "Everything within the party is allowed, and nothing outside the party is allowed."I was stunned at the time, isn't this canvassing?In my opinion, the party is too corrupt and sluggish, full of problems, and does not know about reform; outside the party, it lacks "the level, loyalty, methods, and means of opposing the party."I don't know who to ask these questions.In the school, there are a lot of conservative teachers, even in the civics class, they don't forget to teach us tolerance and peace of mind.And what about the parents?Although they hold teaching positions, they belong to the "too left". They read a lot of books and periodicals outside the party, but their subjective character has been influenced by magazines and periodicals.Newspapers say that you have created a "Long Yingtai Era", magazines say that you have become a "Youth Mentor", so I want to ask you: the level of Chinese people is too low, that's why this happened, right? I really felt a heavy sense of powerlessness, my own safety, and everyone's rights and interests were at risk.At the age of fifteen, is it too early for me to be covered in this gloomy ugliness?I have always hoped that the Chinese would have a strong sense of shame and perseverance like the Japanese. I also hoped that they would have advanced social welfare like the Nordics. I also hoped to have the political environment of the United Kingdom and the democratic system of the United States.Is this a distant dream?Will it be late or never?What is the problem? Sincerely, readers, May 31st Aunt Long: Please allow me to call you that because I respect you so much. A few days ago, I saw your article "Tolerate My Torch" published in the newspaper. I deeply feel sorry for you because of the actions of "Mr. Zhao" that caused you humiliation.You show your courage and perseverance to show that you love this society with your actions, but you have to endure the frivolous actions and rumors and slanders of some ignorant people. And as far as I know, there are quite a few people like "Mr. Well, I can correctly point out the deficiencies and ailments of our society, but some students in the audience immediately shouted "Middle school students only read the Central Daily News", with a serious and angry expression, and this teacher is just like you on weekdays, discussing everything as it stands , only recognizes reason but not people, and constantly instills in the students an objective attitude in dealing with people in class, so the student went to the cram school with his father a few days later, and the parent pretended to be a People from the "relevant units" want this teacher to be careful with what he says. I think this student, his parents, and even "Mr. Zhao" and Mr. X who suggested that the museum "avoid red" are absolutely good-hearted, but his behavior and ideology are so naive and faint, which makes him People can't help shaking their heads and sighing!I think the rigidity of the educational system is responsible for this situation. Aunt Long, as you said, "they" represent a minority, so please don't be discouraged.There are still many people who like and support this "wildfire". Your "wildfire" only burns weeds. We don't feel disobedient at all, and we feel warm in this environment where moral courage is indifferent and rare. Sincerely, readers Hello Professor Long, I am a cram school student, I like your article very much, your article gives me a lot of inspiration and feelings.Although I am under tremendous academic pressure, I never miss scanning the Human World Supplement every day. I wanted to write a letter a long time ago to tell you that there are people far away in the southern countryside who feel seriously about what you write.Before "Chinese, Why Are You Not Angry", I never read editorials and other articles, and the news only read the headlines, but this article completely changed my "view of newspaper reading".Before that, my understanding of some social behaviors in Taiwan was very fragmented. In my mind, "Taiwan is like this, and there is no fuss."Unexpectedly, after reading this article, I began to care about society.Since then, I have never let go of articles about this kind of review of social gains and losses in Human World Supplement, which are all brought by your pen. In the behavior related to "angry", I have also had, but I am ashamed, I have acted cowardly.In the countryside, everyone goes to bed earlier at night. Although the road in front of my house is the main road in the whole town, everyone closes the door and goes to bed at about ten o'clock.When I was approaching the entrance exam, after everyone turned off the lights, it was the best time for me to study.But just under the arcade of a house with triangular windows opposite my house, there is always a lot of noise every night. I tried to tell them to quiet down several times, but I couldn't muster the courage.I'm not good at eloquence, I can't find the right words to say, and the voices sound like a few "old guys" drinking, and those people are the most difficult to understand.Until one day I really couldn't swallow the book in that situation, and remembered "Chinese, why are you not angry", I resolutely went out.In the end, there were a dozen or so people in their twenties and thirties. Judging from their unfriendly expressions, they were full-fledged workers.At that time, I really regretted it, my heartbeat increased rapidly, but I didn't show it, and I had to let go of the arrow, so I had to say to them kindly: "Please speak softly, everyone is sleeping, I also want to read a book." One person only showed a sneer, while the other said in a sarcasm tone: "I told you to keep your voice down." After I finished speaking, I left without even daring to turn my head, because if I turned back, I might suffer disaster.When I got home, I heard a louder voice, "Damn it, he told me to shut up, and he didn't even have a moment of entertainment. Kaohsiung's karaoke hall was open until midnight, and no one said anything about it. In that house, Go and call him out." and kept repeating these words.Although I "hid" at home, I was still extremely nervous, for fear that they would knock on the iron door of my house. I didn't calm down until after twelve o'clock when they dispersed. I really hated myself for being so cowardly. I didn't tell my family about this matter, it's no wonder that Cai Cai was scolded to death.My family is just like what Professor Long wrote, they only tell me to study hard, be a "good" child, and leave everything alone, but I can't do this because I hate being influenced by others.Since I was a child, my grandparents and parents only told me to study hard, so that I would not inherit the fruit garden and live a hard life in the future. "Everyone's ×× is admitted to a national university; look at the children of ××'s family who graduated from college and are now working as ××; you see your ×× is studying in the United States. Even after graduating from university, you can't find a job and fail to pass the exam University, what are you? You are not made of heavy materials like you. Your brother has a bad mind and doesn’t like to study, so I let him grow fruits in the future. Everyone said that you are very smart when you were young. You must pass the exam. Only when you go to university can you have a relatively easy and good career." My God!I study to have a stable and good job in the future, to make money?When I was a child, I was a slave to books, and when I grow up, I will be a slave to money!Is this the life of a Taiwanese?I raise birds because I need pure friends; I watch TV because there are many programs that can observe many conflicts between the heart and the heart, and between people, which are inspiring to me; I often take things apart to watch Take a look and put it back because that brings me satisfaction....But these are all considered to be the scourge of poor grades. Under such a family education, there is nothing I should do except study. Am I still a "person"?I have received this kind of education since I was a child, and I have developed my fear, cowardice, and dependence in this way, but I am very fortunate that I insist on my independent thinking. I have always regarded it as my most precious thing, so I and I Family conflicts.At first I wondered why I couldn’t always express my opinion. Then I got the answer from a rock singer named JOHN COUGAR, and several songs in his album UH, HUH. I had an epiphany: I fight authority, anthority always wins. Ive been doing it since, I was a young kid. ... So I called up my preacher. I said: "Give me strength for round 5." He said: "You don't need no strength, you need to grow up son." I said: "Growing upleads to growing old and then to dying. And dying to me dont sound like all that much fun." I compare authority to my elders, and what the preacher said coincides with my family. "If you study hard now, you will have a better life in the future." I often tell my classmates this metaphor, as long as they are willing to listen to me, they either agree with me or have no words to say, but I don't know if it comes from the heart or Sorry to contradict me?Or don't understand at all.Professor Long, do you agree with my analogy?I never said it to my family though, and I tried many times before to explain the meaning of many of the things I said.But they have all been misunderstood. Of course, this is more difficult for them to accept, because "I fight authority, authority always wins.".For example, my grandmother didn't understand absolutes and relatives.我爸爸常常告诉我:"你无法改变环境,你就必须适应环境。"我很不以为然,尤其是看了您那篇提到苏格拉底的文章,更是不向那句话低头。他也常常告诉我,台湾现在很不好,要考上大学,才能到美国去,但他却没想到自己不能改变它,就去适应它,这不是很矛盾吗?我不能反驳他,因为"I fight authority,authority always wins."。又有一次我们看一个电视节目介绍到一个无人小岛,我半开玩笑地说:"如果我能住在那里真好,没有人强制我,没有人压迫我,更没有人要求我。"您绝对猜不到我爸爸的回答:"不努力用功,只在那里空思梦想将来要做什么,是没有用的。"我的天啊!想要逃避竟然得先努力去面对,那叫做逃避吗?我不能告诉他,因为"I fight authority,authority always wins."。您想这两相径庭的思想能不产生代沟吗?不过它存在于无形,只有冲突发生时才会显现出来。 我家人常叫我将自己管好就行了,不要多管闲事,自我麻烦。他们常说:"要不是你是我们家的孩子,我管他谁去死!"这种自扫门前雪的观念乡下最多。就拿以前我家正对面的一件事来说,一天晚上两个混混骑一辆50CC撞倒一位骑脚踏车的老先生,这时有一位路过的机车骑士下车将那老先生扶起,并问那两个说:"你们是谁的孩子?"不问则已,一问之下,其中一个就翻脸了,"你问阮是谁的子昧用哪?"并出拳打那中年骑士,旁边围观的人不少,却没有人去制止。不久,恰有一辆警车开过,里面坐四个刑警,停车下来问,但那人被打却不敢告诉他们,其他的人也没有说,刑警见没有下文,就匆匆忙忙开车走了,可能是要去捉逃犯。我当时也没有挺身出来,因为我很懦弱,而且那时我是看了不少人围在对面才出去看的,就算我想告诉他们,也说不出原委。另外一件事,我邻居的先生被卡车撞死,结果警察不但不拍照,有人拍,还叫他不要拍,我想那些条子和开卡车的一定有来往,尤其是收红包。事后,我邻居要求在场的人去做证,准备申诉,但却没有人要去,大家都生怕惹上麻烦,尤其那些开卡车的大多是混混。其实还有很多,这些都只因为大家怕事。人家都说乡下人人情味较浓,但我成长的过程中所看到的乡下人都只关心收成而已。 我是个自然组的学生,但依照我的思想、个性应该读社会组,但我不明白我终究都不改读社会组,或许是读自然组在先,受您文章的影响在后吧!我真羡慕您能将心里所想的表达出来,我真恨自己不能。 罗罗嗦嗦写了一大堆,如能看完,真是万分感谢,措辞用语有许多幼稚之处,尚请一笑置之。 一九八五年九月七日 龙先生,您好: 看了您的《容忍我的火把》,我想我有义务写信为您声援,同时表达我个人对您的敬意。 很可惜我只能用这种方式为您打气,可是似乎已经没有更好的方法。因为如果直接投给报社,别家不会登;时报为了避嫌,或同类意见太多,恐亦无见报的机会。 我课余在一家报社兼职,某日下午在社里看外电稿,听到女社长不太大声地向某位干部说:"听说有个叫龙应台的……"接着听到那个干部说:"啊!她很早就被党外利用了。" 我们的社会所以这样一团糟,主要虽然是由一群深具"难民意识形态"的人主政(多数在幕后,我想)把我们的教育搞得僵化不堪,把政治搞得乌烟瘴气,使得贪渎特权横行,社会百病丛生。可是另一方面,我们"老百姓"(他们甚至伯看到人民两字)也有责任,因为我们不敢挺身而出,主持正义。说挺身而出,似乎准备跟人家大打一架,或竟慷慨就义的味道,也许有强人所难之处。但是适当表达我们的正义感和对同胞的关心,应该是经常有机会做的。 可是台北人(也许是绝大多数在台湾的中国人)这样冷漠,只有在作秀时才表现他们的热情,只有对外国人才表现"中国人浓厚的人情味",至于自己的社会同胞,管他去死!我这人也许比较情绪化,看到周遭环境不合理的事物,常要愤慨不已,想到台湾的未来,总是感到绝望伤心,可是平常无意领受周围人们(亲朋或陌生人)无条件的好意时,又感动莫名,心头十分温暖,觉得台湾也许尚有可为。 reader 一九八五年十一月五日
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