Home Categories Essays If you see through Journey to the West, you will become a master
If you see through Journey to the West, you will become a master

If you see through Journey to the West, you will become a master


  • Essays

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 182140

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There is no drama that brings me more joy in my childhood, and no masterpiece that brings me more realistic thinking. When I was young, the entertainment industry was not as developed as it is now. There were very few movies and dramas produced, and even fewer high-quality ones; electronic products were not as rampant as they are today. In the poor village where I lived, let alone There is no access to mobile phones, computers, even Walkmans and tape recorders. The only thing that can be used for entertainment at home is a 17-inch Veuve Clicquot black and white TV. But it is that black and white TV that brings me endless joy during the summer vacation every year. That joy is remembered for life. Until now, I still can’t forget the waves hitting the coast layer after layer, the rocks cracking, A shot of a monkey soaring into the sky is like a symbol of my childhood, deeply imprinted in my heart.

CCTV and other local stations rebroadcast it every year, but before the age of fifteen, I didn’t seem to get enough of it every year. Although Japanese, European and American anime had begun to flood at that time, and the heroes in the anime also made people’s blood boil, but once they and I Compared with his idol Sun Wukong, he is nothing but a floating cloud.Even my favorite animation "Dragon Ball" is because there is a Monkey King in it. In fact, I was a relatively precocious person in my childhood. I started to come into contact with Chinese classical literature at the age of five. I still remember holding a copy at that time. ,,, "The General of the Yang Family", and etc., and the first time I read the original work was when I was older.What I read is still a pirated product that I bought from a street stall for five yuan. Every morning, when I read in class or after class, I put the book on the desk, cover it with the textbook, and then feel guilty while doing it. Excited.

The reason why I read the original book late is because I think I have watched TV series enough times, and the story scenes in it can be recalled almost without thinking, and it doesn't matter whether I read the book or not.But when I actually read the original work, I was immediately dumbfounded when I turned to the first chapter.The first round of the review is "The root of the spirit grows and flows out, and the mind cultivates the Daosheng". Such a simple and Zen sentence immediately pulled me out of the romance of the TV series, and then read the opening poem: Chaos is not yet The sky and the earth are chaotic, and there is no one to see.Ever since Pangu broke through Hongmeng, he has opened up the distinction between clear and turbid.Overwhelm all living beings to look up to benevolence, and to create all things to be good.If you want to know the good luck and the Yuan Gong, you must read the biography of Shi'er in Journey to the West.Except for a few sentences that can be read in this long poem, I don't know what it means as a whole.In this way, I began to read the original work with a feeling of astonishment. After that, I found that the original work is a book that is difficult to understand from the review to the content. It is not surprising that it is the most difficult book to read among the "Four Great Masterpieces".Of course, this is just the author's personal point of view. You can refute me. If it is reasonable, I will accept it humbly.

Speaking of the "Four Great Masterpieces", I still think of a saying that many people say "after reading it, talking like farting", many people think that it is just a ridiculous book full of nonsense and nonsense, which is not enough to be ranked among the top four. masterpiece. People who say such things are often ignorant people who do not understand the "Four Great Masterpieces", let alone ignorant people. The title of "Four Great Masterpieces" is not the canonization of a certain person or a certain period, but has been researched and evaluated by countless readers and scholars for hundreds of years from the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the present.

The title of "Four Great Masterpieces" originated from "Four Great Books of Ming Dynasty", and the title of "Four Great Books" was formed in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. The "Four Great Books" are , , , and . In the Qing Dynasty, they were born out of nowhere. With their unparalleled literature, ideology and artistry, they immediately replaced the status of "Four Great Books" and formed a new "Four Great Books". The origin of the "Four Great Masterpieces". If it is really an absurd and boring book, wouldn't it mean that those who have regarded it as the "Four Great Books" or "Four Great Books" for hundreds of years are people who have enough to eat and nothing to do? ?Since it can continue to compete with highly praised ones, it shows that its achievements are even higher.And the Ming and Qing dynasties also produced many good novels, such as, ,, "Mirror Flowers", etc. Why are there no replacements for these books?The reason is simple, because they are not as good as.Li Zhuowu, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, once said: "Writing is not illusory, there is no literature, and illusory is not extremely unreal. It is to know that the most illusory things in the world are the most true things; the most illusory principles are the most true principles. Therefore, the truth is not as good as words Illusion, talking about the Buddha is not as good as talking about the devil. The devil is not him, that is me. I turned into an asshole, and before the Buddha is all a devil. The devil and the Buddha's power are equal and powerful. Don't be surprised. The reason why this "Journey to the West" is written." This is an affirmation of the artistry of this book, and Li Zhuowu gave a very high evaluation of its universal role. , painting fat and ice, painstakingly, cutting off a few mustaches but not amazing words, why is it so easy to read and write, with millions of words, without changing one place, not leaving the original sect; seeing and hearing it every day, tired of it I can’t afford it; if you read it every day, your enlightenment will open itself! Therefore, a person who lives at home can’t live without this book for a day.” This statement can be said to be highly respected.

Therefore, it is a strange book, a book that is difficult to fathom. Of course, it is full of absurdity and even full of loopholes when viewed with a casual attitude.What kind of book is that?What is the idea it wants to express?The author Wu Cheng'en once said: "Although the title of my book is Zhiguai, it does not specialize in ghosts, but it actually records the changes in the world, and there is also a little reference." This statement is very important, and it reveals the original intention of the creation.And literary masters such as Chen Yinke, Hu Shi, Lu Xun, etc. have also promoted and researched it continuously, and gave it a very high evaluation. Mr. Lu Xun commented in the book: "Satire and ridicule take the state of the world at that time and give it an extravagant description."He also said: "The author's nature is good at comedies, so although he describes the changing and fuzzy things, he always mixes up the words to explain it, so that both gods and demons have human feelings, and the spirit and charm are also familiar with the world." Lu Xun also said: "The humorous works written by Wu Chengen The novel contains the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and it contains profound content. It is a mythical work that contains the meaning of resisting feudal rule." From this, it can be seen that Lu Xun is defining it as a novel of gods and demons. In name, it is literature that does something that defies condemnation.

Although Lu Xun said so, the debate over the nature of the book has never stopped among scholars throughout the history. Chen Yuanzhi, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, wrote the preface. He said: "Phi thought that Zhuangyu could not be used in a troubled world, so he entrusted snakes to make the world floating. Entrusting snakes could not be used as a teaching, so his words were moderate. Therefore, Lang jokes and laughs and abuses to be unrestrained. You can’t see the world by laughing and joking, so lingering is better than understanding.” Chen Yuanzhi’s meaning is that the author wrote this book to satirize the monarchs, ministers and people at that time, to show that he is not out of touch with the world. Mixed meaning.

Zhang Shushen, a scholar in the Qing Dynasty, said: "A book, from the beginning to the end, talks about the essentials of sincerity and righteousness, and the learning of the new and the best. There is not a single word involved in the adultery of immortals and Buddhas. Or ask why the book is? It is really a wonderful book. A wonderful essay." Therefore, in Zhang Shushen's view, it is a novel that teaches people to cultivate their minds, morality, and good and evil. Bai Huawen, a scholar of Peking University, said: "Its imagination is novel, it goes up to the world, and it is superb. It can be said to have reached the pinnacle. The characters of the main characters are also very distinct, and the readership is the widest. It is suitable for all ages. The side effects of this book are minimal. It is a book that encourages people to struggle actively, never lose heart, and persevere to achieve their goals.” Therefore, in the view of this scholar, it is an inspirational novel that encourages people to actively struggle.

The "Encyclopedia of France" commented: "The description of the story in the book is full of humor and wit, which gives readers a strong interest." Therefore, the French regard it as a humorous novel similar to Mark Twain's works. In addition, some people may regard it as the beginning of modern gods and demon novels and fantasy novels, of course there is no doubt about it. Apart from academic research, the political significance expressed is also very rich.The great leader Mao Zedong loved it very much. He read it differently from ordinary people, and he realized many principles of revolutionary struggle from it.During the twenty-seventh meeting of the Central People's Government Committee in September 1953, when talking about Liang Shuming's question, Mao Zedong said: "There are actually fake things, and we have encountered them now. Those people have Everyone can see the tail of a fox. Sun Monkey has changed seventy-two times. One difficulty is that the tail is not easy to change. He turned into a temple and turned his tail into a flagpole, but Yang Erlang saw it. Where did he come from? Can you see it? You can see it from the tail. In fact, there is such a type of person, no matter how he disguises, his tail cannot be hidden.” In the 1960s after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, imperialist When the blockade and domestic instability caused chaos, Mao Zedong praised Sun Wukong's style of "the strong are respected and should let me, heroes only dare to fight for the first", "the emperor takes turns, and come to my house next year", and he even "cheered" enthusiastically.In November 1961, after watching the drama "Three Beats of the Bone Demon", Chairman Mao even wrote a famous line: "The golden monkey rises up, and Yuyu clarifies Wan Liai. Today cheers Sun Dasheng, Only because the monster fog has come back again." This is exactly Mao Zedong's verses praising Sun Wukong to express his determination to clear away all obstacles to development without fear of difficulties.During the struggle against Soviet revisionism, Mao Zedong once said to Anna Louise Strong: "Since then, we have been like Monkey King making trouble in the Heavenly Palace. We have thrown away the rules of heaven! Remember, never put the sky in the sky." We take this too seriously, and we must follow our own revolutionary path."

As an old saying goes, there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, and of course different people have different Hamlets. Some people regard it as a fantasy of gods and demons, some people regard it as a work of self-cultivation, some people regard it as an inspirational masterpiece, some people read the secrets of officialdom from it, some people understand the way of the workplace from it, and some people see the needs of businessmen from it... …There is nothing wrong with these, because this is where the charm of the masterpiece lies. I like it, I like the original work more than the TV series. To paraphrase a common saying, the essence of the original work cannot be shown in the TV series.But there are also many people who say that the original work is incongruous and has many loopholes. For example, Sun Wukong in the Havoc in Heaven is invincible, but he is frustrated everywhere on the way to learn the scriptures; The Monkey King of Tiangong; for example, Monkey King’s golden eyes can see through all illusions, but he made many mistakes on the way to learn scriptures; for example, Tang Seng was caught by monsters many times, but he was not eaten once...

In fact, in the process of reading the book, I also had many questions like this, why did Patriarch Subhuti appear so briefly?Why did Sun Wukong make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace?Why did Sun Wukong fail to make a big fuss in Tiangong?Why didn't the Taishang Laojun and Tathagata Buddha kill Monkey King?Is the real Monkey King dead?How did the weak Jade Emperor secure his throne?Why is Guanyin Bodhisattva favored by Tathagata Buddha?Why is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva neglected by Tathagata?What is the truth about learning Buddhist scriptures from the West?How was Tang Seng selected as a Buddhist scripture?How was Sun Wukong selected as a member of the scripture learning team?Who is the supernatural Zen Master Wuchao?Who is the most talking fairy?Who is the god who is most capable of being an official?Who is the most tragic grassroots civil servant?Who is the overlord in the demon world, and who is the villain in the demon world?Who is the idiot in the demon way, and who is the eunuch in the demon way?Who plotted against the Dragon King of Jinghe, and who molested Li Shimin?Who has the most determined will to learn from the scriptures, and who moved the heart in the daughter country?Who is the pro-Buddhist sect in Taoism, and who is the pro-Tao sect in Buddhism?I even saw the phenomenon of "mistresses", "second-generation officials", "admitting godfathers" and so on. Cause and effect made me go deep into it, unable to extricate myself. Fortunately, with my limited wisdom, these questions have been answered in a satisfactory way, so I have this book.This can be regarded as a little bit of dedication to my favorite works. Perhaps after reading this book, you will feel that my heart is full of ghost tricks and conspiracies, but I am confident that I can justify myself, and there is no lack of sunshine and kindness. If you can read it and read it, I firmly believe that you will gain something .
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