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Chapter 104 suzhou food

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1888Words 2018-03-18
The food in Suzhou is the same as the gardens in Suzhou, the big is seen in the small. In a city like Suzhou, the pavilions, towers and pavilions are all small and exquisite, and it is not suitable for a full Han feast.It's not that way at first glance.Similarly, Suzhou people don’t like to eat and drink too much, and they pay attention to less but better.Find a small restaurant, set out small plates, small bowls, and small wine glasses, and talk about small topics.Having a drink with friends is also called a small gathering. In Suzhou, snacks are the most exquisite and outstanding. Snacks are generally a small business, but it is not easy to be cheap and good.First of all, operators must be patient.Hawkers in Suzhou have passed the test in this respect.The snacks sold at small stalls are often more delicious than similar foods in stores with facades.The earlier wonton dan is an example.Wonton dumplings are equivalent to "guerrillas" who walk through the streets and alleys. They set up pots and stoves on the side of the road, and the stall owners can always use the quick movements of wrapping the meat (really a craft!) and the strong aroma of bone soup to attract greedy people. Salivating customers.In the wind, he ate a bowl of wontons in spicy oil, and stood up with a satisfied expression on his face.Could it be that such cheap wontons can easily make a person become an instant god?

Suzhou people call shops that specialize in selling steamed stuffed buns, dumplings, and other pasta a "Kitoudian". "The items in the piece shop are always not as good as the ones made by the wonton store. Because of its specialization... there are wontons on the cover. Because the store only sells wontons, they want to compete with the noodle shop. It has to be specially improved, so its quality is very particular.” (quoted from Lianying’s “Suzhou Snacks”).Wonton Dan, wonton Dan, you can win the "single event champion".The wontons on the shoulder crushed the wontons in the store.It seems that snacks should not be underestimated.Snacks are not small.

Lianying mentioned Dafang Cake when introducing Suzhou tea food, which is legendary: “Dafang Cake came into the market at the end of spring and early summer. This product was available decades ago. There are sixteen squares in each cage, and twelve squares of bean paste and lard around it. , Juzhong Sifang is an attacking rose white sugar lard, and only one basket is produced every day. It is sold out, so it is very rare. At that time, copper coins were not popular, and each square was only made of four coins. It was really cheap and good. But customers Those who came later were not able to eat, and the customers had different preferences. Every time there were quarrels and fights due to the competition for purchases, the owner was afraid of causing trouble, so they stopped selling for many years. Recently, they have been repeatedly sold and greatly improved. Before seven o'clock, if you get up late in the morning, Then the sale is over, and there is no way to get involved." Hearing this, guess what I thought?First of all, I thought: the shopkeeper is so free and easy, there is a huge demand but still limited supply (only one cage per day), he would rather give up business opportunities than live too tired.How do you look like a businessman?It is almost on par with the artist (the big square cake is regarded as a sculpture).But this virtually whetted the appetite of customers.Secondly, I thought: The customer is really not free and easy, and they are fighting to buy pastries, as if they are pursuing the truth, and they are so persistent...

Dafang cakes, which only come out in one basket every day and cost only four cents per square, are definitely "pediatrics" in terms of business.I am afraid that only in Suzhou can there be such a shopkeeper and such customers. Suzhou has a great reputation, but in terms of layout and even essence, it is still a small city.The small town has many stories.Including so many stories about snacks.Snacks are not small.The town is not small. In front of Xuanmiao Temple, there is a garden-style teahouse called Wuyuan.To the east of Wuyuan, there is another hotel called Wang Baohe.Mr. Cao Juren went in to taste it: "Their wine is really good, and it is different from the counter wine in Shaoxing Hotel. The store only sells wine, no wine and vegetables, and even peanuts and dried tofu are not prepared. However, the home-cooked wine and vegetable vendors , most of which are young women and girls, the stream is endless, and each store sells their own products; besides marinated products, such as tamales, roast chicken, smoked fish, roast goose, and sauced duck, each has its own taste. The whole table is full, eating with gusto." The shopkeeper only sells wine but not vegetables, and would rather give up the opportunity and profit of selling vegetables to the hawkers, do you think he is stingy or generous?This may be the style of Suzhou, the way of Suzhou.Mr. Cao Juren said that during the two years he lived in Suzhou, he was quite content with the enjoyment of Suzhou-style life, whether listening to Pingtan, visiting the gardens, drinking tea, or eating dim sum: "Su-style dim sum has also entered my life list. Until today , I am still not used to drinking foreign tea and eating Cantonese dim sum. I am a believer of Emperor Sui Yang." Emperor Sui Yang dug canals to make it easier to go to the south of the Yangtze River.While chewing on the exquisite Su-style dim sum, you will understand what Jiangnan is in the diet.

After all, they are all snacks.The snacks in Suzhou are ecstasy.In contrast, the Manchu Banquet seems a bit "fake and empty". Of course, Suzhou can also hold banquets.There are also great chefs.If you do it in a hotel, there is nothing unusual.The beauty of Suzhou is that it has large and small gardens for drinking in the open air.This is traditional.Destiny recalled in the article "Star Society Backtracking" that in the 1940s, colleagues in the Star Society often used the treasured gardens to hold "wine gatherings": "Once a month, according to the method of gathering, be extravagant or frugal, and it will be decided by public discussion. There are many gardens in Suzhou, where you can take a seat, such as Lion Grove, Wangyizhuang, Crane Garden, Master of the Nets Garden, Yiyuan, Humble Administrator’s Garden, and Chenggong Temple. I have been to all those with Linquan pavilions and pavilions. The number of times in the middle The most popular one is the Crane Garden, because the location is moderate, the owner is Suren, and the servants are attentive, making it a home away from home.” Until recently, I heard the Suzhou poet Che Qianzi say that he once participated in a garden in a certain garden. A relative's wedding reception.The scene is both exaggerated and chic. (What makes me wonder is, where is the big kitchen in the garden? I guess even open flames should be banned?)

I couldn't help but have a whim: After the book on food culture in my hand is published, I can consider holding a press conference or a new book release ceremony in Suzhou Gardens.After all, Suzhou is a place for gourmets. Invite them all! You can have no "red envelopes", but you can't live without fine wine. If the cultural relics management department prohibits burying pots for cooking in the garden, then change it to a buffet.Buffet style.There is a table in every pavilion and pavilion.Everyone can carry plates and line up to shuttle between the rockery and the goldfish pond.Holding vegetables next to each other.

Is there a better place to eat than Suzhou Gardens?
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