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Chapter 96 Stew

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1218Words 2018-03-18
The dish with the least method and the most flavor should be stewed.Meat and vegetarian, red and green, all in one pot, boiled over high heat.When the lid is opened, the aroma will be guaranteed.Save worry and effort.Almost self-taught. It is reasonable to say that cooking is quite taboo to change the taste.But if there are too many smells, you will not be afraid.On the contrary, it can become a delicacy with mixed feelings, stewed randomly, which is equivalent to the "hybrid" in cooking.Although the pedigree is mixed and not pure enough, it absorbs the essence of all parties in an inclusive manner.

Laba porridge seems to be the same.It's just that the pot is stewed with whole grains and even various dried fruits. Speaking of stewing, you must think of the Northeast.I once ate random stew at the foot of the snow-covered Changbai Mountain. It was served in a washbasin by a farmer who stayed overnight. It was steaming hot, and everyone at the table burped.There was only this one dish that day, but it was like attending a banquet. There were many kinds of food in the stomach: pork pieces, meatballs, quail eggs, vermicelli, Chinese cabbage, potatoes, green peppers, carrots... There seemed to be chicken bones and ducks neck or something.The stew continued in my stomach, and my whole body was hot.There is room for an encyclopedia, or the animal and plant volumes of the encyclopedia, in my belly.From then on, no matter where I am, as long as I walk into a Northeast restaurant, I will order random stew.From a nutritional point of view, random stew pays attention to "all-round development".But it is the all-encompassing taste that attracts me more.

In fact, there are also random stews in the south.It's just not called chaos stewing.In my hometown of Nanjing, it is called a big mish-mash.The biggest difference between Nanjing big miscellaneous stew and Northeast stew is that no soy sauce is added.There is an authentic freshness. The initial random stewing was probably caused by restaurants or poor families collecting the leftovers from the previous night and reheating them in the pot to avoid waste.As soon as you taste it, you will find that the taste is more mellow and richer.This is also equivalent to turning waste into treasure.

Cocktails are carefully blended.At first, it was stirred with chicken feathers, hence the name.Random stewing, you don't need to be so particular about it.Just use a spoon to pull and pull in the pot. Chaos, generally used as a derogatory term.Chaotic stewing is clearly a commendatory word.There is a meaning of doing nothing and doing nothing. This is like the prose of prose, the form is scattered but the spirit is not scattered, a very high artistic realm.There are also miscellaneous essays, which are not chaotic, and non-erudite scholars cannot write.Lu Xun is a master chef in the field of essays, he can cook astronomy, geography, world and human relationships in one pot.It's harder to be a miscellaneous than an expert.

Reading the history of ancient Chinese literature compiled by later generations, from The Book of Songs, Songs of Chu, Han Yuefu, Tang Poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, and even Ming and Qing novels, I feel like a pot of stew.But this pot is really too big.Enough for future generations to eat forever.With this long history of literary nourishment, as a Chinese, we should not be spiritually starved to death. I also noticed the better chapters of literary history.The more troubled times are, the more in-depth works can be produced.That is to say, the country's unfortunate poets are lucky, or poets are born out of anger.Troubled times are like a stew, boiled out all the talents and sentiments of the literati, no matter whether you are bold or graceful, romantic or real, hidden in the city or in the wild, you can't escape a reborn smelting.The collection of so many works with different styles constitutes a literary feast.

So far, whenever I take a spoonful of soup and taste it, I am so moved that I smack my lips. It seems that literature is not afraid of troubled times, just as a real hermit is not afraid of busy streets.The greatest obstacle to literature is often order.The ones who appeared most in the prosperous age were imperial literati who sang meritorious deeds.Their voices are very monotonous.Alas, in the forest of literature, how can there be only one kind of bird?Can that be called Lin Zi?That's the cage. For example, those Chinese Fu in parallel style, which look gorgeous in rhetoric and neat in antithesis, are actually dancing in shackles, which is very unnatural.Even if it is left over, it has little nutritional value.As I read and read, it's all MSG at work.It can't fool the taste buds on the tip of my tongue.

The above is my "luan playing the piano" on the title of "luan stew".
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