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Chapter 88 Fake meal

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 820Words 2018-03-18
Fangshan can be understood as an imitation of royal diet.This kind of imitation pursues the original taste.In the Qing Dynasty, the emperor’s kitchen was known as the Imperial Dining Room. It not only had to satisfy the emperor’s three meals a day, but also often held a full Han banquet during the festivals, and gave banquets to civil and military officials to show the emperor’s mighty grace.The Imperial Dining Room was regarded as the most advanced dining hall in China at that time.The delicacies made there are almost legendary in the eyes of the common people.Probably just to cater to people's curiosity, in 1925, Fangshan Restaurant opened on the north shore of Beihai Park, which was opened.At this time, it has been fourteen years since the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the disbandment of the Imperial Dining Room.The operator is Zhao Runzhai, the head of the vegetable storehouse of the imperial dining room of the Qing Palace. He summoned several master chefs who also cooked for the emperor, and began to eat the emperor's "inheritance" in this way.Suddenly it caught fire.To this day, everyone knows that there is a "Fang Shan" in Beijing and a "Fang Shan" in Beihai.Diners who have the conditions all want to go in and taste the royal cuisine. I am afraid that they are trying to imitate the feeling of being an emperor.Fangshan can be said to be the most attractive and popular "counterfeit" product.

The emperor is the person who is qualified and most qualified to enjoy the appetite. It is conceivable that the imperial dining room organization was huge and the management was complicated.In addition, empress dowagers, empresses, noble concubines, etc. each have their own private kitchen (or commonly known as "small stove").For example, Empress Dowager Cixi's private kitchen was called the Western Dining Room, and there were hundreds of eunuchs serving meals for him alone.No wonder the common people are interested in the food in the palace - it is simply dedicated to the gods.The consumption of many grassroots people in their lifetime may not be worth the price of a meal for the royal relatives.The birth of Fangshan has finally narrowed the distance between common people and this mythical life.The contribution of Fangshan is also to avoid the loss of many gorgeous dishes.Although the emperor is long gone, the high grade and high price of Fangshan are still staggering.In an era when "original works" have disappeared, "fakes" are naturally the most authentic.

Fangshan Restaurant was moved from its original site (north shore of Beihai) to Yilan Hall on Qiongdao Island in 1959, becoming a special scene in the park.Yilan Hall was once the place where Emperor Qianlong gave banquets to civil servants.Eating Fangshan at Yilan Hall feels one step closer to the emperor.The plaque of this time-honored brand was inscribed by Lao She.Lao She, who grew up under the "Zhenghong flag", may have a different taste when writing these words.Just like Fangshan itself has a special taste.In modern Beijing, although there are many restaurants, but if you want to eat a full feast of Han and Chinese, there is probably only one.This golden signboard is unbreakable.

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