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Chapter 80 Greengage Boiled Wine

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 788Words 2018-03-18
As a northerner, traveling thousands of miles to spend the winter in the south where there is only sporadic light snow, what I want is romance.Although it is still in the late winter, the stone city is gradually showing signs of spring and flowers blooming. I am amazed at how appropriate the idiom "Yangchun Baixue" has always been thought to be contradictory.Even the snow scene is like watching it while sitting beside a peaceful red clay stove, full of warmth. In a small restaurant named after "Wupeng Boat" near Xinjiekou (such an elegant name), my childhood friend and I found a place to take a nap.His girlfriend's surname is Ji, who started a business in this ancient city, which is as graceful as Song Ci, and is a little more bold than in the early years. As soon as he was seated, he ordered the boss from Zhejiang to warm a bottle of old Shaoxing rice wine.At that moment, I am afraid that I think of the allusion of "warming wine and killing Huaxiong", and I am curious about how to warm Jiangnan old wine.I have seen copper pots mixed with boiling water and warm liquor in the north, and I don't think so.My beautiful girlfriend and I revisited the old road of our first love with the interest of stepping on the snow and looking for plums. We really need two small cups of old wine to remember the like-minded people many years ago.I said: If you were not so crying, I am afraid you would have married me.She replied: "I don't believe you have such a mass." The implication is that I can't tolerate her strong personality.In the eyes of others, we started to drink before the two of us raised our glasses and raised our eyebrows.

The boss ran out of the kitchen with a steaming steel pot.The bottle of rice wine was completely poured into the pot by him, and it was roasted for a while like boiling soup.The smell of glutinous rice wine fills the room.My girlfriend asked for a bag of plums again, threw a few grains into each other's cups, washed them with hot wine, and asked me to taste them carefully.The taste of wine is indeed different from the past, and this way of cooking wine is even more refreshing.I thought of "Three Kingdoms" again, but it was the part of Cao Cao Liu Bei's "Green Plums Cooked in Wine and Talking about Heroes".Cooking wine in a wet snowy day is like trying to develop a certain spirit, and there is a charm of self-intoxication without drinking-of course, the second half of the sentence should be dedicated to the girlfriend surnamed Ji in Stone City, thanks to her for helping me really know Shaoxing. "add rice".It is said that Huadiao and the like can drink like this.

Back in the north, I also imitated it on the stove several times, but it was not very successful.Just like the second love is not as fresh and full-bodied as the first love, it is better to drink "plus rice" hot wine in the south of the Yangtze River where there is only sporadic light snow, it is better to be in the brightly lit "black awning boat", it is better to be accompanied by childhood sweethearts, and it is better to drink hot wine. Forget the secular temptations such as fame and fortune that go hand in hand with you—for me, this is the taste of "additional food", this is the taste of a life that is as plain as yesterday, pure and unchanging.

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