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Chapter 66 Hujiang Flavor: Gentle Wind and Rain and Bright Sunshine

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 2014Words 2018-03-18
When thinking of Shanghai-style delicacies, one must think of sisters from Jiangsu and Zhejiang holding oil-paper umbrellas and walking in the gentle wind and drizzle in the south of the Yangtze River, among the green fields and white waters in the south of the Yangtze River, where the winding riverside and the vast lakeside are You have to think of the fine and dense fresh green of Malan head, so when you are in a particularly good mood and want to taste exquisite food in an elegant way, Hujiang flavor is the first choice. Shanghai cuisine has some freshness, some sweetness, some delicious and elegant, it can be a kind of modern gourmet care, a touch of bright color in ordinary days, a little warmth of life scenery.Yes, for a person like me who is a bandit, after being influenced by food, he will gradually develop a three-point quietness and elegance. Food is just taste.

Awen Shanghai Cuisine is a chain Shanghai restaurant that has emerged in Beijing after Sichuan, Guangdong, Hunan, spicy, fresh, and extremely spicy have overwhelmed the "Shouzui" in the capital (the mouth in the capital is Shouzui, referred to as Shouzui for short).I went to the new restaurant Dabeiyao Awen Shanghai Restaurant. It is located on the south side of the Dabeiyao Overpass, between the high-rise canyons of China Merchants, Motorola, Hewlett-Packard and China Southern Airlines Building. It corresponds to the busy traffic in front of the building. It is quiet like a valley, and the wide parking lane turns east, and you will find Arwen Shanghai Restaurant.

The elegant and quiet environment is just the necessary atmosphere for tasting Shanghai cuisine. My impression is that Shanghai cuisine has never swept China like Sichuan, Hunan, and Cantonese cuisines under the resistance of Chinese people's crude food feelings. She is just Eileen Chang Like an aristocrat in the end of the world, he sorted out his own elegant and quiet facade in a corner of the wealthy area of ​​the metropolis. Although it is very small, it is irreplaceable.Shanghai cuisine and the way Shanghai restaurants are opened are all full of the customs and cultural qualities of Shanghai people. It is a century-old capital full of feasting and feasting. The elegant days of the dishes are cooked, savoring the sunny sweetness of the sugar cane in the south of the Lingnan, the fragrance of the soybean sauce in the north, the boiling and frying of a river of spring water, many things related to the geography, culture and diet of food Information flooded in, surging in many early summer days.And the cold winter, that is the state of the North, and it can't freeze people's sense of taste.I just think of my previous trips to Shanghai, the wine shops in the alleys after the International Hotel, like all the wandering days, order a plate of yellow mud snails, a bowl of Dongpo pork, a plate of Malantou, and a plate of oil Eel paste or a perch, cautiously rejoicing, then immersed in the heart.Then, I want a bottle of Shaoxing Huadiao that is ten years old, warm it in a special porcelain pot, add shredded ginger and plums in the pot, drink it, and a ray of warmth will quietly emerge.

Thinking about it, it’s been a long time since I had Shanghai cuisine. Last year I lived by the Yellow River, but when I arrived in Zhengzhou, a friend invited me and asked me what I would like to eat?I said, I eat beef and sheep all over the west, and now I want to eat some fine Shanghai cuisine, so my friend took me to a Shanghai restaurant in Zhengzhou to eat Shanghai cuisine.However, that Shanghai restaurant does not have yellow mud snails!I was full of joy like the water of the Yellow River pouring on my face. I turned around and left, because the yellow mud snail complex in my heart was still lingering. I always think that the yellow mud snail is an important dish. The brewing of the yellow mud snail is good or bad It is enough to distinguish the skill of the chef in this Shanghai restaurant.Its yellow mud snail tastes bad, so let's stop talking about it.The yellow mud snails of Awen Shanghai Cuisine surprised me a bit. It is based on the original Shanghai flavor, with a little salt and pepper added, which quietly caters to the heavy taste of northerners. In the north, some changes in taste also make them happy.That is to say, this is a revisionist yellow mud snail, which fits my current state of mind.

Huangniluo whetted his appetite, and a cup of Huadiao once again entered his stomach, and life bloomed in the life, and drinking carefully began.Then I tasted a crispy and fragrant dish: typhoon shelter ribs.The pork ribs are fried in flour and are extremely crispy.And it is covered with fried bread crumbs to keep the ribs crispy from moisture.Therefore, there is nothing like crispy pork ribs in typhoon shelters.Crunchy fragrance is after eating soft, sweet and sour dishes, feeling like the sunny afternoon after the rain, crispy fragrance is a bright light.Eating crispy ribs and delicious bread crumbs, even the mood is dry again, and it is no longer wet.At this time, drinking water shield soup from the West Lake or eating cold Malantou is an excellent transition.I eat cold Malantou, because it is so green that it makes my lonely heart an oasis. In the northern country, in the northern country filled with yellow sand, it is a green pastoral, and it is a look back at the rural girl-like pastoral.

The next step is to eat eel paste.There are many ways to eat eels. People in the north eat big eels, and people in the south eat small eels. This is based on cultural traditions. People in the north have sheep and think that sheep are big and beautiful, while people in the south talk about the essence. , about the thickness of a center pen.The method of squid squid is roughly boiled in a hot pot with a pen holder that has been raised in the Qing Dynasty, and then the eel meat is shredded, cut into inch sections, and then served with shredded ginger and shredded bamboo shoots and fried in oil. Sauce and soy sauce.Eel shredded lightly across the tip of the tongue, it should feel soft and smooth, with a lingering fragrance.Shanghai cuisine is bland, sweet, and not spicy, so objectively, the freshness of its dishes must be guaranteed. Salty and spicy are overwhelming, and this cook should be pulled out and killed.

Awen Shanghai Restaurant is also very elegantly decorated, with classical frames and floor-to-ceiling curtains, some couples and diners sit by the window facing each other, long small tables, or fine porcelain small dishes, or small rattan frames, the dishes are delicious and the wine is fragrant, It also becomes the scenery in the store, slowly melting into the fresh years.Speaking of eating Shanghai cuisine, you want to enjoy such an atmosphere, elegant environment, fine dishes, and mild drinks. If you are with your loved ones, or if you are talking with your lover while drinking, it is a classic Shanghai cuisine. Jiang style.

Well, even if I haven’t eaten Shanghai cuisine for a long time, it shouldn’t be a big meal. I also tasted Awen Shanghai cuisine’s sauced pigeon, braised water, eight-treasure duck, etc., and a bottle of Shaoxing Huadiao. There is no leftover, this is a happy feeling after drinking, and the heart is full of brightness.There are people on the river, but they love the beauty of perch.When eating Shanghai cuisine, whether it is its local cuisine or Shanghai style cuisine, you must eat river fresh food.The river crab mat and river fresh rice mat, which are the local dishes of Shanghai cuisine, are the best.Generally speaking, a salt and pepper pork ribs, a plate of yellow mud snails, and a stir-fried chicken feather can also be accompanied by a bottle of Shaoxing Huadiao five-year-old.There are also many home-cooked dishes in Shanghai cuisine, but the workmanship is exquisite and elegant, and it ranks at the top of the food forest.

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