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Chapter 61 red and black

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1003Words 2018-03-18
This seems to have something to do with Stendhal. Julien went to Paris from other provinces, and I came to Kyoto from other provinces. The difference is that Julien went to the upper class, but I went to the lower society of Kyoto, like a peddler. , are all good chess friends of mine; maybe the tomato and the tomato are also related, it was transplanted from America to Europe, and then introduced to China, so I can't say that we have nothing to do with each other. Red and black is a dish I learned from a Sichuan veteran.This Sichuan veteran is said to have won the rank of colonel. With a 90,000 yuan credit card, he wants to open a delicious restaurant in Beijing. He hopes to open such a restaurant in a quiet courtyard. He does not need those ordinary diners, but It is for diners, diners who really understand the taste.He plans to open a restaurant and set up a room for me to focus on writing. I have free time to drink with him or write food reviews. I am a food critic in a sense, but I have the potential in this aspect. I can cook, know the taste, and write prose. He said that as soon as the restaurant opened, Chinese food critics were born.

Red and black is boiled tomato soup with preserved eggs. For preserved eggs, choose good preserved preserved eggs and cut them into strips. Tomatoes should be medium and not ripe. Tomatoes can be cut into irregular shapes. First, fry the preserved eggs with thick oil until they are browned. Put the tomatoes and serve with garlic cloves , green chili, stir-fry and add water to boil. When the soup is red, it can be taken out of the pot. This dish looks like a mixture of red and black, embellished with green pepper shreds, and there is a pleasure that penetrates the soul when drinking.I learned this dish from a Sichuan veteran. In fact, I have never seen him cook. I have never seen a Sichuan veteran cook. When drinking, he always puts away the recipes handed by the lady and dictates the recipes to the chef. , I just remembered his dictated recipes. He likes the chef to fry the preserved eggs to make them more burnt. The combination of preserved eggs and tomatoes is wonderful, and it doesn't take much effort.When I write long articles, I often cook this dish, which saves a lot of time and is delicious.

I later discovered that it is okay to add a little shredded pork, but there is no need to add anything else, because it will seriously change the taste. Everyone who pays attention to food knows how unpalatable the taste is. How unpalatable, it will even completely destroy people's appetite.In fact, red and black have nothing to do with Stendhal, but if I named this preserved egg boiled tomato "Stendhal", it would be quite good, but it is slightly disrespectful. After all, it is a literary predecessor, so I used his novel name.But I later researched, in fact, there is nothing wrong with it. There is a kind of braised pork knuckle, which is called Dongpo knuckle. It is also normal to call pig knuckles the knuckles of the great writer Su Dongpo.And there is a Maojia restaurant in Beijing, which dares to call braised pork "leader's meat", and the price is very high, isn't it also selling well?However, I think it’s better not to start with this. It’s obviously for my own sake. If one day someone with good intentions names the stewed sausage sausage I made as Guqing Sheng Fat Sausage—that’s really not good. I do not like.

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