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Chapter 42 Shouguang Salted Fish Soup

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 919Words 2018-03-18
Shouguang is a world-famous hometown of vegetables in China. It belongs to the Weifang area and is a county-level agricultural city. Traditional wheat cultivation turned to specialized vegetable cultivation.Drink in the famous hometown of vegetables, and your mind will be on the dishes.Vegetables can be regarded as picking grass for vegetables in the sense of zigzag. It is estimated that the ancestors took a fancy to vegetarian food.But fish and sheep are fresh, and sheep are delicious, which shows that the ancestors also valued the deliciousness of fish and meat.I thought so too.Cooking soup with salted fish seems to be contrary to the realistic taste of fresh fish.Looking at Chinese soup culture from the perspective of historical continuity, it seems that there are two development routes of soup, one is fresh, such as crucian carp soup, abalone soup, clam soup, pheasant preserved soup, etc. are the representatives of fresh soup; One is mellow, such as whole lamb soup, ham soup, bacon soup, ribs soup, etc. are the representatives of mellow soup.

Salted fish soup can be defined as the category of mellow soup. It pays attention to the four realms of mellow, simple, thick, and wide. It originates from the original taste situation of agricultural civilization and is the long-term diet source of agriculturalism.Shouguang salted fish soup is based on fish.Bayu is a kind of sea fish, produced in Laizhou Bay.The marinated batfish is chopped into flakes, wrapped in flour batter (you can add a little egg white) and deep-fried to a degree of crispiness, stewed in soup with less oil, served with vermicelli, jelly skin, coriander, green onion and ginger.This soup is light but also has a mellow inner substance, which faintly reveals the smell of salted fish and the fragrance accumulated in it.

Drinking salted fish soup has the effect of relieving hangover.Especially drink beer to dilute the alcohol.The taste of salted fish is very good. The salted fish is deep-fried until crispy and then stewed. The deep-fried fragrance is especially wrapped in it. The fish is soft, which has already relieved the hardness of the salted fish. When you swallow it lightly, the original taste of the salted fish permeates your mouth and heart. , triggering reverie about water and time.Therefore, an important subject of drinking salted fish soup is to eat salted fish.Eating soft and infiltrated salted fish meat in a crispy flour paste, not oily or greasy, with a mellow fragrance, quietly infiltrating, twists and turns, like silk, is always an essential element of integrating food craftsmanship.To drink salted fish soup, you must drink it hot, and it will destroy the mellow feeling of salted fish soup.It is very good if it is served with a little spicy spice, shredded green pepper or white pepper.

Because I ate vegetables in a vegetable town, and I also aspired to be a gastronomy scientist of an era, I ate extra cautiously and meticulously, and tried my best to get rid of the bad habits of extensive management when I was young, and I just tasted carefully and drank a bowl After another bowl, I gradually tasted the authenticity of Shouguang salted fish soup, and finally decided from the bottom of my heart that this bowl of Shouguang salted fish soup may be able to stand among the world's famous dishes after decades .Therefore, I would also like to inform the gourmet colleagues in Shouguang that if you sell and buy vegetables in Shouguang, you can declare that "there is no dish in Shouguang that cannot be bought, and there is no dish in Shouguang that cannot be sold". Of course, it is also the highest state in the era of economism. I thought it would be better to "eat in Shouguang".Indeed, starting with the salted fish soup, Shouguang still has a few fresh dishes to mention.

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