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Chapter 31 white radish

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1891Words 2018-03-18
Beijingers like to eat Xinmei radishes. I shred this kind of radishes with white skin and red inside, and eat them in cold salad. I am extremely envious of the enjoyment.But when it comes to eating radishes, I only like Baixin water radishes. This kind of Baixin water radishes will grow on the sandy soil beside the clear water river, and a single one weighs about two catties.However, there is also a kind of white radish that grows only thicker than a thumb, which is also very sweet and crisp, but it is hard to find because the yield is not high. Stewed radish ribs soup is another flavor.Chop the pork ribs, cut the radish into round slices first, then cut it into half-moon shape with a knife, add star anise, ginger, red pepper, garlic rice and a little bit of two peppercorns, let’s simmer slowly, it’s done Drink ribs and radish soup, eat radish meat, and sweat profusely, there will be a smooth heat throughout the body.

Radish, a very common substance, is called ginseng in the south of the Yangtze River. In the old days, there was a folk saying: when the radish is on the market, the medicine shop is closed.It means that as long as there are radishes on the market, the pharmacy will have to close.why?Because this radish can ventilate and warm the stomach, detoxify and promote body fluids, common colds and minor discomforts can be completely relieved after drinking radish soup. One year during the rainy season, I lived in the mountains. At that time, I was in the geological team. The mountains were filled with clouds and mist all day long, and the stream flowed out of the mountains. There was some tide in the house. In fact, there was also some tide in my heart. Life If there is something unsatisfactory, I get up early every day to buy meat.I remember that the meat at that time was RMB 1.261 catty. It happened that the mountain people liked fat meat, so no one bought the pure lean meat, so I bought it for a catty, cut it up, set up a small electric stove, and went to the small town Once you buy a pot, it's time to look for radishes.No one sells radishes in the mountains, because there is no market here.So, a little embarrassed to say it, I would go with a friend who was an electrician to a mountain stream and steal turnips from farmers.I was very nervous when stealing radishes, because all the mountain people have shotguns, and they might shoot at us when they found us stealing radishes. I didn’t see the shooting, but we thought they might shoot.Therefore, when stealing radishes, carry a tool bag on your back, take a 12-inch screwdriver, dig up the radishes from the ground, then use an electrician's knife to cut off the radish near the seedlings, and then "plant" the radish seedlings as they are. It looks like the radishes in the ground have not been dug, but in fact we have already packed the radishes in the tool bag.The soil by the creek in the mountains is also sandy soil, and it has absorbed the nutrients of the mountains. The radish is also very sweet. Cut it into small cubes and cook the soup with meat. Only a little refined salt is added. No other condiments are needed. I fell asleep on the bed until the smell of the room could not be suppressed, and got up hungry. I first brushed my teeth with Dazhong brand toothpaste, then rinsed my mouth with clear water from the mountain stream, and then began to savor the radish broth. .

I have lived in that very gloomy mountain for more than half a month, and I have been drinking radish essence broth. After drinking it, people's spirits are gradually full, and they have a lot of strength to climb the mountain and drill into the virgin forest. It's just embarrassing. , Our radishes are still stolen, and we have to change places to steal radishes every day, otherwise we will be discovered.Thinking about it now, this kind of behavior is a bit shameful, but at that time, we especially liked to go under the moonlight to steal carrots, like to dig up carrots and hold them up in the moonlight and say: Ah, what a big and beautiful carrot!And if I carefully consider my current xinxing, if I go to the mountain, I may repeat this small shameful act.

After drinking the radish essence broth, I was full of energy and lifted up my spirits, and suddenly published a poem, and I felt that there was hope in this life—I suddenly felt that the life in the mountains was better, and the future looked bright——Brother !You know how happy I am.However, at this historical turning point in my life, that steaming heart-warming radish essence broth really gave me tremendous strength. Of course, I didn’t start loving radishes at that time. I remember earlier, when I lived in the mountains, during the long winter nights, there was really no way to pass it up. I just played three-on-one poker. In the middle of the night, I was hungry, and of course I wanted to get something to eat.Once we got some radishes, and then ran to the family’s yard, hoping to get some bacon hanging outside someone’s family. Unfortunately, those people were very cautious, and they had already cleared the walls, which made us very angry .When I came back, I suddenly found that there were still such meat skins hanging by my door. They were all hung there when I ate meat on weekdays, and I kept them for making meat skin jelly.The following story is about shredded pork skin and boiled radish soup.There is a little bit of meat flavor and dots of oil, and the big radish soup tastes very refreshing, so we went to the cafeteria to collect a lot of meat skins, and drank the meat skin radish soup every night, which was very refreshing.Later, it was stipulated that whoever loses the card will buy four taels of pure grain wine in bulk, which also allowed us to spend a long winter.

I can imagine how great the radish is. It accompanied me through the darkest days of my life (in fact, I was always sour when I was studying essays at the beginning). Buy big radishes, simmer pork rib soup or mutton soup, and simmer mutton and radishes more often.Drinking this kind of soup, the coldness of the northern country is not a problem. I can ride a bicycle from the south of the city to the north of the city.I dare say that when I encountered a little discomfort, it was because of a pot of radish and mutton soup, which allowed me to overcome such difficult times. As for how to eat radish, it is really different, and there are many kinds of methods.The soup with shredded radish boiled with dried shrimp is also delicious. Needless to say, boiled fish head, but not many people have tasted the taste of radish meatballs.To make radish meatballs, first cut the radishes into shreds, boil them, mash them to dissolve, and then add meat fillings, which can be pork or mutton. Put some five-spice powder, refined salt, minced ginger, etc., and knead them into balls. , deep-fried, then cut open and poured in the soup to simmer for a while, served with green cabbage leaves or green garlic, it is a good dish.Even if I stay in the capital alone, I still want to find time to make such a dish, because I eat it, and my heart is very at ease, because I have radishes with me.

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