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Chapter 30 pumpkin memory

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1051Words 2018-03-18
I remember that there was a very popular song in the past, in which there was such a line: red rice, pumpkin soup - this song commemorates the Red Army in Jinggangshan, I know that red rice is delicious, I lived at the foot of Jinggangshan to eat it when I was a child However, its rice soup is all red. Unfortunately, the output of red rice is not high. Except for some people at the foot of Jinggang Mountain who supply Jinggangshan restaurants to tourists, most people don’t grow it much. I also feel a little melancholy in my heart.However, pumpkin soup is never good to drink. If you have a scar somewhere on your body, or even a small bag bitten by a mosquito, drinking pumpkin soup will be bad.There is some sugar in the pumpkin, but the sweetness is not very positive, like sugar that has been dissolved too much and mixed with some water-it is a bit creamy sweet.

The worst thing about pumpkin is its ripe fruit, which we call old pumpkin.The pumpkin grows to the size of a 100-watt incandescent light bulb and it is delicious. The method is to cut it into thin strips, stir-fry it with clear oil, serve with shredded chili pepper, and even pour a little chili oil. It should be cooked until it is soft. The taste should be discounted.This kind of stir-fried pumpkin shreds is crisp, tender, sweet and has the fragrance of dew.For a small pumpkin like this, even if you have fresh and tender pork tenderloin on hand, you don’t need any condiments. Putting in other meat materials is a disservice to nature and reason. Its innocence and purity are a rare taste in itself, otherwise the stir-fried pumpkin shreds will There's something tacky about it.

However, the body of the pumpkin is not the best for the small pumpkin, there are still a few edible places on the body of the pumpkin.Stir-fried pumpkin seedlings in clear oil, the taste is good, it has the green smell of chlorophyll, with a little bit of garlic, the seedlings are still green and tender, and they look unmistakable when placed on a white porcelain plate.The stalk of the pumpkin leaf, peel off the outer skin and fibers, you know how crisp and tender the green and transparent flesh is, don’t even use a knife at this time, the knife will be stained with a nasty iron smell, break it off with your hands It is two inches long, stir-fry with clear oil, do not stir-fry until it changes color. Compared with pumpkin seedlings, it lacks the greenness of chlorophyll. It is sweet and sweet, and it is a hearty dish. A taste of such fragrant green vegetables will obviously bring people closer to nature.

Pumpkin blossoms are also delicious.When the sun rises in the morning, pick off the pumpkin flowers that are in full bloom with dew, dip them in rice flour paste, steam them in a steamer, and then dry them in the sun, so that they can be thickened and stewed to eat, but it is not the best. The most distinctive one should be fried crispy, put it in a snack plate, and enjoy it as a snack when drinking tea. It is crispy and fragrant with flowers, and the light yellow color has not faded—there are not many pumpkin flower snacks. Everyone has eaten it, so every time I see so many pumpkin flowers blooming and thanking themselves in the countryside, I really feel distressed, what a waste it is.

The taste of fried pumpkin flowers is also very good. It is very soft and has a touch of sweetness, but the taste is concentrated on the flower stalks and stamens. It will have a little soup. This light yellow soup tastes delicious. It is a unique vegetable soup. What vegetable soup can be better than pumpkin flower soup?There are also creative people who wrap pork stuffing, tofu and tempeh into pumpkin flowers and fry them into a flower cake, which is obviously not bad. In short, there is still potential to be tapped, because there is no end to delicious food, and there is no need to think of pumpkin. Boil pumpkin soup, drink pumpkin soup, write an article, there is a smell of pumpkin between the lines, pumpkin is floating in my head, hey, this doesn't feel good.

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