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Chapter 29 yam

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1267Words 2018-03-18
Yam is a kind of potato plant. Its rhizome is vertical and slender, often full of feet. It grows in the hard soil of hills. It is incredible. What kind of strength does it rely on to not bend or bend?In my two hometowns in Jiangxi and Hubei, Gannan calls it cassava. Regarding this substance, my grandmother pointed to its heart-shaped leaves and told me that when food was in short supply for 60 years, everyone went to the mountains to dig. Cassava to eat.When my grandmother talked about cassava, she always looked up at the distant hills, as if she was chasing the past that had passed away.Yes, at that time we were so hungry that we could dig cassava on the mountain, but only half of it could be dug.

This statement makes me want to eat cassava, and always wonder how it tastes when people are very hungry. Later, I accepted the name of its yam in Hubei, but I don't like this more common name, because the word "medicine" is taboo in Hakka culture. I.But now, naturally follow the customs, without many precepts. The texture of yam is smooth and crisp. It reminds me of a kind of person in my life. It looks rough on the outside and densely covered with thorns, even as firm as tree roots, but it is full of beauty in the heart.The yam is peeled off, it is as white as the flesh of a water chestnut, and secretes some transparent mucus, which is so smooth that it can't be grasped, like a loach breaking free from its hands.

Yam is warm in nature and has a nourishing effect on people with deficiency and coldness. I think people with some experience know this and some of its methods.In the past, I liked to make stir-fried yams. I cut the yams into round slices, then cut shredded pork, red pepper and yellow ginger, and fried them on a porcelain plate. Slightly pink, mixed with red pepper shreds and yellow ginger shreds, some have a good visual effect. The stir-fried yam is smooth and crispy. I can't find anything more crispy and tender than it, and it has a sweet taste.For such a dish, you need to be more careful when you eat it. For example, if you treat a delicate lover, you must really appreciate it carefully, otherwise you will be wronged.And now, my wandering life has made me extremely rough, my heart is like a crock pot, my temperament is increasingly calcified, sometimes I am anorexic, sometimes I am like a tiger-throat, a completely crude specimen.

I eat yam now, and I choose to stew more. Stewing is also a state of life. If you are impatient, put your feelings into a pot and stew it well. Put more water, as well as oil, salt, pepper, ginger, and even five-spice star anise and dried chili.When I ran out of patience, I wanted to stew everything in one pot to cope with the turbid situation.I say this, of course, not pretending to be depressed. Speaking of it, stewing is another kind of patience, because stewing must be slow, and it takes a long time to make a casserole. lure.This kind of patience may be like marrying a delicate lover as a wife, receiving a good service at home, not rushing to go for a strong kiss, but a slow and meticulous all-round comfort, so that love permeates the whole body and Trembling in the depths of my heart... that is like an eternal lover.

Yes, I love lamb stew with yams these days, which is also very good.After the mutton is stewed, it is a deep red color, which alternates with white yams, as if seeing the small round moon on the red hill. This kind of association is really unreasonable, but reasonable associations are often vulgar. For example, imagine yam as a girl's white arm, and wanting to take a bite when seeing a girl's white arm is not a temptation for men.Stewed yam with mutton is my choice after arriving in the Northland. Life has become stewed, so I don’t make other choices.The stewed yam has not changed its crisp and tender nature, and in the turbid mutton soup, it still maintains its mountainous disposition of not following the turbid flow.At such a time, of course, I no longer think about its warming function, I just want to say that it seems to be educating me, which makes me full of love for it, even if I glanced at it when I passed by the vegetable market , the mood is also going to be a little turbulent.

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