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Chapter 24 lotus root

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1543Words 2018-03-18
When it comes to lotus root, it always brings back some memories of my childhood.In the humid southern summer, it is the season of lotus blooming. The lotus always blooms among the lotus leaves. Its soft and clean petals seem to be a surprise from the lotus leaves.When I read the article "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond", I was suddenly shocked. Did I write about my lotus pond?There is exactly such a lotus pond outside my house, and it is also under such a hazy moonlight, the round lotus leaves are swaying in the summer wind, little fireflies fly over the lotus leaves quietly, and frogs squat in the water. The lotus leaves croaked, and the startled red dragonflies on the grass trembled and made a rustling sound. Because of the night dew, the sound was already a little muffled.I just don't understand why the moon watcher put on his clothes and go to the lotus pond?

The Old Summer Palace in Beijing naturally has such a lotus pond. When I went there this summer, I couldn’t get back the feeling. I knew it was no longer the lotus pond outside my house.The most important thing is that I didn't see any frogs squatting on the lotus leaves here. A lotus pond without frogs is still a lotus pond? What grows in the lotus pond is the lotus root.In the memory that has been bleached by the years, when the lotus fades away, it will leave a green lotus pod surrounded by stamens. When the lotus pod grows slowly, we will tie wire hooks to the bamboo poles to hook the lotus pod and peel it off. Tender lotus rice to eat.Tender lotus rice, it has the sweetness of clear water.Or dig a hole in the middle of the big lotus leaf, put it on the neck as a waistcoat, and put on a pointed hat with the lotus leaf torn down on the head, looking like a little Qing soldier.

But people in the south of the Yangtze River still remember the lotus root ribs soup simmering on a small red clay charcoal stove.The lotus root pork ribs soup that nourishes our lives and nourishes our memories, even if I recall it in Kyoto, I am extremely yearning.There seems to be no family in the south of the Yangtze River who does not simmer lotus root and ribs soup. No matter whether it is a highly talented intellectual or a craftsman who does not know a lot of Chinese characters, the desire to drink lotus root and ribs soup is the same, even sand pots. It's the same as that. We firmly believe in the nourishment of lotus root and pork ribs soup. When manual laborers feel tired, they want to say: Oh, it's time to drink pork ribs and lotus root soup.If a mental worker suddenly feels neurasthenia, he will say the same thing: It seems that it is impossible not to drink pork ribs and lotus root soup.That's it, we all have infinite hopes for the lotus root pork ribs soup. It dispels cold and fever, relieves fatigue and stimulates energy, which is very sacred.Stewed pork ribs and lotus root soup, most people like lotus root powder, which has a lot of shredded lotus root, and it tastes like powder, but it also needs to pull out a lot of shredded lotus root.The skin surface of the powder lotus root is rust-colored, and its appearance is not as white and tender as that of the sweet lotus root.The soup of lotus root should be deep in color, like light ink.Sweet lotus root is crispy and tender, with a sweet taste, so there are not many shredded lotus roots. Some people like to use sweet lotus root to simmer pork rib soup. We call sweet lotus root vegetable lotus, and most of them are shredded or sliced ​​for stir-frying.Generally speaking, sweet lotus root is also used to make lotus root clips, with meat stuffing in the middle, lotus root slices on the top and bottom, flour on the lotus root slices, fried and dried, and can be steamed or boiled at any time. Naturally, it can also be poured with meat. Soup to eat.

Stir-fried meat with shredded lotus root, actually tastes good, put a little red pepper and green garlic, the lotus root is crispy and sweet, the meat is fragrant, and the color is not bad.For stir-fried lotus root slices, you can use sweet and sour lotus root slices, and sweet and sour lotus root slices are not bad, but you must use sweet lotus root or powdered lotus root for cooking. The taste is like sawdust, which is really a mess.That is to say, sweet lotus root can be used for cooking and stewing soup, while powdered lotus root can only be stewed for soup.If you go wrong in the market and buy powdered lotus root for cooking, or sweet lotus root for stewing soup, people will shout: What happened!People in the south of the Yangtze River still retain cooking utensils such as coal stoves and sand pots for stewing soup. Because of the inconvenience, merchants specialize in the production of rice cookers in sand pots. In some places, more and more people use rice cookers in sand pots to stew soup. up.Of course, in the busy days, there are also those who do not hesitate to use the pressure cooker to simmer the soup, and the soup will naturally not flow.

Lotus rice can also be used to make soup, such as lotus rice black chicken soup, plus red dates, it is said that it has great tonic.Or stewed pork belly with lotus rice is not too bad.However, there are many people who use lotus rice stewed longan to make lotus rice longan soup for supper.Playing poker or playing mahjong until late at night, the owner brought out such a bowl of lotus rice and longan soup, scooped it up with a small spoon and drank it. The spirit was lifted and the enthusiasm was high. As for the green lotus leaf, how can you give it up?Cook rice porridge, if you cover it with a small lotus leaf, the porridge is emerald in color, and the green lotus fragrance permeates the air. For those who work in the sun, it can really get rid of the heat.The pork ribs are steamed in lotus leaves, and the steamed pork ribs in lotus leaves have a unique taste, tender and not greasy, and delicious.But for good steamed pork ribs, you still have to pick lotus flowers, wrap the pork ribs with the pure and clean lotus petals, and then steam them in a bamboo steamer. The taste is unique, with the faint fragrance of clear dew and moonlight.

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