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Chapter 19 Cantonese food

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 1001Words 2018-03-18
Cantonese people are delicious - food is not only a physical need for them, but also a hobby.They experience the taste and even the essence of life in food.The place is close to the sea, so Cantonese people have more delicious food than those inland. Cantonese cuisine is also famous for fresh seafood.Not only those who swim in the water, but also those who fly in the sky and run on the ground—the Cantonese can eat almost anything. They have a naturally good appetite and treat all kinds of food with great interest.It is said that in ancient China, the Cantonese were the first to eat snakes, and then gradually spread to the Central Plains. "Tianyou Miscellaneous Records" contains: "People in Lingnan like to eat snakes, so they change their name to Mao eel."In order to be able to eat and drink in a legitimate way, he even changed the name of the snake.This kind of interesting thing can only be done by Cantonese. "Qing Barnyard Banknotes" also said: "Cantonese people are addicted to snakes. They say that no matter what kind of snake they are, they can go with the meal... They eat snakes and cats together, which is called dragon and tiger dishes. They eat snakes and chickens together, which is called It’s called dragon and phoenix dishes.” Even dragons are used as a metaphor for snakes.When Cantonese people hold chopsticks, they have the self-feeling of subduing dragons and subduing tigers.In any case, the first person to eat crabs is always respectable, and Cantonese can be called food warriors.

For another example, Cantonese call chatting on the phone "making porridge on the phone". It seems to be related to diet.The imagination of Cantonese people is always based on food, so Guangdong has the most developed food culture.This does not hinder their shrewdness in doing business, and they like to talk about business and make deals at the wine table (including drinking morning tea) - these are some very life-oriented businessmen.In contrast, Shanghainese are probably more used to haggling seriously in the office - only when the deal is settled can you count on him to treat guests, if the talk falls apart, everyone will go their own way and eat their own food.

Cooking porridge is a basic skill of the Cantonese. There are many varieties of fish porridge, preserved egg porridge, etc., each with its own taste - it is not the same as the white porridge that people in the mainland are used to.In a small bowl of porridge, Cantonese people are so willing to work hard and strive for perfection-it can be said to be well-intentioned. With such an attitude, how can their lives be monotonous?What I appreciate more is the patience and skill of the Cantonese in making soup.I went on a business trip to Guangzhou, and the locals invited them to dinner. Usually they called the restaurant in advance to order the soup in the afternoon, and the chef acted immediately and stewed it slowly on the stove (like Chinese herbal medicine).When the guests come, the pot is uncovered, and the whole room is filled with a strong aroma that cannot be melted.This soup, which took hours to make (with a lot of tonics in it), is almost like a well-made wine - drink it with enthusiasm.The nutrition and taste are all in this soup.Moreover, Cantonese people drink a bowl of soup before eating, which is both appetizing and nourishing.Soup making is an indispensable ritual or homework for them.It is said that all kinds of soups are being boiled on the stoves of their households day after day, endlessly-imagining such a scene, can you not be amazed by the Cantonese people's love of life (and their attitude towards life with relish) ) and moved?Cantonese are still worth learning.

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