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Chapter 5 The Last Supper

Talk about Chinese food 洪烛 933Words 2018-03-18
Whether in the East or the West, food is a kind of culture.For example, the "Last Supper" that appeared in the "Bible"-making food the closest thing to religion.It's just Jesus' recipe, which has long been lost.We can't even find out who his chef is—that is, the invisible apostle who belongs to the twelve apostles, and is the absent presence.What a skill, cooking the most famous banquet in the history of human civilization. Many years later, during the Renaissance, another Italian "master chef" re-cooked the cooled dishes.He didn't embellish it.But with the newest condiment: oil paint (reportedly laced with egg whites).His name is Da Vinci.This painting, enshrined in the Abbey of Santa Maria della Grazie in Milan, is priceless.Five hundred years have passed, and one after another, visitors from afar have sighed among the leftovers of the sages.

The twelve apostles sit around Jesus with different expressions.When Jesus said there was a traitor among them, some were so startled that they couldn't hold on to their knives and forks.Judas is notorious for this meal.He couldn't hide his embarrassment—like a fishbone stuck in his throat. It was said to be dinner, but it exuded a faint smell of blood.There are no toasts and cups, only clouds. It seemed to be an ominous prophecy, combining food and conspiracy.A similar situation has also happened in China.For example, Hongmen Banquet.For example, Song Taizu's "a cup of wine releases military power".

It's a pity that China seems to seldom have Da Vinci's big hand in facing the struggle between good and evil in human nature. The last supper is not the last.This banquet has been held for thousands of years and has not yet dissipated.On the contrary, it has become popular among more people.The bacteria of conspiracy are most likely to grow on the hypocritical dinner table. What did ancient Chinese sages like to eat? Confucius can be regarded as the first gourmet, who first put forward the slogan "never tire of fine food, never tire of fine food".He opened a private school, and the tuition fees paid by his disciples and grandchildren were bundles of dried meat that could be hung on the beams for storage.No wonder to describe the wonderful music, you have to say "I don't know the taste of meat in March", and you have to say that the lingering sound is lingering.Is the dried meat that Confucius loved to eat similar to the later ham or bacon?If he was still alive, it would be easy to worship him as a teacher, and he would certainly be able to carry a piece of Jinhua ham.

Mencius's slogan is "mouth and taste have the same taste", which is quite humane.Mencius loves to eat fish, and he loves to eat bear's paw even more. We have known for a long time. "I want the fish, and I want the bear's paw. You can't have both. Those who give up the fish will take the bear's paw." What a firm attitude!In his mind, fish is equivalent to "life", and bear's paw is equivalent to "righteousness"-it is natural and confident to sacrifice one's life for righteousness. These two Confucian patriarchs and masters seem to be unwilling to hide their greed. Apart from talking about philosophy, they also pursue delicious food-this is the most frank part of them.

Among the students of Confucius, there were Yan Hui (a sack of food, a ladle of drink without changing the joy), and Zilu, but after all, there were no traitors like Judas.He is lucky.
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