Home Categories Essays Media leadership How leading cadres deal with the media

Chapter 58 2. From "Love and Hate" to Understanding and Kindness

In the past, many local leading cadres had a "love-hate relationship" with the news media.The so-called "love" always likes to use the news media to "clear the way" for image projects and "wave the flag" for personal promotion. Therefore, once major problems or emergencies are exposed and hyped in the media, either a "seal order" is issued, or a "Hongmen Banquet" is set up, in order to "make big things small and small things small."As everyone knows, in today's world of economic globalization and information networking, blindly adopting "block, suppress, escape" or even intimidation is often counterproductive, and the more smeared the more black.

Facing the tide of information flow and the increasingly professional news dissemination team, leading cadres must constantly understand media knowledge and improve their ability and skills in dealing with the media.The first thing to improve the ability and skills of dealing with the media is to understand the media and treat reporters well.Only by treating the media well, making good use of the media, being honest with the media, and not deceiving the media, can we continuously strengthen and improve the propaganda work, continuously enhance the ability to guide public opinion, and make the propaganda work better reflect the times, grasp the regularity, and be full of richness. Be creative and better fulfill the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the party and the people.

First, to understand news and its functions.The premise of treating the media well is to correctly understand the functions of news and follow the laws of news work.In particular, understand the connection and difference between journalism and publicity.In the past, news and propaganda were the same thing, but now, the social functions of news are further diversified. In addition to being the main channel to influence public opinion, news also takes into account the market and industry.The ways and means of news dissemination have also been further diversified.Specifically, news and propaganda have both "connection" and "difference".The connection between news and propaganda lies in: both belong to the scope of communication; propaganda relies on news; news is born out of propaganda.Well-done publicity can be completely hidden in the news.Propaganda in the form of news may be the most effective propaganda.The difference between news and propaganda is: propaganda emphasizes symbols, news emphasizes information; propaganda emphasizes repetition, news emphasizes meaning; propaganda emphasizes opinions, news emphasizes facts; propaganda emphasizes timing, news emphasizes timeliness; , News is about balance.So managing publicity and managing news are two different things.To manage propaganda, we must manage news.But if we still manage the current news in the same way as we used to manage propaganda in the past, then we must be desperate.Therefore, leading cadres at all levels should deeply understand the new functions of news, understand the difference between news and propaganda, understand the characteristics of contemporary news media, and conscientiously follow news laws in news work.

Second, warm reception and active cooperation.Reporters' interviews should be warmly received and actively cooperated, whether they are praises or criticisms.For the former, many leading cadres often do very well, while for the latter, some leading cadres have strong resistance.In fact, warm reception and active cooperation are very necessary at any time, because enthusiasm can bring people closer and deepen feelings; cooperation can promote cooperation and eliminate prejudice.When encountering the supervision of the media, they adopt an attitude of indifference or even confrontation. As a result, they are either "led by others" or "passively beaten", which leads to more and more rigid relations between the two parties. This is undoubtedly harmful to the image of the organization and leaders. Adverse.

Third, create bright spots, do a good job of publicity, and grasp the initiative of public opinion. Instead of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for the media to come to your door, you should turn passive into active and actively communicate and coordinate with the media.We should actively invite the media to conduct interviews and reports on the highlights of the work of the region and department, and impress the media with the highlights. We should abandon the one-sided thinking of "doing less and doing more" and "doing more than talk about politics", and avoid falling into the trap of "when the media joins, they will Add chaos" "alley thinking".It is necessary to establish a sense of initiative, and when the work is progressing steadily and smoothly, it must be comprehensively publicized; when a breakthrough is made in a certain aspect of the work, it must be publicized to form a strong public opinion in an instant.It is necessary to understand the intention of the media, know the focus and excitement of the media, and not general publicity. Only by identifying the excitement of the media and fully cooperating can we finally promote a win-win interaction.

Fourth, increase the ability to withstand "criticism" from the media.Leading cadres must strengthen their ability to withstand media "criticism", learn to respect diversified media speeches and public opinion comments, think more empathetically, promote changes in their own ideas and work methods, and change their ways to prevent media "criticism" into thinking about why the media Be able to "criticize", carefully summarize your own work, and find out the crux of the problem in depth, so that public opinion supervision becomes a new driving force to promote work and solve problems.

Fifth, enhance the persuasion to media reporters.Leading cadres must persuade the media with eloquent facts, especially when faced with media criticism, exposure, and emergencies, they must go deep into the front line and quickly understand the situation.When many leading cadres are interviewed by reporters, they read through the documents as if they were attending a meeting to give a report, or they talk in general and nonsense, all of which are manifestations of lack of skills.Leading cadres should always summarize their own work and improve their ability to express their own work. Especially when encountering emergencies, they must promptly and proactively stand up to express the government's attitude and grasp the initiative of discourse.Let the media know what happened, what you are doing, and what you want to do next, as soon as possible.

Sixth, communicate differences and win consensus in tolerance.With the diversification of interest subjects in modern society, there will inevitably be a variety of opinions and viewpoints.It is normal for the government and the news media to have inconsistencies when reflecting these opinions and viewpoints, because they stand from different perspectives.The key is that the two parties should communicate their differences, win consensus and reach a positive interaction in a tolerant atmosphere and within the framework of the law.It can be predicted that in the future development of Chinese society, information will become more and more open, and news media and public opinion supervision will play an increasingly important role.

Seventh, to treat the media well, we must pay attention to care and service.The vast number of media workers have been running around the field of interviews day and night for a long time, writing hard under the desk lamp. Their professionalism should be understood and respected by the whole society, and they should receive the care and support of all parties.Party committees, governments and leading cadres at all levels must effectively strengthen their leadership over media work, care about and help media workers politically, at work, and in life, strive to create good working, studying, and living conditions, and earnestly protect the mass media workers. legal rights.Journalists associations should also enhance service awareness, strengthen industry management, give full play to their unique advantages, innovate working mechanisms, sincerely do practical things, do good things, and solve difficult things for media workers, and play a good role as a bridge between the party committee and the government to connect with the media and reporters. Bond role.

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