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Chapter 31 Extended reading Mao Zedong and Snow

Edgar Snow, a famous American journalist and writer and a sincere friend of the Chinese people, went to Baoan, the red capital of China in June 1936, for more than 4 months, and it is now 67 years old.From July 15, 1936 to December 18, 1971, he visited Mao Zedong many times in depth, especially in the summer and autumn of 1936, when he went to the Red Capital of China for the first time to interview, risking his life and eliminating all kinds of obstacles from the reactionaries He came to the revolutionary base area at that time through hardships and hardships. From 1937 to 1938, Snow wrote the account of this visit as "Red Star Shines on China" and published it in the United Kingdom and the United States (in February 1938, when the Chinese translation was published in Shanghai under the name of Fushe, it was renamed "Red Star Over China" in order to adapt to the environment at that time. Journey to the West").As Snow said: "It's just a fair, objective, and non-partisan report on everything I have seen, heard, and learned when I was with the Communists these days." The publication of the book expanded the influence of the Chinese revolution at home and abroad.Dr. Bethune in Canada and Dr. Kotnis in India were inspired by this and traveled thousands of miles to the Chinese revolutionary bases.This book also to a large extent led to the climax of a large number of young students going to Yan'an a few years later. Many passionate young people stepped into the revolutionary holy land with "Westward Journey" in their arms.Therefore, Mao Zedong spoke highly of Snow. He said: "Until now, no one has announced our affairs to the world like him... We will always remember that he has indeed done many good things for China. He He was the first to lead and pave the way for the establishment of a united front, and we will not forget this."

In June 1936, Snow set off from Beijing, passed through Xi'an, broke through the difficult and dangerous checkpoints in the White Zone, and entered the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.He was the first western reporter to enter the red area for interviews and reports. Soon he arrived at Baoan (Zhidan County), the temporary capital of the Soviet Area at that time. American journalists came to the Soviet area to investigate!" "Down with Japanese imperialism!" "Long live the Chinese revolution!" Members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China who were in security at the time shook hands with Snow to express their welcome.

On July 14, Hongdu held a welcome meeting to welcome Snow and Dr. Ma Haide (that is, George Hydes, a Lebanese American, who later took this Chinese name). Mao Zedong attended the welcome meeting and made an impromptu speech.Mao Zedong’s first impression of Snow, as Snow said in the interview: “At that time, he was quite thin, taller than the average Chinese, slightly stooped, his eyes were piercing, his lips were wide and thick, his eyebrows were high and strong, He has a prominent mole on his chin and long, thick black hair on his well-proportioned head—Chiang Kai-shek once offered a reward of 250,000 yuan for this head, life or death."

On July 15, Mao Zedong accepted an interview with Snow and shook hands with Snow, saying: "It is very poor here, there is no car to go out, no fish to eat, but we make friends with sincerity." When asking policy questions, he once said: "Once our tens of millions of people are truly liberated, they can use their huge potential productive forces in various creative activities, which can help improve the world's economy and raise the world's cultural standards." An independent and free China will make great contributions to the whole world." From 9:00 pm on July 16 to 2:00 am the next day, Mao Zedong talked to Snow about the situation and policy of China's War of Resistance Against Japan. On July 18 and 19, Mao Zedong talked to Snow again about the Soviet government's domestic policy. On July 23, when Mao Zedong talked with Snow about the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party, the Comintern and the Soviet Union, he said that the Comintern was not an administrative organization; it had no political power except for its advisory role.Although the Chinese Communist Party was a member of the Comintern, it can never be said that Soviet China was ruled by Moscow or the Comintern. On September 23, Snow went to some places in the revolutionary base for interviews and returned to Baoan. Mao Zedong accepted Snow's interview again, mainly talking about the issue of the united front.Snow then went to the frontline troops for an interview.

At the end of autumn and early winter, Snow returned to Hongdu again from the frontline troops.This time, under Snow's repeated and sincere request, Mao Zedong had a long talk. For several nights in a row, Mao Zedong talked to Snow about his personal experiences and the Long March.The conversation usually starts at 9:00 pm and ends after 2:00 am the next day.Before each conversation, Mao Zedong invited Snow to eat chili steamed buns, or He Zizhen made sweets from local sour plums.During these conversations, Snow wrote in his interview: "During the next few nights of conversations, we really hid in that cave like plotters, lying on the table covered with red felt. , The candles were flickering among us, and I kept writing until I was so tired that I fell asleep." When Mao Zedong talked with Snow, Wu Liping, a young cadre, was the interpreter, and He Zizhen, who was present at the time, also listened with great interest.Snow wrote in the article "The Experience of a Communist Party Member": "When Mao Zedong recounted the past, I noticed that there was an observer who was at least as interested as I was, and that was his wife He Zizhen. Obviously, what he was talking about Many facts about herself and the communist movement she had never heard before. This was also the case for most of Mao's comrades in Bao'an." Mao Zedong's conversation with Snow during these nights in October 1936 , is the only time Mao Zedong talked about his experience in a relatively complete way.Later, when Mao Zedong answered Xiao San’s question about Snow writing his biography, Mao Zedong said: “Snow pestered me for four nights, and I don’t want to talk about myself anymore.” It can be seen that the record of Snow’s conversation this time is Even more precious.

During the interview, Snow felt that Mao Zedong was a simple, innocent and humorous man who combined the unique qualities of innocence and simplicity with sharp wit and sophisticated sophistication.Regarding Snow's interview with Mao Zedong, Snow said: "My interview is all written in English, and then re-translated into Chinese and corrected by Mao Zedong. He is known for his strict requirements on the accuracy of details. " On March 1, 1937, Mao Zedong met with American writer and journalist Smedley at his residence in Phoenix Mountain, Yan'an, and answered some questions she raised about the Sino-Japanese War and the Xi'an Incident. On March 1, Mao Zedong sent the transcript of the conversation with Smedley to the American journalist Edgar Snow, and wrote a letter to Snow: "Since you left, I have been reading about you all the time. You are welcome now! I spoke to Smedley and expressed some new steps in our policy, and I send a copy to you today, please read it, and make it public. We all thank you."

In "On Protracted War" written by Mao Zedong in May 1938, he quoted several passages from his conversation with Snow in 1936.In fact, this is Mao Zedong’s 10-month experience in the War of Resistance, and further systematic development of the main ideas he talked with Snow at that time, and wrote "On Protracted War", a glorious masterpiece that directed the War of Resistance to complete victory. On September 24, 1939, in a "modern" three-bedroom cave dwelling on Huangtugang a few miles away from Yan'an, Mao Zedong enthusiastically accepted an interview with American journalist Snow, who came to the revolutionary base again. My impression of Mao Zedong is: "Once again I noticed his unusual serenity, as if nothing would bother him. He is magnanimous, which is completely different from Chiang Kai-shek's 'temper'." This conversation covers a wide range widely.Mao Zedong answered Snow's questions about the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, about the anti-Japanese and democratic issues, about the class foundation of the Kuomintang government, about the Chinese revolution, about the impact of the European war on Japan and other countries, and Roosevelt's foreign policy issues , the differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the United States, and so on.When Snow was flipping through the newspapers of the day, they talked about the news in the newspapers.

During the chat, Mao Zedong also told Snow that he once wanted to go abroad for a run, but he was unwilling to go out until he knew everything about China.Although he has set foot in most of China, there are still many "labyrinths" in China to be further understood by him.China, like the Soviet Union, "is itself a vast world." Within two days, Mao Zedong attended a banquet welcoming He Zhuguo, Commander of the Second Cavalry Army of the Kuomintang, American journalist Snow and Soviet friends.After the banquet, Mao Zedong accompanied them to the welcome party held by all walks of life in Yan'an in the Central Auditorium.

This time Snow stayed in Yan'an for 10 days.He was with Mao Zedong many times. In addition to interviews, he often drank tea and chatted or played poker with Mao Zedong and others. Sometimes he played poker and bridge for several nights in a row, and even played until the early morning of the next day. In 1957, Snow compiled the two interviews in 1936 and 1939 into a book "Miscellaneous Notes on Red China" and published it. In 1941, Insnow made a truthful report on the "Southern Anhui Incident" and was attacked by the Kuomintang reactionaries and was forced to leave China.

From 1942 to 1943, Snow came to China again. Because the FBI regarded him as a dangerous person and the environment was dangerous, he was not only unable to go to Yan'an, but was forced to move to Switzerland. In October 1949, earth-shaking changes took place in China. The Chinese people overthrew the "three big mountains" that were pressing on them and established the People's Republic of China. China.However, the U.S. government imposed a blockade, and Snow's wish could not be realized. It was not until 1960 that Snow, as a writer, broke through many obstacles and came to Beijing, the capital of New China, and met Mao Zedong, who had been away for 21 years.

Mao Zedong met Snow at his home in Zhongnanhai, reunited after a long absence, and reconnected with the old friendship. Both the host and the host felt very happy. At that time, our country was in a period of economic difficulties. A long-lost and sincere old friend Snow, who was visiting for the first time after the founding of New China, broke his precepts and hosted a family banquet in honor of him.According to Snow wrote in the interview: "In order to celebrate our meeting, he and I drank a little liquor 'Moutai' produced in Guizhou. He also served Chinese red wine to the guests. It is available for sale at RMB 1, and the quantity is not limited.” This time, Snow’s impression of Mao Zedong was: “Mao Zedong’s weight has increased significantly compared with before, his appetite is moderate, and the number of smokers has decreased compared with before. As a nearly 70 Year-old people are often reported as 'died suddenly'." Mao Zedong said to Snow: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, during this period you have not changed, and neither have we." This time, Snow stayed in China for quite a long time. Through the interview with Mao Zedong, he learned a lot, and wrote it as "The Other Side of the River: Today's Red China" and published it.In the book, he introduced some little-known living conditions of Mao Zedong: "Mao Zedong often took a few plainclothes personnel to walk from home to the Great Hall. In 1957, Mao Zedong was going to Wuhan to cross the Yangtze River, which surprised the entire Politburo. State Council He even sent the Prime Minister to persuade him to dispel this idea. The Yangtze River is full of dangerous undercurrents, which is unprecedented! But Mao Zedong "dare to think and do it" and crossed the Yangtze River. Mao Zedong also said to me: "I hope I am not too old Before, take a dip in the Mississippi and Bodamay Rivers.'Mao Zedong did not appear in public for a long time, in order to study and study alone. Sometimes he even spent a whole week reading books. This was developed in his youth Habit……" Snow also said that Mao Zedong knew far more about Western literature than any other Western ruler knew about Chinese literature.His irony of the character of Madame Kimbee-hwa (French beauty of antiquity) in the works of Marguerite Gautier (French woman writer) astonished a French visitor.Snow later recalled: "The things Mao said in 1960, especially about his going to God, were probably intended to confuse those who wanted him to have an early death." Mao Zedong's conversation with Snow this time was the same as in the past, very friendly and cordial, relaxed and happy as usual. In October 1964, Snow visited the People's Republic of China for the second time. On the evening of January 9, 1965, Mao Zedong hosted a banquet for Snow, accompanied by Qiao Guanhua and his wife Gong Peng.After the meal, Mao Zedong had a long talk with Snow for 4 hours. According to Mao Zedong's words at the time, this time they talked about everything about "the sky is far apart," and "the sea and the sky are broad."The whole conversation was very relaxed and pleasant.At the beginning of the conversation, a photojournalist came and made a TV clip, which was filmed by Mao Zedong at the request of Snow. The meeting between Mao Zedong and Snow this time was different from the one in 1960. No news was sent that time. This time not only did they send a message, but they also published a large photo of Mao Zedong meeting with Snow on the "People's Daily".Called Snow "the American author of "Westward Journey".In Snow's words: "This obviously adds weight to the matter, making it more than just a renewing of old friendship. It seems to me that Mao Zedong probably wanted to use this method to put China's views on war and peace, especially It is the view on Vietnam that informs the United States." The conversation ended, Snow left, and Mao Zedong took him to the door. Although Snow repeatedly said goodbye, Mao Zedong still watched Snow get into the car at the door.Standing without a coat on a sub-zero Beijing winter night, Mao Zedong waved Snow goodbye.It can be seen that Mao Zedong's friendship with Snow is extraordinary.Snow wrote his visit to China into a book called "The Long Revolution" and published it. In 1970, Snow came to China again. This was the last time Snow visited Mao Zedong.It is worth mentioning that, in celebration of the 21st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Snow and his wife Lois were placed next to Mao Zedong on the Tiananmen Gate. At that time, Sihanouk, the head of state of Cambodia, was also on the gate tower. , a little farther away from Mao Zedong.When the mighty parade crowd in the square raised their arms and shouted: "Long live Chairman Mao! Long live Chairman Mao! Long live Chairman Mao!", Snow turned to Mao Zedong involuntarily and asked, "What do you think of this? What do you think?" How do you feel?" Mao Zedong smiled wryly, shook his head, and said, "It's better than before, but I'm not satisfied." Later, Snow wrote in his interview: "Which aspect is he not satisfied with? He didn't have time to answer. Our conversation was interrupted by the new arrival." Until December 18th, in a conversation between Mao Zedong and Snow that lasted more than five hours, Snow mentioned the issue of personality cult again and told Mao Zedong that he had written in the report of the last conversation in January 1965 The "cult of personality" issue has been criticized by some people.Mao Zedong said: "So what if you wrote about China's 'cult of personality'? There is such a thing. Why can't you write it? This is a fact..." Snow wrote in this interview: "Mao continued to say , when we had a conversation in 1965, he was out of control of many powers (in various provinces, in various local party committees, especially in the propaganda work of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee). Because of this, he said at that time that there was a need for more Personality cult, in order to encourage the masses to destroy the anti-Maoist, party bureaucracy. The situation is different today. The chairman said that it is difficult for people to overcome the 3000-year-old traditional habit of superstitious belief in the emperor. The so-called "four greats" are disgusting. General Manager One day it will be completely removed, leaving only the word 'mentor'..." Snow also wrote that later, on Mao Zedong's 77th birthday, the "People's Daily" published a photo of us on the Tiananmen Tower, describing me as It's "America Friendly People". During this meeting, Mao Zedong still did not forget Snow's "Westward Journey", and said to Snow: "Your book "Westward Journey" is famous." Revolution book. In 1971, Edgar Snow, who was in Switzerland, learned that President Nixon of the United States was about to visit China. He wanted to go to China again for an interview, but unfortunately fell ill and fell into bed.After hearing the news, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai decided to send Dr. Ma Haide with a medical team to pick up Snow and come to Beijing for treatment.But Snow was dying. He asked Ma Haide: "I must find a way to make me live until the day when Nixon visits China... I hope to see with my own eyes that their hands finally hold each other. I have struggled almost my whole life for this." But he failed to get his wish. Three days before Nixon's visit to China, Snow died.According to his last wish, half of his ashes were buried at the bank of Weiming Lake on the campus of Peking University, where he once taught at Yenching University in China.
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