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Chapter 25 4. Guide public opinion in tolerance and choice

Social life is developing and changing, and public opinion is bound to develop and change accordingly.At present, my country's reform and development is in a critical period, and social life is undergoing complex and profound changes.In the face of endless new situations, new contradictions, and new problems, people have vastly different opinions. Right and wrong, progress and backwardness, positive and negative, sobriety and confusion are intertwined, and public opinion presents unprecedented complexity.At the same time, the vigorous development of various mass media and the rapid development of information dissemination methods have greatly increased the difficulty of guiding public opinion.If we do not pay attention and are not good at correctly guiding public opinion, the wishes of the masses may not be reflected and emotions may not be channeled, leading to problems of one kind or another, which in turn will affect the overall situation of reform, development and stability.If our party and the government want to unite and lead the broad masses of the people to build a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerate socialist modernization, leading cadres at all levels must firmly grasp the direction of public opinion and guide public opinion in tolerance and choice.To this end, leading cadres at all levels should:

First, eliminate misunderstandings.Before the reform and opening up, our media was basically a single party newspaper, party periodical and government-run media. As long as the party and the government give orders, we can basically achieve "uniform public opinion."Now, we not only have party newspapers and periodicals that mainly target party members and cadres, but also urban newspapers and periodicals that focus on the general public, as well as online media that are preferred by young people and intellectuals, and mass mobile phone media that are more popular Wait.Leading cadres must emancipate their minds, change their concepts, raise awareness, keep pace with the times, and adapt to the development of the situation and new changes in various media.

Second, firmly establish the people-oriented consciousness.We are cadres of the Communist Party, we must persist in governing for the people in our work, we must adhere to people-oriented in emergencies, and we must do our best at critical moments. This is the basis and guarantee for correct and effective guidance of public opinion.If this is achieved, even in the event of natural disasters, man-made disasters, or emergencies, there is no need to worry about correctly guiding public opinion, let alone trying to block the media.The more open and transparent the media is, the more favorable the atmosphere of public opinion will be.Otherwise, no one can properly handle the relationship with modern media.

Third, resolutely abandon the idea of ​​blocking.Media management is dominated by sparseness, which is an inevitable choice for the development of the situation.To be honest, even if you want to block it, you can't block it.Today, the time boundaries, space boundaries, and attribute boundaries of media reports have all been broken, and some news resources and media events cannot be blocked at all.Therefore, in guiding public opinion, there should be more sparseness and less obstruction.According to the actual situation of local departments, we must establish a spokesperson and news reporting system, strengthen communication with the news media, release accurate and authoritative information in a timely manner, and change from passive to active, so that we can be preconceived and ensure more accurate, faster and better guidance. public opinion.China has long had the ancient motto "Defending the mouth of the people is better than defending the Sichuan; if the Sichuan is blocked and collapsed, more people will be injured; the people are the same. That is why those who serve the Sichuan make decisions and guide them, and those who serve the people proclaim their words". High-level leading cadres should also learn from it in today's media management and public opinion guidance.

Fourth, seize the opportunity of public opinion in time.In view of the new situation faced by media publicity and the new changes in the media field, the guidance of public opinion must first be fast and timely.After an incident occurs, we cannot wait for the final result to be reported before we report it, we must report it as we deal with it.According to communication science, it takes at least seven times as much effort to correct a wrong piece of news.Therefore, we have repeatedly emphasized the importance of "the first time" and "the first scene" of news.This is the law of news, leading cadres at all levels should pay attention to it.

Fifth, improve the ability to guide online public opinion.In the open network media, any individual can be an information receiver and publisher, which makes it more difficult for the party and the government to guide public opinion.Adapting to the characteristics of the Internet and continuously improving the ability and level of online public opinion guidance are new requirements for Internet propaganda in the new era of propaganda and ideological work.The first is to establish an information disclosure mechanism to prevent the spread of public opinion crises.Persist in moving from "coming online" to "going online", establish an online press spokesperson system, organize online information release in a timely manner, and meet people's needs for public information.In particular, it is necessary to enhance the ability to grasp and guide public opinion on emergencies, seize the opportunity and initiative to guide public opinion, and minimize the spread of gossip, political rumors, and offensive speech on the Internet.The second is to establish a positive guiding force that matches the powerful hype on the Internet.Cultivate an online comment team with high political quality and influence, actively organize commentators to participate in online comments and discussions, call on leading cadres to participate in online comments, expand mainstream online voices, and enhance positive control; focus on cultivating "opinion leaders" , Strengthen the power of authoritative voices online, and isolate non-mainstream speeches through appealing positive speeches.The third is to guide the masses to participate in the country's political life in an orderly manner through the Internet.According to the needs of the online publicity situation, use the interactive function of the Internet to organize online exchanges, online interviews, online discussions and other activities, guide netizens to speak and discuss, and attract netizens' attention to specific directions.The fourth is to scientifically set the online publicity agenda, focus on current political news hot spots and online hot and difficult issues, timely publish policy interpretation articles and positive comments, and actively guide online public opinion hot spots.

Sixth, establish an efficient news release mechanism.Experience and lessons tell us that the spokesperson mechanism is a very effective means to avoid media hype, eliminate rumors, guide public opinion, and establish the image of the government.To establish an efficient news release mechanism, we should pay attention to the following three points.First, the main leading cadres should directly promote the cooperation of various departments, establish and improve the news release system, and ensure that the news release work is standardized and orderly.The second is to answer questions of public concern in a timely manner, establish a scientific working mechanism in accordance with news laws, and ensure that news releases are transparent and efficient.The third is to strengthen the construction of the team of press spokespersons, and configure various hardware facilities necessary for press conferences to reflect the affinity and authority of press releases.When establishing a press release mechanism, great attention should be paid to the selection and training of press spokesmen.

Seventh, improve the ability to deal with negative reports.Positive coverage and negative coverage are two sides of the same coin.In the process of public opinion propaganda, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable, moderate and relative balance, and give full play to the effects of positive and negative reports for my own use.Maintaining an appropriate amount of negative reports will play a very good role in improving work, curbing unhealthy tendencies, strengthening the regulation of power, and so on. This is also a manifestation of the function of the news media.Therefore, we must humbly accept some supervision reports that conform to the facts and are aimed at improving work.If there are reports that obviously distort the facts, expand the situation, and cause bad effects, some measures should be taken to eliminate their negative effects.Find ways to solve problems through communication with media personnel, provide persuasive press releases, and truly let the facts speak and the audience can accept them.After some critical reports are broadcast, they will more or less have a certain impact on the leading cadres in charge of specific work.At this time, blindly blaming the media and being hostile to reporters is likely to cause even greater damage to their own image.The best way is to calm down to find out the problems and work hard to improve the work, and cooperate with the media; if necessary, coordinate with the media to restore the image through the media.

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