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Chapter 21 Further reading Excerpts from poems quoted by Premier Wen Jiabao

Premier Wen Jiabao has a profound knowledge of ancient Chinese literature.In public, he speaks eloquently, with witty words, and with his poems to express his ambitions, he has shown the long history and culture of the Chinese nation to the whole world, allowing us to appreciate and feel his gentle diplomatic demeanor and unique personal charm!The following are excerpts of some of the wonderful poems quoted by Premier Wen in recent years. (1) "Every inch of mountains and rivers is inch of gold, who is responsible for the power of separation and division? The cuckoo pays homage to the heaven and tears again, and the fine health fills the heart of the sea." On June 29, 2003, after Premier Wen Jiabao attended the signing ceremony of the CEPA agreement at the Government House in Hong Kong He delivered a speech and quoted the poems of Huang Zunxian, a famous diplomat and poet in the late Qing Dynasty, to wish Hong Kong.

(2) "My heart is thinking of farming and mulberry, and my ears are like the sound of hunger and cold." On October 1, 2003, 130,000 people in Shaanxi Province were affected by floods.After visiting the victims, Premier Wen Jiabao warned the local officials with a poem by Bai Juyi, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, to always be mindful of the sufferings of the people. (3) "Those who know the house leaks are in the universe, and those who know the politics are in the grass." On March 4, 2004, when Wen Jiabao visited members of the economic and agricultural circles of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he quoted the "Lunheng" written by Wang Chong, a political commentator of the Han Dynasty. This sentence expounds his political thinking.

(4) "It's hard to send the strong to look at the mountains with the sorrow of spring, and the past is shocking and weeping. Four million people cried together, and Taiwan was cut off today last year." During the second session of the Tenth National People's Congress held in March 2004, Premier Wen Jiabao said When answering reporters' questions on cross-strait issues, he quoted the poems of Taiwan's modern patriotic poet Qiu Fengjia. (5) On September 5, 2006, Premier Wen Jiabao accepted a joint interview with five foreign media in Zhongnanhai.He opened the interview with Du Fu's opening remark "The flower path has never been swept away by guests, and the Pengmen is now opened for the king", which made the atmosphere of the interview particularly harmonious.During the interview, Wen Jiabao quoted the poems and works of famous Chinese and foreign masters, and cleverly answered the reporter's questions about what books he likes to read and what he thinks about: "I don't have half an acre of body, and I worry about the world; I have read thousands of volumes, and my gods are friends with the ancients." Heart, life for the people, succession for the sages, and peace for all ages." "Long Tai breath to cover tears, mourning the hardships of the people's lives." Two things, the more deeply and persistently I meditate on them, the wonder and awe they evoke in my soul grow and grow with each passing day, these are the stars above my head and the moral laws in my heart." "Why do I There are tears in your eyes? Because I love this land deeply."

(6) On the morning of March 16, 2007, Premier Wen Jiabao answered a reporter's question in the Great Hall of the People. (1) When Premier Wen Jiabao talked about the relationship between China and Japan, he said that China and Japan are neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water. There is an old saying in China: "Calling far away is repairing nearness, closing troubles is eliminating grievances." Cultivate nearness, close calamities and eliminate grievances" comes from "Guanzi Banfa".It means: if you want to unite people from afar, you must manage your own side well; if you want to avoid possible disasters, you must pay attention to eliminating people's resentment.

(2) When Premier Wen Jiabao talked about people's livelihood, he borrowed a poem from the poet Ai Qing: "Ask the enlightened land, ask the thawed river." This poem comes from the poem "The Quarrel Outside the Window" by the famous Chinese poet Ai Qing. (3) When talking about cross-strait relations, Premier Wen Jiabao quoted a famous line from a Tang poem, "Thousands of sails pass by the side of a sunken boat, and ten thousand trees grow in front of a sick tree." (4) Premier Wen Jiabao mentioned that every cadre and leader should understand that "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it." This phrase comes from "Zhenguan Political Leaders Political System", which was quoted by Wei Zheng in his dialogue with Tang Taizong about the rise and fall of successive dynasties There is an old saying: "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it." The earlier similar expressions come from "King Zhi" and "Ai Gong" in "Xunzi". Water carries the boat, and water capsizes the boat." There is a similar saying in "Confucius's Family Sayings Wuyi Jie".

(5) When Premier Wen Jiabao talked about the structural problems of China’s economy, he said: “There are no problems in the name of peace, but in fact there are worries about unforeseen events.” The most unavoidable trouble is that it is called peace and tranquility, but in fact there is the worry of unforeseen events.” (7) On the morning of March 18, 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao quoted ancient sayings and poems when answering questions from Chinese and foreign journalists in the central hall of the Great Hall of the People. (1) When answering questions from reporters from Phoenix Satellite TV, Premier Wen Jiabao quoted three ancient sayings and poems: one is "acts can be seen at the time, and right and wrong will be revealed to future generations", which comes from Zhu Yuanzhang's "Ming Taizu Bao Xun".The original text is "Since ancient times there have been countries in the world, and their actions were seen at that time, and right and wrong were made public to later generations. Therefore, the rise and fall of a generation must be recorded in the history of a generation." ", is a famous sentence from Lin Zexu's "Going to the Garrison and Deng Chengkou to Account for the Family"; one is "the change of the sky is not enough to be feared, the ancestors are not enough to follow the law, and the words of people are not enough to be sympathetic." Don't be afraid, the rules of the ancestors may not necessarily be followed, and people's opinions don't have to worry about it.

(2) When talking about the issue of curbing price rises, Premier Wen Jiabao quoted the old saying "do not take refuge in anything".The words come out of "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty Yu Xu Biography": "If you don't seek easy things, don't seek refuge in things, it's the job of a minister! If you don't encounter complicated connections, why don't you use a sharp weapon?" (3) When answering relevant questions from Taiwanese journalists, Premier Wen Jiabao quoted "One heart for the Chinese dream, eternal poems", and "Brothers are here to endure all calamities, and we can laugh at each other and forget all grievances and hatreds". "One heart for the Chinese dream, eternal poetry" are two sentences in Zheng Sixiao's "Deyou Two Years Suidan" in the Song Dynasty.The full text of the original work is: "Strength is stronger than courage, and weep when everyone is empty. One heart is the Chinese dream, and the poems will go down through the ages. You can still see it when you are near, but you don't know if you ask the sky. I worship towards the south, and I hope to see the banner of Han Dynasty." Zheng Sixiao said The first poem expresses the hope for national unity. "Xiaquan" is published in "The Book of Songs·Cao Feng".And "Brothers who have survived all the calamities are here, meet each other and smile away all grievances and enmity", the words come from Lu Xun's "Ti Sanyi Pagoda".

(4) When talking about the issue of ideological emancipation, Premier Wen Jiabao quoted two old sayings, "Although Zhou is an old state, its fate is new", from "The Book of Songs Daya", to the effect that "Although the Zhou Dynasty is an old state, But it has received a new mission"; "If it will be endless, make the old new" comes from the "Poetry" by Sikong Tu of the Tang Dynasty. The original text is about the experience in literary and artistic creation, saying that the beauty of nature is inexhaustible. Through observation, one can constantly innovate the poetic realm.

(8) On the morning of March 13, 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao met with Chinese and foreign journalists covering the Second Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress, and answered questions from the reporters. (1) Citing poems to talk about confidence: Premier Wen Jiabao said when talking about the prospect of the financial crisis, "Confidence is more important than gold and currency."He also said, "Mo Dao will end this year's spring, and the spring will return to people next year. I look forward to a better future for China and the world." Huai". (2) Talking about goals by quoting proverbs: When asked whether the goal of GDP growth of 8% could be achieved this year, Premier Wen Jiabao believed that it would be difficult to achieve this goal, but it is still possible with hard work.The Prime Minister said, "Let me give you an example. The goal is not everything, but it is like a compass in a ship. If a ship under sail does not have a compass, it does not know which direction to sail and when to arrive. There is a proverb: If such a ship has a headwind, it will not have a tailwind." The ancient Roman Selek once said: For a blind sailing ship, the wind in any direction is a headwind.

(3) Quoting an old saying about how to get out of the crisis: Premier Wen Jiabao said, "Actually, the most important thing is that after several months of hard work, the hearts of the Chinese people have begun to warm up. I thought that a warm heart will lead to a warm economy. I know this well. It is impossible for any country to survive the financial crisis alone, and to overcome difficulties cannot escape the influence of the international economy. But we understand a truth, that is, to make fire is better to make flint, and to draw water is better to dig wells, that is to say, if you want to get water, it is better to dig wells yourself Therefore, I hope that all Chinese people will use their own warm hearts to warm China's economy." To get flint and send water is not as good as digging a well."

(4) Quoting poems to talk about overcoming the crisis together: When answering a reporter’s question about the financial crisis, Premier Wen Jiabao quoted a poem, “There is no way out when there are many mountains and rivers, and there is no way out.
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