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Chapter 10 4. The golden rule of dealing with the media

As a leading cadre, in fact, I have been dealing with the media all the time. Now that I have dealt with the media to a new level, it will inevitably change the situation in the past where most of the media revolved around the leaders in my work: the leaders held meetings, and the media made reports. ;Leadership at the grassroots level, and the reporters follow; how the media reports, the people see and listen to it.With the constant changes in the media environment and the continuous innovation of media work, leading cadres at all levels should follow the following "golden principles" if they want to improve their ability to deal with the media:

First, the principle of the party controlling the media.The party's management of the media is the fundamental principle of the media industry under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The media must embody the ideological will, political requirements and organizational principles of the proletarian party.The principle of the party’s management of the media requires that all media units and staff: In terms of ideology, be guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and adhere to dialectical materialism and historical materialism adhere to the scientific attitude of proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts, and insist on focusing on positive propaganda in reports; politically, consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee, publicize the Party's line, principles and policies, and publicize the Constitution, the Party's Adhere to the correct direction of public opinion when making major decisions related to the government; in terms of work, insist on serving the people, socialism, and the overall work of the whole party and the country; Organ newspapers and various media units must work under the leadership of the Party to ensure that the leadership of the media units is firmly in the hands of those who are loyal to Marxism, the Party and the people.In addition to strictly abiding by the Constitution and laws, media units must also abide by propaganda discipline.Party organizations and Communist Party members in media units are not allowed to use the media to publicly publish reports or remarks that violate the Party's line, principles, policies, and various decisions and instructions.Any disagreement should be reported to the party organization in accordance with the principles and procedures stipulated in the party constitution.

Second, the principle of putting people first.The ancients said: "The way of governing is to obey the people's will, to improve the people's livelihood, and to comfort the people without disturbing the people." When dealing with the media, leading cadres must have the idea of ​​governing for the people and serving the people.As a leading cadre, whether he has the ability to deal with the media depends first on his thinking.Only by adhering to the principle of putting the people first and establishing the idea of ​​serving the people can we think about doing the work well in all ways.The media also needs help to carry out their work better, and leading cadres have no reason to reject the media.If the media always thinks of avoiding and rejecting the media when the media needs leading cadres to come forward, then leading cadres will never be able to improve their ability to deal with the media.In building a socialist harmonious society, as leading cadres, we should pay more attention to the people's livelihood issues reflected in the media, incorporate the opinions and wishes of the masses into the scope of daily work, put the interests of the people first, and put the interests of the people first. The fundamental interests of the people are realized, maintained and developed well.We must always regard whether the masses benefit as the basic orientation of our work, always pay attention to the interests, wishes and demands of the masses, accurately understand what the masses think and expect, use the opinions and suggestions of the masses in the media as the driving force to promote work, and strive to improve the ability to grasp the actual needs of the masses. The ability of insight, the ability to quickly deal with emergencies, the ability to communicate with the masses through the media, etc.

Third, the principle of daring to face.The goals of a society's administration and leadership should be fundamentally consistent with the interests of the masses.In this sense, it is the duty of leading cadres to disclose government affairs and decision-making, achievements and mistakes to the media and the public.From another point of view, as leading cadres, everything they do is for the people, for the country, and for the cause of the party, all of which need to be understood by the public through the media.If there are no problems, we are not afraid of media intervention and reporting, nor are we afraid of supervision by public opinion.In reality, the mentality of some leading cadres to avoid the media is often: they are the key figures, and if they avoid the media, the media will not know more about the situation, and the report may not be able to be written; they can first avoid the reporter, and then find the reporter’s leader , Let the leaders come forward to prevent reporters from interviewing.But the actual situation is often that the reporter has already learned a lot from the outside world, and looking for the leader is only for further verification; to judge.Between leading cadres and reporters is a game of asymmetric information and resources. Leading cadres have a lot of information, but if they do not face the media directly, they are often very passive.In a certain sense, the media is helping leading cadres to do their work, and there is no reason to be afraid of the media.This is especially important when leading cadres are faced with a large number of negative reports and emergencies.

Fourth, the principle of treating each other with sincerity.Sincerity is the quality that the media should possess, and it is also the quality that the government should possess.Lies are always lies, and it highlights the confusion of some leading cadres in the face of media reporters and the opacity and insincerity of the government in dealing with the media.Whether the attitude towards the media is sincere or not determines the trustworthiness of the government.The duty of the media is to find out the truth. In this information society, any lie will be exposed one day. Facing the media sincerely and inviting the media to solve problems together is the correct link between the government and the media.When dealing with the media, leading cadres must treat each other with sincerity, and must not lie to reporters at any time.If you don't know what the situation is, say no, and add that you're willing to tell the reporter as soon as you have the results.If you feel awkward answering certain details, focus instead on the questions you most want answered.

Fifth, pay attention to the principle of etiquette.Etiquette, as one of the symbols of modern civilization, is not only an important factor to attract others into a social state, but also a prerequisite for the image of leading cadres to be recognized by the public on TV or the Internet.Therefore, leading cadres should regard etiquette as a major issue in improving their dealings with the media, and strive to establish a good etiquette style to obtain the best public effect.First, pay attention to appearance and appearance to gain public recognition.According to the time, place, and occasion, "package" yourself differently.If you are at the meeting place, you should dress neatly and have a dignified appearance; when you go to the field or workshop, you should be neat and simple, with an easy-going expression.Second, we must pay attention to language cultivation and win the respect of the public.In the face of the media, the tone of leading cadres should not be too sharp, or even blunt, harsh, and rough, and they should not use "speaking words" in their speech; they should be approachable, talk on an equal footing, and not be superior.Third, we must pay attention to grasping the posture, and convey to the media and reporters a kind of etiquette information with knowledge of books and reason and a certain cultural accomplishment through standing and sitting postures that can make a good impression on the other party, as well as non-verbal factors such as eye gestures and expressions. Win each other's favor.

Sixth, the principle of full preparation.When dealing with the media, leading cadres should not fight unprepared battles.It is to take every reporter's interview seriously.The following preparatory work should be done: First, for any question interviewed by the reporter, make a comprehensive understanding of its pros and cons, the cause and effect, and be aware of it.The second is to prepare a concise and practical response. What should be said must not be vague, and what should not be said must not be superfluous.The third is to grasp the change of identity in the process of interviewing by reporters.Of course, many units now have press spokespersons, but when reporters come to your place for interviews, they may not always find them.You should speak to reporters in the name of a spokesperson.

Seventh, the principle of active guidance.Leading cadres should be proactive when dealing with the media.Now the dissemination of information is extremely fast. Whoever publishes the incident first will take the initiative and control the direction of public opinion.In addition, leading cadres should objectively and truthfully introduce what happened to the media, so as not to give the media room for speculation and fabrication, and to control the direction of public opinion.Of course, if not all of them can be disclosed, then those that can be disclosed should be disclosed as soon as possible; if they can be disclosed, then they should be disclosed as soon as possible.Active guidance is to organize press conferences around major policies, emergencies, and hot and difficult issues, release information, interpret policies, make transparent decisions, guide public opinion, and play a role in communicating with the public and serving the overall situation.

Eighth, adhere to the principle of learning.Leading cadres must persist in learning to improve their ability to deal with the media.One is to master the laws of information and public opinion dissemination through learning, and the other is to be good at using the media to learn all kinds of new knowledge.The emergence of the Internet and new media has brought about a huge change in the learning methods of leading cadres, and rich information resources have created extremely favorable conditions for learning. Ninth, accept the principle of supervision.Leading cadres should take the initiative to accept media supervision.Media supervision is a mission and responsibility entrusted by the Constitution, laws, and the Party.News reporting and public opinion monitoring of events related to government departments and leading cadres is not only to satisfy the public's curiosity and right to know, but also a society's need to realize fairness and justice.Leading cadres should have a clear understanding of this, must strengthen the awareness of actively accepting supervision, and also have a special department to communicate with the media, and treat reporters frankly.

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