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Chapter 14 Chapter 13 Smashing the "Berm Warfare" of the U.S. Army

Bacteriological weapons are prohibited weapons that violate humanitarianism and public international law, and massacre human beings on a large scale.However, after the end of World War II, the United States used a group of Japanese bacterial war criminals to secretly develop this weapon.After the U.S. military invaded North Korea, they risked the world's disapproval and carried out germ warfare on a large scale in order to achieve their sinister goals. Since the beginning of 1952, the United States has secretly carried out large-scale germ warfare on the Korean battlefield.According to two U.S. Air Force colonel officers who knew some of the insider information about germ warfare in the U.S.—Vack McMahurin and Andre Jr.Jay Evans confessed after being captured that as early as December 1950, when the U.S. military was retreating from the Qingchuan River to the "38th Parallel", the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff hoped to use bacterial weapons to save the defeat on the battlefield.The chairman of the meeting, Bradley, Air Force Chief of Staff Vandenberg, Army Chief of Staff Collins, and Chief of Naval Operations Sherman all believed that bacterial weapons are effective and cheap, and should be developed, and approved the preparations for the use of bacterial weapons in North Korea Plan, the limit order is to complete the preparation before the end of 1951. In the winter of 1951, the Joint Chiefs of Staff decided to implement germ warfare in North Korea in an attempt to create an epidemic area behind the Chinese and North Korean troops, paralyze the entire rear, and suffocate the combat forces in the front, so as to increase the pressure on North Korea and China, affect the armistice negotiations, and test The performance of its bacteriological weapons in various climatic and terrain conditions in North Korea.

There are more than 10 kinds of germs and viruses used in the germ warfare of the U.S. military invading North Korea, including Yersinia pestis, Vibrio cholerae, typhoid and paratyphoid bacillus, Shigella bacillus, Membranobacter aerogenes, Neisseria meningitidis, and encephalitis virus.After special cultivation of these bacteria toxins, they are attached to flies, mosquitoes, fleas, spiders and other insects, rats, birds and other small animals, as well as food, cotton, leaflets and other miscellaneous items, and they are made into bacterial bombs and thrown by airplanes. The 5th Air Force of the Air Force, all combat wings of the Far Eastern Bomber Command, and the 1st Air Wing of the Marine Corps have all performed the task of spreading bacteria.For the sake of secrecy, the spread of bacteria is generally carried out at night or on cloudy days, or mixed with other bombing missions at the same time. The pilots who carried out the germ warfare mission called the germ bombs "propaganda bombs" or "non-exploding bombs". Wait.The scope of its distribution includes the entire northern part of North Korea, mainly important towns, water sources, military and civilian concentration areas along several railway lines north of Pyongyang in the northwestern part of North Korea, and the coastal areas bordering China and North Korea.Bacteria were also dropped in Northeast my country.

On January 28, 1952, our volunteers discovered for the first time a large number of fungus-carrying insects scattered by U.S. aircraft in Jinguli, Waiyuandi, Longzhaodong, and Longshuidong in the southeast of Yichuan. Rats, birds, insects and other animals that spread a large number of disease-carrying bacteria have been found many times in , Jinhua and other places. From January 28 to March 31, within 60 days, there were as many as 804 discoveries of U.S. planes spreading insects and sundries carrying germs and viruses in 70 counties and cities in northern North Korea. From February 29th to March 5th, 68 batches of 448 sorties of U.S. military aircraft invaded the airspace of Northeast my country, spreading a large number of fungus-carrying insects in Fushun, Xinbin, Andong, Kuandian, Linjiang and other places.

There has been no plague epidemic in North Korea for many years, and this is also affirmed in the report on the history of epidemics in North Korea issued by the US Department of the Navy. Since 1947, cholera has not occurred in northern North Korea.However, after the U.S. implemented the bacteriological war, these severe infectious diseases occurred again in North Korea. The soldiers and civilians in North Korea and the Chinese People's Volunteers all had people who were infected by germs and viruses and fell ill or died.In a village of more than 600 people in Anju County in North Korea alone, 36 people died due to plague infection in less than half a month. In March, 36 volunteers were infected by germs and died.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission received reports about the spread of insects carrying germs by the United States on the Korean battlefield. Specimens were cultured for testing, and the insects and sundries spread by the enemy were promptly extinguished to prevent the spread.The General Staff immediately sent experts to investigate and learn about the specific situation.From January 29th to February 17th, the Chinese People's Volunteers and the Korean People's Army repeatedly discovered bacteria-carrying insects scattered by US planes.In areas where fungal insects were found, the daily average temperature in late January 1952 was minus 5-6.7°C, the daily average temperature in early February was minus 7.2-9.2°C, and the daily average temperature in mid-February was minus 3.9-8.2°C. The monthly average daily temperature is minus 4.4-7.6°C, while the daily average minimum temperature in February is minus 19-22.5°C.This temperature is completely unsuitable for the survival of insects, and these insects were discovered by our army after the U.S. plane passed. Preliminary tests found that they contained plague, cholera, typhus and other germs.

Based on this, the Central Military Commission judged that "the various insects that the enemy has recently scattered in North Korea are clearly an act of germ warfare." On February 18, Nie Rongzhen, on behalf of the chief of the general staff, reported to Chairman Mao Zedong and Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai that the U.S. military had dropped fungus-carrying insects and our military's laboratory tests. On February 19, Chairman Mao appointed Vice Chairman Zhou to be specifically responsible for handling the matter. On the 20th, Vice Chairman Zhou drew up several tasks to be done in the anti-bacterial warfare and reported them to Chairman Mao Zedong.Since then, the Chinese government and the Volunteer Army have launched a resolute and powerful struggle against bacterial warfare in both political diplomacy and battlefield epidemic prevention.

Facing the germ warfare carried out by the United States in North Korea and Northeast China, the governments and people of North Korea and China launched a decisive political and diplomatic struggle in a timely manner. On February 22, 1952, the Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea issued a statement on behalf of his government, exposing and protesting the germ warfare carried out by the U.S. military in North Korea, and calling on people all over the world to stop this atrocity and pursue international responsibility for the use of this weapon. On the 24th, Chinese Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai issued a statement on behalf of the Chinese government, fully supporting the just claims of the North Korean government, and solemnly stated: "The Chinese people will join with people all over the world to fight resolutely to the end to stop this crazy crime of the US government."

On the 25th, Guo Moruo, chairman of the Chinese People's Defense Committee for World Peace and Against U.S. Aggression, called Joliot Curie, chairman of the World Peace Council, calling for the resolution of the World Peace Congress to ban the use of weapons of mass murder.At the same time, various democratic parties in China protested against the use of bacterial weapons by the US invaders, and various people's organizations, celebrities from all walks of life, and scientific organizations lodged complaints with people and relevant organizations all over the world.People all over our country set off activities to accuse and denounce the crimes of germ warfare in the United States. On March 13, 160,000 people in Shenyang held a massive demonstration.The national press and public opinion apparatus cooperated closely and published many articles exposing the germ warfare in the United States. On March 8, Joliot Curie clearly stated in a statement: "This is another crime following the equally heinous crime of destroying hundreds of thousands of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a few seconds with atomic bombs." On March 29, Guo Moruo, a representative of China, gave a detailed report on the germ warfare carried out by the United States at the meeting of the Executive Board of the World Peace Council. On April 1, the meeting passed the "Book Against Bacterial Warfare to Men and Women of the World", calling on people all over the world to "take strong actions to bring to justice those criminals who use the most despicable, dirty and appalling weapons".Many international peace and democratic organizations and people's democratic countries, as well as democratic organizations or people in many countries (including the United States) have also held mass rallies or issued statements, or gone on strike, class strike, and demonstrations to resolutely protest and condemn the United States for its bacteriological activities. crimes of war.

The United States remained silent for more than ten days, and did not respond until March 4. Secretary of State Acheson issued a statement denying: "I would like to state clearly and unequivocally that these accusations are completely untrue; No germ warfare of any kind has been conducted and is not being conducted.” He also attempted to conduct a so-called “investigation” in North Korea through the “International Committee of the Red Cross” and the “World Health Organization” manipulated by the United States at the time, in order to deceive people and provide information for it. Scouting.This was of course rejected by the DPRK and China.Soon, when the representative of the Soviet Union put forward the proposal "calling on all countries to participate in the ratification of the 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use of bacteriological weapons" in the United Nations Security Council, the United States unreasonably vetoed it.

In order to thoroughly expose to the world the truth about the crimes of germ warfare in the United States, and expose the denials and sophistry of Acheson and others with facts, the Chinese People's Defense Committee for World Peace and Against U.S. Aggression initiated a resolution, consisting of the Red Cross Society of China, various democratic parties and the people. The "U.S. Imperialist Bacterial Warfare Crime Investigative Team" composed of more than 70 members of the group, as well as representatives of the Christian community and relevant scientific experts, led by the team leader Li Dequan, deputy team leaders Liao Chengzhi, and Chen Qiyuan, from mid-March to early 4th. Field investigations were conducted in North Korea and Northeast China.From March to August of the same year, the governments of China and North Korea successively accepted the "International Association of Democratic Lawyers Investigation Team" composed of famous jurists from Austria, Italy, Britain, France, China, Belgium, Brazil, and Poland. "and the "International Scientific Committee to Investigate the Facts of Bacterial Warfare in North Korea and China" composed of famous scientists from Sweden, France, Britain, Italy, Brazil, the Soviet Union, and China went to North Korea and Northeast my country to investigate the crimes of germ warfare in the United States .Through in-depth on-the-spot investigations, these three investigation teams possessed a lot of first-hand information and evidence, and published investigation reports one after another, exposing the truth of the crimes of the United States in conducting bacterial warfare in North Korea and Northeast my country with a large number of facts, and conducted scientific investigations. Argumentation and conclusion: There is absolutely no doubt that the United States conducts germ warfare in North Korea and Northeast China. Therefore, the U.S. government’s crime of conducting germ warfare against it is undeniable. On September 16, 1952, the "International Scientific Committee Investigation Report on the Facts of Bacterial Warfare in North Korea and China" pointed out: "The people of North Korea and Northeast China have indeed become the targets of bacteriological weapons; These bacteriological weapons were used by methods, some of which appear to have been developed from methods used by the Japanese Army in the conduct of bacteriological warfare during World War II. The Committee arrived at these conclusions by following logical steps. The It was difficult for the members of this committee to believe that such an inhumane method, which was condemned by all peoples, should be used; this committee is now compelled by facts to draw these conclusions."

In order to further expose the sophistry of the United States and let people at home and abroad further understand the truth, during this period, the Chinese People's Defense Committee for World Peace Against U.S. Aggression also held physical and photo exhibitions of the U.S. military's germ warfare in the capital Beijing and Shenyang. It also aroused the resentment of the masses against the invaders. From early May 1952 to late November 1953, China's Xinhua News Agency successively released information about the germ warfare carried out by the U.S. military in North Korea and Northeast China, including 25 captured American pilots who personally carried out germ warfare missions. confessions and open letters. ②They all confessed some details about the execution of germ warfare missions and the official secrecy regulations.Among them were Colonel Andre J. Evans Jr., Colonel Wacker McMahurin and Frank Frank.Colonel H. Schweible has 3 senior positions, and some of them have served in the office of the Secretary of the Air Force or the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. They know about the decision-making of some American military authorities on the implementation of germ warfare in North Korea. In addition to confessing that they themselves carried out germ warfare In addition to the details of the mission, it also separately stated the decision-making of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff with roughly the same plot on the implementation of germ warfare in North Korea. The above-mentioned facts and measures have effectively exposed the denial of the United States, touched its sore spots, and made the U.S. government even more passive.Therefore, the old tricks of the United States are repeated, and they deny and deny. In June 1952, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff authorized the commander-in-chief of the "United Nations Army" Clark to issue a statement denying the pilot's confession about germ warfare.In his statement, he said the "confession" of the American pilot was "false" and "fabricated" by the Communist Party.The following year, the U.S. representative to the United Nations slandered the Communist Party for "extorting a confession" from its pilot.Instead, the United States refers to China's revelation of the truth about its germ warfare as germ "propaganda warfare." However, facts speak louder than words.The United States also has to admit that the revelation of the truth about its germ warfare has already had devastating effects.The US "Washington Post" published an editorial on April 19, 1952 and pointed out: "There are several reasons why this propaganda has been credulous to the gullible people: (1) The attack of germ warfare is a real and terrible possibility in modern warfare. (ii) the fear of such an attack generates precisely the anxiety that propaganda can most effectively exploit; (iii) the United States has long studied the possibility of using germs as weapons and has recently accelerated this It is an indisputable fact that research and development activities in terms of The germ warfare carried out by the American aggressors was beyond the expectation of the governments of China and North Korea.Although the military and civilians of China and North Korea have no experience in how to crush this new criminal act, under the correct leadership of the parties and governments of China and North Korea, they took resolute and effective measures in time and won the victory in the anti-bacteriological war. After China and North Korea discovered that the U.S. military was conducting germ warfare in Korea, they immediately exposed and accused the crimes committed by the U.S. aggressors politically and diplomatically. The deployment was made, and the National Emergency Epidemic Prevention Committee and local epidemic prevention committees were established.In the germ-infected areas, timely carry out drug disinfection, clean up poisonous insects, etc., and provide vaccinations for the military and civilians, and try our best to control the spread of the disease. When the U.S. military spread bacteria to Chinese territory, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called on the people of the whole country to take extensive epidemic prevention measures and set off a patriotic anti-epidemic health campaign across the country.The Administrative Council of the Central People's Government and the People's Revolutionary Military Commission jointly issued instructions requiring the people of the whole country to vigorously carry out epidemic prevention work, carry out extensive sanitation and cleaning campaigns, implement fly, mosquito, lice, fleas, and pollution, etc. Tao is the focus.Not only did relevant experts and scientific and technological personnel go to the site for inspection quickly, providing reliable scientific basis for anti-bacterial warfare in a timely manner, but at the same time scientific research institutions were established in Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao and other places to strengthen research on anti-bacterial warfare.In order to strengthen the leadership of the national epidemic prevention work, the original Central Epidemic Prevention Committee was expanded and strengthened, and Zhou Enlai, Guo Moruo, and Nie Rongzhen served as director and deputy director respectively.Epidemic prevention committees have also been established in major administrative regions and coastal provinces and cities.By the end of March, more than 20,000 people had formed 129 anti-epidemic brigades across the country, and 66 quarantine stations had been set up on domestic transportation lines, borders, and seaports.And step up the development and distribution of a large number of vaccines and disinfection insecticides. In early March, more than 5.8 million copies of various vaccines were rushed to North Korea to meet the urgent needs of the volunteers and support North Korean soldiers and civilians. Before April 10, more than 4.85 million people in Northeast China were vaccinated against plague. The Central Military Commission and the Volunteer Army Headquarters took more decisive and effective epidemic prevention measures, and actively launched anti-bacterial warfare battlefield epidemic prevention work.On February 21 and 25, the Central Military Commission called the headquarters of the Volunteer Army twice to give specific instructions on the anti-bacterial warfare and epidemic prevention work.It is required that leading cadres and agencies at all levels must regard epidemic prevention work as the primary task of the current work of troops and residents.No matter how far the U.S. military's germ warfare goes, it must carry out epidemic prevention work quickly and resolutely, without hesitation and wavering. According to the instructions of the Central Military Commission, the Volunteer Army established the General Epidemic Prevention Committee on March 1, with Deng Hua as the director and Han Xianchu and Wu Zhili (Minister of Health of the Volunteer Army) as the deputy directors to lead the entire army in the fight against bacterial warfare.Subsequently, epidemic prevention committees were successively established at all levels from the army to the regiment, and the battalion and company established epidemic prevention teams to lead the anti-bacterial warfare epidemic prevention work, implement the method of combining professional teams with the masses, and implement the policy of putting prevention first. More than 40 experts and hundreds of anti-epidemic personnel from the Ministry of Health of the Volunteer Army formed an epidemic prevention inspection team together with the anti-epidemic personnel of the Ministry of Health of the Volunteer Army. The prevention and control team, each division and the logistics depot form a group of small prevention and control teams to be responsible for the prevention and control work of the unit.The logistics department of the Volunteer Army also set up seven infectious disease hospitals, and units below the army also established special infectious disease hospitals, medical treatment groups, or temporary isolation rooms to treat and isolate epidemic patients infected by the US bacterial warfare; by early April, Commanders and fighters of the Volunteer Army were generally vaccinated with plague vaccine and pentavalent vaccine, with an injection rate of more than 92%. More than 1.3 million North Korean residents were also vaccinated near the troops stationed and within 3 li on both sides of the railway and highway, and supported North Korea The government has a large number of anti-epidemic medicinal materials; the ideological education of anti-bacterial warfare and the education of epidemic prevention health knowledge have been extensively and deeply carried out among the troops, the areas of responsibility for epidemic prevention have been divided, the epidemic detection service has been established, and the extermination of bacterial vectors and disinfection of contaminated areas have been organized. , The whole army also vigorously carried out a campaign to clean up the sanitation of the stationed areas, actively catching rats, killing flies, killing mosquitoes, killing fleas, killing lice, eliminating bacterial vectors, protecting water sources, improving personal and environmental hygiene, and so on. Taking the above-mentioned effective measures, the development of the epidemic was quickly controlled, and the health of the volunteers improved accordingly.The large-scale anti-bacterial warfare epidemic prevention work was carried out until the winter of 1952 and came to an end.A total of 384 patients with bacterial warfare occurred in our army, and 258 were cured.The United States not only suffered shameful political and moral failures in its germ warfare, but also failed to achieve the expected military goals.
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