Home Categories political economy Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 7

Chapter 49 Letter to Hu Qiaomu[1]

(December 25, 1957) Comrade Qiao Mu: The Notice of Removing the Four Pests [2] still has shortcomings, it is not solid, and it is a little light.This is because you haven't studied the rich experience that has been gained in various places, and you still don't understand this issue in your mind.Now that we have a large amount of experience, we can use a week to collect and read all the experiences that have been published in newspapers in all provinces, cities, and counties across the country, and think about it while reading, forming a set of ideas, and then write down a document.Change at least three or five times, hold a meeting once or twice with Peng Zhen, Liu Ren[3], and two or three experienced cadres and scientists in Beijing to express opinions, revise the document, and carefully consider every word, so that the logic is clear and the writing is interesting exuberant.The document can be longer, up to about 1,000 to 2,000 words.In short, it makes people feel that they can solve the problem, have a lot of confidence, and have a lot of energy to take action.The content should clearly explain the principles of inspiring everyone, transforming the country, and driving the elimination of human diseases, livestock diseases, and crop diseases. This is a theory.Then talk about the method, but also in a reasonable way, so that people feel that it is practical and feasible, without layman's jargon.To write this part, you must study it carefully and work hard.Then talk about the secretary's work, newspapers, periodicals, broadcasting, regular cleaning, regular inspections, etc., as the end.Just write it, pass it, and send it out within two weeks.Give me a look.

Speech in Moscow[4], please type it and send it to me to read it again, if you still feel that there is something that needs to be revised. Mao Zedong Eight o'clock on the eleventh and fifteenth When you arrive in Jinan, you can rest overnight and have a serious talk.Find a copy of the struggle documents, industrial and agricultural plans there, and take it home, and read it carefully. Printed from manuscript. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] Hu Qiaomu, was the alternate secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Mao Zedong's secretary.

[2] Refers to the directive draft of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on eliminating the four pests and promoting hygiene. [3] Peng Zhen (1902-1997), a native of Quwo, Shanxi, was the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the mayor of Beijing at that time.Liu Ren (1909-1973), a native of Youyang, Sichuan, was the second secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China at that time. [4] Refers to Mao Zedong's three speeches at the Moscow Communist Party and Workers' Party Conference in November 1957.

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