Home Categories political economy Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 7

Chapter 30 Speech at the Meeting of Party Committee Secretaries of Provinces, Municipalities and Autonomous Regions [1]

(January 27, 1957) Now, I would like to make a few comments. The first point is to estimate the grades sufficiently.In our revolution and construction, achievements are the main thing, but there are also shortcomings and mistakes.With so many achievements, it is impossible to exaggerate, but if you underestimate, you will make mistakes, and you may make big mistakes.This problem was originally resolved at the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee, but it was discussed many times at this meeting, which shows that it has not been resolved in the minds of some comrades.Especially among democrats, there is a kind of discussion: "You always say that grades are basic, but this does not solve the problem. Who doesn't know that grades are basic, and there are still shortcomings and mistakes!" However, grades are indeed basic.If you are not sure about this, get discouraged.There is something discouraging about cooperation!

The second point is to make overall plans and take everything into consideration.This has always been our policy.In Yan'an, we adopted this policy.In August 1944, "Ta Kung Pao" wrote an editorial, saying that we should not "start from scratch."During the negotiations in Chongqing, I told the person in charge of Ta Kung Pao, I agree with what you said, but Chairman Jiang wants to take care of our meals, and he doesn’t care about our meals. What if I don’t start a new stove? At that time, we proposed to Chiang Kai-shek a The catchphrase is to get what we deserve.Now we are in charge.Our policy is to make overall plans and take everything into consideration.Including all the military and political personnel left behind by the Kuomintang, and even those who went to Taiwan can come back.For counter-revolutionaries, those who are not killed will be reformed to give them a way out of life.The democratic parties are preserved and coexist for a long time, and arrangements are made for its members.All in all, we manage all the 600 million people in the country.For example, unified purchasing and marketing, we take care of all urban population and rural food-deficient households.Another example is the urban youth, whether they go to school, or go to the countryside, or go to the factory, or go to the frontier, there must always be an arrangement.For those whose whole family has no employment, there is still relief, always based on the principle of not starving to death.All of these are coordinated.What kind of policy is this? It is to mobilize all positive forces in order to build socialism.This is a strategic approach.It is better to implement such a policy, and there will be fewer disturbances.This idea of ​​overall planning and consideration must be made clear to everyone.

Comrade Ke Qingshi [2] said that we must do everything possible.This is a good saying, that is, we must try our best to solve the difficulties.This slogan should be propagated.The difficulties we are encountering now are not too great, what a big deal! Compared with the Long March, climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands must be better.During the Long March, after crossing the Dadu River, how should we go? The north is full of high mountains, and the population is small. At that time, we proposed to do everything possible to overcome the difficulties.What does it mean to use thousands of methods and hundreds of methods? A thousand methods are nine hundred and ninety-nine methods plus one side, and a hundred methods are ninety-nine methods plus one.Now you haven't come up with any methods or plans.How many schemes do the provinces and central ministries have? As long as we try our best, difficulties can be solved.

The third point is international issues.In the Middle East, there was a Suez Canal incident[3].One man, Nasser[4], took the canal back to the country; another man, Eden[5], sent an army to fight it; then, the third man, Eisenhower[6], wanted to drive out the British People, dominate this place.The British bourgeoisie has always been cunning and cunning, and it is the class that is best at making compromises at the right time.Now it has brought the Middle East into the hands of the Americans.This is a big mistake! How many mistakes like this can be counted in its history? Why did it go crazy and make this mistake this time? Because the United States is too oppressive, it can’t hold back, and wants to take back the Middle East , to prevent the United States.Is the British spearhead mainly against Egypt? No.British articles are aimed at the United States, and the United States is aimed at Britain.

From this incident we can see the focus of the current world struggle.Of course, the contradiction between the imperialist countries and the socialist countries is a very serious contradiction, but they are now fighting for territory in the name of anti-communism.What territory are they fighting for? Fighting for the territory of one billion people in Asia and Africa.At present, their contention is concentrated in the Middle East, an area of ​​great strategic significance, especially the Suez Canal area in Egypt.There are two types of contradictions and three forces in conflict there.There are two types of contradictions, one is the contradiction between imperialism and imperialism, that is, the contradiction between the United States and Britain, the United States and France, and the other is the contradiction between imperialism and the oppressed nations.There are three kinds of power, the first is the largest imperialist United States, the second is the second-class imperialists Britain and France, and the third is the oppressed nations.The main arenas of imperialist contention are now Asia and Africa.National independence movements emerged in these areas.The methods adopted by the United States include both literary and military methods, and this is the case in the Middle East.

It's to our advantage that they make trouble.Our policy should be to consolidate the socialist country without giving up an inch of ground.Whoever wants us to give way, we must fight him.Out of this range, let them make trouble.So, shall we speak? We shall speak.We must support the anti-imperialist struggles of the people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and the revolutionary struggles of the people of all countries. Between the imperialist countries and us, there is me in you, and you in me.We support the people's revolution there, and they engage in subversive activities here.Among them are our people, that is, the Communist Party there, revolutionary workers, farmers, intellectuals, and progressive people.There are people like them among us. Taking China as an example, they are many people among the bourgeoisie and the democratic parties, as well as the landlord class.Now these people seem to be obedient and haven't caused trouble yet.But if the atomic bomb hit Beijing, what would they do? Wouldn't they rebel? That would be a big problem.As for the reform-through-labour prisoners, the leader of the trouble at the school in Shijiazhuang, and the college student in Beijing who wanted to kill tens of thousands of people, let alone.We must digest them and transform landlords and capitalists into laborers. This is also a strategic policy.It will take a long time to eliminate classes.

In short, when it comes to observing international issues, we still believe that this is the case: the imperialists are fighting among themselves and competing for colonies with each other. This contradiction is bigger.They are using the pretense of conflicts with us to cover up the contradictions between them.We can exploit their contradictions, and there is much to be done here.This is a major event related to our foreign policy. Talk about Sino-US relations.We printed and distributed Eisenhower's letter to Chiang Kai-shek at the meeting.I think this letter is mainly to pour cold water on Chiang Kai-shek, and then cheer him up.The letter said that we need to calm down and not be impulsive, which means that we should not fight wars and rely on the United Nations.This is to pour cold water on.Chiang Kai-shek was just a little impulsive.Cheering up means continuing to adopt a tough policy against the Communist Party, and pinning our hopes on our troubles.In his view, the chaos had already broken out, and there was nothing the Communist Party could do to stop it.Everyone has their own observations!

I still see it this way, it is better to establish diplomatic relations with the United States a few years later.This is more favorable.The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with the United States seventeen years after the October Revolution.The world economic crisis broke out in 1929 and lasted until 1933.This year, Hitler[7] came to power in Germany, and Roosevelt[8] came to power in the United States. At this time, the Soviet Union and the United States established diplomatic relations.We may establish diplomatic relations with the United States after the completion of the third five-year plan, that is to say, it will take eighteen years or more.We are not eager to join the United Nations, just like we are not eager to establish diplomatic relations with the United States.We have adopted this policy in order to deprive the United States of its political capital as much as possible and keep it in an unreasonable and isolated position.Don't want us to enter the United Nations and establish diplomatic relations with us, then well, the longer you delay, the more you owe us.The longer it is delayed, the more unreasonable it becomes. In the United States and in international public opinion, you will be more isolated.I told an American [9] in Yan’an that the United States will not recognize our government for a hundred years, and if you don’t recognize it in a hundred and one years, I don’t believe it.One day, the United States will establish diplomatic relations with us.At that time, when Americans came to China to see it, they would feel regretful.Because this place in China has changed, the house has been cleaned, and the "four pests" have been eradicated, they can't find many friends anymore, and spreading a little bacteria won't help much anymore.

After the Second World War, the capitalist countries were very unstable, chaotic, and people's hearts were disturbed.All countries in the world are disturbed, including China.However, we are better than them.Do your research and see, among the socialist countries and the imperialist countries, mainly the United States, who is afraid of whom? I say they are afraid.The question is who is more afraid of whom? I have such a tendency: imperialism is more afraid of us.There may be a danger in making such estimates, that is, everyone has gone to sleep and will not wake up for three days.Therefore, there are always two possibilities to be estimated.In addition to the good possibility, there is also a bad possibility, that is, imperialism is going crazy.Imperialism has malicious intentions and is always trying to make trouble.Of course, it is not so easy for the imperialists to fight a world war now, and they have to consider the outcome of the war.

Let me talk about Sino-Soviet relations again.I think there is always arguing, don't assume that there is no arguing between the Communist Party.Is there anyone in the world who doesn't talk about it? Marxism is a talk about it, and it talks about contradictions and struggles.There are always contradictions, and where there are contradictions, there will be struggles.Now there are some contradictions between China and the Soviet Union.Their way of thinking about problems and doing things, their historical habits, are different from ours.So, do work on them.I have always said that comrades have to do work.Some people say that since they are all members of the Communist Party, they should be equally good. Why do they still have to do work? To do work is to engage in a united front and do the work of democrats. Why do they still have to do the work of Communist Party members? This view is wrong.There are still various opinions within the Communist Party.Some people have joined the party in the organization, but their ideology has not yet been communicated, and even some veteran cadres do not agree with our language.Therefore, we need to have heart-to-heart talks, individual or collective discussions, how many meetings we need to hold, and do the work of clearing our minds.

In my opinion, the situation is stronger than some people, even higher officials.Under the oppression of the situation, those diehards in the Soviet Union still want to practice the big country chauvinism, which will not work.Our current policy is to help them, and the way is to talk directly to them face to face.This time our delegation went to the Soviet Union[10] and exposed some problems to them.I told Comrade Enlai on the phone that these people are insane, and the best way to deal with them is to scold them.What is profit? It is nothing more than 50 million tons of steel, 400 million tons of coal, and 80 million tons of oil.What is this? This is called not counting.Seeing such a small thing, one's head is actually full. What kind of communists are you, what kind of Marxists! I said adding ten times or a hundred times doesn't count.You just dug a little thing from the earth, turned it into steel, and made it into a car and plane. What a big deal! But you carried it on your back as such a huge burden, and ignored all revolutionary principles. This is not called being blinded by profit! The official can also be blinded by profit.Being the first secretary is also a kind of advantage, and it is easy to make the head dizzy.When he was very faint, he had to use some method to scold him.This time Comrade Enlai was not polite in Moscow, and raised an argument with them, which made them raise it too.That's good, let's make it clear in person.They want to influence us and we want to influence them.We didn't pierce through everything, and the magic weapon was not used once, and we still kept a handful in our hands.There are always conflicts. As long as things are generally passable at present, we can seek common ground while reserving differences, and we will talk about those differences in the future.If they insist on going on like this, one day they will all be revealed. On our own side, we should not exaggerate our publicity to the outside world.At any time, be modest and prudent, and keep your tail tight.We still need to study Soviet things, but we must learn selectively, learning advanced things, not backward things.For backward things is another way to learn, that is, not to learn.We know what he was wrong, and we can avoid making that mistake.We must learn from him what is useful to us.We all have to learn the beneficial things of all countries in the world.To find knowledge, you have to search in various places. If you only search in one place, it becomes monotonous. Fourth point, a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend.This policy was put forward after criticizing the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique[11], and I think it is still correct and conforms to dialectics. Regarding dialectics, Lenin said: "Dialectics can be briefly defined as the theory of the unity of opposites. This will grasp the core of dialectics, but this requires explanation and development." [12] Explanation and development, this is our job .To explain, we explain too little now.It still needs to be developed. We have rich experience in the revolution, so we should develop this theory.Lenin also said: "The unity of opposites (unity, unity, balance of power) is conditional, temporary, temporary, and relative. The struggle of mutually exclusive opposites is absolute, just as development and movement are absolute. [13] Starting from this point of view, we put forward the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend. Truth is developed in comparison with and against error.Beauty is developed by comparing with ugliness and fighting against it.The same is true of good and evil. Good deeds and good people are compared with evil things and evil people and developed by fighting against them.In short, fragrant flowers are developed by comparing with and fighting against poisonous weeds.It is a dangerous policy to forbid people to meet with fallacious, ugly and hostile things, with idealism and metaphysics, with Confucius, Laozi[14], and Chiang Kai-shek.It will lead people to decline in thinking, to fight alone, not to see the world, and not to sing against the stage. In philosophy, materialism and idealism are the unity of opposites, and these two things are fighting each other.There are also two things called dialectics and metaphysics, which are also the unity of opposites and struggle with each other.When talking about philosophy, these two pairs are indispensable.Now the Soviet Union does not engage in matching, but only engages in "single households", saying that it only releases fragrant flowers and does not release poisonous weeds, and does not recognize the existence of idealism and metaphysics in socialist countries.In fact, no matter which country there is idealism, metaphysics, and poisonous weeds.Many poisonous weeds in the Soviet Union appeared in the name of fragrant flowers, and many strange comments there were all wearing the hat of materialism or socialist realism.We openly recognize the struggle between materialism and idealism, dialectics and metaphysics, fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds.This kind of struggle must be fought forever, and every stage must be advanced. I advise comrades here, if you understand materialism and dialectics, you need to learn a little more about its opposites, idealism and metaphysics.The books of Kant[15] and Hegel[16], Confucius and Chiang Kai-shek, these negative things, need to be read.If you don't understand idealism and metaphysics, and haven't struggled against these negative things, your materialism and dialectics will not be solid.The shortcoming of some of our Communist Party members and intellectuals of the Communist Party is precisely that we know too little about negative things.After reading a few books by Marx, I just followed the narration, which was relatively monotonous.Speech, writing, lack of convincing.If you don't study the opposite, you can't refute it.This was not the case with Marx, Engels, or Lenin.They strive to learn and study all kinds of things, contemporary and historical, and teach people to do the same.The three constituent parts of Marxism emerged in the process of studying bourgeois things, studying German classical philosophy, British classical economics, and French utopian socialism, and fighting against them.Stalin was worse.For example, in his period, he described the German classical idealist philosophy as a reaction of the German aristocracy to the French Revolution.Such a conclusion completely negates the German classical idealist philosophy.He denies German military science, saying that after the Germans have lost the war, that military science can no longer be used, and that Clausewitz [17] should not be read. Stalin had a lot of metaphysics and taught many people to do metaphysics.He said in "A Concise Course on the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks)" that Marxist dialectics has four basic characteristics.He first talked about the connection of things, as if everything is connected for no reason.What is the connection? It is the connection between the two opposite sides.All kinds of things have two opposite sides.His fourth article talks about the internal contradictions of things, and only talks about the struggle of opposites, not the unity of opposites.According to the dialectical fundamental law of the unity of opposites, opposites are in struggle, but also in unity, mutually exclusive, but also interrelated, and transform into each other under certain conditions. The article on identity in the fourth edition of "A Concise Dictionary of Philosophy" compiled by the Soviet Union reflects Stalin's point of view.The dictionary says: "Phenomena such as war and peace, bourgeoisie and proletariat, life and death, etc. cannot be identical, because they are fundamentally opposite and mutually exclusive." [18] That is to say, these fundamentally opposite phenomena , without the identity of Marxism, they are only mutually exclusive, not connected with each other, and cannot be transformed into each other under certain conditions.This statement is fundamentally wrong. In their view, war is war, and peace is peace. The two things are mutually exclusive and have nothing to do with each other. War cannot be transformed into peace, and peace cannot be transformed into war.Lenin quoted Clausewitz: "War is the continuation of politics by another means." [19] Struggle in peacetime is politics, and war is also politics, but with special means.War and peace are mutually exclusive, but also interconnected and transform into each other under certain conditions.Why does war suddenly come when there is no war in peacetime? Peace is not brewed in the midst of war, why does peace come suddenly? Life and death cannot be transformed, so where do living things come from? Originally, there were only non-living things on the earth, and living things came into existence later. They were transformed from non-living things, that is, dead things.Living things have metabolism, growth, reproduction and death.In the process of life activities, life and death are constantly fighting each other and transforming each other. The bourgeoisie and the proletariat cannot be transformed. Why did the proletariat become the ruler and the bourgeoisie the ruled after the revolution? For example, we are fundamentally opposed to the Chiang Kai-shek Kuomintang.As a result of the mutual struggle and mutual exclusion of the opposing parties, the status of both us and the Kuomintang has changed. They have changed from the rulers to the ruled, and we have changed from the ruled to the rulers.Only one tenth of the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan, and nine tenths stayed on the mainland.We are transforming the remaining part. This is one-tenth of the unity of opposites going to Taiwan in the new situation. We are still opposing and reunifying with them, and we have to transform them through struggle. This struggle and unity of opposites, Stalin could not relate.The thinking of some people in the Soviet Union is metaphysical, it is so hardened, it is either one way or the other, and does not recognize the unity of opposites.Therefore, it is politically wrong.We adhere to the viewpoint of unity of opposites, and adopt the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend.While releasing fragrant flowers, there will inevitably be poisonous weeds released.It's not terrible, and it can be beneficial under certain conditions. Some phenomena are unavoidable for a certain period of time, and there will be solutions after they are released.For example, in the past, the repertoire was strictly controlled, and performances of this and that were not allowed.Now when it is played, "Wuben Ji", "Tian Lei Bao", and all kinds of ghosts and snakes have come to the stage.How about this phenomenon? I think it’s good to run around.Many people have never seen a play of monsters, ghosts, and monsters. After seeing these ugly images, they realize that things that should not be staged are also staged.Then, criticize, reform, or ban those plays.Some people say that some local operas are not good, and even the locals are against it.I can see this kind of drama acting a little bit.Whether it is tenable or not, and how many viewers there are, let practice judge, and don't rush to stop it. Now, we have decided to expand the distribution of "Reference News" [20] from 2,000 to 400,000 copies, so that both inside and outside the party can read it.This is the Communist Party publishing newspapers for the imperialists, even those reactionary remarks that scold us.Why do we do this? The purpose is to put poisonous weeds, non-Marxist and anti-Marxist things in front of our comrades, the people and democrats, so that they can be tempered.Don't block it, it's dangerous to block it.In this regard, our approach is different from that of the Soviet Union.Why vaccinia? It is to artificially put a virus into the human body to carry out "germ warfare" to fight against you and make your body produce a kind of immunity.The publication of "Reference News" and other negative teaching materials is "vaccination" to strengthen the political immunity of cadres and the masses. For some harmful remarks, it is necessary to give a strong rebuttal in a timely manner.For example, the article "Say "Inevitable""[21] published in "People's Daily" stated that mistakes in our work are not inevitable, and we use the phrase "unavoidable" to forgive mistakes in our work.This is a harmful speech.This article seems to be unpublished.Since you want to be listed, you should be prepared to refute in time and sing a counter-act.When we engage in revolution and construction, we will inevitably make some mistakes. This has been proved by historical experience. The article "Re-discussing the Historical Experience of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat" [22] is a theory of inevitability.Who among our comrades is willing to make mistakes? Mistakes are only realized later, and at the beginning they all thought they were 100% Marxist.Of course, we should not feel that it is okay to make mistakes just because mistakes are inevitable.However, it must also be admitted that it is impossible not to make mistakes in the work.The problem is to commit fewer crimes and make smaller ones. The unhealthy tendencies in society must be suppressed.Whether it is within the Party, among democrats, or among young students, any unhealthy trend, that is to say, is not the fault of an individual, but forms a trend, and must be suppressed.The way to fight is to reason.As long as there is persuasion, the unhealthy trend can be suppressed.Not convincing, just scolding a few words, the unhealthy trend will become bigger and bigger.For major issues, you must be fully prepared, and when you are sure, publish a convincing rebuttal article.The secretary must manage the newspaper and write articles himself. The two opposing and fighting sides of a unified thing always have a main and a secondary.In our country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, of course we cannot allow poisonous weeds to spread everywhere.Whether within the Party or in the ideological, literary and artistic circles, the main and dominant ones must strive to be fragrant flowers and Marxism.Poisonous weeds, non-Marxist and anti-Marxist things can only be ruled.In a sense, this can be likened to the relationship between the nucleus and the electrons inside an atom.An atom is divided into two parts, one is called the nucleus and the other is called electrons.The nucleus of an atom is small, but heavy.Electrons are very light, an electron is only about 1800th of the lightest nucleus.The nucleus can also be divided, but the combination is relatively strong.Electronics are a bit "liberal", and a few can go away, and a few can come again.The relationship between the nucleus and the electron is also the unity of opposites, there is a dominant and a secondary.From this point of view, it is beneficial and harmless for a hundred flowers to bloom and a hundred schools of thought to contend. Sixth, legal issues.Talk about three things: we must abide by the law, we must eradicate counterrevolutionaries, and we must affirm the achievements of eradicating counterrevolutionaries. We must abide by the law and not destroy the legal system of the revolution.Law is the superstructure.Our laws are formulated by the working people themselves.It is to maintain the revolutionary order, protect the interests of the working people, protect the socialist economic foundation, and protect the productive forces.We require all people to abide by the revolutionary legal system, not just you democrats. It must be eradicated.Those who have not completed the anti-revolutionary plan must complete it this year, and if there are any tails left, they must complete it next year.Some units have carried out the elimination of counterrevolutionaries, but the elimination has not been cleared up, and must be eliminated gradually in the struggle.There are not many counter-revolutionaries left, that is for sure.In troubled places, the broad masses will not follow the counter-revolutionaries, but only partly and temporarily.At the same time, it must be affirmed that there are still counter-revolutionaries, and the work of eliminating counter-revolutionaries is not complete. We must affirm the achievements of the eradication of counter-revolutionaries.The achievements of the eradication of counter-revolutionaries are great.There are mistakes, of course, they must be taken seriously.We must support the cadres who are doing anti-revolutionary work, and we cannot soften just because some democrats scold them.You scold every day, you have nothing else to do after eating, and you only do scolding, that's up to you.I think the more you scold me, the better. The three things I mentioned are always unstoppable. The Communist Party does not know how much it has been scolded.The Kuomintang calls us "communist bandits", and others who communicate with us are called "communist bandits".In the end, it was better to be a "bandit" than to be a "bandit".Since ancient times, no advanced things have been popular at the beginning, and they have always been scolded.Marxism and the Communist Party have been scolded from the beginning.Ten thousand years later, advanced things will still be scolded at the beginning. We must persevere in eradicating counter-revolutionaries, and we must eliminate counter-revolutionaries.The rule of law must be followed.Acting in accordance with the law is not the same as being restrained.It is wrong to restrain one's hands and feet if there is opposition.Let go according to the law. The seventh point is agricultural issues.To strive for a bumper harvest this year.With a bumper harvest this year, people's hearts can be stabilized, and the cooperatives can be quite consolidated.In the Soviet Union and some countries in Eastern Europe, when cooperatives are implemented, grain production will always be reduced for several years.We have been engaged in cooperatives for several years, and last year we carried out intensive efforts. Not only did we not reduce production, but we also increased production.If there is another bumper harvest this year, there will be no precedent in the history of co-operation and the history of the international communist movement. The whole Party must attach importance to agriculture.Agriculture has a great relationship with the national economy and the people's livelihood. It is very dangerous not to catch food.If we don't catch food, there will be chaos in the world one day. First of all, agriculture is related to the problem of food for the 500 million rural population, the problem of eating meat and oil, and other non-commercial agricultural products for daily use.The self-sufficiency of the farmers is enormous.For example, more than 360 billion catties of grain were produced last year, and commercial grain, including public grain, was about more than 80 billion catties, less than a quarter, and more than three quarters belonged to farmers.Agriculture is well done, farmers can support themselves, and the population of 500 million is stable. Second, agriculture is also related to the problem of food for the population in cities and industrial and mining areas.Only with the development of commercial agricultural products can the needs of the industrial population be supplied and industry developed.On the basis of developing agricultural production, we must gradually increase the commodity rate of agricultural products, especially grain.With food to eat, a small number of people in schools and factories are not afraid of making trouble. Third, agriculture is the main source of raw materials for light industry, and the countryside is an important market for light industry.Only when agriculture develops can light industry produce sufficient raw materials and light industry products gain a broad market. Fourth, the countryside is an important market for heavy industry.For example, chemical fertilizers, various agricultural machinery, and part of electricity, coal, and oil are supplied to rural areas, and railways, roads, and large-scale water conservancy projects also serve agriculture.Now, we have established a socialist agricultural economy, whether it is to develop light industry or heavy industry, the countryside is a huge market. Fifth, the export materials are mainly agricultural products.When agricultural products are turned into foreign exchange, various industrial equipment can be imported. Sixth, agriculture is an important source of accumulation.With the development of agriculture, more funds can be provided for the development of industry. Therefore, in a certain sense, agriculture is industry.It is necessary to persuade the industrial sector to face the countryside and support agriculture.This is what we should do if we want to do a good job in industrialization. How much should the accumulation of agriculture itself and the accumulation of the state obtain from agriculture account for in the income of cooperatives? Please do your research and come up with an appropriate proportion.Its purpose is to enable agriculture to expand its reproduction, to make it a larger market as an industry, and to make it more of a source of accumulation.First let agriculture itself accumulate more, and then we can accumulate more for industry.It is only for the accumulation of industry, and the accumulation of agriculture itself is too little or no accumulation, and fishing is exhausted, which is not conducive to the development of industry. Attention should also be paid to the accumulation of cooperatives and the ratio of members' income.Cooperatives should use the law of value to do economic calculations, run cooperatives diligently and frugally, and gradually increase their accumulation.If there is a bumper harvest this year, the accumulation will be a little more than last year, but not too much. Let the farmers have enough to eat first.Accumulate more in good harvest years, and not accumulate or accumulate less in famine years or semi-famine years.That is to say, accumulation is wave-like, or called spiral-like.The things in the world, because they are all contradictory and all opposites are united, so their movement and development are all wave-like.The light from the sun is called light waves, the radio waves are called radio waves, and the propagation of sound is called sound waves.Water has waves, and heat has heat waves.In a certain sense, walking is also a wave, and walking step by step is a wave.Singing is also turbulent. After one line is sung, the second line is sung, and there is no one who sings seven or eight lines in one breath.Writing also has waves. After writing a word, I can write another word. I can't write hundreds of words in one stroke.This is the tortuous nature of the contradictory movement of things. In short, we must act according to dialectics.This is what Comrade Deng Xiaoping[23] said.In my opinion, the whole party should study dialectics and advocate doing things according to dialectics.The whole party must pay attention to ideological and theoretical work, build a team of Marxist theories, and strengthen the research and publicity of Marxist theories.It is necessary to use the Marxist theory of the unity of opposites to observe and deal with new problems of class contradictions and class struggle in socialist society, and to observe and deal with new problems in international struggles. Published based on the transcript of the speech kept by the Central Archives. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] There are seven points in Mao Zedong’s speech, and this book includes points one, two, three, four, six, and seven. [2] Ke Qingshi (1902-1965), a native of She County, Anhui.At that time, he was the first secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. [3] The Suez Canal is located in the northeast of Egypt and is an international navigable canal connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.It is located at the hub of the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa, and its strategic position is very important.After the official navigation in 19869, Britain and France monopolized most of the shares of the Suez Canal Company and gained huge profits from it every year. Britain also established the largest overseas military base in the canal area.After the Second World War, the Egyptian people fought unremittingly to recover the sovereignty of the Suez Canal.On July 26, 1956, the Egyptian government announced that it would nationalize the Suez Canal Company.The Chinese government and the governments and leaders of many countries around the world issued statements to support Egypt's just action.In October of the same year, Britain, France and Israel launched a war of aggression against Egypt in an attempt to recapture the canal but failed. [4] Nasser (1918-1970), then President of Egypt. [5] Eden (1897-1977), British Conservative Party member.He was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1955 and resigned on January 9, 1957. [6] Eisenhower, then President of the United States. [7] Hitler, see note [3] on page 75 of this volume. [8] Roosevelt, President of the United States from 1933 to 1945. [9] Refers to Paul Ruide, the leader of the US military observation team stationed in Yan'an during the Anti-Japanese War. [10] From January 7 to 10 and 17 to 19, 1957, Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier He Long led a Chinese government delegation to visit the Soviet Union. [11] In July 1954, Hu Feng (then a representative of the National People's Congress, a member of the National Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a director of the Chinese Writers Association, and an editorial board member of "People's Literature") submitted a "On Literature and Art in the Past Several Years" to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. "Report on Practice" (i.e. "Book of 300,000 Characters"), which systematically stated his thoughts on literature and art and his opinions on literature and art work.On January 20, 1955, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China submitted a report on launching criticism of Hu Feng's thought to the Central Committee.According to the report: "Hu Feng's literary and artistic thoughts are thoroughly bourgeois idealism, anti-Party and anti-people literary and artistic thoughts. His activities are activities of sectarian small groups, and his purpose is to fight for his bourgeois literary and artistic thoughts. leadership position, opposes and resists the Party’s literary thought and the literary movement led by the Party, attempts to transform society and our country according to his own appearance, and opposes socialist construction and socialist transformation.” On May 13 of the same year, " People's Daily published "Some Materials About Hu Feng's Anti-Party Clique", which defined Hu Feng and some people who held the same opinion as "Hu Feng's Anti-Party Clique."On June 10, the "People's Daily" published "The Third Batch of Materials on the Hu Feng Counter-Revolutionary Clique", which again identified them as the "Hu Feng Counter-Revolutionary Clique".On September 29, 1980, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced that it was the "Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique" Rehabilitation. [12] See Lenin's Elements of Dialectics.新的译文是:“可以把辩证法简要地规定为关于对立面的统一的学说。这样就会抓住辩证法的核心,可是这需要说明和发挥。”(《列宁选集》第2卷,人民出版社1995年版,第412页) [13]见列宁《谈谈辩证法问题》。新的译文是:“对立面的统一(一致、同一、均势)是有条件的、暂时的、易逝的、相对的。相互排斥的对立面的斗争是绝对的,正如发展、运动是绝对的一样。”(《列宁选集》第2卷,人民出版社1995年版,第557页) [14]孔子,见本卷第84页注[12]。老子,相传即老聃,姓李名耳,苦县(今河南鹿邑东)人,春秋时期思想家,道家的创始人。 [15]康德(一七二四——一八○四),德国古典唯心主义哲学的奠基人,近代西方哲学史上二元论、先验论和不可知论的著名代表。His main works include "Critique of Practical Reason", "Critique of Judgment", etc. [16]黑格尔(一七七○——一八三一),德国古典哲学家,客观唯心主义者,辩证法大师。主要著作有、《逻辑学》、《法哲学原理》等。 [17]克劳塞维茨(一七八○——一八三一),德国军事理论家,主要著作有《战争论》。 [18]见罗森塔尔、尤金编的《简明哲学辞典》(人民出版社1955年版)第156页。 [19]见列宁《战争与革命》《列宁全集》第30卷,人民出版社1985年版,第78页)。克劳塞维茨这句话的原文是:“战争无非是政治交往用另一种手段的继续。”(《战争论》,商务印书馆1982年版,第894页) [20]一九五六年十二月十八日,中共中央发出《关于扩大〈参考消息〉订阅范围的通知》,决定将《参考消息》的阅读范围“扩大到县委委员以上或相当于他们的党内外干部”。 [21]《说“难免”》一文发表在一九五六年十月二十九日《人民日报》。 [22]《再论无产阶级专政的历史经验》,是一九五六年十二月二十九日发表的《人民日报》编辑部文章。这篇文章是根据中共中央政治局扩大会议讨论的意见写成的。 [23]邓小平,当时任中共中央总书记。
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