Home Categories political economy Collected Works of Mao Zedong Volume VIII

Chapter 36 Resolutely support the struggle of the Japanese people against the Japan-US military alliance treaty[1]

(May 14, 1960) The new Japan-U.S. "Security Treaty"[2] is aimed at oppressing the broad masses of the Japanese people. It is an aggressive military alliance treaty with China and the Soviet Union as enemies and the Asian people as enemies. It poses a serious threat to peace in Asia and the world. At the same time It will also bring serious disasters to the Japanese people.The people of China and Japan, the people of Asia and the peace-loving people all over the world should oppose the Japan-US military alliance treaty. U.S. imperialism is the common enemy of the peoples of China and Japan, of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and of the peace-loving people of the world.Imperialism has cultivated its lackeys in many countries, and these lackeys are disliked by the people of their own countries.The government of Nobusuke Kishi in Japan is such a government. The patriots of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan also express their dissatisfaction with Nosuke Kishi's reactionary policies.The Japanese people are currently engaged in a massive struggle against the Japan-US military alliance treaty.In the struggle against the Japan-U.S. military alliance treaty, the consciousness of the Japanese people is rising day by day, and more and more people are becoming conscious.There is great hope for the Japanese people.The Chinese people have always supported the Japanese people's patriotic and just struggle in the past, at present and in the future.The people of Cuba and Latin America support the struggle of the Japanese people, and the people of Japan support the struggle of the people of Cuba and Latin America.

Recently the U.S. sent U-2 planes to invade the Soviet Union for espionage and was shot down by the Soviets. The Soviets did it right.This incident once again exposed the true face of U.S. imperialism in preparing wars of aggression under the guise of false peace, and further proved to the whole world the truth that there should be no unrealistic illusions about imperialism.Some people once described Eisenhower[4] as a very peace-loving person. I hope these people can wake up from these facts. We support the convening of a summit[5] regardless of its achievements and magnitude.But the achievement of world peace should mainly depend on the resolute struggle of the people of all countries.

What the imperialists fear most is the awakening of the people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and the awakening of the people of all countries in the world.We must unite to drive U.S. imperialism from Asia, Africa, and Latin America back to its homeland. According to the "Mao Zedong Diplomatic Selected Works" published in 1994 by Central Literature Publishing House and World Knowledge Publishing House. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] These are the main points of Mao Zedong’s talks with the visiting delegations of the Japan-China Friendship Association and the General Council of Trade Unions, as well as the delegations of Cuba, Brazil, and Argentina.

[2] Japan-US "Security Treaty", that is, "Japan-US Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty".See note [3] on page 93 of this volume. [3] Nobusuke Kishi, then Prime Minister of the Japanese Cabinet. [4] Eisenhower, then President of the United States. [5] Refers to the summit meeting of the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France.See note [7] on page 178 of this volume.
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