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Chapter 26 Without co-construction, there is no sharing

Great country melody 叶教慎 1300Words 2018-03-18
Deng Xiaoping said: "Socialism is not like that when a few people get rich and most people are poor." He also said: "If it leads to polarization, the reform will be considered a failure." However, some people said: "The 25-year reform has damaged the Benefits of the majority, enriching the very few, and the majority of the people bear the cost of the reform", trying to exaggerate the polarization, does this mean that China's reform has failed? There are millionaires, multi-millionaires, and billionaires in our society, but they are very few after all.This gap may be large, but it is a gap based on common improvement.Some people get rich faster and some slower. This is not the polarization of capitalism.The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the workers are becoming absolutely impoverished. This is the polarization of capitalism!This is not the case now.Now the middle-income people make up the majority, the truly wealthy are a minority, and the people who are truly unable to make ends meet also account for a minority.Such a social system should be the most stable.Originally, people's abilities and contributions vary in size.Geniuses are a minority, mental retardation is also a minority, and most people are in the middle, which is called the normal distribution curve.The middle is big, and the two ends are small, and the distribution is carried out according to the contribution of people to society. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his worth", to achieve a high degree of unity of efficiency and fairness, this is the real distribution according to work.Only distribution according to work can mobilize people's enthusiasm.Therefore, the real distribution according to the value of labor, that is, social contribution, must result in a diamond-shaped (olive-shaped) distribution structure with small ends and a large middle, that is, the middle-income class dominates, rather than an egalitarian structure without gaps.The era of planned economy also talked about distribution according to work. In fact, the planned economy is to eat "big pot rice", do more and less work, and implement egalitarian distribution in accordance with the moral requirements of "equal wealth and poor" in the small peasant economy.Now it is a socialist market economy, encouraging everyone to use their brains to find ways to get rich through labor, advocating individual leadership, improving the quality of life of individuals, maximizing their talents, and then getting corresponding rewards.In the final analysis, only when the "cake" of the whole society becomes bigger, can we give everyone a good return and good welfare treatment.It is right to share the fruits of reform.But the premise of sharing is to build together and make the "cake" bigger.There is no co-construction and no sharing.How is it possible to share without co-construction?This is impossible.Sharing is not "equalization of the rich and the poor", nor egalitarian sharing.If your contribution is small, how can you share it equally?If your contribution is small, of course you need food and clothing, and socialism must ensure food and clothing.In the primary stage of socialism, social security can only be at the humanitarian level, that is, to have enough food and warm clothes, rather than enjoying the same affluence.With the development of the economy, the "cake" is getting bigger, the tide is rising, and the social security is gradually "common prosperity", but we can't "equalize the rich and the poor" and raise lazy people, otherwise we will fall into a new predicament like some European countries with high welfare .

Sweden's social welfare, as we all know, is the most in the world.In terms of childbearing, a woman who has given birth to a child can not only enjoy a paid leave of up to one and a half years, of which 100% for one year and 90% for half a year, and at the 18th month, if the examination confirms that she is pregnant again, You can also continue to enjoy 90% paid time off.Therefore, some people take advantage of the loopholes and use childbirth as a career, and they can get at least 1,000 kroner more subsidies from the government every month, and they are also exempt from paying income tax.

Such a high-welfare society is just a high-level "big pot of rice" and it is difficult to sustain development. It is definitely not our goal.Sweden is also taking reform measures, not to mention that we are a developing country. The slogans of "universal medical insurance" and "universal employment" are very beautiful, but how can we achieve it?It is absolutely impossible in today's China.If we really implement "universal medical insurance", it will not be enough to cover all our fiscal revenue.Don't forget, we have 1.3 billion people.Don't forget, we are still in the primary stage of socialism!Everything must proceed from this reality and seek truth from facts is the way to sustainable and healthy development.Grandstanding will only whet the appetite of the people, cause dissatisfaction among the people, and ultimately undermine economic development and disrupt social stability.

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