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Chapter 155 August 1 "Original Sin"

Feng Lun Management Log 王方剑 431Words 2018-03-18
"Original sin" is actually a problem that a company has no equity capital.Without equity capital, the capital structure and financial structure of the enterprise are unreasonable, the industry selection tends to profiteering industries or projects, and the internal management is full of "jianghu habits". In social transformation, what is the "original sin" of enterprises?Feng Lun's original definition was very simple, that is, the inherent mistakes at the beginning of the company's establishment.What's wrong?The premise of investing in establishing a business in Western countries is often the possession of capital, that is, running a business is the business of the rich, and only when you have money can you invest, and you can be called a capitalist.In the era of the domestic planned economy, it is usually because of lack of money that people go to sea and seek investment, and the proletarians have to do the work of capitalists.Therefore, the source of funds for investment can only resort to borrowing.

In addition to some funds accumulated by myself, the main source of funds for the development of private enterprises in the early stage is "3F" - Father (father), Family (other family members), and Friends (friends).If these three channels cannot be borrowed, most entrepreneurs can only rely on usury loans from some social institutions or individuals. Like a big girl getting married for the first time, very happy, happy and confused at the same time. In China, private enterprises have to invest and start a business when they lack money. This is a dilemma when starting a business.Although the financing environment for entrepreneurship is much better today, the shortage of funds is still one of the most practical problems faced by start-ups.

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