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Chapter 164 On August 11, treat negative reports as hidden dangers and call the police

Robin Li Management Log 程东升 343Words 2018-03-18
All the negative reports are not new, they didn’t just come out yesterday, and they didn’t just come out last month, they happened last year, the year before, or even earlier.I take it as a warning.People keep reminding that there may be problems here and there, so we try to find out whether there are really possible problems in these areas, and if there are hidden dangers, how can we avoid them.I have always looked at the media's negative reports on Baidu with this mentality. When everyone thinks that negative news is distressing and will cause damage to the brand image of the company, Baidu's style in the early days was never to respond, and it did not give competitors the opportunity to hype Baidu's negative news for free.Li Yanhong even felt that it was precisely because of the continuous emergence of negative news that Baidu introduced corresponding preventive measures in a timely manner against potential crises, which also made Baidu's development have been calm and orderly for so many years.Even in the face of very powerful competitors, the market share, traffic, number of users, total revenue, and profit continue to rise.

Facing negative news calmly, prevent problems before they happen.
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