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Chapter 298 Let the soul follow the steps on October 24

Wang Shi Management Log 陆新之 660Words 2018-03-18
This book is written about a month’s experience. If you count it a little farther away, the activity started in 2005, and the Xuanzang Road is written in it. In fact, the Xuanzang Road is in the Hexi Corridor. We walked again in 2006. once.The experience of this book is how to let go, and how to combine with the soul.When I walked the Gobi Desert for the first time, I had a feeling. A scene mentioned in the book reminded me of a war scene, that is, the scene of carrying a corpse. By analogy, our souls and thoughts have no time to think, which means that our pace is too fast.Over the past two decades, the society I live in, the company I lead, and myself have all undergone rapid development and change.Our speed is too fast, our footsteps are far ahead, and our souls cannot keep up. As a result, the whole society has become very impetuous. As Drucker said: "We greatly overestimate the present, but greatly underestimate the future." ——I am no exception.

I urgently feel that in order to be sustainable, we need to learn self-control, correctly evaluate the present and the future, stop being impetuous, do things in a down-to-earth manner, let ourselves slow down, and let the soul keep up with the pace. Wang Shi and his party saw a lot and thought a lot on the way to re-walk the road of Xuanzang.Central Asia is the meeting place of various civilizations, and South Asia is an ancient civilization. Many human contradictions and confusions are more clearly expressed here.For example, people sometimes love each other and pursue freedom and happiness together, and sometimes they fall into fanaticism and smash and burn; for example, two big countries can maintain friendship and good neighborliness for thousands of years, or because of the role of a third country, they can go to war once in a while. , decades of hatred and incompatibility; for example, faith, which originated from the compassionate mind of Ji Shi, but is often waged in its name by people to launch wars and massacres...

Wang Shi asked himself: "What we have witnessed and experienced along the way may also be what Xuanzang witnessed and experienced 1,400 years ago. When we feel and think, we can't help thinking: When Xuanzang faced these things, he was thinking What? Where did his courage, perseverance and firm belief come from?" Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles.Entrepreneurs want to improve their level, and sometimes they need to go through some journeys that they hardly even think about.
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