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Chapter 211 October 19 Sacrifice the part to achieve the whole

Yu Minhong Management Log 张翼 1145Words 2018-03-18
In the beginning, the orders from the New Oriental headquarters often lacked penetration. I hope this situation will improve within a year.Even if a branch school leader believes that a certain order from the head office is wrong, when the top decision-making level of New Oriental resolutely issues this order, it must be implemented.Sometimes, the head office has to sacrifice local interests to preserve the overall interests, just like fighting a battle, for the safety of the entire team, a company must be sacrificed as a price. 10,000 extras, 8 directors, and 120 million US dollars—the TV series "Band of Brothers", which is known as the most expensive TV series in the history of American TV, tells the story of a group of bloody men who were reborn from the ashes in the magnificent World War II and parted with each other. tragic story.

The movie "Assembly" directed by Feng Xiaogang is known as the Chinese version of "Band of Brothers". "Assembly" has achieved great success in art and box office, creating the most realistic and tragic war scenes. Film and television dramas do not have the function of criticizing the current situation. To put it bluntly, what they play is an entertainment function. "Brands of Brothers" and "Assembly" did not convey any novel viewpoints, but based on a specific time, integrating personal destiny with the destiny of the country and nation, and making some exciting and touching stories of home and country very real manifested.War and history are men's preferences, and entrepreneurs are no exception.Watching blockbuster movies and learning management, "Brand of Brothers" and "Assembly Number" made Yu Minhong taste another philosophy-running a business is like fighting a war, and the CEO of a company is like a commander on the battlefield. In exchange for the victory of the whole, the sacrifice of the ego is needed to win the achievement of the big ego.

At the end of April 2004, each of New Oriental's more than 3,000 employees had a work e-mail address, and employees could directly send e-mails to Yu Minhong through this e-mail address.Yu Minhong issued an order, and more than 3,000 employees can see it in their e-mails at the same time.After the information platform is completed, any information from New Oriental can be fed back in time.In addition, any New Oriental employee can send a short message to Yu Minhong’s mobile phone at any time to express his opinions and suggestions on the appointment of executives, the salary system, corporate culture, and the quality of teachers. As long as time permits, Yu Minhong will mostly reply to the emails sent by employees with SMS.Yu Minhong wants to build a smooth interpersonal communication channel, so that he and New Oriental employees can be "online" at any time, and often "in the state", and let the employees feel the value of New Oriental's collective existence, instead of being immersed in a small self-enclosed organization. Obscurity.

Before New Oriental's company documents were released, Yu Minhong often asked relevant departments to solicit opinions through the information platform, and gathered feedback information from various branch schools.For some documents involving individual employees, Yu Minhong will directly send emails to the employee in his own name to listen to his suggestions.Employees can fully express their opinions before the order is issued, and once a consensus is formed, Yu Minhong will require all branch schools and functional departments to implement it without compromise. Only with a unified understanding can we move in step, and only in step can we unite as one.The current New Oriental team is a combination of a group of young people with ideals, pursuits, and high IQs, but it is just a combination, not a real army, let alone a Spartacus phalanx.Yu Minhong is determined to lead this team well, which is his most important responsibility as CEO.

To do great things, you must shed blood and sweat. To be successful, you must sacrifice, pay, and suffer.Those who don't plan for the whole world are not enough to plan for a while; those who don't plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region.To do great things requires an indomitable and impassioned spirit, and the courage to sacrifice the part to achieve the whole.
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