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Chapter 17 Tolstoy

book and you 毛姆 777Words 2018-03-18
When I started writing this chapter, I intended to introduce Tolstoy's, because I remember it better than I.Just to be on the safe side, I revisited both books and decided they were better.In the book, Tolstoy vividly depicts a social picture of Russia in the late nineteenth century, but the whole story is so moral that I cannot enjoy it from reading.Tolstoy strongly opposed Anna's love for Vronsky, and in order to convince readers that the price of sin is death, he abruptly set a tragic ending for her.If it weren't for Tolstoy's dissatisfaction with Anna, she could leave her husband who she didn't love or care about, marry Vronsky, and live happily.In order to realize the tragedy he had in mind, Tolstoy did not hesitate to turn his heroine into a stupid, obnoxious, demanding, unreasonable woman.Of course, there are many such women, and I have no sympathy for the trouble they get into because of their stupidity.

If I hesitated to propose it, it was because the novel seemed long and tedious to me.The book describes too many details of the battlefield, and Pierre's experience in the Freemasonry is also very dull.But these can be ignored.In any case, it is a great novel, which depicts the growth and development of a generation with epic grandeur: the scenes in the book are spread all over Europe, stretching from the Volga to Austerlitz; On the stage, all of them are vividly portrayed; the huge material is handled properly, sometimes it can use the delicate brushstrokes of the Dutch school to describe the details, and sometimes it can use the suffocating sweep of Michelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. Potential to describe another scene.You can't resist the confusion of life described in the book, and you have to admit how humble an individual is in the face of the dark power that determines the destiny of a country.It is a superb, shocking novel, and a work of genius.In this book, Tolstoy has accomplished the most difficult thing for a novelist to do.He portrayed a natural, charming, lively and vivacious young girl—perhaps the most charming heroine ever—and then arranged for an ending that no other novelist would have dreamed of, making her happily married and a mother , the original stunner turned into a picky, mediocre, and a bit bloated woman.You are shocked, but on second thought you realize that such a plot could very well happen in real life.This adds a final touch of truth to this astonishing novel.

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