Home Categories Chinese history 1644, Emperor Star Ups and Downs

Chapter 77 1.swinging an ax under the bed

1644, Emperor Star Ups and Downs 果迟 4658Words 2018-03-16
Not long after Azige's report on the collapse of Li Zicheng's army arrived in Beijing, Duoduo's report on his direct descent to Yangzhou also arrived in Beijing. Dorgon's joy when he read these good news was really indescribable. On this day, he was reviewing official documents in the mansion. With the completion of the Qianqing Palace, the construction of Huangji Hall and Wenhua Hall started immediately. palace.This person thought he had meritorious deeds, so he took the initiative to go to the public notice, talked about his contribution, and talked about it, complacent, and asked for a discussion——asked the imperial court to grant him an official position.

This memorial was played by the Ministry of Industry, and Dorgon read it, not feeling amused.He understood that this person named Zhang Chaopin must have misread the almanac. You can buy an official with money, and you can also donate wood. This is the rule of the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty cannot make such an example. Immediately there will be a situation where "officials can be bought with money, and politics can be bribed".Then the Qing Dynasty should not follow in the footsteps of the Ming Dynasty? Thinking of this, he immediately wrote and criticized: "Employing people is based on their talents and virtues. There is no reason to appoint officials because of donations."Where did this wood come from? The management officer will find out and give a price according to his discretion.

After I finished writing, I looked at it myself, and felt that it made sense, so I put it aside, and then read the following.The following memorial was submitted by Lei Xing, governor of Shaanxi.Lei Xing was a general of Azig's army, and he went out with Azig. After the Qing army occupied Chang'an, they ordered him to go out to guard Hanzhong and be in charge of guarding Zhang Xianzhong in Sichuan.This memorial is devoted to talking about what he has obtained about Zhang Xianzhong. Since Li Zicheng was exterminated and ruled the roost for a while, now Zhang Xianzhong is the only remaining fruit, and has become the biggest stumbling block to Dorgon's unification of China. The next goal should be Zhang Xianzhong.Thinking of this, Dorgon couldn't help picking up the memorial with great interest, and read it carefully.I didn't want to read this, but I was stunned at first, and then I was greatly puzzled.

Compared with Li Zicheng's Dashun Army, Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi Army had the worst discipline. They burned, killed and looted in the Huguang area, resulting in a situation of ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Dorgon had seen these situations from some memorials, but he did not expect Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion in Sichuan is far worse than in Huguang. Since he went west from Yuezhou last year, he has defeated the defenders in various places in the Southern Ming Dynasty, even conquered Kuizhou, Wanxian, and Liangshan. All the kings surnamed Zhu in Sichuan were killed by him, not to mention that the Nanming officials who fought against him were killed. Puzzled.This year, Zhang Xianzhong has refurbished his killing methods. Not only can even the officials he appoints be killed for no reason, but he also tried torture all over the place.The godson Sun Kewang once advised him: "If there is a king but no people, what is a country?"He didn't listen, and still thought the killing was too little. He was sitting in Chengdu, and ordered the generals to kill people everywhere. They cut off the legs of the people who were killed and built them into a pagoda. On the side, he joked, what about my concubine's little feet?He immediately drew his knife, cut off her little foot, and put it on top of it. Later, he even got drunk and threw his only biological son to death, saying that he was a hero, and his son could not be killed by others...

When Dorgon saw this, he felt chills down his spine, thinking, why did the heavens give birth to such a demon king? Is Zhang Xianzhong crazy?After thinking about it again, what is there to understand? The reason why he did this was because the Qing Dynasty quickly established the Central Plains. He saw that the country was hopeless, and he did not want others to get what he could not get. This mentality, reflected in his companion Li Zicheng, is to set fire—such a majestic and magnificent Forbidden City, just like this. Thinking of this, Dorgon thought that he had to make a plan to enter Sichuan quickly, and if he didn't enter Sichuan, all the people in Sichuan would be killed.

So, who to send into Sichuan?Just as he was thinking, he subconsciously picked up another memorial, which was from Prince Azig of England. After Azige defeated the Dashun Army in Wuchang, he accepted the surrender of Zuo Menggeng, the son of Zuo Liangyu, near Tongling. Although Zuo Menggeng was defeated by Huang Degong in Banziji, there were still more than 100,000 soldiers , more than 400 large and small ships.To Azig, this is no different from windfall money, which he obtained by stealing sheep, but he made a lot of arrangements in the memorial, and bragged about how he predicted the enemy's decisive battle and forced the enemy to surrender.

What a shrewd person Dorgon is, he saw his brother's deception from this evasive memorial, but he didn't want to point him out, and was about to write a pen to reward him routinely, not wanting Azig to return later. Attached a clipboard, he actually proposed to him: the south is bitter and hot, and many soldiers who are conscripted are not convinced, and they are eagerly looking forward to the squadron or a change of defense. In the end, they said: "Scattered small thieves, the days of appeasement are long; Grievances have arisen over time, and I hope that competent personnel will be selected to take over as soon as possible; the minister's affairs have been settled, and he will be a class teacher soon."

Dorgon could not help getting angry after reading this very arrogant memorial, thinking, this twelfth brother is really incompetent, this time the Western Expedition, the Dashun army is already defeated, and Duo Duo dealt with it, He is the main force of the Dashun army, so he didn't fight a bad battle, just like destroying the dead. Duoduo went out later, but approached Chang'an first. Li Zicheng had already retreated. It is a great credit to his own brother, Azig followed behind him, picking the cheapest.Although Li Zicheng is dead now, Zhang Xianzhong is still there. It is logical to move Azig's army into Sichuan. The war is not over yet, and the opportunity to serve the country is still waiting for him. Why did he think of asking for a teacher?Why did the soldiers complain for a long time? You must know that he was using the soldiers as a shield, but in fact he wanted to return to the capital.

He originally wanted to write and scold the twelve elder brothers severely, but he couldn't bear it, after all, he was his own elder brother, especially if this matter spread, wouldn't it make people laugh at him?But after thinking about it, if this matter is ignored, others must have something to say. The regent will replace the kings in the past. Although this was proposed jointly by Daishan and Jierhalang, Zhu Baylor Beizi and Beizi unanimously agreed, but in their hearts, these people may not want him to monopolize the power alone. They are on the sidelines. Daishan and Jierharang had made a big fuss about asking for horses from Mott's place. If Azig was indulged this time, wouldn't a Buddha be born?

Thinking left and right, in a dilemma, he couldn't help but think of Hauge.Hauge went to Shandong by order. At that time, Shandong native bandits swarmed up, almost all under the banner of King Li Chuang. There were dozens of native bandits in the prefectures and counties of Yan, Yi, Zou, and Teng, and one of them was in Manjiadong. There were tens of thousands of people, but after Hauge took office, he supervised and led all the ministries to wipe out these local bandits one by one, and lured and beheaded more than 20 people including Gong Wencai, the head of the bandits, and Shandong was pacified immediately.

He thought, in all honesty, Hauge has made great achievements despite his guilt and meritorious deeds, but Azig is a wimp. Since he is in charge of government affairs, how can he serve the public if he cannot be treated with public opinion? He thought and thought, and picked up the pen again... A few days later, when Duoduo went to Yangzhou, the news of the killing of Yingcheng spread to Beijing through various channels. A Shigong Temple was built to honor this unyielding Southern barbarian. On this day, because it was not the time for the court meeting, Dorgon was flipping through the Tang newspaper in his mansion, and read several pieces of news about Jiangnan. The small imperial court of the Southern Ming Dynasty will never surrender easily, this is what he has prepared in his heart, but in the end, he still feels terrified when he ends up with such a killing. Land, the hometown of poetry, books, propriety and righteousness, most of the country's taxes and food are from this; most of the literati and scholars at the Beidou level on Mount Tai are also from the south of the Yangtze River. Conquering the world does not guarantee Haiyan and Heqing, but why did the fifteenth brother forget the words of the fourteenth brother?Can a small shrine cover the blood of 800,000 people?He thought, Doduo did such a stupid thing, either because it went too smoothly, or because he was resisted and lost face, but for Shi Kefa, is it worth it to be so ruthless? But Duoduo is not Azig. During this expedition, he went to Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi and dozens of cities in the south of the Yangtze River. Thinking of this, he was about to write a long letter to Duoduo to warn him, because the days to come were still long, and at this moment, the door official came to report: Minister of the Ministry of Industry, please see Xingnei.He had no choice but to put down the pen in his hand and greeted him. When he was still changing clothes, Dorgon was thinking about paying homage to the mansion in the stars, so why?Immediately, I thought of the restoration of the Huangji Hall and Wenhua Hall, which were under the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry. I thought: the father and son in Xingnei are responsible for the construction of the project, and the father is responsible for supervising the repair of the palace in Shengjing. The project is relatively sloppy. Don’t be like your father this time. . After bestowing the seat, Dorgon first asked, "When is the construction of the Huangji Palace scheduled to start?" Xing Nei stood up again, arched his hands together, and said: "The Lord Regent, since the completion of the Qianqing Palace project, I have screened this group of craftsmen, weeded out some useless ones, and kept the capable ones. Right now, all the craftsmen for the five elements and eight works have arrived, and even materials such as paint and color painting should be in place, but there is a shortage of wood, and I have sent people to the old forests in the northeast to purchase it, but the journey is far away, so there is no rush." When Dorgon heard this, he remembered the instructions from the previous two days, so he said, "Didn't your Ministry of Industry already report that there is a man named Zhang who is willing to serve Damu Qianzhu? Isn't that enough?" Xing Nei came here precisely for Zhang Chaopin.It turned out that Chaopin was willing to serve Damu through a member of the former Ministry of Industry. Zhang Chaopin was originally a timber merchant, but he was very addicted to officials. In the Tianqi Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor liked to be a carpenter and sent Buying wood everywhere, he once bribed Wei Zhongxian, also in the name of donating wood, and got an official in the cabinet. The Ming Dynasty died and the Qing Dynasty rose. Class, and it is a false title. When he reported for duty, the Ministry of Officials refused to recognize it. He was not reconciled. After inquiring about the shortage of wood for the maintenance of Huangji Hall, he approached the Ministry of Works and said that he was willing to serve Damu Qianzhu. Xingnei heard that someone was willing to repay, and it was a thousand trees. Someone will repay this and that, Xingnei thought, this is a good thing, why not do it, as for the additional conditions behind him, Xingnei also knows that the secretary in the cabinet is only a seventh-rank official, and it is a false title. It's not a real job, I thought I could call the shots, I wanted to agree to him immediately, but then I realized that the Regent has strict laws, is it appropriate to agree so easily?He was hesitating, and didn't want his old boss, the former Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, Abate, to be present. After hearing this, Abate smiled and said, an empty title, and he doesn't want a seat. Say hello, let Kakamu make up his name and issue him a diploma.Xing Nei agreed to Zhang Chaopin's request as soon as he heard Abatai speak forcefully. Later, when Xingnei went to say hello to Kakamu, Kakamu said that this was the first time, there was no case to help, and it would be safe to report to the regent.Hence, there was the memorandum played on behalf of the Ministry of Industry. It was thought that the regent would settle the matter with a swipe of a pen, but it was rejected. The purpose of Xing Nei's trip is very clear. I want to ask the regent to let go and give this surname Zhang a false title. This can solve a big problem. Besides, I have promised others, so I don't want to break my promise. Now the regent mentioned The one surnamed Zhang immediately replied: "The minister is here to ask the Prince Regent to show you this matter. This imperial appointment was originally the cabinet secretary of the former Ming Dynasty. The prince made a decree last year that all officials of the former Ming Dynasty can be hired. He is not included because of his false title. Therefore, I shouldn't have agreed to him. I didn't want the Seventh Prince to be there that day. After hearing about this, he said that although this person was born in a merchant, he also knew righteousness. When he learned that there was a shortage of wood in the palace, he initiated a righteous act. You Even if you truthfully report to the Prince Regent, you should be rewarded, isn’t it just a false title—” Before Xingnei could finish speaking, Dorgon burst into anger, waved his hand impatiently, and interrupted his words: "So, this matter is Qi Ye's claim?" The seventh master is Abatai, the seventh son of Nurhachi, the seventh elder brother of Dorgon, and the king of Rao Yumin County.During the Tiancong period, the minister Ning Wanwo advocated imitating the Ming system and setting up six departments to manage government affairs. Huang Taiji adopted Ning Wanwo's proposal and set up six departments at the beginning of Tiancong's fifth year. Serving as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the Seventh Prince Abatai was the first Minister of the Ministry of Works.However, after Dorgon became the regent queen, in order to unify the affairs and powers, he canceled the affairs of the kings in charge of the ministry. He appointed six ministers who were directly responsible to himself. He later issued an edict reiterating that the kings are not allowed to intervene in the affairs .I don't want to pull out something that he really doesn't want to see for a small seventh-rank false title this time. No matter from which side you look at this matter, it should be taken precautions. What's more, the minister in Xingnei was recommended by Abatai What about? The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and his face turned pale. Xing Nei looked at it, the regent prince's complexion changed drastically, his eyes were burning, and he seemed to be able to spew out fire, only to realize that his words became more and more black, and he stood up in fright, tremblingly said: "Prince Regent, calm down. This matter is actually not the Seventh Prince's business. It is the responsibility of the minister alone. The minister means that the Huangji Palace project is a major event, and the secretary in the cabinet is only a false title and not a real position. Just for once, This is not an example, so I boldly make my own claim—” At this time, the iron-fisted Prince Regent, who could not allow him to finish his speech, stood up, pointed at the tip of his nose and said loudly: "It's not a trivial matter for a bold star to talk nonsense and use people on their merits." , A false title is not an official, do you know how the Ming Dynasty fell? Once this example is established, the official can be bought with money, and the government can be bribed, and then the emperor is forced to hang himself?" At this time, Xing Nei was so frightened that the three souls lost two souls, the seven souls went to the six souls, and he knelt upright, kowtowed and confessed: "Yes, the prince taught me the lesson, I am guilty, please punish me!" Dorgon walked back and forth in the hall, while yelling at Xing Nei, Xing Nei was so frightened that he didn't even dare to vent his breath, and he didn't get up until Dorgon scolded him dry and told him to get out. After Xing Nei went, Duo ErGun still couldn't calm down.He thought, the minister of the Ministry of Industry in Xingnei must not let him continue to work, but it is not difficult for him to manipulate a minister, but the difficulty is that behind these people, there are always connections of one kind or another, telling you to swing under the bed. The ax is in the way of the upper and the lower, even if you have the courage to rely on Mount Tai and surpass the North Sea, you have nothing to do with it. Today, in a moment of anger, I offended a prince and a brother invisibly.
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