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Chapter 17 Nankai Customs Records-University

Fengya Nankai 朱家雄 3724Words 2018-03-16
old six boss love The boss, from Zhejiang, is said to be 1.78 meters tall, but according to my visual inspection, it is only 1.76 meters.He is not good at speaking, but he is good at drinking. He can keep up to eight bottles of beer and a catty of liquor without getting drunk. Therefore, I have always wondered whether his ancestral home is in the Northeast.Because the boss is the oldest in the dormitory and has the best academic performance, he is called "the boss". Although the boss can't be called handsome, he is also suave and suave. He often wears a yellow suit to show off in the market, attracting countless MMs' attention.Every time I go out with my boss, I feel extremely ashamed. I always think that those MM's obsessive eyes are looking at me, but later I realized that those eyes turned around two meters in front of me and moved to my body. on the boss next to him.Einstein said that light will be deflected under strong gravitational or repulsive fields, and it seems so.

Although the MMs look like wolves and tigers, the boss is still able to accept it calmly and always smiles back.I laughed at the boss who levies hunger and food, but the boss said: Every girl has her cuteness, and our responsibility is to discover their cuteness and make it shine.I remember that a great writer in the West once said that every woman is an angel that fell from the sky, but they landed in different parts.I think this remark is similar to what the boss said. I always thought that the boss's love would be as invincible as the boss's every exam, and return triumphantly.It never occurred to him that God has all kinds of advantages in the boss, but was quietly blindfolded by the god of love.

The thing is like this, the boss fell in love with my younger sister, but the younger sister fell in love with someone she had been secretly in love with for 9 years and still had no results, and the younger sister would rather wait another 9 years for that person than accept the boss Because the younger sister is afraid of delaying the future of the boss. Although the boss is extremely smart, even though the boss can speak advanced algebra so that a fool like me can understand it, even though the boss can recite the first 20 elements of the periodic table in one second in fluent native dialect, but, In front of the younger sister, the boss is like a big piece of wood.The boss can't talk, he can only show it with actions.

I remember one time, the younger sister inadvertently mentioned that she wanted to play with a slingshot, and the boss secretly remembered it. When she returned home during the winter vacation, the boss went up the back mountain with an axe.It is estimated that more than half of the vegetation on the mountain suffered disaster that day. The boss carefully selected and crafted two exquisite slingshots, and brought one back to the younger sister (the other one was not allowed on the train because it was too big. The boss said it was made of a whole small tree).The younger sister accepted the gift from the boss, but never cared about the boss again.It's not that the younger sister is cruel, the younger sister just wants to make the boss die, but the boss is hurt because of this.

One night, the boss came back very late, and from that night on, the boss no longer mentioned the younger sister.The boss doesn't want to make things difficult for the little sister anymore, and the boss is willing to make the little sister happy from now on. Suddenly one day, the elder brother sang in the water room: "You are the only treasure in my life, for you I will forget the memory..." Everyone laughed, but I knew that the elder brother was thinking about the younger sister again . head of the room The head of the room, a native of Hubei, has a big head, a square face, and a face of honesty and honesty. From the appearance point of view, the head of the room should belong to "the sky is full, the ground is round", and he is in charge of prosperity.However, what I envy the most is the ashen chin left by the head of the office after shaving off the hard beard. I feel that such a chin is a man's chin, and a man can be a man if he has such a chin. Therefore, when I look back at myself in the mirror and feel sorry for myself, I feel more and more malnourished.

The head of the office was born in a "hometown of a hundred generals" in Huanggang, Hubei. According to legend, there were a hundred generals in the hometown of the head of the office in history. Therefore, the head of the office is born with a kind of leadership ability; Similarly, the room chief has a natural talent for mathematics.The head of the office combines his mathematical talent with his leadership ability. He is meticulous in thinking, clear in organization, calm in times of crisis, and calm in the event of changes. This has made him a lot of achievements in his work in the past four years.After 4 years of experience, the head of the room has become more mature, and has the demeanor of a general.

The boss is already there, so the head of the room is not the longest.At the beginning of enrollment, the head of the building ordered each dormitory to have a room head.Everyone was unwilling to take this position, and asked who would want to be an official in the future, but the head of the room smiled shyly and said nothing.Everyone wanted to name the head of the room, but the head of the room didn't allow it, so they drew lots, and the lottery of "the head of the room" happened to fall into the hand of the head of the room, which shows that God's will is clear.Afterwards, the dormitory won the title of "civilized dormitory" for 4 years, and the director of the dormitory contributed a lot.

When I first arrived, the mandarin of the head of the office was not standard yet.It is very interesting for southerners to learn northern language, which can be seen from the head of the room.At the beginning, the head of the room once said "I shook hands with that person 'very strongly'" was passed down as a joke by the roommates.Another day, the head of the room suddenly said something surprising: "I don't know what this 'kissing' is about." I was very surprised. Why is the usually honest child always thinking about these things? After giving a detailed explanation, he suddenly saw the head of the office holding a book in his hand, and suddenly woke up in his heart. It turned out that the head of the room was asking what happened to the "end" of the book.In the dark, he couldn't help but wiped his cold sweat. Fortunately, he woke up early, otherwise he would inevitably be suspected of misleading his son.

The running water is in a hurry, the dead are like this, and all the past are gone.Now the head of the room is a member of the Communist Party of China. It is a pity that there is no need for generals in peaceful times, but Jiaolong is not a thing in the pool, and the head of the room has a bright future. A Ke Side Story A Ke is from Shandong, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a dignified appearance, which is the appearance of a standard Shandong man. A pair of large-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose adds a bit of style to A Ke out of thin air.A Ke has strong muscles and well-proportioned bones, but it's a pity that his body is a bit shorter. If the proportions remain the same, and A Ke's length and weight are increased by 20%, then A Ke will look like a handsome Shandong man.Even so, A Ke is not inferior in weight, because of its small size and high density.

Shandong and the Northeast are quite closely related. Most of the people in the Northeast today have their ancestors fleeing from Shandong. My ancestral home is in Shandong, so I often call A Ke a fellow villager.Ake is smart and has a bold personality. She has all the advantages of Shandong people, except that she can't drink. In fact, A Ke may not be able to drink, but she is allergic to alcohol. After drinking a glass of wine, her face turns as red as Guan Yunchang, and if she drinks any more, it seems that all the blood in her body will be sprayed out of her face.At this time, everyone thought that A Ke had reached the limit, and tried to dissuade her, and A Ke also took advantage of the situation to release the cup appropriately.Over time, A Ke's face became protective. Everyone took it for granted that A Ke's drinking capacity was limited, but in fact A Ke had never been drunk.

Needless to say, Ake's cleverness.Zhang Li of the fellowship dormitory specially coined the word "ice cube smart" to describe Ake in order to distinguish it from "ice snow smart" which is used to describe girls. A Ke is full of energy. When he climbed Mount Tai in the past, A Ke went straight to the top of the mountain with two MMs without stopping. Sigh.Now that I think about it, I also wonder, is it because A Ke is really brave, or is it because of the two MMs around me? A Ke is bold.After returning from Mount Tai, Ake still had some strength, so she went to Qingdao with her two MMs.Before leaving, he entrusted me with a sheepskin coat and asked me to bring it back.Unexpectedly, I fell asleep on the way and left this thing in the car when I got off.Whenever she wanted to make up for it, A Ke always smiled and waved her hand: "Forget it, forget it." Later, whenever the winter was cold and windy, seeing A Ke trembling in the wind, I always felt guilty and thought to myself, he If I am prosperous in Japan, I will return Ake with a brocade hat and sable fur. Since the ruffian Cai Pao came to Qing Wu Fei Yang, A Ke has been addicted to the Internet.The so-called "the emperor does not live up to those who work hard", A Ke finally chose a beautiful woman from thousands of MMs on the Internet to be her companion, and now she is extremely happy.The beauty gave him a laptop, and A Ke kept typing every day after the lights were turned off.A Ke's happy heart beats in the sound of the keyboard. As I wrote this, I suddenly remembered an old incident of A Ke.One day in the middle of the night, I was suddenly awakened by a "bang" sound. After careful sniffing, there was no more sound.In the early morning of the next day, A Ke was found lying alone under the bed, still snoring comfortably. Interesting talk about mifist mifist is from Tianjin, with a small but plump figure; a hearty and generous personality, yet quiet and elegant. The first time I "encountered" Mifist was in my freshman year, after the incident of "the whole class was arrested for drilling a hole in the wall while swimming in the water park".On the way back, I saw two girls sharing a ride. They were small in the back seat, but it seemed that the girl in front was riding quite hard, so I felt sorry for her, thinking how much this little girl could have. Weight, it is better to simply be a favor to bring her back, and save them a lot of effort.Later I learned that that little girl is the famous mifist today.What I said along the way has been forgotten now, I just remember that the journey did not take much effort. The second time I "encountered" Mifist was in my freshman year.It was in Mr. Xue's foreign language class, at the time when "summer is hot and it's time to sleep".When I was drowsy, I suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, and I was awakened in a trance, so I looked up to find the source of the fragrance, but saw the mifist sitting in front of me.I don't know what kind of perfume mifist used or what tricks he used, but the fragrance is very pleasant, and it hits me in bursts, making me feel uncomfortable everywhere, and I don't feel sleepy anymore.So in the future, when I was in class, I would choose to sit behind the mifist and not move.After half a year, my foreign language has improved a lot, which is actually the work of mifist. Mifist may still not know that he unintentionally allowed a frivolous and ignorant fool to enjoy half a year of happiness. Mifist is very enthusiastic. I remember one time when the class organized a barbecue, Mifist didn't eat much, and only gave the grilled meat skewers to others.At that time, the mifist was sitting on my left, so I had an advantage over others. I only saw the mifist handing over skewers of meat.However, most of mifist's meat skewers are only medium rare, and I ate too much, so that my abdominal pain continued. Mifist likes to teach people tirelessly.Once, the class organized roller skating. At that time, most of the students could not skate. They could only hear the sound of "plopping" in the hall, and saw the mifist floating through the mess like a swallow darting through the water. It was extraordinary and refined. At that time, Mifist was regarded as a god-man.So he worshiped mifist as a teacher.If you have a teacher, if you are a mifist, what can you ask for? It's just that I am stupid by nature, and I haven't been able to get the true teaching of mifist.Even so, under the guidance of mifist, I still suffered a lot less.After returning to the dormitory, all the brothers continued to apply safflower oil, but I counted and counted, and only fell 4 somersaults.What a joy it is to smell the fragrance of medicine all over the room! However, Mifist is best known for her lecture notes. In the past 4 years, Mifist is so used to the boys that they don't take notes. Mifist's notes, ranging from "analog electricity", "digital electricity", "computer principles", down to "military theory", "contemporary world and China", and even experimental reports, all have copies.Before the exam, the popularity of mifist's notes in the class is no less than that of the Red Book during the "Cultural Revolution". Mifist's notes are clear and clear, like Mifist, with rich content and well-organized.My grades have never been very good, and every time I have the notes of mifist, I can protect myself. Recently, it was rumored that the mifist already had a boyfriend, and I couldn't help being angry and sighing: Which ignorant boy kidnapped our mifist? What a sigh, the bachelors of the electronics department, I am afraid that they will have to drink to relieve their worries. (The sixth child, a student of the Microelectronics Department of Nankai University in 1997)
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