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Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Studying in Troubled Times

Jin Yong Biography 傅国涌 23121Words 2018-03-16
In 1936, Cha Liangyong graduated from Longshan Primary School, was admitted to Jiaxing Middle School, and left his hometown of Yuanhua for the first time.Twenty years later, Jiaxing appeared again and again in his novels, describing: "It is a big city in western Zhejiang, where silk and rice are distributed, and it has been very prosperous since it came." vulgar people".South Lake and Misty Rain Tower are even more lingering dreams for him—— There was light smoke and mist on the surface of the lake, and a few small boats were rippling in it. There were green water chestnut leaves floating on half of the lake. He looked around and felt refreshed.This Jiaxing is a famous city in ancient Yue, and the plums it produces are as sweet and fragrant as fine wine, so this place was called Drunken Plum in the Spring and Autumn Period.Goujian, king of Yue, defeated Helu, king of Wu, here. It was the channel for communication between Wu and Yue.Another famous product in the local Nanhu Lake is the green water chestnut without horns. The water chestnut meat is sweet and tender, fragrant and crisp. It is the crown of the world, because there are so many water chestnut leaves in the lake.At that time, it was spring, and the clear water and green leaves were like pieces of emerald covered with green glass.

The beginning is: ... A soft and melodious singing sound floated on the smoky lake.The singing came from a small boat, and five girls in the boat laughed and sang together, rowing to pick lotus. ... the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, the lotus leaves are gradually dying, and the lotus flesh is full. Jiaxing Middle School was originally Jiaxing Fuxue. In 1902, the imperial examination was abolished and the school was rebuilt as Fuzhong School. After the Republic of China, it was renamed Zhejiang Provincial No. 2 Middle School and Jiaxing Middle School (now Jiaxing No. 1 Middle School). Zhang Yintong, who served as the principal since 1931, once studied abroad Japan is well-known throughout the country for its honest people and well-run schools, and is deeply loved by teachers, students and all walks of life.Many of the teachers have real talents. Cha Liangyong's class teacher and Chinese teacher Wang Zhiyi is a graduate of Peking University. He is knowledgeable and has a noble character.Wang's fortitude, integrity, bravery and kindness were always secretly cited by Cha Liangyong as a model throughout his life.

Mathematics teacher Zhang Kebiao impressed Cha Liangyong the most when he taught them pi, which was calculated to hundreds of decimal places and filled a whole sheet of paper.Although Zhang is a writer, he studied mathematics while studying in Japan. He wrote "The Story of Mathematics" (Shanghai Kaiming Bookstore, the first edition in September of the 24th year of the Republic of China). bit.Teacher Zhang is very funny, and the students often play with him and don't listen to him much.During an evening self-study, a mischievous student deliberately asked how to pronounce "English", and Teacher Zhang answered casually, "Yang Ge Lixi."He also read the Chinese translation of "Taste of Philosophy" written by an American, and found it very interesting, although he didn't fully understand it.

On August 13, 1937, immediately after the beacon fire at Lugou Bridge, the gunfire of the "August 13" Incident in Shanghai rang out. Jiaxing and Haining were close to the front lines, and they could no longer put down their peaceful desks. On August 15, Japanese planes bombed Chang'an Town, Haining. On August 16, more than a dozen Japanese planes attacked Jiaxing and Pinghu.After that, every morning at around 8:00 a.m., except for cloudy and rainy days, there must be an air raid siren from the Japanese aircraft.Because of the continuous bombing, people in Jiaxing were panicked, and the situation became increasingly tense.Jiaxing Middle School resumed classes as usual on September 1. Even though the school had dug air-raid shelters and shelters, arranged blackouts, and hung black curtains on the windows, it was still unsafe. Most people retreated to Xincheng Town, twenty miles away. , the school rented a house as a classroom to start classes.Xincheng is a large town in the north of Jiaxing, and it is also the only way to retreat to the rear.Huang Rong mentioned this place name in the thirty-fifth chapter "In the Iron Spear Temple".

At dawn on November 5, 200,000 Japanese troops landed from the Jinshanwei and Quangongting areas of Hangzhou Bay under the cover of heavy fog. Jiaxing was at stake, and Cha Liangyong's hometown Haining was the first to bear the brunt.Students who had "home" to go home went home on their own or were picked up by their parents, and hundreds of students whose hometowns were already in danger stayed at the school. People were panicked and fell into chaos. When I was attacked by the bandits, I lost my sense of nurturing and hesitated. My alma mater is like a loving mother, who raised me well.

... This is a poem written by Cha Liangyong fifty-five years later.At the time of the crisis, President Zhang Yintong led the teachers and students to move south regardless of insufficient funds and uncertain future.After a day and night of extremely intense preparations, on November 11, they left Xincheng in a hurry and embarked on the road of exile.Due to time constraints, it was originally agreed to gather with Zhang Kebiao and other teachers in Deqing and retreat together, but there was no time.Six days later (November 17), three Japanese planes bombed the town of Xincheng. Dozens of Japanese soldiers sneaked into Xincheng that night and brutally killed 13 people.Two days later (November 19), Jiaxing fell. On June 10, 1938, the eastern half of Xincheng Town, where they had studied and lived for more than a month, was burned down by Japanese invaders.

The teachers and students in exile departed from Xincheng, arrived at Yuqian via Wuzhen, Lianshi, Yuhang, and Lin'an. They first took a boat, and then the waterway was impassable, so they had to walk. When the news of the fall of Hangzhou on November 24 came, we had no choice but to set off southward.There was too much water, and when we arrived in Tonglu, in the middle of the night, the students were woken up in their sleep, and hurriedly assembled and set off. The team had just walked across the pontoon bridge, and the flames were blazing behind them, and the pontoon bridge was burned.After walking for twenty or thirty miles, I waited for the sky to dawn before I rested and had breakfast.The teacher told them that the Japanese invaders approached the campsite last night, only ten or twenty miles away, which was really thrilling.

Most of the students are 14 or 15 years old, and the youngest is only 12 or 13 years old. There are also female classmates. The luggage will only get heavier and heavier, and you can only walk thirty to sixty miles a day.During the two days that I traveled the farthest, I walked ninety miles a day, and many students had blisters on their feet. The blisters were worn out and the bleeding continued. They were supported by wooden sticks or bamboo poles, and they moved step by step.When they couldn't walk anymore, they sang a song. Principal Zhang Yintong, more than 20 teachers, and all the students went together, ate, and lived together. Every time they went to the campsite, they would spread straw on the ground and lie down on the spot.They also eat very simply. It takes several days to send out one yuan each time. They often buy three copper coins of sweet potatoes to satisfy their hunger. Eating a rice dumpling is a luxurious meal.On the exhausting exile, the teacher still has to hurry up and give lessons to the students.There are no classrooms, textbooks, or school supplies. Students sit in the shade of trees or under the eaves, and the teacher teaches with a small blackboard.

It was early winter, the weather was getting colder every day, and funds were insufficient. Teachers and students were often under the threat of freezing and starvation, with no fixed place before and no support in the future.When the team passed Jiande and Lanxi and arrived at Jinhua, Zhang Fakui, the director of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Border Area Appeasement Office stationed in Jiaxing for a long time and the commander-in-chief of the Songhu front line, was moved by Zhang Yintong's hard work of leading teachers and students to move south. Dayang 1,000 yuan, it is stated that no official receipt is required.

The teachers and students in exile ate yams, slept in the mud, and slept in the open air. They traveled thousands of miles. After nearly two months of trekking, they finally arrived in Bihu Town, Lishui in late December 1937. No one was left behind.On the road, there were teachers who advocated disbanding the school and letting the students fend for themselves. As a result, people's hearts fluttered and everyone was at a loss.At the critical moment, Zhang Yintong convened all the teachers and students to give a speech: "As long as I am Zhang Yintong, I will be responsible to the students and persevere to the end!" Wu Huifang, a student who listened to this speech with Cha Liangyong, said: "Although things are close For half a century, the scene at that time is still vivid in my mind. These resounding words are still engraved in my heart."

On September 30, 1937, the cars from Haining to Hangzhou were stopped, and the telecommunications were interrupted. At noon on November 5, the Japanese army landed and bombarded Haiyan County. Haining was seriously threatened, and the townspeople began to flee. On January 17, some personnel of the Haining County government began to evacuate.The next day (that is, seven days after Cha Liangyong set foot on the road of exile), residents of the county town and various market towns went to the mountainous areas of western Zhejiang or remote villages to seek refuge.His parents also took the whole family to escape, crossed the Qiantang River, and settled in Yuyao Andong Town (now owned by Cixi City) on the opposite bank. On November 20, Japanese invaders invaded Xiashi, Haining, and on November 23, Haining County (now Yanguan Town) fell. In December, Noguchi Nakashi, the commander of the seventh infantry squadron of the Japanese invaders, led 150 troops, equipped with a small cannon and three heavy machine guns, and occupied Yuanhua Town, Cha Liangyong's hometown. In Andong Town, Xu Lu unfortunately suffered from acute bacillary dysentery. Because there was no medical treatment and no medicine, he had abdominal pain and bleeding for several days, could not eat and swallowed, and almost collapsed.Zha Shuqing personally picked herbs and mixed them with chicken soup for his wife to take, but his wife eventually died of illness.Zha Shuqing was so distraught that she kept vigil day and night and refused to leave.This year, Zha Lianghao was only 4 years old, and 2-year-old Liang Yu was still waiting to be fed. Cha Liangyong, who was far away in Bihu, Lishui, did not know when he learned the news of his mother's death. Later, his younger brother Liang Dong also passed away.In the years when his hometown fell and his mother passed away, perhaps nothing could touch the heart of a young student more than Bing Xin's works.When Bing Xin passed away many years later, he wrote this poem: When Cha Liangyong was reading Bing Xin's works in Bihu, he was thinking about his mother. The loss of a mother is the most painful thing in life, and it is a scar that can never be healed. The Cha family lived in Andong Town for several years.Andong on the south bank of the Qiantang River is famous for its salt production, and is known as the "Salt Capital". It is the burial place of my mother. I wrote about this place—— On the right side near the sea, there are often pieces of flat ground as smooth as a mirror, often seven or eight feet square, and even the tabletop of the water mill is not so smooth and slippery.Yu Daiyan has traveled all over the country, and has seen and heard a lot, but he has never seen such a strange situation. When he asked the natives, he couldn't help laughing. It turned out that it was the Yantian.Local salt farmers pour seawater into the salt fields, and after drying, scrape off the saline soil, turn it into brine, and then gradually dry it into salt grains.Yu Daiyan said in his heart: "I have eaten salt for thirty years, but I don't know what a piece of salt is. It's so hard." In the evening, we came to Andong Town in Yuyao County.From there, we crossed the Qiantang River and arrived at Lin'an, then turned to the northwest, passed through Jiangxi and Hunan provinces, and arrived at Wudang, Hubei.There was no boat to cross the river at night, so I had to find a small hotel in Andong Town to stay overnight. It contains Cha Liangyong's own life experience and experience, and his special feelings for this small town.He had been here when he was studying in Bihu. At that time, the line south of the Qiantang River was guarded by the Hunan army, that is, the army of Wang Dongyuan of the Kuomintang. The soldiers fought bravely and defended well. Cha Liangyong thought they were amazing.People who study in southern Zhejiang are very close to that army and often go to comfort them. They feel that it is not easy for these Hunan fellows to help them guard their homes. Wang Dong, the commander of the 192nd Division, was originally from Ningxiang, Hunan. His two sons were both studying in Bihu. They were classmates with Cha Liangyong and took him to the army. On January 15, 1938, the Japanese army added Yuan Hua and left immediately. In March, Xie Mingqiang, the 318th Regiment of the 62nd Division of the Kuomintang, crossed the river from Shaoxing and entered Yuanhua Town. On April 10, the Japanese army mobilized a large number of troops and set off from strongholds such as Haining County to attack Yuanhua, and was hit head-on by the Chinese army.The Japanese army bombed Yuanhua, and the Xie troops fought with the Japanese army in street battles in Yuanhua Jiangyuan Lane and other places, causing casualties on both sides.The Japanese army set fire to the Gaomu bridge on the west side of Yuanhua, and burned it all the way to the fire wall of Ruizitang Pharmacy, burning down a large number of houses, and the two soy sauce gardens of Dingxin and Yuhe in Fangguan Bridge, Henan. On May 6, six Japanese planes bombed Yuanhua and other places. On August 1, 1938, the Japanese invaded Yuanhua again. The Chinese army fought bloody battles for three days. Baojia Mountain near Yuanhua was once an important battlefield. The Japanese invaders suffered a lot of casualties. They shot and fired at each other, causing two or three hundred casualties.In order to vent their anger, the Japanese invaders set fire to all the houses in the East City of Yuanhua Town after occupying the Longshan Elementary School for eight days. The fire lasted for several days. , only a few dilapidated houses survived, and unattended corpses were floating on the Tianxian Futang River.According to incomplete statistics, more than 3,000 houses were burnt down, and the number of those killed cannot be counted.Among the counties occupied by the enemy in Zhejiang Province, Haining suffered the most serious losses, and Yuanhua Town was the worst in Haining.A large number of properties of the Cha family were also reduced to ashes in this war, and a scholarly family that had lasted for six hundred years fell. Cha Liangyong said: "My family was originally quite wealthy, but the house was burnt down by the Japanese army. Both my mother and my dearest brother died in the war. My formal study in middle school was repeatedly interrupted by the war, so I have a deep understanding of Chinese classics. The foundation of literature and English learning was not solid, and it was only in college and after graduation that I made up for it by self-study. "However, the war also gave me some useful training. I have never been afraid of suffering in my life. During the war, I didn't have enough to eat, fell seriously ill, and almost died. I have experienced such hardships. What can be more terrible in the future? Woolen cloth?" Bihu is about 20 kilometers away from Lishui. It is located between Songyang, Longquan, Suichang and other counties. There is a small plain surrounded by mountains. The farmland is vast, the water conservancy is smooth, and it is rich in rice and miscellaneous grains. A distribution center for agricultural by-products.Every time there is a market, the surrounding farmers and vendors will come to the market. The local people call the market day "going day", and the market is called "Guo Xing". "Daxing Day" and Chenri as "Small Traveling Day".On the day of the trip, the pig shops, sheep shops, chicken shops, bamboo and wood shops, and grain shops in front of the Longzi Temple, as well as the big shops in the market and trade square, are very lively.During the Anti-Japanese War, this mountainous market town became an important cultural center in Zhejiang. When the teachers and students of Jiaxing Middle School arrived, the provincial government had already established some wartime institutions here. There is no lake in Bihu, Songyin River and Daxi (the upper reaches of the Oujiang River) meet here, the water surface is wide, and the stream is clear and green. field".To commemorate Principal Zhang Yintong’s hard work in leading the whole school out of the occupied areas, the teachers and students of Jiaxing Middle School processed a silver dollar donated by Zhang Fakui into a commemorative medal, engraved on it with the words "Taste the joys and sorrows together", and held a simple and A meaningful ceremony.Zhang Yintong said in his thanks: "In my life, there are two things that are most worthy of my commemoration. One is that I won a medal from Mr. Ji when I was a student, and the other is today." Jiaxing, Huzhou, Hangzhou and other places fell one after another. In January 1938, the Zhejiang Provincial Government established the Zhejiang Provincial Wartime Youth Training Corps in Bihu, which was divided into high school student groups and simple teacher classes, etc., to accommodate students who escaped from the war zone. Zhang Yintong was in charge Teacher Jian of the Youth Training Corps.When they first arrived in Bihu, the students all participated in the training group for training. They studied and had military training at the same time. They put on military uniforms, boys in gray military uniforms, and girls in grass green military uniforms.They have been in this wartime youth training regiment for half a year, and some straw is spread on the ground as a bed. Jiaxing Middle School has also established an office in Bihu.Every Sunday, students can go to the office as if they were at home.On this day, they can often enjoy a sumptuous lunch, and teachers and students get together like parents and children to spend a wonderful day.Cha Liangyong later recalled that when he was a teenager, his classmates had no interests and no scheming, and they could confide their hearts without reservation.His best friends were all made in middle school. At that time, we ate together, lived in the same dormitory, attended classes and studied together, and lived intimately. With the fall of Hangzhou and other places, many schools came to Bihu one after another. The small Bihu was crowded with students and people fleeing for refuge. There were many institutions, groups, military camps and shops, and the lonely mountain town became bustling and bustling. .School principals have proposed to the Department of Education to set up temporary schools. In July 1938, the Department of Education decided to form Zhejiang Province from seven provincial secondary schools in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou (including Hangzhou High School, Hangzhou Junior High School, Hangzhou Girls’ High School, Hangzhou Normal School, Hangzhou People’s Education Experimental School, Jiaxing Middle School, and Huzhou Middle School). The Provincial Temporary United Middle School is divided into senior high school, junior high school and teacher training department. The principals of the original seven schools served as school committee members. In fact, only Zhang Yintong, Zhou Yusan (principal of Huzhou Middle School), and Tang Shifang (principal of Hangzhou Junior High School) were in Bizhou at that time. lake.Soon after, the Department of Education decided that Zhang Yintong would be the chairman and director of the high school department, and Tang Shifang would be the director of the affairs department and the director of the junior high school department.All the students from the seven schools transferred from the youth training group were assigned to the classes of the three departments according to the transcripts or certificates issued by the original schools.Students who left successively during the relocation process of each school, and students from the original Seventh School or other schools who escaped from the occupied areas were verified and allowed to enroll.Lishui, Bihu and other nearby areas have volunteers with the same academic ability to enroll, and they will be selected for admission after passing the examination.Due to the limited number of places, there are too many applicants and not many admitted. At the beginning of September 1938, Lianzhong officially started school, and the number of students enrolled in the junior high school was the largest, divided into twelve classes. Cha Liangyong finally resumed his interrupted studies.The following year, the three departments of the United Middle School became independent, the junior high school was renamed Zhejiang Provincial Temporary United Junior High School, and the high school was renamed Zhejiang Provincial Temporary United High School. With so many schools coming to Bihu, it is difficult to solve the problem of school buildings. They can only make simple ones, "enter temples, borrow ancestral halls, rent houses, and build thatched cottages." The temporary school buildings are "wooden pillars, grass roofs, and mud walls."The high school is in Longzi Temple (now the grain station), and the teacher training department is in Sanfeng Yuwang Temple.The junior high school is located in the Shen Family Ancestral Hall and Ye Family Ancestral Hall on Bihu Shangjie, and the school offices, classrooms, dormitories for boys and some male teachers are located in the Shen Family Ancestral Hall.The house in the middle is used as the auditorium, where the teachers and students of the school often gather, and the male teachers' dormitories are on both sides.From the side of the main house through the alley, the front and rear houses are dormitories for boys. There are two-story bamboo frame beds against the walls on both sides, and a walkway in the middle. Cha Liangyong lived here for a year.There is an open space at the back, and there is a big camphor tree on the east side. There are 18 relatively large houses in three rows in a line shape, with mud walls and grass roofs. Twelve rooms are used as classrooms, and the rest are used as offices, libraries, and entertainment rooms.There are windows on both sides of the classroom, so there is plenty of light and fresh air. Although there are only white benches and tables inside, it was already a good place for learning during the Anti-Japanese War.The Dongzhu hall next to it is a student restaurant, with tables but no stools, and teachers and students eat standing up.The northwest is the big playground, and the back is the school hospital.There are many stone ramps on both sides of the playground. Whenever the air raid siren sounds and the Japanese planes invade, the teachers and students will hide here. At this time, many students are still reading books or even reciting aloud to show their contempt for the enemy planes. . Lianchu's teachers are mainly from Hangchu, Hang Girls' High School, Jiazhong, Huzhong and other schools, and some are hired locally in Bihu.Students who have suffered from displacement know that all this has not come easily.Their clothes are shabby and their faces look hungry, but they are eager to learn and full of energy. The school is filled with a strong learning atmosphere. At dawn, the fields are full of their voices reading Chinese and English aloud.The content and class hours of each subject are roughly the same as usual, with additions such as ambulance, air defense, publicity, singing, etc., and more courses and activities for sports and boy scouts. At the foot of Nanshan and on the square, colorful flags are flying. The annual spring and autumn sports meeting, teachers and students He showed his talents and often broke provincial records.The crystal-clear river water reflected their childish faces, and their songs echoed on the green lake and fields. Both the Shen Family Ancestral Hall and the Ye Clan Ancestral Hall have newspaper reading offices, and they hold current affairs quizzes every semester, and hold composition competitions, speech contests, debates, etc. based on current events.The school also established a "Wandering Theater Troupe", which sometimes performed anti-Japanese dramas on the streets of Bihu.The Lianchu school song written by principal Tang Shifang and composed by music teacher Yu Futang was sung for a while. It was soul-stirring and lingered in the hearts of every Lianchu student, especially the exiled students in the occupied areas of Hangzhou, Jia, and Lake——

Bihu landscape
"Sanzhong Gaozhen Mingsheng Lake" refers to Hangzhou West Lake where Yue Fei, Yu Qian, and Zhang Cangshui buried their bones. Jiaxing South Lake and Southwest Lake are collectively called "Mandarin Duck Lake". Bilang Lake refers to Huzhou Bilang Lake where Chen Qimei's bones are buried. At the beginning, it was composed of middle schools in Hangzhou, Jia, and Hu. Most of the students from the enemy-occupied areas lost their source of income, and were also homeless during the winter and summer vacations.When the United Central Committee was established, according to the regulations, the relief funds were divided into three categories: A, B, and C. Those who came from the enemy-occupied areas were all provided with A-level relief, and all payable fees were free. All uniforms, books, and meals that were worn outside were all provided by the state. A few yuan of pocket money is sent every month to buy paper and stationery.Cha Liangyong's hometown, Haining, has long since fallen, and he enjoys Class A relief treatment at school. He wears military uniforms issued when he was in the Youth Training Corps. He has no underwear, shoes and socks. An unlined garment, no shoes and socks, and straw sandals on bare feet. Students transport rice and firewood, and even manage their own meals. Each student takes turns to work in the kitchen. The food expenses are very small, and they can barely maintain a simple meal. Three meals of red rice, pumpkin leaves for vegetables, "boiled soybeans in clear water" and "salted mustard greens" were the old days. The portrayal of Bihu's life, two extra meals a week, and a few pieces of meat, rely on the pigs that are raised by themselves with the rice slop and the leftover vegetable leaves. Every morning when the wake-up call sounded, I put on military uniforms, leggings, and worn-out shoes, then rushed to the open space in front of the classroom to gather, and ran in line to the big playground. A new intense day of study and life began.A full day of homework.There was no electric light in Bihu, so at first it could only be illuminated by oil lamps and earthen candles. Later, gas lamps were used in the classrooms for evening self-study, and clear oil lamps were lit in the dormitories, and homework was reviewed under the dim light of the fire.It is not generally allowed to leave the school gate on Sunday.There are enemy air strikes almost every day, and there are even several alarms a day, and the schoolwork is often interrupted. The third year of junior high school is facing the entrance examination. For them, although it is from the joint entrance examination to the joint high school, the examination is strict, the review of homework is very intense, and there is little rest time, and meals are always in a hurry.One day, Cha Liangyong had a whim: the exam is so hard, why not compile a reference book for elementary school to junior high school, which can reduce the review time of candidates?He shared this idea with Zhang Fenglai and other two close classmates, they all agreed, and they did what they said, and the three co-edited "Dedicated to Junior High School Entrants".They collected many middle school entrance examination questions at that time, analyzed and answered them, arranged them in an easy-to-search way, and published them publicly by a publishing house in Lishui.This book achieved unexpected success and has been sold to Fujian, Jiangxi, Anhui and other places. This is Cha Liangyong's first best-selling book published in his life, earning a lot of money.At that time, the family had no financial resources and was extremely poor. Thanks to the income from this book, all three of them graduated from high school and went to college in Chongqing. They also helped other classmates.It was a commercial success for a 15-year-old.He can grasp the needs of consumers and satisfy them in a simple way.He thinks this is an intuitive ability to penetrate the reader's psychology. The book was a long-selling book, and by 1942 there were still advertisements in Southeast Daily. In June 1939, Cha Liangyong graduated from Lianchu in Zhejiang Province, entered Liangao in the second half of the year, and moved from the Shen family ancestral hall to Longzi Temple, both in Bihu Town.The principal of Liangao is Zhang Yintong who he knows and loves.There are many famous teachers in Liangao. Chinese language teacher Qian Nanyang is an expert in Yuan opera; geography teacher Chen Duomin never brought a textbook, so he taught a boring homework very vividly; Without textbooks, the lectures are organized and logical; math teachers Cui Dongbo, Shen Ruyu, Huang Renda, Ao Hongde, etc. are fascinating with logical explanations and precise problem-solving; chemistry teacher Si Fang, physics teacher Xu Zhaohua, etc. through concise language, intuitive The method guides them to explore the mysteries of science; English teachers Yang Yanmian and Chen Chuhuai, painting teacher Sun Duoci, music teacher Lu Zhenkun, etc. are all temporary choices.All the students of Liangao practice military training. They wear military uniforms, belts with grass-green copper buckles (the logo of Liangao), and leggings. The principal also wears the same attire as them.

Graduation photo of Bihu Zhejiang United Junior High School (Jin Yong is the first from the right in the last row, and Shen Baoxin is the fourth from the right in the second row)
The headquarter of Liangao is in Longzimiao, and two thatched cottages have been newly built behind the temple, with more than a dozen classrooms.The classrooms and laboratories of biology, chemistry and physics are located in Guangfu Temple.The dormitory for first-year boys is in Hugongmiao.Cha Liangyong's English scores are very good. In the first and second semesters of senior high school, he scored 87 and 92 respectively; in Chinese, he scored 73 and 80; point. What attracted Cha Liangyong most to Longzi Temple was the library and reading room. The books and facilities of Liangao mainly came from Hangzhou Senior High School. On the eve of the fall of Hangzhou, Hanggao transported almost all the books and instruments out in time.The library is located in the one-story house close to the north wall of the Longzi Temple. There are works by Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Bing Xin, Ba Jin, etc. There are all, Zou Taofen's "Footnotes", Fan Changjiang's "Northwest Corner of China", and even Snow's "Westward Journey" can also be borrowed.The small reading room is surrounded by various dictionaries, dictionaries, encyclopedias, Chinese and foreign atlases and other reference books. ", "Chinese Monthly", "National Anti-Japanese War", etc., "Ta Kung Pao" is a newspaper that Cha Liangyong likes to read. This group of boys and girls were all born in the south of the Yangtze River where the mountains are warm and the water is soft and the environment is affluent. They don't know the heights of the sky and the earth.Cha Liangyong read a lot of new literary works here, and fell in love with Ba Jin.At that time, the most popular among male and female students were the works of Ba Jin and the Russian writer Turgenev.Ba Jin's writing is full of warmth, directly touching their hearts.He had read it at Yuan Hua's home when he was in elementary school, and shed tears when he read about Mingfeng's suicide and Ruijue's death in dystocia. "Autumn in Spring" and "Spring in Autumn" (translated by Ba Jin) impressed him the most at that time, "Because it describes young people's hearts and frivolous love affairs, young people think it is their own business. The misfortune of love being frustrated is very deep." Lu Xun's book Cha Liangyong felt that it was too profound and sharp, and did not arouse much inner resonance.He read Hugo's incomplete translation by Su Manshu. Although it was only a fragment, it gave him a powerful and incomparable shock. He felt that its literary value was far superior to that of the other two French novelists Dumas and Merimee he liked. superior. The extracurricular life of Liangao students is very active. Those who like drama form a drama club, those who like music form a music club, and those who like art, photography, and make soap and glycerin.Cha Liangyong's hobbies were reading, Go, and writing. At that time, students in all classes in the school were free to write posters, which provided him with a place to use his talents. Cha Liangyong has always loved a legend of the Tang Dynasty "The Legend of the Curly Bearded Man". He believes that the tiger and the tiger are lively, and can be regarded as the originator of Chinese martial arts novels.He checked the reference books in the library and wrote an article "Crafting and Appreciating the Biography of the Curly Bearded Man", which mainly verified whether the author of the biography was Du Guangting or Zhang Shuo. Because there are two theories in the classics, the conclusion is that Du Guangting's theory is the evidence. more.This article was published on the wall newspaper. Qian Nanyang, a Chinese teacher who taught the third year of high school, is a famous researcher of Yuan opera, and he praised this article.He is very happy that the child learns to write articles and is praised by the teacher. In 1940, Cha Liangyong published an article in a wall newspaper, but was almost fired. One day after school, Lian Gao was suddenly crowded. Dozens of people gathered around the posters in the corridor outside the library.It turned out that the article "Alice's Journeys" was published on the poster, describing how Miss Alice came all the way to the Liangao campus, happily traveling in the eastern world, when she suddenly saw a colorful cobra running eastward and westward, spitting out its poisonous tongue and spitting. He also uttered wild words to threaten and teach the students: "If...you are impatient to live, you will never be reborn...if..." The cobra sometimes goes to the classroom, sometimes to the dormitory, or to the dining room, or to the playground , The students fled when they saw it.The author of the article is Cha Liangyong. Cha Liangyong liked Shen Congwen's works since he was a child, and he probably read or read the British children's literature "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" translated by Zhao Yuanren.Lian Gao students can tell at a glance that "Cobra" is alluding to Shen Naichang, the director of discipline and education. This person wears a pair of glasses. Call him "if". "Some male students and female students often come and go, not in love, but just for a little intimacy, so they will be expelled. There are also students who play Go during the break time, and the training director will not allow it, and confiscate Go. Everyone dare not speak out. .” The students usually avoid him like a plague god.More and more people gathered in front of the poster, "Alice's Adventures" immediately spread throughout the Liangao campus, and also reached the director of discipline and education, now he got into trouble! The training system is a special product of the one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang. It is an important means of promoting party-oriented education. As early as 1929, the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang formulated the "Measures for Training Directors of Primary and Secondary Schools" and began to implement the training system.After the Japanese invasion, a large area of ​​land was lost, a large number of schools were either closed or went into exile, and the training system was weakened. In January 1939, the Kuomintang formulated the "Outline of Training and Education" again, and decided to implement the training and education system in schools across the country. The director of training in each school (the university is called the dean of discipline) must be a "faithful comrade" in the Kuomintang. School teachers who have been teaching for more than two years and have "excellent achievements, and are sufficiently qualified to set an example in their studies and conduct" can take office after passing the examination.Hangzhou, Jia, Hu and other places fell, and the Provincial Department of Education moved to the Lishui mountainous area. The director of the department, Xu Shaodi, could only seize a few middle schools, and the main method was to send training and education directors. In April and May of 1939, Shen Xianzhen, the director of discipline and education, was expelled from Lianzhong High School. The Department of Education forcibly expelled seven students including Qin Benli. After the application of the principal Zhang Yintong and others, they were changed to drop out of school. Following Shen Xianzhen, the Department of Education appointed 34-year-old Shen Naichang as the director of discipline and education at Lian Gao, who is also responsible for teaching civics.Shen is a native of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. He graduated from the law department of Soochow University. Before joining Liangao, he was the director of discipline and education at Jiangsu Provincial Yangzhou Middle School, and a lecturer at the National Guangdong Academy of Law and Sun Yat-sen University.He lectures people with the tone of "what if", acts as the ideological inspector of the students, and monitors every move of the students everywhere. The students regard him like a snake and a scorpion. No wonder Cha Liangyong used the "cobra" as a metaphor, and he was very happy for a while.The training system and the training director are hated by the students, not only in Lian Gao.On the spur of the moment, Cha Liangyong used Alice's mouth to say what the majority of students wanted to say but did not dare to say. This is one of the biggest crises that Cha Liangyong has encountered in his life. Once he is expelled from school, he will not only lose the opportunity to continue his studies, but will also have problems with food and accommodation. "That is a catastrophe that depends on life and death."Principal Zhang Yintong tried his best to fight for a lighter punishment for him, but the director of discipline, who had power over the principal, insisted on driving him away. His classmate Yu Zhaowen also helped him with the transfer procedures. Leaving Bihu, crossing mountains and ridges, crossing Songyang, Suichang, and Longyou, Cha Liangyong came to Shiliang Town, Quzhou. This was July 1940.A large book bag and simple luggage are hung on his shoulders, and two boxes of Go are in his hands.Classmates Jiang Wenhuan and Wang Haoran took him into the dormitory. They got along with each other for a few days and became congenial. They sympathized with his difficult situation and soon regarded him as a new confidant. Quzhou Middle School was founded in 1902 as Zhejiang Provincial No. 8 Middle School.When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Quzhou was bombed by Japanese planes. Quzhong first temporarily moved from the foot of Fushan in the city to Dongxiang, and then moved to Shiliang Town, Xixiang in 1938 to settle down.Shiliang has a population of less than 1,000. It is about twenty miles northwest of Quzhou City. There are junior high school, high school, normal school and attached primary school in Quzhong, with more than 40 classes at most, scattered in Shiliang Town and Shang and Xia Jingyan Villages.The high school is located in Xiajingyan Village, surrounded by fields and green hills.Everything is kept simple, borrowing halls, courtyards, ancestral halls, and temples of private houses as school buildings, and temporarily building a row of in-line classrooms, with reed leaves as the roof and bamboo mud as the wall, and the playground is built beside the stream.Because classrooms and dormitories for teachers and students are scattered in small villages such as Shangjingyan and Xiajingyan near Shiliang, bugles are used to start and end classes, get up, and go to bed. On the stage, different numbers are used to send signals to the east, west, south and north directions. The material life at that time was very difficult. The bed boards were made of several bamboo strips, and the desks and stools were made of long wooden strips.They eat brown rice, beets and radishes that lack oil and salt, and rarely eat tofu. They improve their lives once a week, and each person only eats a few thin slices of pork.There is no electric light for evening self-study. Each classroom has only one gasoline lamp. When kerosene is tight, even the gasoline lamp cannot be lit. Two or even four people share a clear oil lamp. All male students in the school have their heads shaved, and female students' hair must not be too long.Wearing uniform school uniforms, junior high school and Jianshi students wear black uniforms and black student caps, high school students wear yellow khaki uniforms and yellow student caps, and they sing a powerful school song: The three main roads are important, the nine peaks stand majestically, and the ravines compete with the flowing water. Thousands of heroes are gathered to learn and practice gymnastics to meet the needs of the Anti-Japanese War.狮子般力量,骆驼般精神,勇猛、沉着,钢铁般意志,陶冶、训练、不屈不挠,哪怕世界狂涛,哪怕顽敌凶暴。同学们,增进智能,负起责任,期把我国家重新建造。 查良镛与江文焕、王浩然三人成了“三驾马车”,经常出没在静岩的道路上。他们三人天天同出同进,宿舍的床位连号,教室的座位基本上排在一起,吃饭也在同一张桌子。有时夜自修下课后,他们到小店加餐,三人同吃一大盘炒年糕或炒面,吃得津津有味。查良镛比江文焕小好几岁,称他为“焕哥”。只要天气允许,晚饭后他们常常一起散步,沿着溪旁通往衢州城的大路徐徐前进,欣赏落日余晖下田间和山野的风光,笑声朗朗,消除一天来学习的疲劳。

那时,围棋名家汪振雄在桂林主持围棋研究社,查良镛从千里之外写信求教,前后通过几次信。汪先生笔力遒劲,每次来信很少谈围棋,总是勉励他用功读书。课余时间,他常与江文焕、王浩然等同学下围棋。他教王浩然下围棋,耐心地讲金角、银边、草肚皮的道理。有时下棋不服输,他们也会追追打打闹着玩。 查良镛也是一名体育运动爱好者,体育毕业成绩是82分,军训成绩75.2分。他平时最喜欢打排球。在几届校运动会上,最后的一项“高中男生武装负重赛跑”,他总是第一个冲刺到终点。 衢中的体育课不限于田径和球类练习,每星期还有一次爬山比赛,白云山、东山尖都留下了他们的身影。在白云山上俯视石梁镇,田野、丘陵连绵,一片郁郁葱葱,石梁河缓缓流过,溪水如带,环绕着茅舍瓦屋,炊烟袅袅,恍若战火中的“世外桃源”。衢州城外的烂柯山也成为他们假日游玩的好去处,群山盘亘,主峰如一座巨大的石梁,蔚为壮观,繁花萝藤,目不暇接。中一灯大师在湘西的隐居处,依稀就是这里的景色。 学生每天都要写一篇自拟题目的短文,日记簿由学校统一印发的“土报纸”制作,级任老师要批改。抗战时期衢中有一个阵容强大的国文教师群,王西彦、袁微子、陈康白、陈友琴、曹百川、张厚植、方光焘、屠伯和、何植三等先后在这里任教。查良镛的语文成绩比碧湖时要好,几个学期的考试成绩为85分、83分、88分、86分,毕业成绩为83.9分。每当作文课,他都是当堂第一个交卷,获得最佳评分,作文发下来,大家争相传阅。 图书馆尽可能地为师生提供参考书籍,每逢星期六下午或星期日上午,学生常常到石梁校本部图书馆借书和还书。校图书馆藏书颇丰,有商务印书馆的《万有文库》,查良镛最爱借其中的世界名著——


在衢州中学的两年,是我最快乐、最难忘的时光。尽管当时读书条件很艰苦,但衢州中学的老师对我很好,学习氛围也很浓,我受益很多。我当时在校图书馆借阅了许多书籍,特别是《万有文库》中的古今中外名著。 学校设有阅报栏,订有金华出版的《东南日报》。《东南日报》在浙江、江西、福建乃至西南拥有十几万读者,陈向平长期主编的副刊“笔垒”,与《大公报》桂林版的“大公园”副刊被秦牧誉为“东西双星”,吸引着衢中师生。 1941年9月,衢中学生自治会创办了一个四开的旬刊《驼铃》,在石梁镇的一间印刷作坊石印,字迹清晰,编排设计很有特色,有小品,小评、小通讯、小报道、小记事、小打油诗,甚至有“厕所文学”等,可惜只出了四期。在这样的环境中查良镛无疑如鱼得水。9月4日,他在《东南日报》“笔垒”副刊发表《一事能狂便少年》,用的是老师给他取的笔名“查理”,标题来自前辈同乡王国维的诗句—— 去年,我的一位好友被训育主任叫到房里去,大大地教训了一顿。训到末了,训育主任对他说:“你真是狂得可以!” 是王国维先生说过罢:“一事能狂便少年。”狂气与少年似乎是不可分离的。他不能勉强自己赶快增加年龄,于是,暑假后不得不换了一个学校。 这位友人是那些有着火热的情绪的人之一,他做起各种事情都像在拼命。而使他成为我最亲密的友人的,正由于这种性格。因为狂气固然会使保守者感到非常愤怒与厌恶,而冷静同样要使狂气十足的人觉得万分地不可忍耐。对于这个,我和安德雷·马罗斯有着相同的见解:“其间发生的误会与不幸,应当归罪于人类的天才,胜于归罪于个人的恶德。”所以我不愿意使自己对这位训育主任有什么不敬的意见,因为我知道我和他几乎相差三十岁的年纪。这种差异是不可超越的。我只以为放弃教育手段而勉强别人增加年龄是一件不值得赞美的事情,并且狂气也不是同他所想象的那样,是一种非常要不得的东西。 “狂气”,我以为是一种达于极点的冲动,有时甚至于是“故意的盲目”,情情愿愿的撇开一切理智考虑底结果。固然,这可以大闯乱子,但未始不是某种伟大事业的因素。像我们不能希望用六十度的水来发动蒸汽机一样,一件惊天动地的事业要以微温的情感、淡漠的意志来成就,那是一件太美好了的梦想。我要这样武断地说一句:要成就一件伟大的事业,带几分狂气是必需的。 ... 我们要求许许多多的,像法国大革命时代一般志士追求自由的狂,马志尼、加富尔的复兴民族的狂,以及无数的科学家、艺术家、探险家等对于真理、对于艺术、对于事业的热狂。 当时衢中文风很盛,陈康白、袁微子等老师,罗威等同学都在“笔垒”发表过文章。查良镛的文章文笔犀利,在衢中引起小小的轰动,阅报栏前吸引了不少同学。小小年纪,论述却颇见功力。这是他亲身的经历,真实想法的流露。难怪陈向平要将它发在“笔垒”头条,并乘出差衢州之便到石梁来看看这个查理。令他意外的是查理只是一个高二学生,“身高背宽,呈正方形的脸上架一副近视眼镜”,虽然营养不良,瘦骨嶙峋,却“颇有学者风度”。年龄的差距没有妨碍他们一见如故,谈得很是投机。陈向平还指点他来年去报考西南联大。 同年12月7日,又一篇署名“查理”的《人比黄花瘦——读李清照词偶感》刊登在“笔垒”版首—— 由于对弱者的蔑视超过怜悯,由于习惯了用严峻的眼光观察一切事物的内在,我对李清照那传诵一时的名句“帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦”可以说是反常地保持着一种十分不愉快的感觉。它总使我想到一幅很凄楚的图画:一个瘦小的女人弱不禁风地站在一丛菊花前,因而引起了许多近乎是无可奈何的联想。它使我强烈地意识到李清照在这句子中是故意显示自己底柔弱,而目的在引起别人的同情。她是深深地浸沉在自我怜惜中。 因为在这里我不是来非难李清照,企图用什么她不应当承受的言词来侮蔑这位我们要给予同情的作家。在从前,女子处在被保护者的地位,求得别人底同情常常是一种有效的达到她目的的手段。我是对现代一切吟风弄月,缺乏战斗精神的思想提出抗议,我控诉那种自我怜惜的心理。 人类的精神状态总是处在人性与兽性的冲突下,高贵伟大等是人性胜利的结果。孟子性善的学说支配了中国几千年。但现代心理学家的意见,人类的本能却大部分是丑恶得使人不能正视的。求得别人同情与自我怜惜也是这种本能之一种。 儿童希望得到慰藉,则显示自己底创痛,或甚至伤害自己以得到充分的悲怜,即使是成人,也未必减少一些这类的冲动,不过因了教育与经验,而有各种不同的表现方式罢了。李清照这诗句是这种形式的技巧上的完成,而把自己底痛苦夸张到荒谬绝伦的程度是这类性质的绝顶。比如乞丐们故意毁坏身体以作为生存的手段,他们巧妙地利用了人类底弱点。 对于这些病态的心理,我们要求制止。 李清照以“人比黄花瘦”为得意,而抗战的巨潮并不曾完全夺去这种思想。为了有些近乎肆意谩骂我不愿引用,否则,韩愈的一句批评似乎是颇适宜的:“摇尾乞怜”。 ……我不是对“同情心”有什么否定的意见。相反地,对于真正不幸者的同情我以为是最高贵的一种感情。但故意的做作却完全是另外一件事。人类的弱点应该得到同情,但这同情不应该由这弱点的保有者故意地去求得。 ... 查良镛对南宋词人李清照的名句大胆提出自己的看法,在当时抗战的大背景下,他批评“一切吟风弄月,缺乏战斗精神的思想”,以及“自我怜惜的心理”,虽然他对弱者的蔑视不无少年人的偏激。 衢中的教师和高年级同学经常说起查良镛的国文和英文根底深厚。他的英文成绩一直在同学中保持着优势,在石梁的四个学期分别为85分、91分、91分、90分,毕业会考90分,以89.6分的平均成绩毕业。 查良镛在全校性的各项活动中多次崭露才华。1941年全校举行“双十节”文艺会演,他自己编导并主演的英语话剧《月亮升起》(RisingoftheMoon)在石梁广场演出,观众虽听不懂,却感到别致新颖。全校英语教师则一致称赞演员们发音正确流利。每学期一次的全校性独唱比赛,唯有他唱的是英文歌,声调高亢而凄厉。 衢州位居浙、赣、皖、闽四省交界,地势险要,历来是兵家必争之地,抗战前夕便修建了机场,是战时东南数省最大的机场。日寇飞机频频轰炸衢州就是针对这个机场,群山之间的石梁也时遭敌机轰炸。有时正在上课,敌机来袭,师生就疏散到附近的田边、溪边,敌机一去,再回教室上课。有一段时间,因敌机空袭频繁,他们到山丘地带上课,学生坐在草地上听课、记笔记。一次,炸弹在查良镛身旁不远处爆炸。他立刻伏倒,听得机枪子弹在地上啪啪作响。听得飞机远去而站起身来后,见到身旁有两具死尸,面色蜡黄,口鼻流血,双眼却没有闭上。附近一个女同学吓得大哭,他只好过去拍拍她肩头安慰。 1940年10月4日,日机在衢州城内空投黄豆、麦粒、麦麸、棉花、传单和跳蚤等,感染了鼠疫杆菌的跳蚤不久即造成鼠疫流行,蔓延六年,波及衢县的51条街巷、19个村庄,死亡1160多人,1941年5月中旬是发病高峰。鼠疫在城中蔓延,病者绝对治不好,情况十分恐怖。哪一家有人染上了,军人就将病人搬到衢江中的一条船上,任其自死,七天后放火烧船,叫这家人换上新衣,什么东西也不能带,立即出门(官方补还其钞票),将整座房子烧了。 当时查良镛读高中二年级,在石梁乡下上课,他的同班同学、体育健将毛良楷染上了鼠疫,全校学生、校工立刻逃得干干净净。毛君躺在床上只是哭泣,班主任姜子璜老师拿出钱来,重金雇了两名农民抬毛君进城,送上衢江中的一艘小船。姜子璜是史地老师,学识渊博,品德高尚,上地理课不带教材,凭一张地图就可以把山川形势讲得清清楚楚。查良镛是班长,心中虽害怕,但义不容辞,在黑夜中跟在担架后面步行,直至江边和毛君垂泪永别。回到学校,他和姜老师互相向全身泼热水,以防身上留有传染鼠疫的跳虱。整个抗战期间,他自觉有点勇敢的事就只这么一件。 毛良楷患鼠疫死亡,全校放假七天,查良镛心有余悸,可怕的鼠疫活生生地夺去了同学的生命,这是他第一次真实地感受到死亡的切近和恐惧。他目睹同学被抬上死亡之船,小船孤零零地停在江上,上船就是被隔绝,就是等死。衢江边的生离,就是死别!船离他而去,生死成一线,衢江边和同学垂泪永别的那一幕、那个夜晚永存在他的生命深处。无情的战争夺去了母亲的生命,弟弟的生命,还有同学的生命。衢江悠悠,岁月流逝,日本细菌部队(731部队)的罪行并不会因此而被遗忘。 1941年11月中旬,衢中发生反对训育主任杨筠青的学潮,在衢州和浙江教育界引起轩然大波,查良镛也被列入“过激学生”的黑名单。校长陈博文原是省教育厅督学室主任,比较爱护学生,尽量减轻对学生的处罚,使学校恢复上课,他因此免于被开除、失学的命运。 1941年12月7日,日军偷袭珍珠港,太平洋战争爆发,日军加紧对金华、衢州等地的攻势,1942年4月,二十万日军沿浙赣线西进,衢州城的房屋几乎全被炸毁,人心惶惶。城里人一早就提着装了食品的警报袋出城避难。石梁近在咫尺,也不得安宁,早饭后任课老师就分头带领各班学生疏散到山边树林上课。一个星期天,不少学生在教室里做作业,警报一响,大家纷纷疏散出去,跑到田边洼沟里躲避。十几分钟后,一架敌机在教室上空咆哮,然后低空盘旋,打了几个圈才飞走。 5月24日,日军攻陷金华、兰溪等地,衢州危在旦夕,学校决定停课疏散,毕业班提前草草毕业,学校给学生发了流亡学生证明,一张小奖状大小的纸,上面印着证明文字,盖上衢州中学的公章。查良镛的高中生涯就此结束。他的毕业成绩平均82.9分,在全班名列前茅,同学中70多分的居多,也有一些60多分,王浩然69.5分。查良镛的英文、国文、历史、地理成绩都很突出,算学、物理、化学、生物也好,只有图画、音乐弱一点。 不久,衢州沦陷。8月,衢中搬到遂安县夏洲村,一个偏僻的深山里。 告别石梁不久,查良镛与《东南日报》副刊编辑陈向平再次相遇。《东南日报》在1937年11月19日杭州沦陷前西迁金华,1942年5月20日金华告急,《东南日报》分两路分别向江山、丽水撤离。陈向平随报社先往江山撤离,他们的重逢就在这时。 烽火连天,一个少年,一个中年,忘年之交,促膝长谈,查良镛大谈自己的友谊观,陈向平建议他把这些见解写下来。 陈向平带着装了“笔垒”来稿、来信的包袱,一路颠沛流离,抵达福建南平。8月21日恢复出版《东南日报》南平版。从9月3日开始,署名“查理”的长文《“千人中之一人”》分五天在副刊“笔垒”连载,共六千多字—— ……“千人中之一人”的友谊真是人类所能得到的最大幸福,你假如能得到,你真是世界上最快乐的一个人!因为在你想起他的时候,不感到痛苦,如果有难受的重压,也不畏惧,如果有恐怖的威胁,你可以忘记一切,但永远不会忘记他,永远不愿舍弃他,因为九百九十九人是世界的,但“千人中之一人”却是你的。你们互相爱,大家不爱自己,由一种精神一种意志牵制着你们两颗心。你能恬然地享受幸福,安然地忍受不幸,因为一切都要过去的,只有你和他的感情长存,在永恒前你难得顾虑到暂时。当你想到无论何时总有一个人在全心地赞同你,支持你,你真是有福了。 在他面前你觉得更迫近永恒,你意识到了人的存在与世界的美好。在他面前你的生活会几乎是纯洁得近乎圣的,一种神明的精神充沛了你的思想。在他面前你因感谢他、赞美他而卑视最伟大的王国。为了尊敬他——相互的尊敬是完美的友谊底必要条件——所以即使在最亲密的戏谑中也保留着一些宗教性的严肃,一些希腊风的宁静。为了一种能与他相配的意念使你苛于责备自己的缺点,而无时不在想改善自己。在他面前你会发挥出自己所有的能力,没有一点才能在他面前会不被解放的,所以即使在日常的交际中,你也会惊异自己的灵智突然发展,各种动作中这样地流露着天才的痕迹。对“千人中之一人”的爱无异是一种信心的表现。有些事情,你与成功之间的鸿沟几乎是不能超越的,但藉了这种信心,你是超越了。 人生中假使没有友谊,我真不知道生活将变成如何地丑恶的一个东西。你想哪,一个没有花儿的春天,一朵没有色香的花儿。生活中失去了主要的精神享受,我们靠着什么的支撑来面对这苦难的人生呢?西塞罗以为这简直是如从宇宙中摘去了太阳。 ……友谊中只有喜乐而没有如恋爱中所感受到的痛苦;友谊不至如恋爱那样在感情中完全抛弃灵智的调和;友谊不像恋爱那样达到了最高峰之后就要改变其素质。友人中间在思想上,生活方式上是一个绝对的和谐,而两性间在这方面是天然冲突的。最主要的,友谊的产生是完全由于纯洁的自然流露,其中没有一点利益的希冀;而恋爱的发生却是由于为满足人性的要求。友谊是心理上的,而恋爱是生理上的。友谊的价值在情感的本身,而恋爱中若不存在“占有对方”的心理,则恋爱也不成其为恋爱了。巴尔扎克以为联合健康、聪明、类似的家世、趣味、环境、年青,爱情自然会诞生的,但友谊却需要更严格的条件:因为爱情是人类的选择,友谊是自然的选择。 人是不会懂得幸福的,如果没有与一个对你心中不存丝毫利害观念,却永远准备为你尽力的人在一起度过一段时候。因为你不会懂得世界上有一种东西可以构成一个人的精神状态,保卫了这种精神状态的人,即使是最平凡的事,也会变成神奇,在最不幸的环境中,也会感到快乐,这就是所谓“秋天里的春天”! 这种东西就是与你“千人中之一人”之间的友谊。 ……永远绝对信任他,即使他对你已犯了一万次过失,在第一万零一次上仍旧不要有半点怀疑的心,因为“千人中之一人”是不会牺牲他朋友的。并且在真正的友谊中,不适用一般道德尺度的衡量;世人诚实,否则别人就要不信任他。但是你信任朋友难道也要以他对你诚实为先决条件吗?至于你,当对他永不失信,因为你的目的是处处地方使他喜乐。信的意义有二,信
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