Home Categories romance novel The palm of the hand is love, the back of the hand is pain

Chapter 32 Section five

Although I wanted to see Li Yi urgently in my heart, I was not in a hurry to see him.I need to go home to my dad to confirm something, and I need to go back and see my mom.Before going home, I went to school for a day of class.Not having classes for a week felt like those classes had become foreign and made me wonder if this was something I had ever learned.In the theory class, watching the teacher's mouth constantly opening and closing, I don't know what he said.Indulging in the romantic affairs with Li Yi for too long, always planning where to go to play during class, the words of the teachers passed by, and could not enter the ears at all.In the training class, it was even worse. Even the simplest combination of small kicks could not be done properly. The teacher regarded it as a helper and asked Li Xueying to supervise my training.

Li Xueying was obviously holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and after class was over, she still wouldn't let me go, and insisted on making me repeat the left-handed and right-handed turns.Wang Jun didn't leave either, maybe he could see that I was already impatient, and said to Li Xueying: "It's almost enough, Dai Qian's feet are just right, take it easy, don't hurt any more." Li Xueying gave Wang Jun a white look, and said, "The teacher didn't ask you to urge her to practice. Why are you so busy? She can't practice well. The teacher asked me, what do you want me to say?" Said: "Don't stop, keep practicing. I still have a lot of things to do, so what's the point of wasting here?"

I was already full of anger, but when I heard her say this, I stopped practicing altogether, and walked outside as soon as I shook my hands.Li Xueying called from behind me: "What kind of attitude, you! They help you sincerely, just to see your face?" I turned around and said in a sly way: "Thank you. But I don't need your help. You can help whoever you like, but don't help me!" Seeing Li Xueying's face turned pale with anger, biting her lip hard, staring at me angrily, as if blood was coming from my face.Shaking my head and humming a ditty, I swaggered out of the practice room.I thought: "You deserve it! I'm mad at you!"

Walking on the campus, I suddenly found that there was no place to go. After walking aimlessly, I stopped on the basketball court and sat down on the terrace.Looking at the boys playing basketball, I suddenly found Li Yi among them, and my heart was beating wildly. "Why is he here? Did he come to look for me?" I thought: "Is it because I didn't finish class, so he played basketball and waited for me after get out of class?" The basketball flew towards me, and Li Yi ran after it. Think he'll see me soon.When he got closer, I realized that he was not Li Yi, but his figure was just like Li Yi.When he saw me watching him, he showed his white teeth, smiled at me, picked up the ball and ran back to the court.Can't help but smile wryly, am I hopeless, my heart is full of Li Yi, and I can't hold anything anymore.

Suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder.Turning around, Lin Li sat beside me at some point and looked at me with a smile. "How do you have time to watch the game? Where's your handsome guy?" she asked. "At their school." I said. "Why are you willing to waste time watching boring football games? Go find him!" "Tch, you worry a lot. Didn't they say that distance creates beauty? We need to cultivate a sense of beauty." I said without a straight face, but felt a dull pain in my heart. "It's romantic enough! I've convinced you!" Lin Li believed it.

I laughed twice and continued watching the game. After a while, Lin Li said, "Did Wang Jun tell you about the performance?" "What show? I don't know." "What kind of enterprise festival is going to be held in the city? The art performance at the opening ceremony has two programs from our school, one of which is the pas de deux between you and Wang Jun." In the past, this news would definitely make me happy, but now I can't arouse my interest. "Oh, really? Wow! Great goal! What a stink, it should have been scored." "You catch up with all the good things, you are really a blessed person." Lin Li said enviously.

"What? Are you willing to go? I'll just give you the chance." I'm telling the truth, I have no intention of participating in the show. "Me? It's okay to dream." "I'll talk to Wang Jun, and we'll agree." "Even Li Xueying can't make it, let alone me. Li Xueying discussed with him to take your place, but Wang Jun refused to agree to it. Because of this, they are having an awkward fight." "Wang Jun too. Let her go if she likes. As for me, it doesn't matter whether I go or not." I said, Li Xueying's face is not her face today, her nose is not her nose, she made it clear that she deliberately made things difficult for me, and it was because of this matter.

"Do you still have to ask? Who doesn't want to go!" "I don't want to!" "You really don't want to go?" "real." "Hey, if you don't go, now Li Xueying is picking up a big bargain." "Let her take advantage of it, no, I'll make a decision. I think it's fun when she's angry." I suddenly changed my mind, I'd rather see Li Xueying's face pale with anger than see her smug. "You still want to go." "I guess I want to go." "Let me tell you, you'd be a fool if you didn't want to go."

I laughed secretly in my heart, I almost became a fool.When the game was over, the crowd dispersed.The sun has disappeared behind the buildings in the west, afraid of the loneliness of the night, the night is still coming step by step.Lin Li and I ate a bowl of sliced ​​noodles at a street stall, and then went to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet for a while.Coming out of the Internet cafe, I said to Lin Li, "Come with me tonight." Lin Li said: "There is only one single bed in your place, where do you want me to sleep?" "Of course they are sleeping on the same bed. Are you afraid that I will rape you?" I teased her.

"Cut, I'm afraid you don't have that ability!" We were walking under a streetlight, and by the light, we saw Lin Li blushing and looking shy.I thought: Maybe Lin Li is still a virgin.There is a mixed feeling of superiority and regret in my heart, thinking that my virginity has gone back by a crane, I can't help but feel melancholy. In the taxi, I received a call from Wang Jun.He said that he never had a chance to tell me during the day that he was going to perform in the next week. I said I got it. He said: "Let's start rehearsing tomorrow, and I think of a few areas that need improvement."

I said, "Not tomorrow, I want to go home." "Isn't it okay not to go back? Time is running out." "no!" Wang Jun understood my temper and knew that persuasion was useless, so he said, "Come back quickly, and wait for your rehearsal. This is an opportunity to show your face, we must grasp it well." "I said you don't want to be wordy, I know." I didn't care if he still had a word or not, so I hung up the phone. Lin Li naturally recognized that the call was from Wang Jun, and inevitably said a lot of envious words.The things in this world are really strange. Some things you want very much, but you just can’t get them. The things you don’t want just push through your threshold, but the people who want them can only stare helplessly. want to.
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