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Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Time Witness

red lips 西岭雪 6387Words 2018-03-16
Xu Nongqin is dead! Chen'er never dreamed that at the same time she and Zhong Chubo were crying and laughing for the reunion, a wronged soul quietly ascended to heaven. Forensic identification: The time of death was between 11:00 and 12:00, and the cause of death was suicide by hanging after swallowing an overdose of sleeping pills. Double suicide! She actually longed for eternal sleep so much!Such a renunciation!Such a decision! Chen'er couldn't believe it, covered her lips, but still screamed out. Xu Nongqin is dead!Her rival in love, the crazy woman who had been so determined to kill her and even caused a car accident at the risk of desperation, died!

That's a madness!But what about her heart?She gave Zhong Chubo her heart, but if he didn't want her, she lost her heart. So she went crazy!So she hated!So she despaired!So she committed suicide! she died!Eyes wide open, tongue sticking out, face blue, hair disheveled, a wronged soul! Unfortunate souls! When the criminal police put the photo of Xu Nongqin's tragic death in front of Chen'er, she felt the whole world turning upside down in front of her eyes, and she had to hold on to the chair so as not to fall. The detective looks at the overly frightened young girl, the innocent "mistress".A frightened person cannot tell lies, and this is the perfect time to ask.So he asked—

"Who were you with between 11:00 noon and 12:00 noon on May 30?" "Together with Zhong Chubo." "What are you doing?" "He came to pick me up from the hospital and we went to the beach." "What time did he pick you up from the hospital?" Chen'er thought for a while: "It's 11 o'clock in the morning. I checked my watch before I left. You can go to the hospital to check the relevant records. I went through the discharge procedures at the same time. Both my brother and the nurse can testify." "Did you go directly to the beach after you came out of the hospital?"

"Yes, we stayed on the beach until after two o'clock in the afternoon, because Chu Bo promised my brother would take me home by three o'clock." "You mean, during the period from 11:00 noon to 3:00 p.m., you have been with Zhong Chubo and have never been separated?" "yes." "Are you sure again, is it true that he never separated from you for a minute?" Chen'er tried hard to remember, and his head ached: "Yes, he went to the toilet once in the middle, but it took about 5 minutes at most." "Are you sure he went to the bathroom?"

"Then what do you think he did?" Chen'er became excited, "Didn't you think he would rush home from the beach in five minutes and kill someone?" "How much do you know about the many accidents that happened to the deceased Xu Nongqin before?" "I'm not very clear. I met Zhong Chubo when she was almost hit by a car a year ago. During the past year of our relationship, Mrs. Zhong's life has been very stable, with no illness or disaster." Chen'er's emotions were a little out of control, and she couldn't help Zhu Zhu contradicted her, "Of course, if what you mean by accident is whether she has had a cold or not, and has a headache and diarrhea, I'm sorry I can't answer."

The criminal interrogator looked at her seriously.Chen'er realized her gaffe, sighed, buried her head in her hands, calmed down, and raised her head again: "Ask, do you have any questions? I will try my best to cooperate." The criminal interrogator looked through the information on the table: "According to our evidence, the deceased had almost drowned because of an air leak in the safety ring when swimming two years ago; a year and a half ago, he slipped and fell on the third floor of his home A year ago, he was almost killed in a car accident; and every time an accident happened, Zhong Chubo happened to be near the scene, but he was always unable to rescue him for various reasons..."

Chen'er was uneasy: "What are you trying to imply to me? This time Xu Nongqin committed suicide, but Zhong Chubo was not there. I can prove that he is indeed with me." "While you were at the beach, did you have a third time witness?" "No." "The spring swimming has already started. Is there no one on the beach?" "Of course not, but I don't know anyone. We sit on the island far away from everyone and talk." "About what?" Chen'er hesitated. The criminal police gave her a stern look: "Human life is at stake, please cooperate with our investigation work."

Chen'er was even more disturbed: "He told me that he had a showdown with his wife, filed for divorce, and said he would marry me... Don't you think I killed him?" "The law is about evidence, and we don't make any unfounded inferences. But I hope you will think about it carefully, think through all the details, and see if you can provide a strong time witness." Chen'er fell back into memories: "After we came out of the hospital, we went straight to the beach, took a walk for a while, and took a photo, and then..." "Wait a minute." The criminal police seized the suspicious point, "What kind of photo did you take? Where did you take it? What time was it?"

"How could I remember what time it was? We took the photo under the Chinese watch in the park..." Chen'er suddenly remembered, grabbed a straw and called out, "By the way, we took the picture under the Chinese watch, maybe there will be someone up there There is time to show." Lu's.The moment is thrown into chaos by the arrival of an unexpected guest. Zhong Xiaoqing yelled frantically outside the door: "Murderer! Your daughter is a murderer! Open the door! I'm going to burn your house down!" Mother Lu leaned against the door and shivered, her face covered with sweat: "What can I do? What can I do?"

Father Lu said angrily, "What can I do? Open the door, let her in, and ask her what's going on?" "Don't open the door!" Lu's mother yelled in horror, "That girl is already crazy, let her in, are you going to fight her or me? If we fight, we don't care!" It was so easy for Lu Yue to go home. When he saw Xiaoqing screaming like a shrew, he was furious. He grabbed Xiaoqing's arm and yelled, "Stinky girl, what nonsense are you talking about?" "Lu Chen'er is the murderer! Lu Chen'er killed my mother!" Xiaoqing cried, wiping her snot and tears all over Lu Yue's body, but she was no longer as unrestrained as before.

Mother Lu heard her son's voice inside the door, as if seeing a savior, she tremblingly opened the door: "Lu Yue, you are back!" "Come in!" Lu Yue pulled Xiaoqing into the door with one hand, threw her on the sofa, and asked with a frown, "Why do you insult my sister with nonsense?" "I didn't frame her, she is the murderer, she and my father forced my mother to death!" Xiao Qing burst into tears again, "My mother died so badly! Her hair was disheveled, her tongue stuck out so long, and her face was livid. , the trousers are soaked in urine..." She couldn't help shaking when she recalled the horror of her mother's tragic death. Lu's mother sighed, this is also a poor child, she was frightened silly by the evil appearance of the hanged ghost, the little girl can't return to her home, she can't express her grievances, so she can only vent her anger by playing nonsense.Then I realized that my daughter is actually not much older than this girl, and she is just an ignorant child who was actually involved in a murder case. I couldn't help being afraid and anxious, and wiped my tears: "Yueer, you went to the police station just now, they How to say?" Lu Yue pointed at Xiao Qing, and said bitterly, "It's all because of this stinky girl talking nonsense. After discovering the dead woman Xu Nongqin..." Xiaoqing immediately shouted: "Don't scold my mother!" Lu Yue glared at her, ignored her, and continued, "...She called the police and said that Chen'er killed her mother, so Zhong Chubo and Chen'er became the first suspects and were to be detained for 24 hours. But mom, don't worry, my sister can't hide from that lunatic. It is absolutely impossible to go to her house. As long as the police can't find evidence that she was at the murder scene within 24 hours, she will be released. She will come home tomorrow morning , nothing will happen." Mother Lu was shocked, but she was still worried, and cried again: "Chen'er, an innocent girl's family, how could she get involved in this muddy water?" Lu's father also asked seriously: "Lu Yue, why does this child want to bite on Chen'er? What is the relationship between Chen'er and this child's parents?" Lu Yue frowned, not knowing how to answer: "Her father was Chen'er's former boss. The two of them got very close a while ago, but they have already broken up..." Xiaoqing yelled: "No! The two of them went to Beijing and Zhuhai together, and they were photographed..." Father Lu was surprised, and suddenly remembered an old incident: "Chen'er went to Zhuhai on a business trip, and was she with her father? Then Chen'er and Xiaofeng broke up because of her father?" Lu Yue was very troubled: "Dad, don't listen to this stinky girl's nonsense, my sister really broke up with her father." "No!" Xiaoqing was still crying unrelentingly: "They met today. If it weren't for them, how could my mother die? It was their partnership that killed my mother, and it was Lu Chen'er who killed my mother." In order to marry my father, she thought my mother was an eyesore, so she killed my mother! She is the murderer..." Lu's mother had already been dazed by the blows one after another, and she just kept asking in a daze: "Yue'er, is this true? Are these all true? Why am I a mother? Feng'er doesn't even know?" Lu was furious and raised his hands: "Stinky girl, if you talk nonsense again, be careful and I will beat you!" Mother Lu hurriedly stopped her: "Forget it, she is pitiful enough, stop scolding her, and send her home quickly." Xiaoqing cried in fright: "No! I won't leave! I don't want to go home!" She huddled into a ball, tightly holding onto the handle of the sofa, her eyes full of horror. Lu Yue sighed, there is no girl who is sixteen or seventeen years old who is not afraid of ghosts, someone was hanged at home just now, it is indeed too cruel to let her stay alone in the haunted house.He looked at Xiaoqing helplessly, and said threateningly, "Okay, it's fine if you don't go home, but don't talk nonsense anymore. Otherwise, I'll throw you out right away!" Lu Chen'er's confession completely matched Zhong Chubo's. The time of Huabiao on the photo is about 11:35 noon. From the hospital to the beach park, it takes about 25 minutes by car. If there is a slight traffic jam, it is very reasonable to leave the hospital at 11 o'clock and arrive at the Huabiao in the beach park at 11:35. However, it takes at least 45 minutes to travel from Haibin Park to Zhong's house. Therefore, Zhong Chubo has no time to commit crimes. Because according to forensic identification, the time of Xu Nongqin's death was between 11:00 and 12:00.And it is impossible for Zhong Chubo to kill his wife between 11:00 and 11:30 (because there are countless witnesses who proved that he showed up at the hospital at 11:00, and it took half an hour from the hospital to the seaside park), nor could he kill his wife at 11:30 After taking the photo, he went home and killed his wife (because it takes 45 minutes to drive from Haibin Park to Zhong's house, and it is impossible for Zhong Chubo to get home before 12 o'clock). All the witnesses and material evidence were available, and the suspects Zhong Chubo and Lu Chener were acquitted. But Chen'er's heart is not easy. The fact that Xu Nongqin was dead covered her heart like a haze, suffocating her. At the gate of the police station, Lu Yue and Xiaoqing were waiting there. Seeing Chen'er, Xiaoqing immediately became excited again, rushed forward and yelled, "You killed my mother! You evil spirit! The murderer! You forced my mother to death!" while grabbing the policeman next to her , "Catch her! Why did you let her out? She is the murderer! She killed my mother! She is the murderer!" Lu Yue shouted angrily: "Zhong Xiaoqing, don't talk nonsense!" Zhong Chubo raised his hand and was about to hit him, but Chen'er rushed forward and hugged him tightly: "Don't! Don't hit her! She's not wrong! It's me! It's my fault! I'm the murderer! I'm the sinner! It's me Wrong!" She cried hoarsely, her body went limp, and she fell to the ground.Lu Yue and Zhong Chubo rushed to help them up at the same time, but Chen'er flung her hands and broke away from Zhong Chubo's arm, shaking her head in frustration: "No, she didn't talk nonsense, it was my fault, I am the murderer, I am the murderer..." Lu Yue was shocked, and looked at his younger sister in amazement. After seeing her for a night, Chen'er was haggard, like a blooming flower suddenly withering, and it looked like late spring.He suddenly had an ominous premonition, maybe, in this life, his sister will live in the shadow of Xu Nongqin, and she will lose her innocent and sweet smile from now on. Zhong Chubo looked at Chen'er sadly, and called out hoarsely, "Xiaolu!" Chen'er looked at him coldly, her eyes filled with desolation.The desolation made Zhong Chubo feel an unspeakable chill in his heart, and he could no longer speak the following words.Chen'er turned her head and looked at Lu Yue weakly: "Brother, take me home." The motorcycle was running fast, and Lu Yue felt that his sister's arms around him were getting tighter and tighter, as if he was asking for some kind of strength from himself.He held back his stomach full of words and wanted to tell his sister, but as soon as Chen'er got home, he locked himself in the bedroom and refused to open the door no matter who knocked. Lu Yue tried to persuade him outside: "We are all very sorry for such a thing to happen, and no one wants such an accident to happen. But this is an accident and has nothing to do with you. Why do you have to suffer?" Chen'er just didn't say a word, and refused to open the door. Xu Nongqin is dead.Her love and self-confidence died with it.And the murderer was herself. Although I didn't kill Boren, Boren died because of me.Zhong Xiaoqing was right, she killed Xu Nongqin.It was she and Zhong Chubo who went to Zhuhai together that forced her to get sick, and it was the car accident that caused the car accident when she met Zhong Chubo and was secretly photographed by the grasshopper. The elder sister Xu Nongxiao's old way, committed suicide by taking medicine, and it was a double suicide. Xu Nongqin's death, she cannot shirk her responsibility, the crime is unforgivable! She murmured to herself in the mirror: "What an ugly face, it is actually stained with other people's blood, how do you have the face to live?" The mirror was broken, and the broken sound was in everyone's heart. Lu's parents were so anxious that they patted, cried, cried and persuaded outside the door. They only lost their hair all night. Lu Yue grabbed his hair and walked around in the living room , I don’t know how to get rid of my sister.Finally, he thought of a person - Ji Tianchi.At this time, maybe only Tianchi can persuade Chen'er? Ever since he left the hospital in a fit of anger that day, he had made up his mind to fight Tianchi for a few days, and would never take the initiative to send him home to make fun of himself, but now because of his sister, he couldn't care less, so he had to pick up Tianchi himself Come, let me explain the whole incident in a few words. Tianchi was shocked, and immediately rushed to Lu's house, only quietly said to the room: "Chen'er, if you don't open the door, I will just stand here and not leave." Tianchi's serious injury has not yet healed, standing for one night is not for fun.This sentence was stronger than a hundred sentences, Chen'er immediately opened the door. Mother Lu breathed a sigh of relief, rushed in, hugged her daughter's sweetheart, and cried, "Chen'er, if you want to be more open, don't blame yourself. Didn't the police check it out? It was an accident, and you It doesn't matter, you must not listen to that girl Zhong Xiaoqing's nonsense, and don't pin the crime on yourself." Chen'er just looked at her parents sadly, and begged weakly: "Dad, Mom, can you let me be quiet for a while?" Her eyes were so sad that the two elders of the Lu family couldn't help trembling in their hearts. Never had I been so sad and hopeless.Her expression, her expression seemed to have given up on everything in this world, and she no longer held on to trust. Lu Yue also persuaded: "Dad, Mom, let my sister take a break. With Tianchi to accompany her, you can rest assured. After a day of tiredness, you should also take care of yourself." Mother Lu sighed even more.In this accident, the son and daughter seemed to be different people, speaking in a serious manner, and suddenly separated from themselves.When the children grow up and their wings become hardened, their world is no longer something they can manipulate and dominate, and they cannot even participate in it.Nowadays, it is not new for children to hide everything from their parents, but it is not new to say one thing or another to their friends, but it is outrageous that the daughter becomes a murder suspect and the parents are still confused. At this moment, the hearts of the two elders of the Lu family suddenly felt extremely desolate, and they realized one word more clearly than ever: "wife".Struggling for half a lifetime, sleeping dry and wet to pull the children up, but they will always leave him, and the only one who can grow old with him is his wife.They looked at each other, shook their heads and stopped talking, and helped each other slowly go back to the room. Tianchi sat in front of Chen'er's bed, didn't ask any consolation, just took the comb and combed her hair one by one. Chen'er was detained and interrogated for 24 hours at the police station, her hair became greasy and tangled, just like troubles abounded.Tianchi fetched water for her to freshen up with a stiff hand, and then gently massaged her temples on both sides.Chen'er felt comfortable. Crying, sadness, fear, and guilt were all very exhausting things. She was sleepless for 24 hours, and she was already extremely tired. Tianchi came out and told Lu Yue softly: "She is asleep, don't disturb her." Mother Lu's eyes turned red immediately: "Tianchi, thank you, this child Chen'er doesn't tell mom what's on his mind, but he is willing to tell his friends." The words were very sad. Tianchi sighed: "She didn't say anything to me, she was very quiet, she probably fell asleep right now." But Chen'er didn't sleep well. she is sick.Always lethargic, always high fever, always dreamy. Xu Nongqin's death with tongue sticking out is unforgettable.She said that even if she died, she would not let Chen'er go.I'm afraid that Chen'er will live in a nightmare forever in the future, and won't have a good night's sleep again! In the dream, he was negotiating with Xu Nongqin every night, crying and shouting: "It's not me, I didn't kill anyone, don't look for me!" After a pause, it said again: "Yes! It's my fault, I'm the murderer, you kill me to take revenge!" The whole family felt cold when they shouted. Lu's mother didn't know how many times she woke up and shed tears in one night, but she just watched her daughter trapped in guilt and regret, helpless. The most frightening thing is not death, but the shadow of death approaching day by day, like a sharp sword hanging above the head, which will come through the air and whistling down at any time.But I just don't know when it will be cut off. It would be a pleasure to simply swing the sword to hit people's heads. The concept of the murderer lingered in her mind, and Chen'er felt that she was really going crazy, and instead of Xu Nongqin, she became the second frustrated woman who went crazy because of Zhong Chubo.No, maybe it was the third one. The moment Xu Nongxiao decided to take medicine to commit suicide, her heart must have been crushed into dust, right? Zhong Chubo called once or twice during this period, but disappeared after being sternly rejected by Lu's father. After leaving the police station, Chen'er never saw him again, and didn't want to see him again. Xu Feng, on the other hand, was so anxious to rush back when he heard the news abroad.But Chen'er refused, and replied sternly: I'm afraid of being annoying, and I don't want anyone to disturb me.If you come back at this time, we don't want to see each other, and our friends don't do it either. Xu Feng had no choice but to send an email every day: "Chen'er, don't treat yourself as a sinner, the crime has nothing to do with you, why bother to be too hard on yourself?" "A smart person should know how to choose to forget, self-suffering will not help, and it will make the person who loves you suffer in vain, why bother?" "It's raining, it reminds me of you. I like to dance in the rain wearing a glass silk transparent raincoat, like a fairy. I don't know when I will see you dancing so carefree again?" "I heard an old English song called "Before the tears dropping". It is translated into Chinese as "Before the tears drop". The lyrics are extremely beautiful and heartbreaking. I will send you the tape some other day. I hope you will be happy." The words are simple and the meaning is shocking, and the words are sincere.Chen'er couldn't help but shed tears, thinking: Why wasn't Xu Feng the one who loved at the beginning?If so, how much trouble can be saved? She finally heard that song, to the effect that if you fall in love with someone else, then I wish you happiness; but if you are not happy, I will wait for you and hope to see you again before shed tears. Chen'er listened and shed tears again. Tianchi had also been discharged from the hospital at this time, one arm was still weak, and he was holding a full moon puppy to see Chen'er, and at the same time brought news from Wu Zhou: "He is getting married next month, please I'm a bridesmaid." Chen'er was startled, raised his head, and looked at Tianchi sadly.Tianchi whispered: "Chen'er, why do we both fall in love with someone we can't get?" The two sisters hugged each other and cried, washing away their sorrow with each other's tears. The new puppy was still named "Bobo" by Chen'er.Because of Bobo, Chen'er regained a lot of vitality, and every day when she got up, she took it around, walking in the sun, and finally felt a lot more relaxed. Lu Yue bowed to Tianchi: "You still have a way." Tianchi just frowned: "But I don't know when it will really recover from the injury." Lu Yue asked again: "Wu Zhou's wedding, you are the bridesmaid, do you know who the best man is?" "I don't know, what do you care about this?" "Didn't a female writer say: At a wedding, the bride and groom are the 'end' typed on a snow-white screen, and the best man and bridesmaid are the new movie trailers, the real protagonists?" Tianchi smiled: "That's Zhang Ailing's words." After that little quarrel, the two regained their friendship because of Chen'er's relationship, and they both had a kind of lost and found treasure, and they were much more polite to each other.But the following is still unfinished to be continued, neither willing to reunite nor to end.
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