Home Categories detective reasoning Farewell, wretched man!

Chapter 15 wife's testimony

Farewell, wretched man! 佐野洋 10660Words 2018-03-15
My wife, Jiang Lizi, was brought to court by the bailiff. Today, she is wearing a lavender kimono.I have never cared much about my wife's clothing, but after I was arrested, I became very concerned. —Does she still have such a suit? After the ban on visiting the prison was lifted, she visited me three times in the detention center, wearing a suit each time.I still remember the style of the clothes clearly.Probably designed by a famous fashion expert.No outfit fits her well. However, Jiang Lizi, who was standing on the witness stand under the leadership of the bailiff, looked more elegant in this kimono today than in a suit.

In particular, her tall cloud bun and fair nape made me even more enchanted in my eyes. I couldn't help but think of Jiang Lizi's age, thirty-three years old is just the right age. My husband, accused of being a murderer, and she, who appeared as a witness, could be so coquettish for no other reason than because of her beauty. I can't help being a little angry, and at the same time feeling incredible. Before the accident, I never realized that Jiang Lizi was so charming.On the contrary, I feel that she is as cold as frost and snow, and she is more than reserved. Even inside the veil, she was very reserved, taking a nonchalant attitude, waiting for the matter to be over.Or resignation.

So, after I had another love, I seriously considered the matter of divorcing Jiang Lizi... But now, I think Jiang Lizi is a perfect woman. Could it be that something has changed around her since I was arrested? Or maybe she is still as glamorous as before, but my eyes have changed... This is also very possible. It has been fifty days since I was arrested.He was neither allowed to be released on bail, nor contacted with the outside world.Only when I was detained in the police station, when I went to the local prosecutor's office, and in the escort car, could I see the scenery of the street and the figure of the woman from the car window.However, after being transferred to the detention center, due to appeals and other matters, such opportunities almost disappeared.

Those who go fishing in the ocean have only stayed with men for a long time. Once they landed, they thought all the women they saw were beauties.Maybe my gaze has become like theirs? "Stand up!" cried the bailiff.Jiang Lizi began to swear. As I stood up, I felt that Jiang Lizi was still a cold woman. I remembered that when Shanshan walked from the court gate to the witness stand, she didn't glance at me. So she did not attend the first public hearing last week.During the prosecutor's opening remarks and the reading of the indictment, I looked over to the auditorium several times, feeling anxious.

At that time, the defender Yao, who is also my old friend, comforted me about this matter: "You should also put yourself in your wife's shoes. Maybe you don't know it yet. It's rare that an associate professor in a university is murdered, and newspapers and magazines are making a big deal of it. Today's public trial is open, and the press seats are full. At this time, When your wife comes to listen, she will be stared at by troublemakers, and the reporter of Women's Weekly will have to pester her to ask questions. Besides, Mrs. Zun is not in good health, so forcing her to come will make her suffer!"

After listening to Yao's explanation, I think it makes sense.Jiang Lizi being regarded as the defendant's wife, or even the murderer's wife in full view, is not a pleasant thing to me either. However, if she appeared in court as a witness, she could at least take a look at me. Isn't that human nature? Is she afraid that if she glances at me like that, it will be used as an article in the newspaper?However, as a wife, if the husband is imprisoned, whether he is in good health or not, you should always worry about it, right?When people are not paying attention, you can sneak a glance at it.

But she didn't do that.After all, she is a cold woman... Jiang Lizi is a witness for the prosecutor. It was strange.Originally, she was the only person who could prove my alibi, so she should apply to be a witness for the defendant. However, when the trial was held for the first time, her name was impressively included in the list of witnesses proposed by the prosecutor. At that time, Yao asked the prosecutor what she, the witness, wanted to prove.The Prosecutor's response was: "To verify the defendant's motive and alibi witness." Yao leaned over from the defense attorney's table and asked me:

"what do you think?" "How about what?" "That night, you and your wife were together all the time. Is it true?" "Yeah, we're both staying at home." "Well, that's what your wife and I said... But why did the prosecutor mention her as a witness? Among them..." "Isn't that good? Her testimony is definitely beneficial to us. So..." I thought things were not as prudent as Hachio, so I said this. "Since you say so, then agree." Eight tails tilted their heads, appearing full of doubts, so they had no choice but to agree with Jiang Lizi to be the witness of the prosecutor's side.

Today is the second hearing, so far no twists and turns. Those who testified in court in the morning were nothing more than the newspaper cashier who discovered Natsuko Tashiro's murder, neighbors in the apartment where Natsuko lived, the clerk of the fast food restaurant near the apartment, and so on. Their testimony, it goes without saying, is extremely unfavorable to me. Natsuko's neighbor and fast food restaurant guy testified that I went to Tashiro Natsuko's house two or three times a week, and that we both walked into her apartment at 4:30 p.m. on the day she was killed, and so on.

On the other hand, the autopsy report and identification conclusions used as documentary evidence prove that Xia Zi and I had a good relationship that day.As for finding a lot of my fingerprints in her room, of course it's not a problem. Moreover, according to the autopsy report, she was three months pregnant. Judging from the circumstances of the trial, those who attended the court undoubtedly believed that the murderer was me. Xia Zi is my student and stayed in the research room as my assistant after graduation.Unable to withstand my persuasion, she moved into the apartment, and later she became pregnant and insisted on giving birth. In desperation, I killed her. ——This is the gist of the indictment.Probably everyone will think that it is almost the same, but in fact that is the case...

However, I claim from the outset that I am innocent. During the police interrogation, according to what they said, I never "confessed". However, a few times when I was depressed, I also thought, simply follow the police, and I will do whatever they want. The most dangerous time was in the detention center, in the same cell, a person who had six previous convictions instigated me and said: "Sir, you can't read the book, so you feel bored?" He first mentioned this Huatou. "No, scholars usually watch something even when they eat." "You just recruit. That way, you can leave the detention center and be transferred to prison, and the ban on reading books can be lifted. The books you want will be brought to you by your family, so you can read as much as you want. It’s much more cost-effective to do so.” "But, what can I do, I've done nothing! So..." "So, you just make up a few random words. It's not convenient to lie. You didn't do anything, and you told the truth when the trial was held. You are not allowed to visit the prison, and you are forbidden to read. Isn't it because you refuse to confess? When you are reduced to this kind of place, you have to try your best to pretend to be obedient to the policeman.” He is five years older than me.Based on his experience, he told me that in the police station, whether one confesses or not, the treatment is very different. Hearing what he said, I was really heartbroken and wanted to "confess" and settle the matter. As long as he "confesses", he can be moved to the detention center, where he can read books casually and take a short walk every day.This is a great temptation for me.But fortunately, I restrained myself. Because I thought, if I acted so rashly, I would be sorry to my old classmate Yao, who is also my defense lawyer. Later, when I saw Yao, I told him these thoughts, and he immediately said: "It's too dangerous! That guy might be a spy sent by the police. Anyway, the police can't convict you yet, so they're trying to lure you into confessing..." The man stayed with me for two days and then went out.Whether he is a spy, or he volunteered to lure me to confess in order to please the police, I have no way of knowing now... Jiang Lizi stood on the witness stand, unexpectedly calm and calm.No, given her character, perhaps not so surprising.However, her calm attitude still surprised me. The witnesses who appeared in court in the morning were a little timid and their voices were very soft.Some people, answering the prosecutor's question, looked away, and the presiding judge had no choice but to remind: "Witnesses are asked to face us and answer questions." And Jiang Lizi showed no stage fright, almost making people think that she had appeared in court as a witness in other cases before. ——Jiang Lizi was born in a family of scholars, the eldest daughter.Ten years ago, I was married to his father's student, that is, me; because there were only two sisters in her family, I was asked to join Zeguchi's house as a son-in-law.She was pregnant once, because it was an ectopic pregnancy, she had an operation, maybe because of this reason, she has not been pregnant again since then. ——When answering the prosecutor's question, Jiang Lizi said in a calm tone, politely?describe these things. The prosecutor asked whether she had ever been pregnant—a question that defense attorney Yao disputed as irrelevant to the case. Prosecutors argue that this involves the defendant's motive for committing the crime and must be questioned.After a collegial discussion, the presiding judge and jurors rejected Yaoo's objection. "So--" The prosecutor's surname is Sakamoto.About the same age as me and Hachio.When speaking, the eyes behind the rimless glasses were piercing. "Let me ask another question. Do the witnesses still remember the day when the case happened, that is, June 13th?" "Yes, I still remember." "It's been a long time, can you remember this day, is there any special reason?" "Because since that day, the policeman has come several times to ask about that day, and the prosecutor has also summoned me and asked the same question..." "Please answer one more question. When did the defendant, your husband, come home that day?" "Around seven-twenty. On Thursdays he always comes home between seven and seven-thirty." "Yes, it was Thursday, June thirteenth. Did your husband behave unusually that day?" "No." "Didn't he look particularly excited, or agitated?" Regarding this question from the prosecutor, the presiding judge looked over to the defense bench.I also turned around.I thought, isn't this an inducement? However, Hachio remained silent. "No, I can't tell." "What did the defendant do after returning home, please tell me in chronological order." "He changed his clothes first, and then had dinner with me. At 8:10, after dinner, he went to the study on the second floor." "I'll interrupt you," interposed the prosecutor, "so it took the defendant only fifty minutes from entering the house to going to the study. During this time, he changed his clothes and ate another supper, didn't he?" ?” "Oh, my husband, how can I put it, he eats very quickly, in half the time it takes other people." "Don't you talk at the dinner table?" "Mostly he reads the newspaper while eating, and rarely talks." I can't help but nod in the dock, it is true. It's just that I don't know if Jiang Lizi is dissatisfied with this situation.She was facing the presiding judge and was speaking and testifying. It was impossible to see her inner activities from her handsome profile. "Then the defendant entered the study at around 8:10, what happened afterwards?" The prosecutor pushed up the glasses with his right hand. "I've been reading in the study." "Always? Until morning?" "No, at twelve o'clock he went downstairs to take a bath and then into the bedroom. I think it was about one o'clock when he went to bed." "Then the defendant was in the study from ten past eight to twelve. You can testify to that, can't you?" "Yes." Jiang Lizi nodded affirmatively. "What did the witness do during this time?" "Watching TV while crocheting lace." "Watching TV?" the prosecutor asked maliciously. "No, it's turning on the TV and crocheting lace, and occasionally taking a look at it." "Understood. OK, thank you." Prosecutor Sakamoto finished speaking, saluted the presiding judge, and sat down. This time it was Yao's turn to raise a rhetorical question.I turned back to Hachio and said: "She brought me coffee at nine-thirty. Did you ask her?" Hachio nodded deeply, indicating that he understood what I meant.Then he began to ask Jiang Lizi: "The witness just said that the defendant was in the study from eight ten to twelve o'clock on the night when the incident happened. Has there been any change during this time?" "What do you mean by change?" Jiang Liyu turned his face to the defender.But she didn't mean to look at me.It seems that she is deliberately avoiding my gaze. "For example, the defendant asked you to give him something..." "Hey, yes, at half past nine, I delivered coffee to him." "Well, is it half past nine?" Eight tails asked again.According to the autopsy report, the time of death was inferred to be between nine o'clock and ten o'clock.Therefore, Yao especially emphasized the moment of 9:30. "Then," Hachio continued to ask, "you delivered coffee to him at half past nine, please talk about the situation at that time in detail. Was it the defendant's order to deliver the coffee?" "No, according to the usual practice, coffee is always delivered to him at half past nine." "Oh—did you talk to the defendant then?" "I first said outside the door, 'Here comes the coffee.' This is the usual custom. So he said, 'Put it there,' and I opened the door, put the coffee in the tea tray inside, and Close the door and walk away." At this time, the presiding judge interjected: "Let me ask, is the study Japanese-style?" "It's Japanese style, and it's the size of eight seats." "Can you see your husband from the witness's seat when you open the door?" "I can see it. He has his back to the door and is checking information." "Didn't I look back at you?" "No." Jiang Lizi denied clearly, "At this time, my husband is very indifferent, and it is rare for a year to look back." Jiang Lizi's answer caused a lot of discussion in the auditorium.They were probably surprised: In this year and age, there is such a tyrant! However, Jiang Lizi never expressed dissatisfaction with me about this matter. She grew up in a scholar's family, doesn't she know that this is what a scholar looks like? "Is it possible that the back you saw was not your husband?" asked the judge sitting in the jury box on the right. Hearing this, I couldn't help but smile bitterly.Wouldn't this become a deception of using a substitute in mystery novels? "How can it be—" Jiang Liyu said with a smile, "We've lived together for ten years, so I can't be mistaken." The juror who asked the question smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'm sorry, please continue to ask the defender." The presiding judge urged Yao to say. "Then let me ask. Is the study room on the second floor? Is there any special door for access, or is there a safety ladder?" "No." "Are there windows?" "Have." "Can I go in and out through the window?" "Is this - if you are a young and healthy young man, it is not impossible -" "You said just now that your husband came home at seven-twenty and changed. What did he change into?" "It's a kimono." Eriko nodded slightly as if telling herself. "Oh. I'm wearing a kimono—" Hachio repeated it on purpose to emphasize it, meaning that wearing a kimono and going in and out from the window on the second floor was probably impossible. "Then let me ask a deeper question. The defendant and the witness are husband and wife. What do you think? Can the relationship between you be said to be complete?" "How should I put it—" Jiang Lizi pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "To be honest, I don't think it's consummation. We have mentioned divorce several times." "Well? Is it that serious? Why do you want a divorce?" "It's about Natsuko Tashiro. I heard; we had a few quarrels." "How did you hear that?" "My younger sister works at the same university as my husband and is a staff member of the economics department. She heard about my husband and Natsuko Tashiro and told me." I couldn't help turning my head to the defense box. "What's the matter?" Eight tails bent down and asked softly. "I don't think it's better not to pursue this matter. Otherwise, it will be messed up." I whispered. Eriko's younger sister, Noriko, also my aunt, was in the table tennis team with the dead Tashiro Natsuko in high school, and they were classmates in the upper and lower grades.They were very good friends and had traveled to Guadalcana together. The reason why I have this special relationship with Tashiro Natsuko is, in the final analysis, the result of Noriko's introduction.She entrusted me: "She is my classmate in the lower class, you need to take care of her." In the end, my sister-in-law's friend became my mistress, and the world will definitely criticize me, and it will never give the presiding judge a good impression. However, Hachio shook his head and whispered, "It's okay. Leave this to me—" After speaking, he straightened up and asked Jiang Lizi again: "One last question. Do you still love your husband now?" "I don't think it was my husband who killed Natsuko Tashiro. I know better than anyone that he wasn't there at the time. However, I plan to divorce him after the matter is over." "No wonder—" Hachio nodded in satisfaction, "Just now you didn't even glance at your husband. Regarding this point, there is no need to answer. My rhetorical questions are over." I see!I can't help but admire Hachio.The tense relationship between our husband and wife, let Jiang Lizi prove it, it turned out to be Yatsuo's tactic in court. —The situation has been very unfavorable to me until now. I was seen walking into the apartment with Natsuko, but no one saw me when I walked out of the apartment after six o'clock. The autopsy report, identification results, and other evidence all point to me as the murderer. My only hope is that Jiang Lizi can prove that I am not at the crime scene. Regarding my absence, Jiang Lizi's testimony should be said to be impeccable. However, as far as Japanese trials are concerned, the admissibility of evidence is at the discretion of the judge.Whether Jiang Lizi's testimony is accepted depends entirely on the judge's conscience. And they are very likely to ignore Jiang Lizi's testimony.The testimony of the defendant's close relatives is generally impossible to be unfavorable to the defendant.Starting from this prejudice, they will think that "the testimony of the wife on this issue is not sufficient-" so it is entirely possible to refuse to accept it. For this reason, the eight-tailed envoy did the opposite.In the courtroom, it was shown that my relationship with Jiang Lizi was on the verge of collapse, and she and I were already disheartened.In this way, it will be more credible for her to prove that I am not there. A wife who hates her husband is not, in a general sense, a "flesh and blood."She hates her husband, and even if she proves that he was not there, his testimony should be extremely credible-Hachio's intention was to give the judge this impression, so he raised the rhetorical question just now. I think.Jiang Lizi's testimony just now saved me a little bit. The next witness from the prosecutor's side was Furuya Seiichi.Like me, he is also a student of Jiang Lizi's father and is currently a professor at another university. He is three classes higher than me.He mediated my marriage with Jiang Lizi and made a lot of effort. Perhaps Jiang Lizi's father had hoped that Gu Gu would marry his daughter.However, Gu Gu was already engaged to someone else, and he was an only child, so he couldn't get married, so he chose me. After marriage, Jiang Lizi revealed this to me.Of course, Gu Gu was ugly, and Jiang Lizi didn't plan to marry him at first. The reason for the prosecutor's request for Furuya to be a witness is because "it can prove the facts between the accused couple and the existence of criminal motives." I don't quite understand this.The relationship between our husband and wife is really not good, I admit it.But what does Furuya have to prove this point?Moreover, I don't think Gu Gu is qualified to prove that I have any criminal motives. For this reason, Yao wanted to know what testimony Furuya would testify, and asked to meet with him several times, but he still hadn't met him until the second round of court hearing. "As a result——" Hachio speculated, "Furuya probably believed the police's work, thinking that we were going to make some deal with him, and he was wary of us. Wait until the court, see how he testifies, and then think about countermeasures." Gu Gu walked into the court, looking at me first, and when our eyes met, he nodded slightly; he greeted me. I was moved almost to tears.Usually, I never do this, maybe today is because I just received cold treatment from Jiang Lizi... Furuya stood on the witness stand, wearing a high-end suit, a starched shirt, and a neat tie. He was worthy of a dignified scholar today.In comparison, I would rather say that I look ugly... He is now answering the prosecutor's question and testifying about our relationship as husband and wife. After we got married, the two families have been in close contact, but in recent years, they have become increasingly distant, and only sent a New Year's card a year ago. ——Furuya said so. This is true.In the Academy, we sometimes met and talked, but we had no family contact with each other. When it comes to proving the actual situation between our husband and wife, he may not be a suitable witness.It appears the prosecutors have chosen the wrong witness. "So, the witness doesn't know much about the defendant and his wife, does he?" the prosecutor said thoughtfully. "Yes. But—" "But what?" "His wife discussed with me recently and heard some information, so she can say she understands something. Of course, what his wife said may be one-sided..." "It was his wife who asked you to discuss something. When was that?" "June 13th." Gu Gu said clearly. "Are you sure?" "Indeed. I've got the gist of it down in the handbook, in case I forget it." "Oh, did you bring the manual?" The prosecutor said and left the seat and walked to the witness stand. Eight tails also left the table and walked over. Eight tails and the prosecutor almost met head to head, they got together and whispered something.After a while, the prosecutor handed the manual to the presiding judge; the presiding judge handed the book to the jurors for circulation. "Then—it was on June 13th. In what form did Madam consult with you?" "Call me to my research room in the morning and say that I have something to discuss with me, and I want to see me in the evening. Since I have something important to discuss, I decided to arrange a time. Madam said it would be more convenient after 8:30 in the evening, so we decided At nine o'clock, we met at a Chinese restaurant in Akasaka. Because I remembered that my wife likes to eat Chinese raisins. That restaurant is open until late at night, and it is not too late to go after nine o'clock." "Did Madam come on time?" "Yes. I arrived at five to nine, and after waiting in the lounge for a while, she arrived immediately." "It's here right away? Is that at 8:57 or 8?" the prosecutor asked firmly. Hachio stood up and protested the practice of baiting a confession, but was dismissed. "It's about the same. In short, it's almost nine o'clock. I can't be wrong. I remember she seemed to say that the road is relatively empty, so she came a little earlier." "How long did you stay in that Chinese restaurant?" "It's almost eleven o'clock, about ten fifty. While listening to her talking about family affairs, while eating, the time passed." "In the meantime, that is to say, during the two hours, did Madam leave her seat? It doesn't mean leaving for five or six minutes, but at least half an hour..." "No. She seems to have called, but she didn't get through, so she came back immediately..." When I heard his words, my mind was in turmoil. This is too unreasonable.That night, Jiang Lizi was clearly at home... I look back at the defender.Hachio also looked at me with piercing eyes.Does he also suspect that I am not there? Prosecutors asked who paid in the end at the restaurant. "It's Madam who will pay the money." Gu Gu replied, "Originally I wanted to pay the money, Madam said she invited me, she took the bill and signed it, and I accepted the favor." "What happened next?" "Fortunately, I found an empty car and sent it to her house, that is, we broke up with her at Shishupo, Meguro District. I guess it was around 11:15." "Thank you for your hard work. My inquiry is over." The prosecutor sat down smugly. Things have turned completely against me.Furuya's testimony made my wife's testimony about my alibi worthless.Not only is it worthless, but it has become a weapon against me... After comparing the two testimonies, everyone will think that my wife gave false testimony in order to save me. Since it is regarded as perjury, if I insist on insisting that it was my wife who brought the coffee to the study, others must think that it is a collusion between the two of us. From a logical point of view, this kind of scheming can prove that I am the murderer. "Please ask the defender to conduct cross-examination!" the presiding judge urged Yao. "That—" Eight Tails dragged out his voice, and stood up slowly. He was probably as confused as I was, unable to find a good way to counter the witness. "That—" Yao said again, "I'm so sorry, is the witness wearing nearsighted glasses?" "Yes, myopia has a little astigmatism. However, you can see things clearly when you wear a mirror." "Did you also wear glasses on June 13th when you testified just now?" "Of course." Gu Gu said angrily. "So, when the Chinese food is steaming on the dining table, will the glasses get gasped?" "Occasionally, I can't say no. But—" "Okay, that's fine." Eight tails interrupted Furuya's words. Did he want to use poor eyesight as an excuse to convince the presiding judge that what Gu Gu saw was not Jiang Lizi? No matter how preposterous the words may be, it does not make sense logically. If it's just a glance, that's all, the two talked for nearly two hours, and the wrong person was sitting opposite, how could they not find out? "Sorry, wait a minute." After Hachio confessed to the presiding judge, he bent down and asked me in a low voice: "Does your wife have a sister? Do they look alike?" "Because they are sisters, there are always some similarities—but not exactly the same, exactly." I said with a sigh.Yao might suspect that what Furuya saw was Noriko.But this reasoning is untenable. "An elephant is always an elephant, right?" "But—by the way, she's sitting in the gallery. Over there, the third person in front." Noriko attended the first court session and this time today.She was probably also afraid of newspaper articles or something, so she didn't look at me at all. "Yes, Not Bad--" Hachio looked at Noriko for a while, then straightened up and said to Furuya: "Witnesses are invited to look into the gallery." Gu Gu looked over suspiciously. "To the right, the third one in front, is she a woman?" asked Yao. "yes." "Does the witness know the gentleman?" "Ah—that is the daughter-in-law of my mentor, Mr. Sawaguchi. She is also the daughter-in-law of the wife of the accused just mentioned." "That's right—wasn't that the woman the witness actually saw on June thirteenth?" This question caused an uproar in the gallery.Under everyone's gaze, Nariko's face was blushing. Prosecutor Sakamoto and another prosecutor who has never said a word are whispering closely. "no." "Are you sure you are not?" "Yes, I'm sure. I'm very familiar with the two sisters, and it's impossible to make a mistake." Gu Gu said with a straight chest. "Then it wasn't the woman in the gallery who paid the bill?" "no!" Furuya stared at Hachio, thinking he was too wordy. No wonder Gu Gu was angry.I'd be in his place, and I'd be angry just as much. "I'm done with rhetorical questioning. However, I have a request to the presiding judge. I hope you can ask this witness to stay in court for a while." After seeking the opinions of other judges, the presiding judge let Furuya stay in the court temporarily. Furuya nodded and sat down on the empty seat in the auditorium. At the same time, Yao went to the presiding judge's seat.I don't know what they are talking about quietly. After a while, the presiding judge motioned for the prosecutor to come over.Prosecutor Sakamoto walked up to Yao with a suspicious expression on his face. Then, in front of the presiding judge, Yao and Sakamoto argued quietly for a while. I only heard Sakamoto leaking a sentence and said: "According to the order—" He immediately lowered his voice again. Prosecutor Sakamoto objected to Yao's request. After another interval, Sakamoto shook his head two or three times; finally he nodded resignedly. It appears to be a concession from the prosecutor's side.The trial of the case has reached this level, and the prosecutor is very sure of winning the case, so perhaps he agreed to make a slight concession. The presiding judge announced: "This court is required to investigate witnesses according to its powers." There was an uproar in the press seats. "Noriko Sawaguchi, are you in court now? Please come here." Noriko stood up with a nervous expression on her face.The bailiff went over and took her to the witness stand. Before walking to the witness stand, she glanced at me.Those eyes were cold, showing no sympathy for my innocent brother-in-law.After taking the oath, the presiding judge asked the witnesses about their names, addresses and occupations. At this time, Nariko seemed to gradually calm down.Like her elder sister Jiang Lizi, she answered the questions calmly with a cadenced tone. Not only the intonation, but also the timbre is very similar to that of my sister.If you close your eyes, you may even mistakenly think that it is Jiang Lizi's voice. "Secondly, I want to ask the witnesses, have you heard all the testimony of the witnesses in court just now? Do you think there is anything suspicious about these testimony?" The presiding judge asked generally. "What do you mean by suspicious?" "For example, the testimonies of Sister Ling and Gu Gu are contradictory. What do you think of this?" "Well—my sister's mood is understandable—" "Judge," Yao said, raising his hand, "Excuse me, please allow me to ask. Can you?" "Please." The judge agreed. "Well--I'll talk about my reasoning first, and then I'll question the witnesses based on it. So, please listen to the witnesses, will you?--Sister Ling testified that she was at home all the time on the night of June 13th. But, Gu Gu's witness said that he had dinner with Mrs. Jin. In this case, if neither party lied, then the person who went to see Gu Gu's witness was not her sister, but her substitute? I I think so. Because of the subtly made up of the double, the Furuya witness didn't notice it. Therefore, it cannot be said that the Furuya witness lied. Then, who is the double? Since they look so similar, I am afraid they are only sisters? That is to say, is it you who is the younger sister? — This is my judgment. How about it? Isn’t it you who went to see the Furuya witness?" "not me." "The witness has been sworn! Do you dare to assert it?" Eight tail's tone was very rude. "Dare, I didn't go to see Mr. Furuya." "So, what did you do that day? The night of the thirteenth of June." "What?" Noriko looked at Yao in amazement and said, "Ask me?" "Yes, I'm asking you. Please talk about it in order. What did you do after eight o'clock?" "Presiding Judge," the prosecutor stood up, "I don't think the actions of the witnesses are relevant to the case—" "No, it does matter. The defender believes that it was this witness who was at the Chinese restaurant with the Gu Gu witness, but the witness denies this. For this reason, it is necessary to question the witness's behavior at the same time—" "Reject the prosecutor's objection. Call the witness to answer the defense's questioning." "Yes—" Noriko couldn't continue, and swallowed. Her knees were shaking. what!I remembered.The pulse also quickened. I suddenly remembered what happened to Xia Zi before he was alive, so I turned around and told Eight Wei quietly. "That—" After a long time, Noriko said, "I can't remember what happened that day." "Huh? Aren't you and the victim, Natsuko Tashiro, very close? It was the day she was murdered! How could I not remember—" "It's true that I forgot." "Judge, in order to help the witness recall, please allow me to induce a little—" After Yao asked the presiding judge for instructions, he left the defense bench.He walked up to Nariko and asked: "The witness said that what happened on June 13th has been forgotten. Well, let me tell you. First of all, at 9:30 in the evening, you were at the defendant's house, that is, Lingjie's house. Is that so?" "I forgot." Noriko's voice was hoarse, and her legs trembled even more.She gripped the edge of the witness table with both hands, giving the impression that she was there reluctantly. "At half past nine, you brought the coffee to the defendant's room. Isn't that right?" "I forgot—" "I'm afraid you won't forget such an extraordinary thing? No, you haven't forgotten it! You won't forget such an important thing. Later, you told the defendant at the door of the study, 'Coffee is here.' Here I If you want to ask the witness, your voice is very similar to that of Sister Ling, right? Many people have said this, right?" Eight tails stared at Noriko's face closely, and asked. "That--" "Okay, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer. When you testified just now, you said a lot. Your voice has been recorded. The voices of your two sisters are very similar, and I think the judge and the prosecutor are also the same. Admittedly... So, when you said 'the coffee is here', it is entirely possible that you misheard it as Sister Ling said it——isn't it?" "..." Nariko was speechless.Her face was still facing the presiding judge, and her expression seemed to be in a fierce battle inside. “好,九点半的事情,已经清楚了。后来又怎么了呢?你送完咖啡,立即出去,坐上计程车,是不是?去处,当然是原宿那里的公寓大厦。据说你同田代夏子的关系颇为亲密,是所谓的同性恋。其实,田代夏子是受你引诱误入歧途的。她为这事,曾经极其苦恼。可是,自从同被告要好以后,她说自己已经恢复成一个正常的女人。这是她亲口告诉被告的。” “……”乃里子仍旧一声不响,摇着头,两手把耳朵捂了起来。 两位检察官不知在低声说什么,但也没有对八尾的询问表示异议。 “另一方面,令姐不能生育。这时,田代夏子怀孕了。于是有离婚的提议。令姐对田代夏子当然深恶痛绝。而你,也恨田代夏子变了心。为此,你们姐妹二人——便杀了她,打算嫁祸于被告。令姐证明丈夫不在现场,但又从另一方面使这一证词不能成立。这样一来,她丈夫便无计可施了。被告虽是令尊的高足,但背叛了你们,你们便不肯饶人——” “辩护人,”审判长说,“鉴于证人现在的状况,还是暂时休庭为宜——”
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