Home Categories detective reasoning Farewell, wretched man!

Chapter 4 infidelity investigation

Farewell, wretched man! 佐野洋 10042Words 2018-03-15
At around 6 a.m. on the 8th, at No. 15 Gaofan Street, Fangqian City, Mr. Urakami Junsuke (38 years old), a teacher at the County Fangqian Senior Middle School, died in his bedroom.His wife, Mrs. Atsuko (35 years old), found out that her husband was dead, and immediately reported the case to the police station in front of the house.According to the investigation, there was an empty box next to Mr. Chunjie's pillow, which was the packaging of sleeping pills.Based on this, it was concluded that Mr. Junjie suffered from insomnia and accidentally took a lethal dose of sleeping pills, resulting in his death.

This is the evening newsletter.On the way home, Lumu deliberately bought an evening newspaper, read the news carefully, but did not believe the authenticity of the report.He immediately threw away the newspaper, thinking: "Maybe the police didn't announce the truth!" Lu Mu subscribes to the evening newspaper at home, and usually reads it leisurely after returning home.Only today, he made an exception and bought the newspaper on the street in order to learn the inside story of Junsuke Urakami's suicide as soon as possible.With eager anticipation, he thought that the newspaper might have published the truth of the matter he was eager to know.This is what he bought the newspaper for.

However, the newspaper failed his expectations, and the doubt still stuck in his heart. The closer to home.His steps became heavier.What should be your attitude when you report this to your wife?He still couldn't make up his mind. "Tuojinzi is impatient, and will wait for me in the hall, am I showing a little sharpness, or..." He put his hands in the pockets of his Chunqiu shirt, intending to get rid of this thought, but he couldn't get rid of it, so he walked all the way like this go. Suddenly, he heard the sound of trotting footsteps behind him, and then, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"It really is you! What are you thinking?" It turned out to be Tatsuko. She was carrying a stack of ornate cardboard boxes in her hand. It seemed that she had gone to the store to buy something and was going home.Lumu always found her sky blue open-necked jacket very pleasing to the eye.He thought: "It's beautiful!" Duojinzi is nearly thirty years old, but she always loves colorful clothes and dresses.It made her look a few years younger, but it was true. Duojinzi met Lumu on the street and was overjoyed.Lu Mu looked at her and thought: "With her appearance, if it is said that she is only twenty-five years old and unmarried, others will believe it."

Duo Jinzi asked as he walked, "What's the matter with you? What's wrong with you at school?" "Oh..." Lu Mu said gloomyly, "You still don't know? Urakami-kun is dead!" "Oh! That's the thing? I heard the radio! It's said that I took too much medicine by mistake?" "Well. That's what the radio said? But it's not right! I think it's suicide." "Oh?" Tatsuko stopped.Lumu wanted to see some truth from her expression, but he found nothing.That expression is one of astonishment.But the meaning of this astonishment, he had no way of knowing.

Duo Jinzi stood still and asked, "But why did he commit suicide?" "Well, it looks like it anyway." Lu Mu was vague.He thought to himself, "Let's talk about it after we see the situation." "You didn't leave a suicide note?" "Hey, how do I know this! However, you are very concerned!" "Oh! What does this mean? I don't even..." Duo Jinzi took the lead when he said this. This morning, about twenty minutes before class, the phone rang in the teacher's office, and Lumu went to answer the call.The other party is Mrs. Urakami.

"Is Mr. Principal there?" "The principal is not here at the moment, sorry for not telling me first, I am Lumu." "Ah, Mr. Lumu!" Mrs. Urakami's voice overflowed with passion for some reason.Next, she stammered for a long time before she finally informed about Urakami's suicide. The school immediately dispatched Bao Nei to offer condolences.Only Mr. Hounai has no class in the morning. Xiaohouchi is the person in charge of the social department. He is thirty-four years old, the same age as Lumu, and is still unmarried. During the lunch break, Xiao Bao Nei returned to school, so the school held a temporary staff meeting, and Xiao Bao Nei reported the situation.

"According to Mrs. Urakami..." Xiao Houchi began to report, "Mr. Urakami has recently suffered from neurasthenia and insomnia." The principal said in surprise: "Nervous breakdown? Mr. Urakami doesn't show any signs of this..." All the staff attending the meeting had this question. Urakami is an English teacher. He is diligent in his studies, has strong academic ability, and has a high prestige among the students.I don’t speak much at ordinary times, and I don’t participate in the chats of my colleagues in the teacher’s office, and I read the original English books by myself.but.He wasn't necessarily an outlier.On some occasions, his witty words came out, and the witty words were repeated, which others could not learn.Colleagues did not treat Urakami differently.

"Everyone makes sense! I also find it unbelievable, so I asked Mrs. Urakami carefully and listened to her answer. I think it makes sense. If it were someone else, I would probably suffer from a nervous breakdown like Mr. Urakami!" "Quite reasonable? How do you explain this?" The chief teacher asked closely. "But...it's not easy to say at the meeting..." Lu Mu interjected from his seat, "It's okay! Although we don't know what's going on, we're not fools. Since we have to talk about it elsewhere, it must be a bad thing." Lu Mu said so.But I was thinking in my heart: "There is no need to play tricks!"

"Okay, since Mr. Lumu said the same thing, I'll make it public!" When Xiao Baonei said this, there was a mocking smile on his lips, and Lu Mu had his own feelings.Especially the title "Mr. Lumu", there is a small article in it.Xiao Houchi always called him "Lu Mu-kun", but now he deliberately changed his name to "Sir", maybe there is an implication? "That's to say..." Xiaobao chose his words internally, "It's hard to say this—it's said that Mr. Urakami had fornicated other people's wives." There was a slight commotion at the table.

The principal leaned out from behind the desk and asked: "The so-called 'other people's wife' is not the mother of the students, right?" Lumu thought: "It's annoying to be so restless!" Indeed, as the principal of a school, he is most sensitive to such matters, such as the scandal of the teacher and the mother of the student, suicide; news reports; the principal's apology speech.As soon as Xiaobao's words fell, these embarrassing scenes appeared in the headmaster's mind. Fortunately, Xiaohouchi clearly denied it and said: "No, it is not. I was worried about this at the beginning, but regardless of luck or misfortune, it is not the case." "Lucky or unlucky? What does that mean?" the headmaster asked. Xiao Baonei sighed and said: "Open the window and tell the truth! Mr. Urakami's mistress is the wife of a teacher at Fangqian High School." The whispering just now, triggered by this word, instantly turned into a commotion. Xiaobao then made the following explanation at the meeting. Mrs. Urakami Atsuko also knew nothing about the affair between her husband and his mistress.However, the husband's situation has been a bit abnormal recently.Especially when the wife wakes up at night, she always sees her husband lying on the next bunk tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. When asked why, the answer is "can't sleep".This was true for both nights. The wife questioned and asked the reason of her husband's insomnia.The husband was silent at first, but eventually confessed about his affair. Urakami's affair with mistresses has a long history.For a long time, they have been in harmony with each other and lived together peacefully.But recently the attitude of the woman has changed dramatically.It actually drove Urakami into a nervous breakdown. This is not because of the woman's indifference. Urakami is not a young man, so he would not be upset by such emotional fluctuations. It turned out that the woman was pregnant, and according to her, the father of the child was Urakami. The mistress said to Urakami, "I can trick my husband. Say it's his child. But this child grows up day by day and falls out of your image. What should I do? The husband will definitely be suspicious. Take a step back and say Right. Even if I have blindfolded my husband, I will have to bully and coax the child all my life, how painful it is; therefore, I want to be completely frank with my husband, abort the fetus, and relax." Urakami understands the difficulties of his mistress very well.However, he could not agree with this idea.The husband of the mistress is his colleague, and it is uncertain what attitude the other party will take. Maybe, at the banquet, the other party brought up this matter and quarreled with him. As a result, Urakami's misdeeds became obvious to everyone, and he had no choice but to never enter the gate of the high school in front of the house.Alas, not only Fangqian High School!Maybe it is no longer possible to continue working as a teacher.Given the record of adultery with a colleague's wife, which school would be willing to hire such a person?What's more, there are many talents, and there are many people who want to be high school teachers.The county education committee wants to remove him from office.The higher education group will not be his backing either. Thinking of this, Urakami said to his mistress: "For me, just wait a little longer!" Xiao Baonai said: "However, in the end, I still couldn't find a way out, so I had to commit suicide. Maybe you think that suicide is unnecessary. But according to the criminal police, this is also the case for men with a strong sense of responsibility. That is It is not known whether the husband will forgive her if the woman confesses her adultery to her husband. However, since the adulterer is dead, the husband may feel more lenient. The deceased thought of this level, and calculated that if he was expelled , The severance pay has also come to naught, it is better to atone for the sin by death, which is also beneficial to the life of the wife behind him. That's what the criminal police said, he bought life insurance five years ago, and he can still leave a fortune." Lumu also felt that this explanation was true and credible.Since Urakami's temperament is so quiet, suicide may be his only choice.He didn't leave a suicide note, probably for the sake of the woman. "So, Mr. Hounai, who is the woman?" The chief teacher's question caused ripples in a large circle in the teacher's office, and the murmurs fell silent for a moment. However, Xiao Houchi easily avoided this problem. "Oh, sorry for the ignorance. Mrs. Urakami didn't tell me..." Lu Mu couldn't help exhaling heavily.At this moment, Xiaobao shifted his eyes and glanced at him. From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Lumu has no classes. In the teacher's office, there were only four teachers who had no classes left, including Xiao Houchi.There was still a lingering chill in the air, so the instructors moved the chairs to the brazier in the center of the room and sat down in a circle. One teacher said: "But I still can't figure it out! I always think that Mr. Urakami would not do such a thing." The speaker is over forty years old and has four children under his knees.Perhaps he thought his wife would not lose her virginity, so he could talk about it with ease. "Oh! Now that I think about it, I have a clue!" Xiao Houchi said, "I can't remember the date, but one night, on the outskirts of the city, I saw a man who looked a lot like Mr. Urakami and a gorgeous woman. Together! It’s just that I didn’t see it very clearly at the time.” "Haha!" Mr. Nomoto, who opened the topic first, showed a very interested expression, "But wait! It's night, how could that mistress escape from home..." Xiao Baonei quickly replied: "Our school has that hateful dormitory system, so I think that's the day when her husband is on dormitory!" Nomoto still did not give up, and immediately asked again: "But Urakami-san also has a tired family..." "Well, this seems to be due to Mrs. Urakami's carelessness. According to Mrs. Urakami, Mr. Urakami is on duty once a week." "I see!" In Fangqian High School, all the staff except for the female teachers have to take turns to be on duty.Each person gets a turn roughly every fifteen days.Therefore, one of the two days when Urakami said to his wife that he was on duty was not his duty day. During the chat, Lumu really wanted to find out who the woman Xiao Baonai saw was by the way.He thought: Xiao Hounai knew Lumu's wife Tatsuko. If Xiaohouchi answered "I don't know" to his question, it means that the woman is not Tatsuko. However, when Lumu's question reached his lips, he finally swallowed it down again.He was eager to know, but he was hindered by the presence of two other colleagues. If the answer was what Lumu was afraid to hear... Thinking about it this way, he didn't dare to ask questions rashly. "However, this is really intriguing news!" Nomoto said nonchalantly, "It's much more interesting than those low-level mystery novels! I have some ideas. It's easy to find out who the mistress is. The range is very small." Limited. Her children will not be very old. Is this true? Children are extremely sensitive, and maybe they will say something unexpected to their father at any time, which will reveal the secret. So in my opinion, a child with many children Father, there is no need to worry about wearing a cuckold. Secondly, families with three generations living together or relatives living together can also be excluded. Even if the woman is daring, if there is a mother-in-law by her side, she will not dare to misbehave. In addition There is another saying: that woman may have a beautiful face, charming and charming. A man like Mr. Urakami, I am afraid that only a beautiful woman can make him feel good." Luben fidgeted and wanted to get up and leave.The conditions that Nomoto just listed all fit his situation. Lumu has no children.To be precise, he was planning to have children.In addition to being a high school teacher, he is still doing his own research projects.This work will take half a year to complete.According to Lumu's idea, he will ask the teachers of his alma mater to review this research.Then deliver for publication.This goal is possible if it becomes a joint research with professors.Before he was done, he didn't want to have offspring. This was Lumu's plan.An understanding has been reached with Duo Jinzi on this matter. Secondly, he lives in the dormitory of the housing corporation, and the only cohabitant is Tatsuko.This is also in line with the conditions cited by Nomoto.One of the great advantages of public dormitories is that the residents have little interaction with their neighbors, which makes them quite peaceful.Having said that, doesn't this environment provide an excellent opportunity for the wife to have an affair?If you want to go out, you can avoid people's eyes and ears.The most worrying thing is that when the husband is not at home, there are other men visiting, and he has no scruples.So it is conceivable that some people use this kind of dormitory as a place for private trysts.Putting himself in Urakami's shoes, he would rather have an affair in the dormitory than take the risk of being discovered by the students.This point was also hinted at by Houchi Kouchi, who said, "Urakami is on duty once a week." The actual value stay is about once every two weeks.Moreover, the arrangement of the stay dates is always in a certain order.In this way, assuming that Urakami is on duty in the first week of a certain month, the next time he is on duty should be in the third week.However, in fact, Urakami has a "staying day" every week, and one of the "staying days" may be the day when he and his mistress have a tryst.Since it is "once a week", then the tryst days are supposed to be in the second and fourth weeks.Thinking about it this way, according to what you can see on the shift roster, the seventh, eighth, and ninth people after Urakami are the most likely to wear a cuckold.When Lumu listened to Xiao Baonei's chat, he immediately came up with this conclusion in his mind.Lumu is a math teacher, and he has the best mind to do such calculations.On the roster, Lu Mu was the seventh person counting from Urakami.Assuming that Urakami's mistress is Tatsuko, then his affair is indeed very convenient.If Urakami really stays on Monday of the first week, then Monday of the next week will be the day of his affair, Tuesday of the third week will be the day of real stay, and the next tryst will be on Tuesday of the fourth week.The date roughly follows the law, so Mrs. Urakami is not easy to detect... All arguments are against Lumu. Lu Mu desperately wanted to clarify the doubts in his heart.He thought, if it turns out that Duojinzi is innocent, he will naturally let go of his worries, but if Duojinzi is found to be at fault, there is nothing he can do.He himself didn't know whether he could forgive his wife, but it was better than keeping that doubt in his heart for a long time.So he conceived various means to dispel doubts, but it was difficult to make up his mind. At the dinner table, Luki brings up Urakami's death.Dotsuko said: "Mr. Urakami doesn't like to be lively, right? I heard that people who commit suicide are willing to be lonely. Is this true?" When Lu Mu heard this, the hand holding the chopsticks stopped moving.He thought, "How does Tatsuko even know Urakami's character?" "He doesn't like to be lively, how do you know?" "Hey, you forgot? When the school held a comfort trip, all the teachers went. Only Mr. Urakami stayed at home, didn't he?" Lumu watched Tatsuko silently, thinking: "That's right...that's what happened." That trip.Only Urakami said he was sick, but Lumu had long forgotten about it. "How did Tatsuko know?" Also, Tatsuko called everyone else "teacher", but only Urakami as "sir"! "There are also secrets here" ! "Oh! Why are you staring at me? Is your soul out of your body?" It seems that Tatsuko was not aware of Lumu's suspicion, and was in a very cheerful mood. "It's nothing, it's nothing!" Lu Mu hurriedly looked away, "However, you know this kind of thing very well! Who told it?" "Oh, what a nuisance! From whom! Who else but you?" Lu Mu thought: "This statement is not false." Lu Mu once talked about this matter to her. "However, she actually remembers it clearly!" Lu Mu's suspicion continued to expand.Urakami has never participated in a comfort trip.But is his "poor health" true?At that time, someone secretly said: "Hey, he doesn't like banquets, so he didn't come." Lu Mu himself agreed with this statement.But now that I think about it, the real reason why Urakami didn't go on a trip might be very different, right?Could it be that Urakami didn't want to let go of any opportunity to invite his mistress to have a romantic time while her husband was away overnight? With such suspicion, it has become strong evidence that Duojinzi has not forgotten the past. Lumu imagined the following scene.At that time, a pair of men and women had a tryst. "This is not good. The school specially organized a comfort trip, but you gave up..." "Oh, I don't like the noise at parties..." "I really don't like it? But won't everyone be suspicious?" "No problem! Everyone knows I love being alone. So it's going well at times like this." "So, there is a plan? You are so bad!" Perhaps there were some conversations like this between Urakami and Tatsuko? After the table is cleared.Lu Mu was still sitting on the cushion against the wall, his mind full of wild thoughts.He pictured the couple meeting in the room he was in now.He even thought: the ashtray that Urakami knocked ashes on when he smoked was the glass ashtray in front of him at the moment, and the affair between the man and woman was carried out on Tatsuko's bunk. Thinking about it, Lu Mu's mind was in chaos, he suspected that the brain cells had been destroyed.He felt that what he was thinking was beyond the limits of his thinking ability. He lit a cigarette and took a puff, but he didn't feel the smell of smoke.After waking up for a while, I realized that the cigarette was not lit, but I just took a puff out of conditioned reflex. "Lumu!" Duojinzi's call made him return to the semi-real world. "Aren't you going to keep a vigil for Mr. Urakami tonight? Why don't you go?" Lumu thought: "Look! She still can't forget it!" It seems that while washing the dishes, Tatsuko was thinking about her romantic affairs with her old friend... "I'm going to guard the spirit, there's no need! If you want to go, you bastard can go by yourself!" When Lu Mu said this, it was like roaring.When he got angry, he called Tatsuko "you guy", and he always called him "you". Tatsuko wiped her wet hands on her apron and walked into the dining room. "Why are you angry? I'm just asking, right? Crazy!" Duo Jinzi said, pursing her lips. "I don't know what gossip you heard from other people at school, but you can't bring your anger home and post it at home?" Lu Mu thought: "Another doubtful point." What Tatsuko said was "I don't know what gossip you have heard from others at school", but in this kind of occasion, it is not common to say "I don't know what you have heard in school." Moldy head"? "I heard other people's gossip", isn't it worried that some rumors about her and Urakami will blow into her husband's ears? The next day, Lu Mu took advantage of the situation and saw that there was no one around, so he asked Xiao Baonei: "Mr. Kohouchi, you said yesterday that you saw Mr. Urakami with a woman. Is that right?" "Oh, you're talking about that?" Xiao Hoonei replied casually, "What advice do you have?" "That woman is not my wife?" "Oh? Ah, you're asking this? This..." Xiao Baonei paused thoughtfully, and then said, "But why are you asking this?" "Uh, it's nothing, it's just..." "Understood! With all due respect, you are suspicious of Mrs. Zun. Is that the case?" "It's not to the point of doubt, it's just..." "It's just a little unbelievable, right?" "..." Lu Mu bit her lip.He knew that Xiao Baonei's words hit the nail on the head, but he couldn't answer. "All in all," Xiao Houchi seemed to want to make Lumu happy and make him anxious, "I don't want to tell you about this matter! I'm sorry. Please don't be offended..." "So, it's true..." Lumu said, closing his eyes.Since Xiao Houchi didn't deny it, he still had to admit his wife's infidelity... If the woman Xiao Houchi saw was not Tatsuko, he should categorically deny it. "Hey, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! I didn't say it was Mrs. Zun!" Xiao Baonei's words were forced, and it always sounded false. "If it's not her, please say 'no' clearly, okay?" "It can't be done! Think about it, if I say no to you, Mr. Lumu, then Mr. A will ask me next time. I deny it again. Suppose I saw Mrs. B's wife, called Mrs. What should I say to Mr. B? I can’t just say to Mr. B, ‘This cannot be said’, right? If I do this, it means that I am sure that I am Mrs. B’s wife. Of course, it is not difficult to lie, just to Mr. B It can also be denied. However, this is all negated. As a result, everyone has returned to the original starting point? Everyone will think: 'Xiao Houchi, didn't he lie to me?' So..." Although Xiao Baonai's theory is unreasonable, it is very reasonable.irrefutable. As a result, Lu Mu no longer had any hope for Xiao Baonei, and stopped asking him.And the mystery still stuck in his heart, and it got bigger and bigger. However, Lumu has made up his mind to solve this mystery no matter what.If he gives up halfway, he will be at a loss. He had an idea to go to the police station to consult the criminal police, but he was worried that it would be futile. First of all, it is still doubtful whether the wise Mrs. Urakami has told the police the name of the married woman Urakami had an affair with.She might have concealed the woman's name, prevaricating to the police: "I forgot." Perhaps she would conceal it to the end. Secondly, the criminal oath will not forcibly trace the name of Urakami's mistress.Even if it is found out and the married woman is asked to confirm, she will deny it flatly.This is obvious.In this way, for the criminal police, the name can only be included in the "unfulfilled matters", and it will not be passed on to the outside world.The criminal police will not disclose the personal secrets learned during the performance of official duties to a commoner... Lumu finally thought of a private detective.He checked the telephone directory and found that there were two private detective firms in Fangqian City.One of the closest ones is the Goro Detective Agency in Miyazhong. On the way home from get out of class, Roki made a detour, visited this detective agency, and met Goro Miyaka. Gongzhong introduced himself, saying that he was a criminal police officer.He was about forty-five years old, with a small beard under his nose.After listening to Lu Mu's explanation, he stared into Lu Mu's eyes and said: "That is to say, as long as you find out Mr. Urakami's mistress?" "Exactly! Can you accept it?" "Hmm. Let's try it out! However, my policy is: if you discover results that are not welcome by the client, you should report the truth without hesitation. Isn't that okay?" "Of course! As I said, it's the best way!" "Understood, all right. Let's do it tonight." Lumu believes that the attitude of the palace is trustworthy; afterward, the palace answered a few questions to Lumu.Such as Lumu's previous duty days and the dates of the condolence trip, etc., and the answers were recorded.Then, he asked Lumu about the next stay date. "Let me think about it! That's right. It's the day after tomorrow..." "The day after tomorrow, I understand." Gong Zhong said casually, but Lu Mu paid great attention. "But, Mr. Gongzhong, does it mean that every time my wife is on duty until now..." "No, that's not what it means, please don't worry." "Well, if the investigation is necessary, I can find an excuse not to go home tonight and tomorrow..." Lu Mu entrusted everything to the private detective, but he was still a little worried.He wants to assist the investigation as much as possible. "Well, it doesn't make much sense, besides, it's better for Mr. Lumu to behave as naturally as possible." Lumu's proposal was not accepted. "Try to be as natural as possible", this is the order of the palace, and Lu Mu obeys it faithfully. There is no point in racking your brains and looking for trouble.Now that detectives have been entrusted to investigate, we must trust the experts and wait for the report.Other than that, he didn't want to take any action. But.At about nine o'clock in the evening on the day when the palace was commissioned to investigate, a strange thing happened. There is a family in the dormitory, opposite to Lumu's house, the housewife of that house came to send a message, saying that there is a paging phone waiting to be answered. So, Lu Mu walked towards the door.But the woman stopped him and said: "Wait...it seems to be Madam's call..." "Mine? Yo! Who is that?" Tatsuko was also surprised. "The other party seems to be Murakami..." "Murakami, I don't know you! What about you?" Tatsuko cast her inquiring eyes on Luki. "I don't know. Cough! I understand as soon as I hear the call. Let's answer it..." After Tatsuko went out, Lumu repeatedly thought about the surname "Murakami".But.In his memory, there was no acquaintance with the surname of Murakami at all.He suddenly thought: "Could it be that Urakami used this false surname to contact Duojinzi?" But he thought again: "Why did he hang up the phone when Urakami died?" After a while, Duo Jinzi came back, his face pale. "What's up?" When Lu Mu asked, he forced himself in his heart: "Be natural..." "It's so strange, it's not Murakami, it's Urakami. It seems that the lady at the opposite door misheard..." "Oh. Urakami? So, the wife of the late Mr. Urakami?" "No, it's a man! He even said he wasn't dead! Could it be someone's prank..." At the end of Duo Jinzi's words, she muttered in her mouth, as if she was talking to herself to convince herself. "Mr. Urakami is not dead? There is such a ridiculous thing? Even if he is not dead, there is no need to inform you! Is it?" "Yes! I thought so too, so I said, 'Is there some misunderstanding?' and then hung up the phone... But, I always feel terrible!" Lumu didn't know how to behave.He knew that he could take the opportunity to interrogate now, but on second thought, it would be better to wait until the palace handed over clear materials before asking.In embarrassment, he had no choice but to say: "What's going on? I have a terrible headache, I'm going to bed first!" After all, he walked into the bedroom. Lying under the dim light, Lu Mu conceived a whole set of reasoning.He thought it was too much like a novel, but felt that it was the truth. According to his deduction, Urakami did not actually die.His death was just a hoax.He made the world think he was dead, and then he was going to elope somewhere with Tatsuko... About an hour later, Tatsuko finished her chores.Into the bedroom.Lu Mu let out a snort, pretending to be asleep. In fact, Lumu didn't fall asleep until three o'clock in the morning that night.but.He still had a somewhat solid feeling in his heart: if Tatsuko wanted to elope, the private detective would send the information in advance. On the third night, Lumu was on duty at school.He received a call from the palace. "Could you spare me a moment? I have something to tell." "If one hour is enough, I can ask the handyman to look after it for me..." "That's it. I'm at the police station in front of the house. You can find me in the chief inspector's office." "Police station? What are you doing?" "Oh, you'll understand when you come here! Of course it's something that has something to do with you..." Lumu thought intuitively: "That reasoning is correct." It seems.Under the lure of Urakami, Tatsuko decided to elope while Lumu was on duty at night.However, the palace has been monitoring them and discovered the conspiracy.Gong Zhong was originally a criminal policeman, he quickly got in touch with the police station and exposed the hoax of Urakami's death... Lu Mu galloped on the bicycle borrowed from the handyman, reasoning rapidly in her mind. "But, in this case, what role is Tatsuko playing?" Lu Mu was led by the police officer in the reception room, and walked into the chief investigator's office, only to see Gongzhong and a police officer of the same age waiting for him there.Gongzhong made an introduction, and the detective director Watanabe Police Department added.It was his former colleague.Police Department Watanabe sat at a large desk with a tape recorder on it. "This tape recorder has recorded a conversation you didn't expect! The recording location is a hotel on the outskirts of the city. We bribed the hotel waiter and asked him to install a bug. Okay, please listen!" There was a smile on the face of the palace.This smile made Lumu really annoyed!As long as the tape is spinning, there will be the sound of Tatsuko having a tryst with another man.The private detective had a smile on his face when he played the recording to Tatsuko's husband! Lu Mu thought: "Isn't this a little careless?" Miyaka pressed the play button. "Everything is fine!" It was a woman's voice, a little hoarse.This is somewhat different from Tatsuko's voice. Lu Mu thought: "The sound has passed through the bug, and the sound quality has changed?" "Well. The police are a little suspicious, but there is no evidence!" "Is the life insurance money okay?" "Of course there is no problem! The police have made an appraisal, it cannot be blamed!" "You are so smart! I didn't expect it to go so smoothly..." "However, Mr. Lumu is the real masterpiece. He still suspects his wife is having an affair!" "Yo, really? If so, that woman is quite pitiful! It's nothing to blame..." Hearing this, Miyaka turned off the tape recorder. "How is it? They all said that Mrs. Zun was a scapegoat. Don't worry?" "But... I mean, who are these two people? Where did you hear this voice..." "Oh!" Gongzhong was greatly surprised, "Didn't you hear that? It's the wife of the late Mr. Urakami and Mr. Houchi!" "Huh?" Lu Mu was puzzled.He neither understood the meaning of the words in the palace, nor the meaning of this recorded conversation. "Don't you understand? To put it bluntly, that's how you ask things." Gong Zhong began to explain the whole story.He said that this was the inside story that the man and woman confessed at the police station. Kohouchi and Urakami Atsuko started dating a few months ago.The night of Urakami's stay is the opportunity for them to have a tryst.In a tryst.The two planned a conspiracy to kill Urakami and defraud insurance money.Kohouchi formulates a plan to fake Urakami's suicide, and Atsuko carries it out.For a long time, she bought sleeping pills from various pharmacies and collected them.Just the night before reporting the crime, she put sleeping pills into lemon tea and drank it for Urakami... "They secretly agreed that Xiaobao would be transferred to another high school to teach. They planned to live together after he was transferred." "Oh..." Lu Mu seemed a little disappointed. "I get it all, though! After hearing my account, you suspect them, don't you?" "No, no! At that time, I thought: let's go and see Mrs. Urakami. So I walked towards Mr. Urakami's house. By chance, the lady came out of the door after dressing up. I thought: this woman just died and her husband went out at night. Suspicious. So I followed and ended up in a hotel, where I called the office and had the bugs and tape recorders delivered." "I see! I was kept in the dark. I still doubted my wife... I'm really ashamed!" Lumu scratched his head.Thinking about it now, the reason why Xiao Baonei refused to say the woman's name is very clear.He wanted to make the play more realistic by taking advantage of Lu Mu's suspicion of his wife. "Okay, okay! Fortunately, Mr. Lumu became suspicious. I entrusted Mr. Gongzhong to investigate, and this revealed the truth. From my side, I have to thank you..." Director Watanabe said these words in order to comfort Lumu.Suddenly, Lu Mu remembered the strange phone call from the night before, and hurriedly told the palace. Gong Zhong said nonchalantly: "Haha, I made that phone call." "Ah? It's you? Why is that?" "Hey, I want to see how your wife will react! However, it's completely pointless! So I generally believe that your wife is innocent. As expected, the unfaithful wife is not Mr. Luki's wife, but Mrs. Urakami herself !" After the palace said, light a cigarette.
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