Home Categories documentary report Flee to Zhongguancun

Chapter 17 sixteen

Flee to Zhongguancun 汪向勇 3355Words 2018-03-14
Dream PC is struggling to find an opportunity to create a sensation. This is the question that Kang Cheng has been thinking about throughout the Spring Festival. There is no Spring Festival for American companies. He is quietly conducting a joint marketing plan between Chinese and American companies through the phone. At the beginning of the year, INTEL will release the PENTIUM processor, and Kang Cheng believes that this is an excellent opportunity to create a leading image of dream PC technology.A grand idea formed in Kang Cheng's mind.Through the cooperation with INTEL, Dream Company is going to hold the Dream Pentium PC synchronous press conference in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Through the satellite microwave network, the three places will broadcast the live broadcast of Dream's first computer using the PENTIUM chip in real time. Kang Cheng spared no expense to insert the first PENTIUM chip into his dream PC. It is said that the value of this chip is equivalent to that of a supercomputer.

On the magnificent stage of the Metropolitan Hall of the China World Hotel, Kang Cheng personally pressed the button for the first PENTIUM PC to go offline. This press was like closing the power switch of a newspaper printing machine, and it remained open like a dead fish on the beach. Dazui's media circles have overwhelmingly rolled up the upsurge of reporting that domestic PCs lead the world.China Central Television, "People's Daily", "Computer World", "Guangzhou Daily", "Xinmin Evening News" and other nationally influential television and media have reported this matter in various eye-catching ways.

The headlines of various newspapers and periodicals say: "China's high technology keeps pace with the world" "The era of domestic PCs is coming" "The speed of life and death leads China's PC industry" "Domestic PC clock becomes faster" "Dream PC realizes our dreams" ... Soon, the influence of Dream PC in the hearts of Chinese people skyrocketed, and there was an endless stream of calls from all over the country to inquire about Dream PC. At this time, Kang Cheng convened an emergency meeting, and he emphasized in front of the bosses of the branches: branches in all regions should increase investment in services, use 50% more sales than the current business volume to plan service forces, and speed up the response to customers speed.At the same time, Kangcheng also decided to establish logistics centers according to regional markets to strengthen the response speed of agents in the market.

Leader Kang Cheng felt like he was fighting a war. He first listened to the reports from the people below, then closed his doors and pondered hard for a few days, and then called everyone to hold a marathon meeting. Tactical methods are brought out, and different opinions are raised face to face.At the meeting, he instructed the deputy general manager in charge of logistics: logistics should be divided first and then consolidated, unified price limit should be implemented, competition in the regional market should be prohibited, finance should be unified, and personnel investment should be increased. After all, the cost of labor is less than the cost of improper management. , so that each region can respond to market price changes as quickly as possible.Turning his face, Kang Cheng said to the marketing manager again: Take unified measures in marketing promotion, and carry out a one-month "PC Dream Era" national tour.

... No one else spoke at this meeting, only Kang Cheng talked endlessly there, and several deputy general managers became his secretaries. After such disturbance by Dream Company, the PC market, where everyone was making money peacefully, suddenly became cold and rainy. No one can make money steadily as before, and they all think of contingency moves.The national PC market is about to move like a pot of sticky porridge. Kang Cheng set up a special information team to collect the prices of all competitors' similar products, and pay close attention to the price changes every day.He found that foreign brands of PCs cut prices from time to time, but the prices of mainstream PC models have not dropped significantly.Strangely, during the turmoil, a batch of new brands of domestic PC machines were also put into the market, promoting their own PCs in a way similar to Dream Company's market hype. Perhaps everyone thinks that this is a PC era where there are separatists.

What Kang Cheng was worried about was not these miscellaneous PCs, but not to smash his own cards.The brand recognition of Dream PC has already surpassed that of foreign PCs, and domestic manufacturers can only hold a candle to it. The problem now is to seize the opportunity and let Chinese people break through their blind worship of foreign products.Kang Cheng asked Dream PC to actively participate in various computer performance evaluation activities, including the evaluation by the national quality supervision department and authoritative media organizations in the PC. Kang Cheng's request to the quality control department is: the more participation in the competition, the better. The more foreign brands participate in the competition, the more dream is to participate and have a head-to-head confrontation.By the end of the first quarter, the Dream PC had achieved both fame and fortune in the market.

One night in April, on a Thursday, the editors of a computer newspaper in China were busy editing the newspaper for next Monday.Although April in the north is still a long time away from the scorching heat, the indoors were extremely hot that day.At 9 o'clock in the evening, the three schools of the domestic news edition have passed, and the big sample has arrived at the editor-in-chief's desk.The young editor-in-chief was carefully pondering the important news of this issue of the newspaper, hoping not to bury worthless news. At this time, the phone rang, and a very familiar voice came from over there: Dream mainstream PCs will reduce prices in an all-round way, PENTIUM 133, 9998 Yuan... information on a range of models and prices was delivered to the newspaper by telephone.A few days later, the eye-catching headline of "Dream Pentium price breaks 10,000" appeared on the front page of the newspaper with exclusive news, and the PC price war led by Dream PC kicked off. The market is washed clean.Over the next few months, Dream Company PCs dropped prices several times.

Many domestic PC manufacturers have encountered a devastating blow.Many small-scale manufacturers charge higher prices for spare parts than Dream Company in the international market, and have no advantage in the price of accessories.Dream Company has its own main board, which guarantees the initiative to cut prices under the advantage of scale.After a group of manufacturers followed up to the bottom line of profit in the price war, Dream Company started a new round of price cuts. Many manufacturers could no longer follow up at a loss and quickly disappeared from the market. Foreign manufacturers have just started to adopt a low profile in the price war. They continue to maintain the original price and only slightly reduce the price of products that are about to withdraw from the market.For this market, Dream Company has adopted the practice of clearing the warehouse and selling off, the purpose is to pull up the mainstream PC product line to a higher level, and put low-end products and compatible machines on the same line to compete.Due to the advantages of service, the low-end products of Mengmeng quickly gained the favor of consumers.

Many manufacturers regard themselves as multimedia products and want to stabilize their prices. They dream of cooperating with peripheral manufacturers to make multimedia functions a must-have.The absolute dominant position of Dream PC in the market was quickly established, and it challenged the PC market with scale effect, becoming a magic weapon for Dream PC to win. In the field of business applications, PCs used to be dominated by foreign companies. Many business users did not consider the price factor, but only hoped that the quality would be guaranteed. Foreign brand PCs have many advantages and historical conditions in the Chinese field.Dream Company has kept stable prices on the highest-end PCs, keeping a certain price distance from foreign companies.With the help of the system integration and industry solution department, Dream Company is encroaching on this forbidden area step by step...

In a tense year, Kang flies around the country like a superman.He has a dedicated market planning team to make the fastest response to the information fed back from various departments such as inventory, sales, market share, and service.On the list of 1,000 PCs, Kang Cheng mostly attended the signing of the contract in person, which gave customers great confidence.He requires employees to be flexible in market behavior, and flexibility is an advantage over foreign companies.When building a brand, you can invest more to achieve a balance between operating income and expenditure, and even allow a small loss, but you must win the first order.To win the market share, and then talk about profits.We must really win users. Winning users is one aspect, and there are many aspects, so make every order as a friend and fulfill your promise.Kang Cheng said that when every customer buys your first PC, the sale has just begun. You want them to only remember your PC and forget about others. PC products are updated very quickly. The machines bought this year will be upgraded next year, and our profits will be realized next year.This is called leading investment and lagging profit.

In fact, after a year of hard work, the PC department has gained rich market returns.The earned funds have been invested in channel and management construction, the team has been well tempered, and many high-level people have been added under them. The position of the first in the market has increased the morale and cohesion of employees. Kang Cheng has almost changed in just one year. He wears a high-grade gray suit, a white cotton shirt, and an iron black tie. He often gives passionate speeches at various exhibitions. He is personable and stylish. The business field sharpens one's temperament and also increases one's ignorance.Because of busy schedules and other reasons, he and his wife came to the brink of divorce, and finally they reconciled. He told us a word: there is no absolute success in life. "If you look at success in the world, we few brothers and sisters, Kang Cheng, are the first." This is a record of a rather deep conversation that several of us had without Kang Cheng present, because after all, Kang Cheng’s success was too fast, just like we were wearing open pants together yesterday, but today he is wearing a neat suit Look at us in open pants. "Every one of us looks smarter than Kang Cheng, why did Kang Cheng succeed?" "Because he's stupider than us?" "Because he is more persistent than us?" "Because he is simpler than us?" "Because he is aloof than us?" "Because he's luckier than us?" "Because he worked harder than us?" "Because he trusts people more easily than us?" "Because it's easy for others to believe him?" "Because he's smarter than us?" "Because he's better at weathering the rudder than we are?" "Because he is more complicated than us?" "Because he is more worldly than us?" "Because he is unluckier than us?" "Because he's smarter than us?" ... We couldn't draw any conclusions from our discussion, because we didn't have the experience of success, because Kang Cheng's experience of success was that he was sawed open and reassembled.Our discussions like this don't make any sense, just like all Chinese people ask why others can win but they can't when they draw a lottery.The only thing we were moved by Kang Cheng was that after he succeeded, he still found time to play mahjong with us.This may be the key to his success, because no one likes to put on airs in China now.Why Chinese rock is not likable because he is putting on airs, why Chinese movies are not likable because he is putting on airs, why spinsters are not likable because he is putting on airs, why Qian is likable because Qian never puts on airs.We can only so arbitrarily come to the absurd conclusion that if you want to be successful, don't put on airs.Sincerity and real things are once again valued by a few of our wine and meat friends.
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