Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire I: Game of Thrones

Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Daenerys

The brother held up the robe for her to see. "It's so beautiful, you can touch it, it doesn't matter, just look at this material." Dany touched it, and the material was as soft as water, running through her fingers, and she had never worn such soft clothes.She suddenly became frightened and quickly withdrew her hand. "Is this really for me?" "It is a gift from Magister Illyrio," Viserys smiled.My brother is in a good mood tonight. "The color of the robe is just the right color for your violet eyes. You will also wear gold jewelry, and all kinds of jewels and gems. You must look like a princess tonight."

Looks like a princess, Dany thought.She had long forgotten what it was like, and maybe she didn't even know. "Why does he treat us so well?" she asked, "What does he want from us?" For the past six months, they have depended on the governor for food and lodging, and they are proud of being served by his servants.Dany is thirteen years old this year, and she already understands that this kind of favorable treatment will not come out of thin air, especially in a free city like Pentos. "Illyrio is not stupid," replied Viserys, a thin young man with squirming hands and a fanatic look in pale lavender eyes. "He knows that one day when I return to the throne, I will not forget the friends who gave me help."

Dany didn't answer.Magister Illyrio was a merchant, dealing in spices and gems and dragon bones, among other shady dealings.It is said that he has a wide range of friends, not only in the nine free trade cities, but also as far as Vaes Dothraki in the east, and the legendary land along the Jade Sea.Another said that he would be willing to betray any friend as long as the price was paid.Dany listened to these words in silence, but she knew it best not to pierce her brother's dream while he was weaving it.Viserys was terrible when angry, and he called it "waking the dragon's wrath."

My brother hung his robe by the door. "Illyrio will send slaves to bathe you, and wash off the smell of horses. Khal Drogo has a thousand steeds, but he will ride a different kind of horse tonight." He said carefully. Looking at her carefully, "You are still hunched over, you have to hold your head up." He stretched out his hand to push her shoulder back. "Let them know you already have a woman's form." His fingers brushed lightly over her developing breasts, pinching one nipple. "You are not allowed to make a fool of myself tonight. If something goes wrong, you will suffer in the future! You don't want to wake up the wrath of the sleeping dragon, do you?" His fingers tightened, and she felt unbearable pain even through the rough coat. "Do you want to?" he repeated.

"No." Dany replied timidly. The elder brother smiled, "Very well," he stroked her hair lovingly, "When historians write my biography in the future, they will say that my reign began tonight." After he left, Dany went to the window and looked longingly at the bay.The brick towers of Pentos were black silhouettes in the setting sun, and Dany could hear the chanting and prayers of the red priests as they lit the night fires, and the laughter and clamor of children playing outside the high walls.For a second she wished she could be outside playing barefoot with them, panting in tatters: no past, no future, and no dinner at Khal Drogo's mansion.

On the other side of the narrow sea in the setting sun, there is a place where green mausoleums are criss-crossed, flowers are blooming in plains, and deep rivers are rushing. There are huge black stone towers towering among the majestic gray-blue peaks, and iron-clad warriors rushing to the battlefield with bright banners.The Dothraki called it "Resh Andari", which means "Land of the Andals".In the Free Cities, people call it "Westeros" and "The Land of Sunset".My brother had a simpler way of saying it, and he called it "our land."This name is like a prayer, as if as long as he hangs it on his lips, he will surely be heard in heaven. "That's the land we inherit from the blood of the true dragon, taken by plots and tricks, but still ours, and ours forever. No one can steal from the true dragon, no way, because the true dragon is forever Remember."

Maybe the dragon did, but Dany didn't.She had never seen the land on the other side of the Narrow Sea that her brother had sworn was theirs.The names he spoke of: Casterly Rock, the Eyrie, Highgarden and the Vale of Arryn, Dorne and the Isle of Faces, were but words to her.When they had been forced to flee King's Landing from the advancing Usurper's army, Viserys had been a boy of eight and Dany had been but the beating flesh of her mother's womb. However, after hearing many stories about her brother, Dany still sometimes pieced together the past scenes in her mind: her mother and the others sailed to Dragonstone at night under the bright moon in the shadow of a boat with black sails in the shadow of a boat; On the Trident of Blood, he fought the Usurper to the death, and died for the woman he loved; the Lannisters and the Starks, what Viserys called the Usurper's lackeys, sacked King's Landing; Princess Leia begged bitterly, but watched her and Rhaegar's own flesh and blood, the baby who was still sucking breast milk on her breast, was taken away by force, and died bloody; those hanging on the high wall behind the throne room Above, the polished skull of the last descendant of the giant dragon watched the "Kingslayer" pick up the golden sword and slit his father's throat with his blind empty eyes.

She was born on Dragonstone nine months after her flight, when the summer storms came that seemed to tear the castle to pieces.It is said that the storm was so terrifying that the royal Targaryen fleet moored in the naval port was completely destroyed, huge boulders collapsed from the battlements, and rolled towards the turbulent tide of the strait.Her mother died in childbirth, for which Viserys never forgave her. Yet she did not remember Dragonstone either.On the eve of the formation of the "Usurper" brother's fleet, they continued to flee to the end of the world.Of the Seven Kingdoms that had belonged to them at that time, only Dragonstone, their ancient family stronghold, remained unfettered to the enemy.And even this situation can't last long, the defenders in the city have already secretly planned to sell them to the "usurper".But one night, Ser William Darry rushed into the nursery with four dead men, took them away with their nurse, and set sail for the coast of Braavos under cover of night.

She only vaguely remembered Sir William Darry, a huge, gray bearded man who, even later half-blind, could roar and give orders from his sickbed.The servants were afraid of him, but he had always been kind to Dany, calling her "Little Princess" and sometimes "My Lady," and his hands were soft as leather.However, he never left the hospital bed, and was haunted by the smell of disease day and night, which was a hot, humid and sickly sweet smell.They lived in Braavos then, in a house with a red door, and Dany had her own room with a lemon tree outside her window.After Sir William's death the servants stole what little money they had left, and a short time before they were put out of the big red house.Dany couldn't hold back her tears when the red-painted gates closed for them forever.

After that they began their wandering years, from Braavos to Myr, from Myr to Tyrosh, and then to Qohor, Volantis, and Lys, wandering without friends, never being together. Take root everywhere.My brother wasn't sure where he was staying. He always said that the assassins from the Usurper were after them, but Dany didn't even see half of the assassins. At first the governors, maharajas, and merchant tycoons who ruled the Free Cities were happy to receive the descendants of the Targaryens, but as the days wore on and the Usurper grew more secure on the Iron Throne, the doors that had been open for them began to close. The fans are closed, and their life is becoming more and more difficult.For several years, they pawned off all their jewelry.Up to now, even the coins from selling her mother's crown have been spent.The Beggar King was what they called her brother in the taverns and alleys of Pentos, and Dany could not imagine what they called her.

"My dear sister, one day we will reclaim our land," Viserys would often promise her, and sometimes his hands would shake uncontrollably as he spoke. "Think of the jewels and silks, Dragonstone and King's Landing, the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, all taken from us, and we shall all want them back." Viserys lived for that day, But Dany just wants to go back to the house with the red-painted gate, the lemon tree outside her window, and her lost childhood. There was a light knock on the door. "Come in." Dany by the window came back to her senses, and Illyrio's servants walked into the house, bowed and saluted, and then started to take a bath.They were all slaves, gifts from one of the Dothraki chiefs whom the Governor knew well.The free city-state of Pentos has no slavery in name, but even so, people with real power can override it.The thin, mouse-like old woman was always silent, but the other young girl filled the gap.She was a fair-haired, blue-eyed sixteen-year-old girl and Illyrio's favorite servant, always chattering at work. They filled the bathtub with hot water from the kitchen and sprinkled it with sesame oil.The girl wrapped Dany's hair in a sackcloth and helped her into the bath.The bath water was boiling hot, but Daenerys said nothing.She loves the heat and makes her feel clean.What's more, her brother often told her that the people of House Targaryen were not afraid of being hot. "We are the heirs of the dragon," he used to say, "with a fire burning in our blood." The old woman combed and washed her carefully, braided her silver-white hair, and silently smoothed out the tangled locks.The girl brushed her back and feet and told her how lucky she was. "It is said that Drogo was so rich that even the collars of his slaves were made of gold. His khalasar had a hundred thousand warriors, and his palace in Vaes Dothraki had two hundred rooms, And doors made of silver." She went on and on, on and on.She told Dany how handsome the khal was, how tall and fierce, and how unafraid he was in battle, and how he was not only the best rider that ever lived, but a demonic marksman as well.Daenerys was silent throughout, thinking that Viserys was the man she would marry when she came of age.Brother and sister had been married among the Targaryen royals for centuries, ever since Aegon the Conqueror married his two younger sisters.Only in this way could the blood be kept pure, Viserys had told her so many times.In them flowed the blood of kings, the golden blood of old Valyrian peoples, the blood of proud dragons.True dragons would never mate with common beasts, nor would Targaryens mix their blood with lesser races.But now Viserys was planning to sell her to this barbarian in a foreign land. After bathing, the female slave helped her up and dried her body with a towel.The girl combed her hair to be as bright as molten silver, and the old woman applied the flower and herbal essence native to the Dothraki grasslands on her, and lightly touched her wrists, behind the ears, nipples, lips and genitals; She put on the underwear that Magister Illyrio had sent her, and a gown of deep purple silk that accentuated her violet eyes.The girl put on sandals with gold rims for her, and the crone put on her a crown and a gold bracelet set with amethysts.And last was a thick collar of gold, engraved with the runes of Old Valyria. "Now you finally look like a princess." After finishing dressing up, the girl exclaimed.Dany turned to see herself in the silver-mounted pier mirror that Illyrio had kindly provided.Looks like a princess, she thought, and suddenly remembered what the girl had said just now, Khal Drogo was so rich that even his slaves' collars were made of gold, and she felt cold and had goosebumps. Her brother was waiting for her in the shade of the hall, sitting by the pond, dangling his hands in the water.Seeing her coming, he stood up and looked up and down with a judgmental look. "Stand over here," he told her, "turn around, yes, fine, you look..." "Quite regal." Magister Illyrio stepped out of the passage, stomping surprisingly lightly and gracefully despite his fatness.As he walked, his fat body swayed under the loose fiery red silk clothes.Gemstones glittered on every finger, and a servant had oiled his yellow mustache until it shone like real gold. "Princess Daenerys, may you receive all the blessings of the Lord of Light on this auspicious day." The governor said and took her hand, bowed his head, and showed his yellow teeth through the golden beard. "Your Highness, even the beauty of your dreams is nothing more than this," he told his brother. "Drogo will be satisfied." "She is very thin," said Viserys.His hair was the same pale silver as Dany's, combed back and fastened with a dragon-bone barrette.His overly solemn expression accentuated his rigid, haggard features, and he put his hand on the hilt of the sword Illyrio had lent him. "Are you sure Khal Drogo likes such a young woman?" "Since she has menstruation, she is old enough for the horse king." This was not the first time Illyrio repeated. "Look at her silver-gold hair, those crape myrtle eyes...she is of old Valyrian blood, no doubt, no doubt...and she is of high birth, the old king's daughter , and the new king's sister, nothing will fail to attract Drogo." When he let go of her hand, Dany found herself trembling. "Is that so?" said my brother suspiciously. "These savages have very strange tastes. They can even mess with little boys, horses, and sheep..." "Better not mention any of this to Khal Drogo." Anger flashed in his brother's lavender eyes. "You think I'm a fool?" The Governor bowed his head slightly. "I consider you a king. The so-called king has no worries. If I offend you, then I apologize to you." After speaking, he turned around and clapped hands, signaling the bearers to leave. By the time they sat in Illyrio's ornate litter, the streets of Pentos were dark.Two servants walked in front of the light, holding a beautifully decorated oil lamp with a light blue glass cover in their hands; another dozen or so strong men worked together to carry the sedan chair.The curtains of the sedan chair were closed and warm, and through the thick layer of perfume on Illyrio's body, Dany could smell the stench of his pale skin. The elder brother lying on the pillow next to her didn't notice this, his thoughts had already flown to the other side of the narrow sea. "We don't need his whole khalasar," Viserys said, fingering the hilt of the borrowed sword.In fact, Dany knew that her brother had never seriously learned swordsmanship. "Ten thousand men is enough, I think. With ten thousand Dothraki Howlers, I can sweep the Seven Kingdoms. Then the princes and nobles will join forces to follow their true king. Mention Families such as Lear, Redwyne, Darry, and Greyjoy hate the Usurper as much as I do, and the people of Dorne in the southern region have long been filled with anger, wanting to avenge Princess Elia and her children. Forget about the common people, they will cry out for justice and fight for the king." He looked at Illyrio a little nervously, "They've always thought so, haven't they?" "They are your people, and they love you very much," Governor Illyrio replied pleasantly. "In the farms and cottages all over the country, men secretly toasted to you, and women secretly sewed dragon banners and waited. The day you lead the army across the sea." He shrugged his broad shoulders, "My subordinates say so." Dany has no men, and has no way of knowing what the people on the other side of the narrow sea are thinking and doing, but she doesn't trust Illyrio, nor his sweet words.However, the elder brother nodded eagerly in agreement. "I will slay the Usurper with my own hands," he vowed, not thinking that he had never killed before. "Just like he killed my brother back then. I can't spare that Lannister 'Kingslayer' either, I want to avenge my father." "It's only fitting," Governor Illyrio said.Dany caught a glimpse of a slight smile on his lips, but her brother didn't pay attention, just nodded in satisfaction, then opened the curtain and looked into the boundless night.Dany knew that he was rehearsing the scene of the Sanhe bloody battle in his mind again. Khal Drogo's bedchamber stood by the bay, rising nine towers and high brick walls covered with pale ivy.Illyrio told them that this palace was a joint gift to Kaa from the governors of Pentos, and the Free Cities had always paid great respect to these nomadic chiefs. "Actually, we are not really afraid of these barbarians," he explained to them with a smile. "The red monks promise that with the protection of the Lord of Light, even if a million Dothrakis attack us, we don't need to be afraid...but they Since our friendship is so cheap, why should we not do it?" The sedan chair stopped at the door, and a guard rudely drew back the curtain.He had the bronzed skin and dark almond eyes typical of a Dothraki, but he was beardless and wore the bronze helmet of the Unsullied with a thorn in it.He glanced coldly at the passengers in the sedan chair. Governor Illyrio yelled at him in harsh Dothraki, and the other party responded with the same tone, and then waved for them to enter. Dany noticed her brother's hand clutching the hilt of the borrowed sword, looking as frightened as she was. "You ignorant eunuch," murmured Viserys as the palanquin was jolted into the courtyard. Governor Illyrio's words were as sweet as honey: "Many dignitaries and dignitaries will attend the feast tonight. These people have made many enemies on weekdays. The host Kaa naturally wants to protect the guests, especially you, Your Majesty. It is not difficult to imagine, 'Usurp Those who will pay a high price for your head will be rewarded." "Didn't it?" said Viserys darkly. "Illyrio, he tried and tried, I can assure you of that. His hired assassins are after us, and I am the last true dragon." Heir, as long as I am alive, he will naturally have trouble sleeping and eating." The sedan chair gradually slowed down and finally stopped.The curtain was lifted again, and a slave reached out to help Daenerys out of the sedan chair.That's when she noticed that his collar was nothing more than bronze.Her elder brother followed closely, one hand still clinging to the hilt of the sword.Illyrio managed to get out of the sedan chair with the help of two strong men. In the hall, the air is filled with the fragrance of spices such as hot pepper, cinnamon and sweet lemon.They were escorted into the drawing room, where scenes from the fall of Valyria were depicted in stained glass.Oil was burning in black lanterns on the four walls, and under an arcade carved with two stone leaves a eunuch was announcing their visit: "Viserys III of House Targaryen," he said in a high-pitched, sweet voice. cried a voice, "King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. His sister, Daenerys Stormborn, Princess of Dragonstone. His Patron, Governor of the Free Cities of Pentos, Illyrio Mopatis." They passed the eunuch into a courtyard lined with stone pillars and pale ivy, whose shadows were stained bone-like silver by the moonlight.Guests shuttled back and forth in the courtyard, many of them were Dothraki khals, all of them were tall, with reddish-brown skin, long drooping beards interlocked with metal silver rings, long black hair, black and shiny, tied into countless braids, A silver bell hangs in between.But there were also killers and mercenaries from Pentos, Myr, and Tyrosh, a red priest who was fatter than Illyrio, and a hairy weirdo from Port Ibben, and several A lord of the Summer Islands with skin as dark as dark sandalwood.Daenerys looked at these people in amazement...suddenly realizing that she was the only woman there. Illyrio whispered to them, "The three standing there are Drogo's bloodriders, and by the pillars are Khal Molok and his son Rogoro. That man with the green beard is Lord Tyrosh's." Brother, and behind him is Ser Jorah Mormont." The last name caught Daenerys' attention, "Is he a knight?" "It's true," Illyrio giggled through his beard, "a knight who was anointed with the oil of the Seven Holy Spirits by the Archbishop himself." "What is he doing here?" she blurted out. "Just for a small matter," Illyrio told them, "the 'Usurper' ordered him to beheaded. He sold some of the poachers he caught to slavers on Tyrosh instead of To the Night's Watch. It's a ridiculous law, and everyone should have the right to dispose of their property." "I will speak to Ser Jorah before the feast is over," said the brother.Dany found herself looking curiously at the knight, too. He was a rather old man, about forty, with thinning hair but still strong.Instead of silk and cotton, he wore wool and leather, a dark green coat embroidered with a black bear standing on two feet. Magister Illyrio patted his wet hand on Dany's bare shoulder as she stared intently at the strange man from the plains she knew nothing about. "Behold, my good princess," he whispered, "this is Kaa himself." All Dany wanted was to run away and hide, but her brother was watching her, and if he got angry, she would have to wake the wrath of the Sleeping Dragon.So she turned her head nervously, eyeing the man Viserys hoped to ask her to marry before the feast was over tonight. What the girl who bathed her earlier said was not far from the truth: Khal Drogo was a head taller than the tallest people present, but his movements were extremely agile and nimble, and his figure was as vigorous as Ely's. Cheetahs in the Rio Zoo.He is much younger than she imagined, he should not be more than thirty years old.His skin was the color of bright copper, and in his thick beard were bells of gold and bronze. "I must go and make my case," Magister Illyrio said. "Wait here, and I will bring him." As Illyrio staggered towards Kaa, his brother grabbed her hand so tightly that she wanted to cry out in pain. "My dear sister, have you seen his braid?" Drogo's braids were as black as the midnight sky, heavily oiled and scented, and tied with little metal bells that clanked as he moved.His hair was long, from his waist to his hips, and the ends brushed against his thighs. "Did you see how long his hair has grown?" Viserys asked. "Whenever a Dothraki is defeated in battle, they cut off their braids as a disgrace, so that all the world will know their disgrace." Khal Drogo has never lost a battle in his life, he is Aegon the Dragon King, and you will be his queen." Dany looked at Khal Drogo. His face was hard and hard, and his eyes were as black as onyx.When she accidentally awakens the wrath of the sleeping dragon, her brother will bully her, but he is not like the man in front of him who can scare her into a panic. "I don't want to be his queen," she heard herself say in a small voice. "Viserys, please, please, I don't want to. I really want to go home." "Go home?" Although he deliberately lowered his voice, Dany could still hear the anger in his voice. "Good sister, tell me, which home should we go back to? Our home has been taken away!" He pulled her into the shadows aside, avoiding everyone's sight, digging his nails into her skin . "Which home shall we go to?" he repeated, implying that home meant King's Landing, Dragonstone, and the whole lost kingdom. But that wasn't what Dany was referring to at all. All she wanted was their place in Illyrio's mansion, which wasn't exactly where they wanted to be, but it was all they had right now.But my elder brother didn't want to listen to these words, it wasn't his home, not even the red-painted courtyard.His nails were tightened more and more, as if he was pressing for an answer.Finally, she hoarse her voice and whispered with tears in her eyes: "I don't know..." "I do know it," said my brother sharply. "We'll go home with an army, dear sister, and we'll go home with Drogo's army. If you must marry him, marry him You can only get this by going to bed, and you just do it for me." He smiled at her, "As long as I can get that army, even if I have to let all 40,000 of his kalassari fuck you, I will do it. Will agree, even mount their horses if necessary. Now you're only doing it for Drogo, and it's time to snicker. Illyrio's gonna bring him here before I dry my eyes, I don't want to Let him see you crying." Dany turned her head, and sure enough, the governor was smiling, bowing and escorting Khal Drogo towards them. She quickly wiped away the remaining tears with the back of her hand. "Laugh at him," said Viserys nervously, dropping his hand to the hilt of his sword again. "Put your head up and let him see that part of your chest. By gods, you're level enough." .” So Daenerys smiled and puffed out her chest. ※※※※※※※ ① Kaal: The title of the leader of the nomadic Dosraki, similar to the "Khan" of the Mongols or the "Khan" of the Turks. ②Seven Kingdoms: The seven countries of Westeros when Aegon the Conqueror crossed the sea, namely the Kingdom of the North, the Kingdom of Casterly Rock, the Kingdom of the Bend, the Kingdom of the Valley, the Kingdom of Stormwind, the Kingdom of the Isles and the Kingdom of Dorne . ③Karatha: In the Dothraki language, an ethnic group that acts together.Every khalasar has a khal. ④ Unsullied: A male slave warrior who has been castrated, well-trained, absolutely obedient to orders, and excellent in combat skills. He can be described as the ultimate killing machine without emotions.
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