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Chapter 18 Chapter Eighteen Tyrion

"I don't sleep as much now as I used to," Grand Maester Pycelle apologized for the poor spirits of the early morning meeting. "I'd rather get up early before dawn than toss and turn, worrying about unfinished work," he said. That being said, he seemed to be falling asleep again, judging by the drooping eyelids. They sat in the airy room under the crow's nest while his maid brought hard-boiled eggs and ripe plums and oatmeal. "In extraordinary times, many people don't even have food to eat. I think I should keep everything simple." "Admirable," Tyrion admitted, cracking open a large brown egg, thinking that it really looked like the Grand Maester's bald, spotted head. "But I have a different opinion. I try to eat when I can, so as not to miss it tomorrow." He smiled, "Tell me, is your crow getting up so early?"

Pai Xier twirled the snow-white beard that flowed down to his chest, "Of course. After you finish eating, I'll ask someone to bring a pen and paper?" "No." Tyrion took out two letters and set them beside the oatmeal.Two tightly rolled sheets of parchment sealed with wax on the sides. "Tell your maid to go down so we can talk." "Son, you step back first." Pycelle ordered, and the girl hurriedly left the room. "May I ask if these are..." "A letter to Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne," said Tyrion, peeling off the egg and taking a bite, apparently without salt. .”

"After breakfast, I will deal with it immediately." "Do it now, the plums can be eaten later, and the affairs of state cannot wait. Lord Renly is leading his army north up the Rose Road, and there is no telling when Lord Stannis will set sail from Dragonstone." .” Pycelle blinked, "If your lord insists—" "I'm very persistent." "I am at your disposal." The maester staggered to his feet, his chain twitching softly.His necklace was thick and heavy, and its weight was more than ten times that of ordinary bachelor's necklaces. It was connected together and inlaid with precious stones.In Tyrion's opinion, the chains of gold, silver, and platinum far outnumbered other worthless metals.

Pycelle moved slowly, and Tyrion had eaten the boiled eggs and tasted the plums--they were overripe and juicy to his liking--and heard the flapping of wings.He stood up and saw the black figure of a crow in the early morning sky, then turned around suddenly and walked towards the labyrinth of shelves at the far end of the room. The maester's medicines were staggering: dozens of wax-sealed jars, hundreds of stoppered vials, an equal number of white glass vials, countless jars of dried herbs, each with Pycelle's neat handwriting written exact label.How well organized this man is, Tyrion thought.Indeed, once you understand the classification basis, you will find that each drug is placed just right.Really interesting stuff: sleepflower and nightshade, milk of the poppy, tears of Lys, powdered ash mushrooms, aconite and ghost dance, skink poison, blind eye poison, widow's blood...

Standing on his toes, he stretched upwards with all his strength, and managed to reach a small dusty jar that was placed high up.He looked at the label, smiled and tucked it into his sleeve. When Grand Maester Pycelle came slowly down the stairs, he was already sitting at the table, eating another egg. "My lord, it's already done." The old man sat down. "This kind of thing... yes, yes, the sooner the better... you think it's a big deal?" "Oh, yes." Tyrion said the oatmeal was too thick and lacked cream and honey.These days, it has become difficult to eat cream and honey in King's Landing, but thanks to the gift of Earl Gales, there is no shortage of supplies in the castle.Recently, half of the food in the castle came from his and Countess Tanda's domain.Rosby Castle and Stokeworth Castle lie north of King City and have not yet been affected by the fighting.

"To the Prince of Dorne himself, I... may I ask..." "Better not to ask." "As you wish," Tyrion could feel Pycelle's intense curiosity, "perhaps... the imperial council..." Tyrion picked up the wooden spoon and tapped the rim of the bowl, "Good master, the function of the imperial council is to 'assist' His Majesty." "Yes," said Pycelle, "and His Majesty—" "—I am thirteen years old, and I will act on my behalf." "Indeed, you are the current Prime Minister, but... your dear sister, our Queen Regent, she..."

"...She has too many responsibilities on her beautiful and clear shoulders. I can't increase her burden for no reason, right?" Tyrion tilted his head and looked at the Grand Maester. Pycelle hurriedly lowered his gaze, looking at his breakfast.Some people find it uncomfortable to see his eyes of different sizes, one green and one black; he knows this and makes good use of it. "Ah," the old man murmured to his plums, "you are right, my lord. To save her these...burdens...you are so considerate." "There's nothing else about me except being considerate," Tyrion continued to eat the unappetizing oatmeal, "Cersei is my own sister after all."

"Yeah, she's still a woman," said the senior scholar Pai Xier, "although she's not an ordinary woman, but... a woman's heart is fragile after all, and it's really not easy to provoke the country's major affairs on her shoulders..." Come on, she is a fragile white dove?Just ask Eddard Stark! "I am very relieved to know that you care about her as much as I do. Thank you for your hospitality, but I still have things to do today." He twisted his legs and climbed off the chair, "When we receive a reply from Dawn, Would you please notify me immediately?"

"As you bid, my lord." "Only notify me?" "Ah... definitely." Pycelle grabbed his beard with his hands covered with age spots, like a drowning man reaching for a rope.Tyrion was delighted to see it, the first, he thought. He limped into the lower courtyard, his misshapen legs aching from the stairs.At this moment, the sun was already high in the sky, and the castle became lively.Guards patrolled the walls, while knights and their retinue practiced combat with blunt weapons.Bronn was near the square, sitting by a well, and two beautiful maids walked by with a wicker basket full of blankets, but the mercenary didn't look sideways. "Bron, you're hopeless," Tyrion pointed at the two girls. "You're just watching a bunch of goose fights right around the corner."

"There's a hundred cheap whorehouses in the city, and I can do what I like for a few pennies," Bronn replied, "but some day I'll learn something from these geese that might save my life. ’ He stood up, “Who’s that kid in the blue check coat with the three eyes on the shield?” "A certain hedge knight who called himself Tallard. What do you ask?" Bronn brushed away his hair that covered his eyes, "he's the best at this. But look carefully, his actions have a certain rhythm, and he uses the same moves in the same order for each attack," he hehe With a smile, "One day he meets me, and he will die because of it."

"He's sworn allegiance to Joffrey, and he shouldn't be going against you." They walked across the courtyard together, Bronn slowing to match Tyrion's short legs.The mercenary had looked a bit more recent: black hair combed, clean-shaven, wearing the black breastplate of a City Watch officer, and a Lannister cloak of crimson and golden hands hanging from his shoulders. Tyrion gave him the cloak as a gift the day he made him captain of his guard. "How many people are petitioning today?" he asked. "More than thirty," Bronn replied, "as before, either to complain or to ask for something. By the way, your pet is back." He groaned, "Countess Tanda has come?" "Her entourage has been here. She invites you to dinner again. She has a large venison shank, two stuffed geese with mulberry sauce, and—" "—her daughter," said Tyrion in disgust.From the moment he arrived at the Red Keep, Countess Tanda had been in hot pursuit, offering eel pie, boar boar, and delicious creamy bisque as weapons in turn.Her daughter Norris was not only born fat, weak and stupid, but also rumored to be a virgin at thirty-three years old, but somehow she decided that the young dwarf and her daughter were a perfect match. "Reply to her, I'm sorry I can't come to the dinner." "Not interested in stuffing geese?" Bronn smiled evilly. "You might as well eat goose and marry the girl home. Or change someone and ask Xia Ga to go." "If it's Shagga, it's likely to eat the girl and marry the goose home." Bronn evaluated, "Ha, but Loris is heavier than him." "That's true," Tyrion admitted.They stepped into the shadow of the closed passage between the two towers. "Who else?" The mercenary said with a serious tone: "There is a banker from Braavos who has some decent IOUs in his hands and says he wants to meet the king to talk about repaying the debt." "Poor thing, it's a question of whether little Joe can count past twenty. Tell him to find Littlefinger, and he'll find a way to get rid of it. What about again?" "A lord from Sanheyi accused your father's subordinates of burning his castle, raping his wife, and killing all his farmers." "We're at war, aren't we?" Tyrion thought. Gregor Clegane was probably doing it, or Ser Amory Lorch, or his father's pack of Qorhor dogs. "What does he want from Joffrey?" "Give him new peasants," Bronn said. "He has come all the way here, proclaiming his allegiance to the royal family, and demanding compensation." "I'll find time to meet him tomorrow." Regardless of whether the other party's loyalty is sincere or desperate, an obedient Hejian nobleman is still useful. "Get him a comfortable room, heat up the food, and send for a new pair of boots. If it's good, say it's King Joffrey's will." There's nothing wrong with a generous expression. Bronn nodded curtly. "There are also a large group of bakers, butchers and greengrocers clamoring to see the king." "Didn't I say that last time, I have nothing to give them." The food brought into King's Landing was pitifully small, and most of it supplied the castle and military camp.Greens, root vegetables, flour, and fruit were all soaring in price at the same time, and Tyrion couldn't imagine what kind of meat was being cooked in the mess pots in Flea's Nest.There might be fish, he hoped, for they still had the river and the sea... at least until Lord Stannis crossed. "They want protection. A baker was baked on his own oven last night, and the mob said his bread was too expensive." "real?" "Now he can't deny it." "They... didn't eat him, did they?" "I haven't heard of that." "Next time, I suppose," said Tyrion heavily. "I've given all the protection I could. The Gold Cloaks—" "They claim there are gold cloaks among the mob," said Bronn, "and demand an audience with His Majesty himself." "A bunch of idiots," Tyrion apologized last time, and at least sent them away; as his nephew, it would have been whips and spears.He really wanted to let it go...but no, he didn't dare.It was a matter of time before the enemy came to the city, and the last thing he could allow at this moment was to be betrayed by the traitors in the city. "Tell them that His Majesty King Joffrey has seen their panic, and will do everything in his power to make things better for them." "They want bread, not promises." "If I give them bread today, tomorrow there will be twice as many people asking for it. Who else?" "There was a black-clothed brother from the Great Wall. The steward said he brought a jar with a rotten hand in it." Tyrion smiled feebly. "Surprised no one ate it. I guess I should meet him, it just so happens to be Yoren?" "No, it's a knight named Thorne." "Ser Alliser Thorne?" Of all the brothers in black he had met at the Wall, Ser Alliser Thorne was the least fond of Tyrion Lannister.He is not only mean and vicious, but also extremely arrogant. "Come to think of it, I don't really want to see Ser Alliser right now. Find him a little room where the blanket hasn't been changed in a year, so his hand is a bit more rotten." Bronn snorted and turned away, while Tyrion struggled up the spiral staircase.When he limped across the square, he heard the sound of the iron gate being raised, and his sister was leading a large group of people to go out. Cersei rides a white horse, tall and tall, like a goddess in green. "Brother," she called, without enthusiasm.The Queen Mother is not happy about his treatment of Janos Slynt. "Your Majesty," Tyrion said, bowing reverently, "you look splendid this morning." She wore a crown of gold and a weasel cloak, and she was followed by a large retinue of horsemen: Boros Brow of the Kingsguard. Ser Enn was frowning as usual in white scale mail; Ser Balon Swann slung his bow on a silver-inlaid saddle; Lord Gales Rosby's asthma was getting worse; Harlem, the pyromancer of the Warlock Guild, and the queen's new favorite, their cousin, Sir Lancel Lannister, who was originally her ex-husband's squire and was later elevated to knighthood at the widow's insistence.Villar and twenty guards escorted them. "Where are you going, sister?" Tyrion asked. "I went to the gates of the city to inspect the newly built ballistas and fire-breathing crossbows. I don't want others to think that I am like you, indifferent to the city defense facilities." Cersei stared at him with those clear green eyes. Full of contempt, still undiminished in its beauty. "I have received a report that Renly Baratheon has set out from Highgarden with his troops, and is now marching north along the Rose Road with heavy troops." "Varys told me that too." "Wait until the next full moon, he may arrive!" "Not at his leisurely pace," Tyrion assured her. "He feasts at a different castle every night, and holds court at every fork in the road." "And every day, more soldiers gather under his banner. It is said that his strength has reached 100,000!" "It's quite a lot." "He's backed by Storm's End and Highgarden, you little fool!" Cersei snarled, "all the lords of Tyrell's court are with him except Redwyne— You have to thank me for this, as long as I have Lord Paxter's two ugly twins, he will only dare to nest in Qingting Island, and he will have to secretly congratulate himself for being lucky." "It's a pity you let the Knight of Flowers slip through your slender fingers. After all, Renly has other things to worry about than us, like our father at Harrenhal, Robb Smith of Riverrun." Tucker... If I were him, I would also choose this strategy, move forward slowly, wait and see while showing my strength to the whole country. Let the opponents kill each other, and wait for the time to mature. If Stark If the army defeats us, the whole South will fall into Renly's hands at once, like the favor of the gods, without costing him a single soldier. If we win, he can take advantage of it." Cersei was still angry, "I want you to order father to lead an army to King's Landing at once." It does nothing but reassure you. "When can I 'order' my father to do this or that?" She ignored the question, "Also, when are you going to rescue James? One of him is worth a hundred of you!" Tyrion smirked and said, "I beg you, please don't tell Madam Stark this secret. We don't have a hundred of me to exchange." "Father must be crazy to send you here. You are worse than a worthless idiot." The queen mother pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, and ran out of the city gate at a fast pace, with the weasel cloak fluttering behind her.Her entourage hurried to follow. In fact, Renly Baratheon was not half as threatening to Tyrion as his older brother Stannis.Renly is loved by the people, but he has never led an army to war. Stannis is different. This man has a strict and ruthless style. No matter how many fishermen were recruited to spy on the island, none of them came back, and even the spies that the eunuch claimed to have arranged around Stannis were never heard of.Yes, someone saw the dappled hull of the battleship Lys on the shore, and Varys had a report from Myr that a local mercenary captain was going to serve on Dragonstone.If his brother Renly had attacked the city with his army while Stannis was attacking from the sea, Joffrey's head would be on the point of his spear in a moment's time.Worse, my head would be stuck next to him.Depressing sight.If the situation really turned to that point, he had to find a way to get Shae out of the city safely. Podrick Payne stood at the door of the study, studying the floor intently. "He is inside," he announced to Tyrion's girdle, "in your study, my lord, I beg your pardon." Tyrion sighed. "Look at me, Pod. I can't stand you looking into the folds of my trousers and talking. It makes me sick, and I don't speak there. Who's in my study?" "Lord Littlefinger," Podrick glanced at him carefully but quickly, and then hastily lowered his gaze, "I mean, Lord Petyr, Lord Baelish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer." "You speak of him like a crowd." The boy bent over as if beaten, which made Tyrion feel inexplicably guilty. Lord Petyr sat by the window, elegant and languid in his plum-coloured plush coat, yellow satin cloak, and gloves, with one hand on his knee. "The king is fighting the rabbit with a crossbow," said he. "Come and see, the rabbit has the upper hand." Tyrion had to stand on tiptoe to see clearly.There was a dead rabbit lying on the square outside, and another one had a crossbow bolt stuck in its body, its long ears were twitching constantly, and it was almost dying.Countless arrow branches were inserted obliquely on the hard mud ground, like straws blown by a storm. "Let go!" Joffrey yelled, and the hunter let go of the rabbit he was holding, and the rabbit ran away.Joffrey pulled the crossbow trigger so hard that he missed his aim by two feet.The rabbit stood on its hind legs and tipped its nose at the king, while little Joe cursed and twisted the string, but before he could reload the arrow the rabbit was gone. "Another one!" said the hunter, reaching into the cage and pulling out a brown one, and this time Joffrey was so eager to release that he missed Ser Preston in the crotch. Littlefinger turned. "Do you like a pot of bacon, boy?" he asked Podrick Payne. Pod stared at the visitor's boots, a pair of beautiful stained red leather with black scrollwork, "Is it food, my lord?" "Well, I advise you to invest your money in clay pots," suggested Littlefinger. "The castle will soon be flooded with rabbits, and we will have to eat rabbits for three meals a day." "It's better than eating rats." Tyrion said, "Pod, stand back. By the way, Lord Petyr, would you like something to drink first?" "Thank you, I don't need it anymore." Littlefinger showed a trademark sarcasm smile, "People say: drink dwarfs when you are drunk, and guard the Great Wall when you are awake. I have a bad complexion, and it will be too obvious when I wear black clothes." You have no fear, my lord, thought Tyrion. I have no Wall for you.He sat down in a high chair piled with cushions, "My lord, you look so elegant today." "I'm so sad to hear that, I try to look classy 'everyday'." "Is this a new suit?" "Yeah, you have really good eyesight." "Plum and yellow, the colors of your crest?" "No, but it's annoying to wear the same color every day, and you have to change it from time to time, right?" "Your knife is also very beautiful." "Really?" Littlefinger's narrow eyes flashed, he pulled out the dagger, and glanced at it nonchalantly, as if it was the first time he had seen it in his life, "It's made of Valyrian steel, with a keel handle, unfortunately it's just plain . If you are interested, I will give it to you." "Give it to me?" Tyrion looked at him meaningfully for a while, "No, I don't think it's appropriate, so it's better not to give it to me." He knew, this arrogant bastard, he not only knew, but I knew too, Also thought I couldn't move him. If there was anyone in this world who armed himself with gold, it would be Petyr Baelish, not Jaime Lannister.Jaime's famous suit of armor was nothing more than gilded steel, but Littlefinger, ah... the more Tyrion knew about dear Petyr, the more disturbed he became. Ten years ago, Earl Petyr was placed by Jon Arryn in a small position in the customs office for a leisurely meal, but he stood out with an income three times that of other tax collectors.Since King Robert spends a lot of money, a person like Petyr Baelish who can grind two gold dragon coins to produce a third is naturally a rare talent.As a result, Littlefinger went all the way up, and after only three years in the palace, he has already become the Minister of Finance, attending the imperial meeting.Compared with the times of the former ministers who were struggling, the royal family's annual income is now a full ten times that of the past... although the royal family's debts have also increased significantly.After all, Petyr Baelish was a master juggler. Well, he was smart.Instead of simply collecting taxes and locking them up in the treasury, he has many options.He paid the debts with various promises of the king, and then used the funds in the treasury.He bought wagons, shops, boats, and buildings, bought grain at a low price when the crop was plentiful, and sold bread at a high price when it was scarce.He bought wool from the north, linen from the south, and lace from Rees, which he either stored or circulated, dyed, and then sold.The golden dragon coins continued to expand and increase as if they were multiplying on their own.Littlefinger made a loan and got it back with interest. At the same time, he gradually cultivated his confidants.The managers of the four treasuries are all his people, the accountants of the Wang family, the measurers of the Wang family, and even the heads of the three mints are all candidates nominated by him.In addition, nine out of ten of the harbor masters, tax collectors, customs officers, wool agents, road toll collectors, shipmasters, wine agents, etc. are Littlefinger.Most of them have ordinary family backgrounds, including the sons of merchants, minor nobles, and even foreigners, but in terms of achievements, the abilities of these people far exceed the previous noble affairs officers. No one ever questioned these appointments, so why bother?Littlefinger is no threat to anyone.He's bright, smiling, kind, and everyone's friend.He was always there for whatever money the King or Prime Minister needed, and being of low birth, only a little above the hedge knights, he was of little note.He has no feudal vassals, no numerous servants, no powerful castles, no ancestral properties worth boasting about, and no capital to get married. Even if he is a traitor, do I dare to touch him?Tyrion thought.He wasn't entirely sure, especially now that the war was raging.Over time, he was able to replace Littlefinger's people with his own people in important positions, but now... A cry came from the square below, "Ha, your Majesty has killed a rabbit," Lord Baelish explained. "A dull rabbit, I suppose," said Tyrion. "My lord, you were raised at Riverrun when you were a boy, and I hear you were close to the Tullys." "Especially with girls, so to speak." "How close?" "I broke their virginity, is it close enough?" The lie—and Tyrion was sure it was a lie—was told so completely as if it wasn't the truth.Could it be Catelyn Stark who lied?Could the story about the virginity and the dagger be false too?The longer Tyrion lives, the more he realizes that nothing is simple, and that there is little truth to it. "Master Hoster's two daughters don't like me," he confessed. "They probably wouldn't listen to me if I had something to offer. But, if it comes from you, the same thing must be true." It’s just sweet in my heart.” "That depends. If you want to trade Sansa for your brother, you're wasting someone else's time. Joffrey won't let go of his toys, and Lady Catelyn isn't stupid enough to take regicide." Or I will only exchange a daughter with you." "I'm going to give Arya back to her too, and I've sent someone to look for it." "Seeking and finding are two different things." "My lord, I will keep your advice in mind. But what I really mean is that I hope you can go to impress Lady Lysa. For her, I offer much better terms." "Lysa is more obedient than Caitlin, that's right...but she's also timid, and I know she hates you." "She thinks she has a good reason. When I came to the Eyrie, she insisted that I was her husband's murderer, and she turned a deaf ear to my rebuttal." He leaned forward slightly. "You see, if I promised to kill Jon The real culprit of Ayrin is handed over to her, maybe she will change her view of me because of this?" These words made Littlefinger sit up straight, "You found the real culprit? I have to admit, you have aroused my curiosity. What are you going to do?" Now it was Tyrion's turn to smile, "Lysa Arryn must first know that I am always willing to give gifts to my friends." "Would you like her friendship, or her army?" "Both." Littlefinger twirled her neatly trimmed beard, "Lysa also has her own difficulties. The Gaoshan clan in the Mingyue Mountains are becoming more and more unscrupulous, and their numbers are gradually increasing...and their equipment is getting better and better." "It's a pain in the ass," said Tyrion Lannister, who provided the gear, "but I can help you with a word..." "What is the price of this sentence?" "I want Lady Lysa, mother and son, to make Joffrey king, to swear fealty, and—" "—Send troops to attack Stark and Tully?" Littlefinger shook his head, "Lannister, the loophole in your plan is: Lysa will never oppose Riverrun." "Of course I wouldn't ask of her. We have no shortage of enemies, and we could use her army against Lord Renly, or Lord Stannis—if he marches from Dragonstone. In return, I'll give her back a Do justice to Jon Arryn, and restore peace to the Vale, and I will even appoint her dreadful child Warden of the Eastlands, in his late father's place." I want to see him fly!The boy's voice echoed vaguely in his memory, "To ensure that I fulfill my promise, I will hand over my niece to her." Seeing genuine surprise in Petyr Baelish's gray-green eyes, he was rather pleased, "Myrcella?" "When she comes of age, she can marry young Lord Robert. Until then, she stays at the Eyrie as Lady Lysa's adopted daughter." "May I ask what the Queen Mother thinks about this?" Littlefinger laughed when he saw Tyrion shrugging his shoulders. "I also know, Lannister, you are a dangerous little fellow. Yes, I can talk to you in Lysa's ear." She sang like this," he showed that sly smile again, and his eyes narrowed, "if I want." Tyrion nodded, keeping his countenance. He knew Littlefinger would never hold his breath. "Okay," Petyr answered without shame after a while, "what do you plan to do for me?" "Harrenhal." It was fun to watch the changes in his face.Earl Petyr's father was the most humble of the kingdom's nobles, and his grandfather was just a hedge knight with no estate; the family business he inherited was just a rocky shore on the coast of the Five Fingers Peninsula where strong winds raged.However, Harrenhal is one of the most fertile and fertile territories in the Seven Kingdoms. It covers a vast area, the soil is rich, and the magnificent main city is impregnable. The city seemed so small that Petyr Baelish was the adopted son of the Tully family there, but when he coveted Duke Hoster's daughter without measure, he was thrown out immediately. Littlefinger took a moment to straighten his cloak, but Tyrion could see the gleam of hunger in those sly cat eyes.The other party took the bait, and he knew it in his heart. "Harrenhal is an ominous place," Lord Petyr said after a moment, pretending to be bored. "Then raze it to the ground and rebuild it according to your wishes. Don't worry about the funds. I plan to let you rule the Three Rivers Valley. These river nobles have proved how capricious they are. Let them swear allegiance to you." .” "Even the Tullys?" "If the Tully House still exists after we win." Littlefinger's expression resembled that of a boy who just took a bite out of a honeycomb. He wanted to beware of the bees, but the honey was too sweet. "Harrenhal and all its lands and taxes," he thought, "you'll put me among the most distinguished nobles in the kingdom. My lord, it's not that I don't know how to reciprocate, but—" Why are you doing this?" "During the crisis of the king's succession, you assisted the queen mother to protect the king and made great contributions." "Isn't it the same for Janos Slynt? Besides, he also recently got this Harrenhal—but once he was useless, he took the city back." Tyrion laughed. "You are bitter, my lord. What do you want me to say? I need you to persuade Lady Lysa, but I don't need Janos Slynt to command my army." He shrugged. Shrugged. "I'd rather let you take over Harrenhal than see Renly on the Iron Throne. Isn't that obvious?" "That's a good point. You know, in order for Lysa Arryn to agree to the marriage, I'll probably have to go to bed with her again." "I'm sure you'll be happy with your job." "I once said to Ned Stark: If you find out that you're sleeping with an ugly girl, the best thing to do is close your eyes and get on with it." Littlefinger crossed his fingers and looked at Tyrion's eyes. Eyes of different sizes, "Give me two weeks to finish the business at hand, and then arrange a boat to take me to Seagull Town." "no problem." The guest stood up, "Lannister, it seems that this morning was not only enjoyable, but also rewarding... I believe it is for you and me." He bowed and strode out, yellow cloak behind him fluttering. Tyrion thought: This is the second. He went upstairs to the bedroom and waited for Varys to arrive.He believed that the other party would appear sooner or later, probably in the evening, or even later, after the moon came out.He was going to see Shae tonight, and he didn't want to wait too long.So he was pleasantly surprised when, less than an hour later, Geter of the Rock Crows informed him of the visit of the powdered-faced fellow. "It's really heartless for you to cause the University Bureau to make it happen." The eunuch reprimanded pretendingly, "Remind you, this person can't keep secrets." "Why, the crow still thinks mynah is black? Don't you want to hear what I wrote in my letter to Doran Martell?" Varys chuckled, "Maybe my little bird told me already." "Oh? Really?" That's what he wanted to hear, "Tell me about it." "So far the Dorneans have not been at war, and Doran Martell has rallied the lords, but that's about it. His hatred of the Lannisters is well known, however, and it is likely to be expected that he will join the Lannisters. Lord Li. You plan to persuade him to give up this idea." "That's obvious," said Tyrion. "The only thing you need to think about is what you will give in exchange for his covenant. The prince is a very emotional person, and he is still mourning for his sister Ilya and her little baby." "My father once told me that a person in politics must never let personal feelings affect the way of politics... Right now, Mr. Genos is wearing black clothes, and there is such an important seat in the court that is vacant right now." "The seat of important ministers is indeed not to be underestimated," Varys admitted, "but is it enough to make a proud person forget the tragedy of his sister's tragic death?" "Why forget?" Tyrion smiled. "I promised to hand over his sister's murderer to live or die as he pleased. Not until after the war, of course." Varys gave him a shrewd look. "My little bird told me that when the dying Princess Elia was found... she cried... someone's name." "A secret that everyone knows, is that still a secret?" But in Casterly Rock, everyone knows that it was Gregor Clegane who killed Princess Elia's mother and child. It is widely rumored that he killed the infant prince first, His hands were covered with the blood and brains of the child, and he raped the princess. "The 'secret' you are talking about is your father's subordinate." "My father will be the first to tell you that fifty thousand Dornish soldiers is a good deal for a mad dog." Varys touched his powdered cheek, "But what if Prince Doran not only demands that the murderer be punished, but also the mastermind behind it?" "The leader of the rebels is Robert Baratheon, and all orders come from him, after all." "But Robert was not in King's Landing then." "Doran Martell, too?" "So, use blood to appease his self-esteem, use the position of important minister to satisfy his ambitions, needless to say, add gold, silver and land. This proposal is indeed tempting... However, no matter how tempting the dessert is, it will be It can be poisoned. If I were the prince, there would be a request before reaching out to take this honeycomb, and that would be a token to show sincerity, a token to ensure that you will not be betrayed." Varys showed a sly smile, "I'm curious, which one did you give him?" Tyrion sighed. "You already knew that, didn't you?" "Hey, now that you've said that—er, is it Tommen? After all, you can't give Myrcella to both Doran Martell and Lysa Arryn at the same time." "Remind me in the future, don't play this kind of guessing game with you, you will cheat at all." “托曼王子是个好孩子。” “如果我趁他年少时,将他自瑟曦和乔佛里的魔掌中带开,或许他长大以后还会是个好人。” “也是个好国王?” “乔佛里才是国王。” “倘若陛下有什么不测,托曼便将继承王位。托曼这孩子天生可爱,又是出了名的……听话啊。” “瓦里斯,你的想象力也未免太丰富了。” “大人,我就把您这话当恭维吧。总而言之,既然您对他如此礼遇,道朗亲王断无拒绝之理。我不得不说,您办得实在高明……除了一个小小的漏洞。” 侏儒大笑,“这个漏洞叫瑟曦?” “国家大事哪比得上母子亲情呢?或许,看在家族荣耀和王国和平的份上,太后会勉强同意把托曼与弥赛拉其中之一送走,但两个都要?绝无可能。” “只要别让瑟曦知道,她就无从妨碍啰。” “万一计划在成熟之前,就被陛下她发现呢?” “这个嘛,”他说,“我自然把告密者当死对头啰。”看着瓦里斯咯咯傻笑,他心里清楚:第三个也成了。
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