Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire II: A Clash of Kings

Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Arya

The river in the morning light is like a shiny blue-green ribbon.Reeds grew thick in the shallows along the shore, and Arya saw a water snake swim swiftly across the river, causing ripples behind it.Overhead, an eagle circled lazily. The place seemed peaceful... Unexpectedly, Kos caught a glimpse of a dead man. "There! Inside the reeds!" he pointed to Arya.It was the corpse of a soldier, twisted and swollen, his sodden green cloak hanging from a rotting log, and a school of small silver fish had gathered to eat his face. "I just said there are dead people!" Romy said, "Water doesn't taste right to drink."

When Yoren saw the body, he spat, "Dobber, see what he has on him. Hauberk, or a knife, or a few coppers. Take what you have." He kicked his spurs and rode into the river, but the horse It was hard to move in the soft mud, and the water was deeper behind the reeds, and Yoren turned back in a huff, brown mud all over his horse's knees. "You can't cross the river here. Kos, follow me upstream to see if there is a ferry. Voss, Glenn, you two go downstream. The others are waiting here, remember to send guards." Dobb found in the dead man's belt a leather bag containing four copper coins and a lock of blond hair tied with a red ribbon.Romy and Tabor took off their clothes and played in the water. Romy picked up the mud and threw it at Hot Pie, shouting, "Mud Pie! Mud Pie!" Rorge behind the carriage suddenly cursed and threatened , and even ordered them to set him free while Yoren was away, but he was ignored.Kurtz caught the fish with his bare hands, and Arya watched. He stood in the shallow pool, still as water, and when the fish came closer, his hand sprang out like a snake.It seems much easier than catching a cat, after all, fish don't have claws.

Those who went out did not return until noon.Worth reported that there was a covered wooden bridge half a mile downstream, but it was burned.Yoren plucked a leaf from the bundle of sourgrass. "Horses should be fine to carry us across the river, donkeys are also fine, but horse-drawn carts can't do it. There is thick smoke on both sides of the northwest, and the fire is probably burning again. I think it's safer to stay on this side of the river." He picked up a stick The long branch draws a circle on the dirt and then draws a line down. "This is God's Eye Lake. The river goes south. Here we are." He poked a hole next to the line under the circle for the river. "I was going to go around the lake from the west, but now I can't. Go east and you'll be back on King's Road." He moved the branch to where the circle meets the line. "In my impression, there is a small town near here. The manor is made of stone, the property of a small nobleman. Although it is only a tower, it is guarded anyway, and there may be a knight or two. Let's go north along the river. Before dark, we should It will be there. They must have a boat, and then we will sell all the valuables and hire one." He took the branch and drew from the bottom of the circle to the top of the circle. "If the gods are willing, we can cross God's Eye with the wind and head to Harrentown." He inserted the tip of the branch into the top of the circle. "We can buy new mounts there, or simply borrow Harrenhal. There It is the territory of the Countess of Hean, who has always been a friend of our night watchman."

Hot Pie opened his eyes wide, "Harrenhal is haunted..." Yoren spat, "Go to hell." He dropped the branch on the muddy floor. "Set off!" Arya thought of the story of Harrenhal that Old Nan had told her: the evil King Harren hid behind high walls, but Aegon unleashed his wyvern and set the castle in flames.Old Nan said many "fire spirits" still haunted the blackened towers, and sometimes people went to bed all right, only to be burnt corpses the next day.Arya didn't believe it had happened, and if it had, it was a long time ago.Hot Pie was so stupid, it wasn't ghosts that lived in Harrenhal now, but knights.Once there, Arya can reveal her true identity to the Countess of Hean, and then a knight will escort her home safely.This is what knights do: they take an oath to protect others, especially women.Maybe the Countess of Hean would take in the crying little girl.

The riverside path cannot be compared with the King's Road, but it is acceptable, because the carriage has finally gone smoothly.An hour before sunset, they saw the first house.It was a cozy little hut surrounded by wheat fields.Yoren moved forward to greet, but there was no answer. "Maybe he's dead, or he's hiding. Dobbs, Lei, come with me." The three went into the hut to search. "The pots and pans are gone, and there is no money," Yoren murmured when they came back. "Not a single animal is left. I think they probably ran away, and maybe they took photos with us on the Kingsroad." noodles." Fortunately, at least the houses and fields here have not been burned, and there are no dead bodies nearby.Tabor found a garden behind the house, and they pulled some onions and turnips, and another bag of kale, before continuing on the road.

After walking for a short distance, they first glimpsed a forester's hut surrounded by old trees, with firewood piled neatly outside the house, and then they saw a dilapidated tall house built with ten-foot-long poles on the river, both of which were empty. .Pieces of farmland were crossed by them, the sun was shining, and the barley, wheat, and corn in the fields were full of fruit, but no one was resting under the trees, and no one was reaping with a scythe.Finally, the town came into view: white houses scattered around the manor walls, a large church with a wooden tile roof, and the lord's tower on the western knoll...but the town was empty .

Yoren rode to observe, his beard and eyebrows furrowed. "It's not good," he said. "It can't be helped. Let's go in and take a look. Look carefully, and see if anyone is hiding. Maybe they left the boat behind. Or a weapon at our disposal." The man in black left ten people to guard the carriage and the crying little girl, and divided the rest into four groups of five to search the town separately. "Keep your eyes open, look carefully, and listen clearly." He warned repeatedly, before he rode to the tower alone to search for traces of the lord and guards.

Arya was with Gendry, Hot Pie, and Rommy, and there was squat, pot-bellied Voss, who had paddled a boat before, and was the most sailor-like of the lot, so Yoren had assigned him to take Then they went to the lake to find a boat.Riding past the silent white houses, Arya got goosebumps on her arms.Remembering the burnt manor where they had found the Weeping Girl and the One-armed Woman before, this deserted town also taught her to be afraid.Why do the residents here leave everything behind and flee from their homes?What was it that scared them away? The sun was setting, and the houses cast long black shadows.There was a sudden snap that made Arya reach for the needle, but it was just the wind blowing the shutters.Passing the formerly open river bank, the enclosed space of the town disturbed her.

So when Arya saw the lake ahead through the gap between the house and the woods, she galloped her horse past Worth and Gendry and up to the rocky meadows beside it.In the afterglow of the setting sun, the calm surface of the lake shone like a large sheet of copper foil.She has never seen such a big lake in her life, and she can't see the edge.There is a big hotel on the lake on the left, built on thick wooden piles.On the right there was a long pier jutting out into the lake, and further east there were other piers that looked like wooden fingers sticking out of the town.But as far as the eye can see, there is only an upside-down rowboat, abandoned on the reef under the hotel, with the bottom of the boat rotten. "They're all gone," Arya said dejectedly.What should I do now?

"There's an inn over there," Romy and others caught up. "Is there any food left in the inn? Or wine?" "Let's go and see!" Hot Pie suggested. "Stop trying to fool me!" Voss snapped. "Yoren sent us to find the ship." "The boats are all gone." Somehow, Arya knew that even if they dug the whole town three feet, they wouldn't be able to find another boat.Disappointed, she climbed off her horse and knelt down by the lake.The lake water patted his feet, and a few fireflies flew out, and small bright spots flickered in mid-air.Green lake water warm as tears, but not salty, tastes of earth and plants and summer.Arya dipped her face in the water, washing away the dust and sweat of the journey.When I raised my head, small water droplets slid down my neck and flowed into my clothes, feeling very comfortable.She wanted to take off all her clothes and swim in this warm water like a little pink otter.Maybe she could swim back to Winterfell just like that!

Worth called for her help in finding it, so she let the horses graze along the bank while she searched the boathouses and sheds herself.They found some sails, piles of nails, buckets of hard tar, and a she-cat with a new litter, but no boat. By the time Yoren and the others returned, the town was as dark as a forest at night. "There's no one in the tower," he said. "The lord is either going to fight, or fleeing to safety with his people, no one knows. There are no horses or pigs in the town, but we can Add some food, I saw a lost goose in the town, some chickens, and a lot of fish in God's Eye Lake." "The boats are all gone," Arya reported. "We can mend the bottom of the rowboat," Coss said. "That's only four people," Yoren said. "We've got nails," Romy pointed out, "and there's plenty of trees around here, so we can build our own boats." Yoren spat, "Dyebu boy, when did you learn how to build a boat?" Romy looked bewildered. "We could make a big raft," Gendry suggested. "It's not hard to make a raft, and we'll paddle across the lake with long poles." Yoren thought for a while, "The lake is too deep to last, but if you walk along the shallow waters along the shore...the carriage will have to stay. Maybe that's fine, I'll think about it when I go to sleep at night." "Can I stay in a hotel at night?" Romy asked. "Let's live in Zhuangzi, and lock the gate." The old man said, "There are stone walls around the outside, so you can sleep more peacefully." Arya couldn't help it, "We shouldn't be here!" She blurted out, "There are no villagers left here, they all ran away, even their masters ran away!" "I'm afraid, Ali!" Romy declared with a wry smile. "I'm not afraid!" she retorted, "but the people here are scared!" "Wise boy," Yoren said, "yes, there's a war going on here, and they have no choice. We're different. The Night's Watch never gets involved in any quarrels, so no one will think of us as enemies." But no one sees us as friends, she thought, but kept silent this time.Romy and the others were staring at her, and she didn't want to come across as a coward. The gate of the manor is studded with iron nails, and inside there are two iron bolts as thick as small trees. There are holes for the bolts on the ground, and there are metal brackets on the door.After the bolt is passed through the bracket, it becomes an oblique cross.After they thoroughly searched the inside of the manor, Yoren announced to everyone: Although this is not the Red Keep, it is better than most of the country's mounds, and it should be no problem to sleep for a night.The walls were of rough unpainted stone, about ten feet high, with wooden walkways in the crenelated.There is a side door on the north side of the manor.In addition, Glenn also found a winding narrow and damp passage in the old wooden barn, buried under the straw pile.He entered the ground along the passage, climbed for a long time, and finally walked out from the lake.Yoren told them to pull a wagon over the secret door so no one could get in through it.He divided everyone into three shifts to watch the night, and he also sent Tabor, Kurz, and Kejak to the deserted tower to guard from a height.Kurtz brought a hunting horn, which he could blow when he was in danger. They brought in the wagons and cattle, and shut the gates.The barn looked ramshackle, but inside it was large enough to house most of the town's livestock.The shelter for the villagers in times of crisis is even bigger, a low, narrow stone building with a thatched roof.Kos went out by the side door and brought back the goose and two chickens, and Yoren allowed them to light a fire and cook.There is a big kitchen in the village, but unfortunately all the pots and pans were taken away.Gendry, Dobber, and Arya were drawn to cook.Dobber told Arya to pluck feathers and Gendry to chop wood. "Why don't you let me chop wood?" she asked, but she was ignored.So she plucked the chicken angrily, while Yoren sat on the bench opposite, sharpening his short knife with a whetstone. When dinner was cooked, Arya ate a chicken leg and a bit of onion.Everyone didn't talk much, even Romy was no exception.After the meal, Gendry stepped aside alone to wipe his helmet, a look of ecstasy on his face.The little girl was still crying, but when Hot Pie fed her the goose, she gulped it down and asked for it with wide eyes. Arya was on the second watch, so she found a straw mat in the shelter first.She couldn't sleep, though, so she borrowed a whetstone from Yoren and sharpened her sewing needles.Syrio Forel once said: A dull sword is like a lame horse.Hot Pie crouched on the straw mat beside her and watched her sharpen her sword. "Where did you get such a good sword?" He asked, seeing her eyes, he quickly raised his hand defensively, "I didn't say you stole, I just want to know where you got it , that's all." "My brother gave it to me," she whispered. "I didn't know you had a brother." Arya stopped working to scratch under her shirt.There were fleas in the straw, but she didn't care anymore. "There are a lot of boys in our family." "Really? Are they older or younger than you?" I really shouldn't talk, didn't Yoren tell me to keep my mouth shut? "They're all older than me," she lied. "They have a lot of big swords, and they taught me how to kill people who trouble me." "I'm just asking, I don't want to make trouble," said Hot Pie and left.Arya was curled up on the straw mattress alone, and she could hear the little girl crying at the far end of the shelter.It would be great if she would just calm down. Why is she always crying? She must have fallen asleep, though she didn't remember closing her eyes at all.In the dream, she heard a wolf howling, the tone of which was horrific, which woke her up immediately.Arya sat up on the straw mattress, her heart beating wildly. "Hot Pie, wake up!" She staggered to her feet. "Worth! Gendry! Don't you hear?" She pulled on a boot. The adults and children around her took action and got up from the mattress. "What's wrong?" Hot Pie asked. "Hear what?" Gendry wondered. "Ally is having a nightmare!" said another. "No, I did hear it!" she insisted. "A wolf is howling!" "Ali is full of wolves," Romy sneered at her. "Let them call," Gendry said. "They're out there, we're in," Voss agreed. "Never heard of wolves attacking the manor," said Hot Pie, "and I haven't heard any." "It's the wolf!" she yelled at them, pulling on the other boot. "Something must have happened! Something is coming! Get up!" Before everyone had time to laugh at her, the voice came through the night and came loudly—it was not the howling of wolves, but Kurtz's hunting horn, signaling the approaching danger.In a blink of an eye, everyone was busy getting dressed and grabbing various weapons.The horn blew again, and Arya ran for the gate, her fangs snapping at the chains as she galloped across the barn, and Jaqen H'ghar yelled from behind the wagon, "Boy! Boy! There's war! , Bleeding? Boy, let us go, someone can fight! Boy!" She ignored him and continued to run forward. At this time, she had heard horseshoes and shouts outside the wall. She staggered up the crenelated walk, but the parapet was high and Arya was short, and she stepped on the hollow in the wall to barely see over it.For a moment, she thought that the town was full of fireflies, and then she realized that it was a large group of people, holding torches, running back and forth between the houses.She saw a thatched roof ablaze, orange flames licking the night.Another place caught fire, one after another, and soon the surrounding area became a sea of ​​flames. Gendry climbed up and stood beside her, his helmet already on. "How many people are here?" Arya tried to count, but they moved so fast that the torches swirled in the night sky. "One hundred," she said, "or two hundred, I don't know!" She could hear the shouts through the crackling of the raging fire. "They'll be here in a minute!" "Look!" Gendry pointed. A troop of cavalry came through the burning buildings towards the manor.The firelight illuminated the metal helmets, staining their armor orange.One of them raised a long gun with a flag fluttering from the tip.She thought the flag was red, but she couldn't tell at night, with fires everywhere, and everything looked red or black or orange. The fire continued to spread, and Arya saw a tree engulfed in flames, tongues of flames weaving through the branches, and the tree seemed to be dressed in flowing orange robes, in stark contrast to the night.At this time, everyone woke up, either came up to help defend the city wall, or was busy appeasing the frightened animals below.She heard Yoren shout orders.Something bumped into her leg, she looked down, and saw that crying little girl hugging her thigh tightly. "Go away!" She pulled her foot away. "What are you doing here? Find a place to hide! Stupid!" She pushed the girl away. The cavalry reined in outside the door, "People in the village, listen up!" A knight wearing a tall spiked helmet said loudly, "In the name of the king, open the door immediately!" "Hey, which king?" Old Leisen yelled back, and he was immediately shut up by Voss' slap. Yoren climbed the battlements beside the gate and tied his faded black cloak to a stick. "Listen to me below," he cried, "the town is gone!" "Then who are you old man? Are you a coward of Lord Berry's men?" said the knight in the spiked helmet. "Is that stupid fat man Thoros in there? Ask him if he likes these fires!" "I don't have them here!" Yoren yelled back. "Only a few boys confiscated by the Night's Watch. We have nothing to do with your fight!" He held up his stick so that the man could see the color of the cloak. "Look, it's the night watchman's black coat!" "It's Dondarrion's black, I see!" cried the man with the banner.In the light of the town's fire, Arya could see the emblem on his banner: a golden lion on a red background. "Lord Beric's family crest is purple lightning on a black background!" Arya suddenly remembered the morning she'd thrown blood oranges in Sansa's face, staining her stupid ivory silk dress with juice.There was a southern nobleman at the previous tourney, his sister's stupid friend Jenny was so fascinated by him, he had a lightning symbol on his shield, and his father sent him to bring back the head of the dog brother.This all seems to have happened thousands of years ago, as if it happened to another person, in another time and space... It happened to Arya Stark, the daughter of the Prime Minister, not Arlie, the orphan.How could Ali know these court anecdotes? "I said are you blind?" Yoren waved his staff and shook his cloak. "Where's the goddamn lightning on this?" "It is night, and all banners look black," said the Spiked Helmed Knight. "Open the door, or you are bandits in the company of traitors!" Yoren spat: "Who is your leader?" "It's me." They moved out of the way, the light of the burning house flickering darkly on the armor of his steed.He was a squat man with a manticore on his shield and ornate scrollwork on his steel breastplate.His mask opened, revealing a pale pig face inside. "I am Ser Amory Lodge, vassal to Lord Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Hand of the King. We serve the true King, Your Grace Joffrey." His voice was high and thin, " In the name of the king, I command you to open the door at once!" Looking around, the whole town has been engulfed in flames.The night sky was filled with thick smoke, and the dancing flames covered the stars in the sky.Yoren frowned and said: "I don't think it's necessary. What you want to do to this town is none of my business, but let us go. We are not your enemy." Look with your eyes, Arya really wants to yell at those down there. "Can't they see that we are neither nobles nor knights?" she whispered. "Arry, I don't think they care at all," Gendry whispered. So she looked at Ser Amory's face, and did what Syrio had taught her.He was right. "Since you are not traitors, open the door," cried Ser Amory. "We only need to make sure you are honest and go away at once." Yoren chewed sour grass. "I told you, there's no one here but us, I promise you." The knight in the spiked helmet laughed, "Can the crow be trusted?" "Old man, have you lost your way?" A spearman laughed at him, "The Great Wall is in the north, it's a long way from here!" "I command you once more, in the name of King Joffrey, to open the door at once, as a token of loyalty!" cried Ser Amory. Yoren thought for a long time, chewing.Finally he spat, "No." "Hmph, since you disobeyed the emperor's order, you are admitting to rebelling against the party. It doesn't matter if you wear black or not." "Leave these children alone!" Yoren yelled. "Both the boy and the old man must die." Ser Amory lazily clenched his fist and raised his hand, and immediately a spear shot out from the flames and shadows behind him.It must have been Yoren who was aiming at, but it was Worth who was beside him who was shot.The spearhead penetrated the throat, and blood burst out from the back of the neck.Worth grabbed hold of the gun and fell back limply, down the aisle. "Take the walls and kill them all," Ser Amory said in a bored tone.More spears came, and Arya grabbed Hot Pie by the back of his coat and pulled him down.From outside the wall came the sound of armor clashing, swords being unsheathed, guns and shields clashing, mixed with cursing and galloping horses.A torch flew high above the heads of the crowd and hit the muddy ground of the courtyard heavily, causing the flames to spread immediately. "Take arms!" Yoren yelled. "Stand apart! Hold the walls! Koth, Urig, guard the side gates. Romy, draw the guns from Voss and take his place!" " Hot Pie tried to draw his short sword, but dropped it on the ground.Arya picked it up and stuffed it into his hands. "I don't know how to use a sword," he said, his eyes fixed. "It's easy!" Arya caught in her throat, as she saw a hand climb up the parapet.She saw that hand in the light of the burning fire in the town, and it was so clear that time seemed to stop flowing at that moment.The fingers were thick and callused, with thick black hair growing between the knuckles, and there was mud under the thumbnail.Fear hurts more than a sword, she murmured in her heart.A round helmet appears behind the hand. She slashed down hard, and Needle's steel blade, made by the castle blacksmith, caught between the knuckles of the opponent's climbing knuckles. "Long live Winterfell!" she screamed.Blood splatters, fingers part, faces come and go as they emerge. "Back!" Hot Pie yelled.Arya whirled away at once to see another bearded man without a helm, with a dagger between his teeth, climbing with both hands.No sooner had his legs cleared the parapet than Arya poked him in the eye with her sword.The needle missed him, and he dodged back, falling off the wall.I hope he will eat shit like a dog and bite off his tongue. "Look at them, not me!" she yelled at Hot Pie.Then another man tried to climb their section of the wall, and the boy slashed at his hand with the dagger until the man let go and fell. Ser Amory had no ladder, but the walls of the manor house were of rough stone and easy to climb.The enemies seem to be endless.For every man Arya felled, stabbed, and pushed down, another climbed up the wall.The knight in the spiked helm climbed up to the fortifications, too, but Yoren wrapped a black banner around the spikes on his helm, and while the man was tugging on his cloak, he pierced his armor with a sharp blow.Every time Arya looked up, she saw more torches flying into the manor, leaving trails of flame in her eyes.She saw the golden lion on the red banner, and she thought of Joffrey, and wished he was there, so that she could stab his sneering face with a sword of Needle.Four soldiers hacked at the door with axes, but Kos shot them dead one by one.Dobb and another person tumbled and fell in the walkway.Before the man could stand up, Romy smashed his head with a stone. He screamed a few times, but found that Dobbs had a knife stuck in his stomach, and then he realized that Dobbs couldn't get up either.Arya jumped over the body of a severed hand, a boy about Jon's age.She believed it wasn't her doing, but wasn't sure.She heard Quill begging for mercy from a knight with a wasp on his shield, only to have his face smashed to pieces with a mace.The smell of blood, smoke, iron, and urine was everywhere, and over time it became the same smell.She didn't know how the thin man in front of her got up, but she, Gendry, and Hot Pie jumped on it immediately.Gendry hacked off his helm, but the sword snapped.The visitor had a bald head, a few missing teeth, and a gray beard, and looked frightened.Although she felt sorry for him, she did it anyway, shouting, "Long live Winterfell! Long live Winterfell!" Hot Pie shouted "Hot Pie!" beside her, and chopped his thin neck . When the Slim Man died, Gendry took his sword and flew into the courtyard to continue the fight.Arya looked around and saw many Iron Shadows running through the village, and the light of fire shone on armor and swords.She knew someone must have climbed the wall, or the little gate had been breached.She jumped down beside Gendry, landing the way Syrio had taught her.The sound of swords and the wailing of the wounded resounded through the night sky, and Arya froze in place for a moment, not knowing where to go.Everywhere is death. Suddenly Yoren appeared and he shook her and yelled at her, "Boy!" he yelled in his usual way, "You go! There's no saving here, we're lost! How many children can you two save? Count how many, take them out quickly! Go!" "How to get out?" Arya asked. "Take the secret door," he cried, "under the barn!" As soon as the voice fell, he immediately went into battle with his sword.Arya grabbed Gendry's arm. "He's telling us to go!" she yelled. "Get out of the barn!" Big Bull's eyes were blazing in the slit of his helmet.He nodded, and the two of them called Hot Pie off the wall, before finding Lomy the Green Hand, lying on the ground, bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound in his calf.They also found Glenn, but he was too injured to move.As they ran toward the barn, Arya inadvertently caught a glimpse of the little girl crying sitting in a mess, surrounded by smoke and killing.She grabbed the girl's hand and pulled it up, while the others continued to run forward.The girl would not go forward, and it was useless to beat her, so Arya dragged her with her right hand, while holding her needle in her left.The night ahead was dark red, and the barn was on fire, she thought.She could hear the howling of the animals trapped in the fire that was spreading from a torch that had fallen on the straw.Hot Pie ran out of the barn, "Hurry up, Ali! Romy's gone! Leave her alone if she doesn't come!" After hearing this, Arya became more stubborn and dragged the crying little girl up harder.Hot Pie left them both and turned and scurried in... but Gendry turned to save them.Firelight gleamed on his polished helm, and the horns seemed to glow orange.He ran over, picked up the girl, and carried it on his shoulders. "Run!" Rushing into the barn was like going into a furnace.There was thick smoke all around, and the far wall was a sea of ​​flames from floor to roof.Their donkeys and horses were braying and kicking wildly.They are so poor, Arya thought.Then she saw the carriage and the three men handcuffed to it.Fang desperately tried to break free from the chain, bleeding profusely from the place where his wrists were handcuffed.Rorger was yelling and cursing endlessly, kicking the board. "Boy!" Jaqen H'ghar yelled, "Boy!" The open secret door was close at hand, but the fire spread extremely fast, eating dead wood and dry grass with incredible speed.Arya thought of the horror of the Hound's burnt face. "The passage is narrow," Gendry called. "How do we get her out?" "Take her," said Arya, "push her!" "Good boy, kind boy," Jaqen H'ghar coughed. "Get the fucking chain off!" Rorge yelled. Gendry ignored them, "You go first, then her, and I will be in the rear. Quick! The passage is very long!" "You were chopping wood," Arya remembered. "Where did you put the axe?" "It's just outside the shelter." He glanced at the three condemned prisoners. "If it were me, I'd rather save the donkey first. There's no time." "You take her!" she shouted, "You take her! I leave it to you!" With that she fled from the burning barn.Lie Yan waved its red-hot wings, beating and driving her away.In comparison, the outside of the warehouse is really cool, but there are dead people in all directions.She saw Koth drop his sword and surrender, but was killed on the spot.She couldn't find Yoren in the thick smoke, but the ax was there, as Gendry said, by the woodpile outside the safehouse.As soon as she pulled out the axe, she was caught by an iron hand.Arya whirled around, and with one powerful swing, struck the man between the legs.She didn't see the other person's face, only the dark red blood gurgling out from between his mail armor.Going back to the barn was the most difficult thing she had ever done in her life. The thick smoke was like a writhing black snake, and sprang out of the open door. She could hear the howling of the poor animals in the barn, donkeys braying, horses neighing, people's screams.She gritted her teeth and rushed in, keeping her body low because the smoke underneath was not as thick. A donkey was trapped in the fire, howling in terror and pain, and she could smell the stench of burnt hair.The roof was also on fire, and the burning planks and dry grass were falling apart and falling.Arya put her hands to her mouth and nose, and although she couldn't see the carriage because of the smoke, she could hear Fangs screaming, and she crawled towards the source of the sound. Soon, the big wheels appeared in front of them.Fang Fang pulled the iron chain desperately, and the entire carriage jumped up and moved half a foot.Jaqen found her, but it was too hot to breathe, let alone speak.She threw the ax into the car and Rorge caught it and held it high above his head, sweat black with soot streaming down his noseless face like a stream.Arya coughed as she ran, and she heard the sound of an ax cutting through the wood, one after another, and a moment later there was a loud crash, splinters of wood flying, and the bottom of the wagon cracking open. Arya somersaulted, rolled into the passage, and fell five feet to the ground.There was dirt in her mouth, but she didn't care a bit, it tasted good, the smell of dirt and water and bugs and life.The air underground is cool and gloomy, and on the ground there are only bloody killings, red flames, choking black smoke, and the screams of dying humans and animals.She moved the belt so that the needles were out of the way, and began to crawl.After climbing down about ten feet, there was a loud noise from behind, like the roar of a huge monster, and then a cloud of hot air and black smoke rushed from behind, and the smell was like hell.Arya held her breath, kissed the real dirt, and cried bitterly.For whom, she herself did not know.
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