Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire II: A Clash of Kings
A Song of Ice and Fire II: A Clash of Kings

A Song of Ice and Fire II: A Clash of Kings


  • science fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 560077

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Chapter 1 Prologue to Chapter 1

The comet's tail streaked across the morning like a wound in the purple sky, weeping blood over the cliffs of Dragonstone. The old bachelor stood alone on the balcony where the wind was howling outside his bedroom.It is here that the ravens rest after a long journey.Two twelve-foot-tall stone statues stand on either side, a Cerberus on one side and a Longpterosaur on the other, strewn with crow droppings.Thousands of such gargoyles crouched on the high walls of Valyria's ancient city.When he first arrived on Dragonstone Island, he was embarrassed by the hideous stone statues all over the city.As time went by, he got used to it day by day, and now he regards them as old friends, and the three of them stand side by side, staring at the sky uneasily.

The old scholar never believed in omens. Even so, at this age, Cressen had never seen such a bright comet, let alone such a frightening color of blood, flames and sunset.He wondered if his gargoyle friends could have seen it, since they had dwelt here long before his arrival and would remain after his death.If only the statue could talk... It's ridiculous.He leaned against the battlements, his fingers rubbing against the rough black stone surface, as the waves crashed against the shore below.Talking gargoyles?Omen of Skyrim?I am old and useless. Is this old age?Could it be that the wisdom earned through a lifetime of hard work just disappeared with youth?Thinking of his training in Oldtown Academy, the chains around his neck, his bachelor's career, now he is full of superstition and looks like a farmer.

But...but... the comet is now clearly visible even in the daytime, and the pale gray steam keeps rising from the geothermal vent of Longshan behind the castle. Just yesterday morning, a white crow brought him from Old Town. , but always dreaded message: summer is coming to an end.The ominous omens are rising, and denying it any longer is just self-deception.But what does all this portend?He was on the verge of weeping... "Master Cressen, someone is visiting." Palos said softly, as if he didn't want to disturb Cressen's meditation.Had he known the foolish thoughts in the old maester's mind at this moment, he would have shouted. "The princess wants to see the white crow." Since her father has become king, Pylos, who always pays attention to etiquette, changed his name to her as a princess.Even though his father's territory is just an isolated island in the vast ocean, he is a king after all. "And her jester came along."

The old scholar turned around, turned his back on Xiao Se, and supported the pterosaur stone statue with one hand. "Help me sit down and invite them in." Pylos took his hand and led him into the study.Cressen used to walk lightly when he was young, but now that he is nearly eighty years old, his feet are already weak and unstable.He broke a hip bone two years ago and hasn't fully recovered since.His health continued to deteriorate last year, so the Academy of Oldtown sent Pylos to him just a few days before Stannis ordered the blockade of Dragonstone... nominally to help him with his daily affairs, but Cressen knew very well What this means: When he dies, Pylos will take his place.He didn't mind this, someone had to take over his stick, but he didn't expect it to be so soon...

He made the young man settle himself at a desk, which was piled with books and papers. "Bring her in, don't make the princess wait too long." He waved his hand weakly, urging his apprentice to act quickly, he himself was already a person who was powerless to rush.His hands were wrinkled and spotted, and under the dry, paper-thin skin, dense blood vessels and dry bones could be seen.These hands are trembling like this now, how dexterous and steady they used to be... The little girl came in with Pylos, shy as ever.Behind her, shuffling and hopping, grotesquely running amok, is her jester.He wore a toy helmet made of an old tin bucket, with two antlers strapped to the top, and a cowbell hanging from it, which made different sounds as he staggered: clang, bump, bell, clang. clang.

"Pylos, who came to visit us early in the morning?" Cressen asked. "Master, it's me and A-Ding." She blinked at him with her innocent blue eyes, but it was a pity that her face was not pretty.Not only did the child have her father's prominent square jaw, but she had the misfortune to inherit her mother's ears.In addition, she was infected with greyscale when she was young and nearly died. Although she survived, she was left with a terrible deformity: half of the cheeks to the lower part of the neck, the skin was all stiff and necrotic, and the surface was dry and cracked, peeling off in layers , mixed with black and gray spots, it feels like a hard stone to the touch. "Pylos said he could show us the crow."

"Of course." Cressen replied.How could he have the heart to reject her?Hadn't she lost enough?Her name was Shireen, she was nearly ten, and she was the saddest child Maester Cressen had ever seen.Her mourning is my disgrace, thought the old maester, another eternal imprint of my failure. "Master Pellos, please bring the bird from the nest and show it to Princess Shireen." "It's my honor." Pylos was a humble and polite young man, only twenty-five years old, but as serious as a sixty-year-old man.If only he had a little more sense of humor, a little more energy, which is missing here.Gloomy places need pleasure, not solemnity.Dragonstone Island is a lonely fortress in the sea. The terrain is a wet and cold wasteland, surrounded by stormy winds and bad water all the year round, and there are volcanic smoke shadows behind it, so it is naturally gloomy.But the maester had to go resolutely as his duties dictated, so Cressen had come to Dragonstone twelve years ago with the duke to serve him and do his duty faithfully.However, he never really loved Dragonstone, and never found a sense of belonging.Recently, the red-robed woman often appeared in the dream like a demon, which made him wake up suddenly, but he didn't know where he was.

The Fool turned his mottled, mottled head to watch Pylos climb the tall iron ladder to the crow's nest, and the bell on his helm rang. "Under the sea, the birds have scales but no feathers," he said, clattering, "I know, I know, oh oh oh." Even by Jester's standards, Patchface is a failure.A long, long time ago, maybe he could easily attract laughter, but the sea took away his ability, and at the same time took away most of his sanity and all his memories.His body was fat and limp, and sometimes he twitched and trembled inexplicably, and sometimes he couldn't even speak clearly.This little girl is the only one who still makes fun of him, and probably only she cares about his life or death.

An ugly little girl and her pathetic jester, plus me, an exhausted old scholar... Anyone who hears the story of the three of us will shed tears of sympathy. "Child, come and sit with me." Cressen beckoned her to approach, "It's just dawn, you should be sleeping soundly in the bed, why did you come to find me?" "I just had a nightmare," Shireen told him. "I dreamed that the dragon was going to eat me." Maester Cressen remembered that the little girl had been haunted by nightmares for years. "Didn't I tell you?" he said softly, "the dragon is dead and can never be raised again. They are stone carvings, my boy. Long, long ago, our island was the mighty Valyrian Freedom The westernmost outpost of the city-state. It was the Valyrians who built the castle, though their great art is lost. To defend against foreign invaders, they built towers at every intersection of the walls of their fortress. The Valyrians deliberately These towers were carved in the shape of dragons to make the castle look even more terrifying. That is why they have replaced ordinary battlements with hundreds of hideous stone statues." He held out his mottled and thin hand , lightly shook her pink hand. "So, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Shireen was unmoved. "What was that thing flying that day? The last time Della and Matrices were talking at the well, Della said she heard the woman in the red dress tell her mother that it was 'dragon's breath'. If dragons can breathe, then Don't they just come alive?" This damn red-robed woman, Maester Cressen thought bitterly, isn't it enough to slander her mother all day long, and now she refuses to let go of her little daughter's lucid dream?He must give Della a good lesson and warn her not to speak alarmistly again. "My dear boy, the thing in the sky is called a comet. It is a star with a tail. It is lost in the sky, and it will disappear soon. We will never see it again in our lifetime. Just wait and see."

Shireen nodded her head bravely, "Mom said the white crow means that summer is coming to an end." "My dear lady, it is true. White crows will only come from the school city in Old Town." Cressen's fingers caressed the chains around his neck. The chains are made of different metals connected in series, representing the knowledge he obtained in different fields. Achievement.The maester's choker, the hallmark of the Citadel, the symbol of his organization, which he had worn proudly and proudly so many years ago, was growing heavy, cold metal against his skin. "They are taller and much smarter than their counterparts. They were born with training and are responsible for transmitting the most important information. The news brought by the white crow said that the "Cardinal Council" has been held in the Academy City. According to the astronomical observations made by scholars from all over the kingdom and report, proclaiming the end of the long summer, which lasted ten years, two months and sixteen days, the longest in living memory." "Will it get cold?" Shireen grew up in summer, so she naturally doesn't know what cold is. "Sooner or later," Cressen replied, "if the gods are merciful, maybe they will give us a warm autumn and a rich harvest, so that we can prepare for the coming winter." The winters to come would be longer, but the old maester saw no need to frighten the girls. Patchface rang the bell. "It's summer every day under the sea!" he intoned. "Seaweed in the mermaid's hair, dresses made of silver seaweed, I know, I know, oh oh oh!" Shireen giggled, "I want a silver seagrass gown, too." "The snow is falling on the bottom of the sea," continued the Fool, "and the rain is dry as dry bones. I know, I know, oh oh oh!" "Will it really snow?" the girl asked. "Yes." Cressen replied.Though I hope the snow doesn't start for many years, and it doesn't last too long. "Look, didn't Pylos bring the bird now?" Shireen cried out in delight, and even Cressen admitted that the bird was indeed a rare sight.Its feathers are as white as snow, its body is bigger than a sparrow eagle, and its bright black eyes prove that it is not a white crow, but a real white crow with pure blood. "Come here." He called out, and the white crow fluttered its wings and flew into the air. The wings flapped and flew across the room, and stopped on the desk beside him. "I'll help you prepare breakfast." Palos said, and Cressen nodded. "This is Princess Shireen," he told the raven, and the bird's white head bobbed up and down as if bowing. "Princess!" it hissed, "Princess!" The girl opened her mouth wide. "It can talk!" "A few words, didn't I tell you? These birds are very smart." "Clever bird, wise man, wise fool jester," said Patchface, jingling, "oh, wise wise clever fool jester!" he sang, "Shadows come to dance, my lord, Dance my lord, dance my lord!" he sang, standing on one foot and then the other. "Shadows come to live, my lord, live my lord, live my lord!" Every time he sang, he turned his head, and the bells on the antlers kept ringing. The white crow screamed sharply, flapped its wings and flew away, and stopped on the iron railing of the stairs leading to the crow's nest.Shireen seemed to be growing smaller and smaller. "He sings this all the time. I tell him to stop, but he won't. I'm so scared. Tell him to stop." How do you want me to tell him not to sing?The old man thought to himself, once, I had a chance to stop him from singing, but... Back then, because Prince Rhaegar had no sisters to marry, the old King Aerys II Targaryen—he was not as crazy as he was later—sent Duke Stephen across the sea to find a candidate for a prince and concubine.Duke Stephen, who is still missed today, found Patchface, who was still young at that time, in Volantis on the other side of the Narrow Sea. "This is the best jester I have ever seen," he wrote to Cressen, just a fortnight before his futile departure, "he is as nimble as a monkey for his age; his A witty mind, equal to those of courtiers at court; he can not only juggle, riddle, and conjuring, but sing in four languages. We have bought him his freedom, and intend to bring him back with us. Robert Will love him, and maybe Stannis will learn to laugh from him in time." Thinking of that letter, Cressen couldn't help feeling sad.Stannis had never learned to smile after all, and the boy Patchface had never had the chance to teach him.A sudden storm proved that "Shipbreak Bay" really deserves its name. When the Duke's brig "Pride" came within sight of the castle, his son stood on the wall and watched his father's ship crash. On the reef, and then swallowed by the sea.More than a hundred oarsmen and crew members died under the sea together with Duke Stephen Baratheon and his wife.For a long time after the shipwreck, every time the tide came in, it left swollen bodies on the beach below Storm's End. The boy washed ashore on the third day.At that time, Maester Cressen had come to the shore with others to help identify the dead.When they found the Fool he was naked, his fair skin wrinkled with water and covered with wet sand.Cressen thought it was another corpse, but when Jomi grabbed him by the ankles and was about to drag him into the wagon, the boy sat up and coughed out the water.Until his deathbed, Jomi still insisted that the skin on Patchface was sticky and cold. How the Fool managed to survive the two days lost in the sea no one can explain.Fishermen by the sea are always fond of saying that a mermaid taught him how to breathe in the water in exchange for his seed.Patchface himself didn't say anything.The child they found under Storm's End was completely changed, physically and mentally broken, and even the ability to speak had almost disappeared, let alone the cleverness that Duke Stephen's letter said.However, seeing the jester's face, there was no doubting the boy's identity, because the Free Cities of Volantis were used to tattooing the faces of slaves and servants, and he had red and green plaids all over his scalp and neck. "I think the poor fellow is crazy. If he goes on like this, he will not only suffer for himself, but will do no good to others." said old Sir Harbert, the castellan of Storm's End at that time. "The most merciful thing you can do, Just give him a glass of milk of the poppy, let him sleep without pain, and that's it. If he has any brains, he will be grateful to you." But Cressen was firmly opposed, and in the end his opinion prevailed.As for whether Patchface got any joy from this victory, he dare not say, even after many years, he still doesn't know. "Shadows come and dance, my lord, come and dance my lord, come and dance my lord, come and dance my lord!" the Fool went on singing, shaking his head as the bell jingled.Bang!Jingle bells!Bang! "My lord!" White Crow yelled sharply, "My lord! My lord! My lord!" "Let him sing it," the maester said to the terrified princess, "don't take it to heart. Maybe he will think of another song tomorrow, and you will never hear this one again." Didn't Lord Stephen write ?He can sing in four languages... Palos walked in, "Master, please forgive me for disturbing you." "You forgot my oatmeal." Cressen was very surprised.It's not like Pylos. "Sir Davos was back last night, master. There was talk of it in the kitchen, and I wanted to let you know at once." "Davos... Did you say last night? Where is he now?" "With His Majesty, they discussed plans all night long." In the old days, whenever it was urgent, Lord Stannis would wake him up and ask him to sit in and give his advice. "Why didn't you tell me?" Cressen complained. "Should have woken me up." He took his fingers from Shireen's palm. "Your Highness, I beg your pardon, but I want to talk to your father. Pylos, please help me, there are too many stairs in the castle. I always feel that they add two more steps every night, as if Just to get me in trouble." Shireen and Patchface followed the two out of the room, but the girl soon became impatient with the old man's slow walk, and ran to the front quickly, while the jester limped behind, with the cowbell ringing like crazy above her head endless. Cressen climbed the steps to the winding staircase of the Dragon Tower, feeling that the castle was extremely unfriendly to the weak.Lord Stannis should be in the drawing table hall on the "Drum Tower" at this moment.The Drum Tower is the main castle of Dragonstone Island. When a storm comes, the interior of its ancient walls will rumble and echo, hence the name.To get there, they had to go through corridors, cross the middle and inner city walls through the black iron gates with guardian gargoyles, and then climb up the stairs that Cressen didn't want to count.Young people can take two steps at a time, but for an old man with a broken hip, every step is torture.But the Duke of Stannis would not lose his respect, and the old maester had to endure all these hardships. After all, he was very grateful to have Pylos by his side. They walked slowly along the promenade and passed a row of tall arched windows, from which they could have a panoramic view of the outer courtyard, the outer city wall and the fishing village on the other side.In the courtyard, the archers were shooting at the archery target following the command of "Nock the arrow! Draw the bow! Release!" The sound of the arrows whizzed like a flock of birds spreading their wings.The guards patrolled the passages of the city wall with strides, peeking out at the army stationed by the city through the gaps between the gargoyles.Smoke billowed from the campfire, and the morning sky was misty, and three thousand warriors sat down to breakfast under their master's banner.Across the sprawling barracks is the ship-crowded port, and for the past six months any ship that has come within sight of Dragonstone has been detained.Lord Stannis's flagship, the Rage, was a three-decker galley with three hundred oars, but she seemed dwarfed by the many potbellied merchantmen and freighters around her. The guards outside the Stone Drum Tower recognized the two maesters at a glance and waved them over. "You wait here," Cressen said to Pylos after entering, "I'd better go to him myself." "Master, there is still a long way to go." Cressen smiled slightly, "Is it possible that I don't know? I don't know how many times I have climbed these stairs, and I can call them all by name." But halfway through, he regretted his decision.He stopped, took a breath, and eased the pain in his hip a little.Then he heard boots on stones, and it was Ser Davos Seaworth coming down the stairs to meet him. Davos was a thin, plain-looking man whose humble origins were evident.A green cloak that has been eroded by seawater and salt is hanging from his shoulders, and the color has long been faded due to long-term sun exposure.Under the cloak is a brown coat and trousers that match his brown eyes and brown hair, and there is a small worn leather bag on a belt around his neck.His mustache was covered with white silk, and he wore a leather glove on his disabled left hand.He stopped when he saw Cressen. "Ser Davos," the maester began, "when did you come back?" "Before daylight this morning. My favorite hour." Davos "Shortfinger" was said to sail a boat at night like no one else in the world.Before Lord Stannis knighted him, he was the most notorious and cunning smuggler in the Seven Kingdoms. "How's it going?" The other party shook his head, "Just as you warned in advance, Mr. Bachelor, they don't want to raise troops for him, because they don't love him." Of course not, Cressen thought, and they never would.He's strong, capable, and upright... well, it's just too much integrity... but there aren't enough people here, not enough. "Have you talked to them all?" "All? None, only those who are willing to meet me. These aristocrats also don't like me. In their minds, I will always be an 'onion knight'." He clenched his left hand and made a fist with his stubby fingers inward.Stannis chopped off the last knuckles of all four fingers of his left hand, except for the thumb. "I dined at the table of Gulion Swann and old Penrose, and the Tarths agreed to meet me secretly in the woods at midnight. As for the others—well, Beric Dondarrion is missing, some say He's dead. Lord Cullen has gone to Renly, and is now the Orange Guard of the Rainbow Guard." "Rainbow Guard?" "Renly's Kingsguard," the ex-smuggler explained, "but these seven don't wear white, they have their own colors. Loras Tyrell is their captain." A new order of knights, imposing and dazzling, would be just what Renly Baratheon would be interested in.From a young age, he loved bright colors, rich fabrics and all kinds of games. "Look!" he would yell, laughing, as he galloped across the halls of Storm's End. "Look! I'm a dragon!" or "Look! I'm a wizard!" or "Look! I'm the rain god!" The little boy with black hair, smiling eyes and fearless eyes has grown up now.At the age of 21, he is still playing games in the world.You see, I am the king!Cressen thought sadly, Renly, Renly, my dear boy, do you know what you're doing?Even if you knew, would you care?Is there anyone in this world who cares about him besides me? "What is the reason for the nobles' refusal?" "Well, some people are tactful, while others are rude. Some make excuses, some make promises, and some are just lying." He shrugged, "In the end, aren't they all empty words?" "You gave him no hope at all?" "Unless you want me to lie too, which I won't do," said Davos. "To him, I will only tell the truth." Maester Cressen still remembered the day Davos was knighted after the siege of Storm's End was lifted.Back then, Stannis only led a small number of garrison troops, and under the siege of Tyrell and Redwyne's coalition forces, he insisted on holding on to the city for nearly a year.At that time, even the sea route was blocked by the Redwyne family on Arbor Island, monitored by warships flying wine-red flags day and night.The horses in Storm's End had been eaten long ago, as were the cats and dogs, leaving the defenders with nothing but roots and rats to eat.On a cloudy, moonless night, Davos the Smuggler ventured across the Redwyne fleet and the treacherous reefs of Shipbreaker Bay under the cover of darkness.His little boat had black sails, black oars, and a pitch-black hull. The cabin was full of onions and salted fish. Although not many, it was enough for the defenders to continue until Eddard Stark led his troops to help and broke the siege of Storm's End. . Lord Stannis gave Davos the fertile land of Cape Wrath, a small castle, and the identity of a knight... but he also ordered that in order to make up for years of smuggling, Davos must lose all the last knuckles of his left hand.Davos succumbed, but on the condition that Stannis do it himself, and he didn't think anyone else was qualified.The duke picked out a butcher's knife, and it cut cleanly.Afterwards, Davos chose the name "Seaworth" as his new family name, with a black ship on a gray field as his family coat of arms - with an onion painted on the sail.The former smuggler was fond of boasting that Lord Stannis had done him a favor and saved him hours of manicures. No, Cressen thought, a man like him would never offer false hope, nor would he hide the hard truth. "Ser Davos, the truth can be a bitter medicine, even for a man like Lord Stannis. All he wants is to return to King's Landing in full force, to crush his enemies, and take his rightful place. But Now……" "If he returns to King's Landing with this little force, he's courting death. He doesn't have enough troops, I told him, but you know his temper." Davos raised his holstered hand, "To He can bend and stretch, but I'm afraid he will have to wait for my fingers to grow back first." The old man sighed, "You have tried your best, let me try." He continued to climb weakly. Lord Stannis Baratheon's halls were a wide circular room with walls of black stone and no ornamentation.There are four tall and narrow windows in the hall, facing east, west, north, south.In the center of the hall was a great table carved from huge planks—hence the name of the Hall of the Chart Table—which Aegon Targaryen had ordered before the War of Conquest. The "map table" was over fifty feet long, about half that length at its widest point, and less than four feet at its narrowest point.Aegon's carpenters saw bays and peninsulas according to the shape of Westeros, and no part of the table was straight.The desktop depicts the Seven Kingdoms of Aegon's era, all the rivers and mountains, fortress cities, lakes and forests... in every detail, glowing with the luster of lacquer that has accumulated for nearly three hundred years. There is only one seat in the entire hall, which has been carefully designed to correspond to the location of Dragonstone Island off the coast of Westeros, and it is located on a raised platform, allowing you to have a panoramic view of the table.The man in the chair, wearing a tight leather vest and coarse brown wool trousers, looked up as soon as Cressen entered. "Old man, I knew that whether you were called or not, you would definitely come." There was no emotion in his words, as always. Stannis Baratheon, Duke of Dragonstone, by the grace of the gods, is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and ruler of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.He was born with broad shoulders, strong limbs, a taut face, and his skin was as hard as iron after long-term exposure to the scorching sun. "Gritty" is the word most often used to describe Stannis, and he certainly lives up to his name.Although he was not yet thirty-five, all that remained of his head was a row of fine black hair, which hung behind his ears like the shadow of a crown.His brother, the late King Robert, had grown a beard in the last years of his life.Maester Cressen didn't see it, but he was told it was a thick black beard.Stannis had grown his beard short and straight at the same time, a blue-black shadow that covered his square jaw and the hollows of his cheekbones, as if in response.Under a pair of thick eyebrows, his eyes are like two wounds, and the dark blue is like the ocean of night.No matter how ridiculous the jester is, it will be in vain to meet his mouth. It is a mouth born to frown, scowling and stern words. It is pale, thin and tight, and has long since forgotten how to smile. What is it to be happy.In the dead of night, Maester Cressen occasionally imagined that he could hear Lord Stannis grinding his teeth half a castle away. "If it was in the past, you would wake me up." The old man said. "Once upon a time you were young, now you are old and sick and need sleep." Stannis would never learn to be flattering or flattering, and he said what he wanted without caring what others felt. "Anyway, I know that sooner or later you will inquire about the news brought back by Davos yourself. You have always been like this, haven't you?" "How can I help you if I don't ask?" Cressen said. "I met Davos on my way upstairs." "I think he said it? I should cut off that guy's tongue and fingers." "Then he wouldn't be a good envoy." "He wasn't a good envoy. It seems the lords of Storm's End won't raise an army for me. They don't like me, and my justification for raising an army doesn't matter to them. The timid ones want to hide behind the walls and wait. The wind is turning; the boldest have served Renly. Renly!" He spat out the name in anger, like poison on his tongue. "For the past thirteen years, my brother has been the Duke of Storm's End, and these princes are vassals who have sworn allegiance to him—" "His?" interrupted Stannis, "they should be my vassals. I never asked for Dragonstone. I don't want the hell. I took it because of Law. Bo's enemies were here, and he ordered me to sweep them away. I built his fleet and defeated them, and I did my brother's duty--Renly should have done that to me--and then, you see How does Robert thank me? He made me Lord of Dragonstone, but gave Renly the domain and taxes of Storm's End. For three hundred years, Storm's End has been the hereditary domain of House Baratheon, It stands to reason that when Robert sits on the Iron Throne, I should rule instead." This old incident hurt him deeply, and it is more obvious now.Right now, this is the Achilles' heel of his career: Dragonstone, though ancient and impregnable, has only a handful of minor nobles under its banner, and the rocky, rugged, and sparsely populated Outer Isles they govern are simply not enough to provide the military force Stannis needs. .Even with the addition of the mercenaries he hired from the free trade cities of Myr and Rees across the Narrow Sea, the total number of troops stationed outside the city is still not enough to fight the Lannister family. "It is true that Robert has treated you unfairly," Maester Cressen replied cautiously, "but at the beginning, he also had his own considerations. Dragonstone Island has been the stronghold of the Targaryen family since ancient times, and he needs strong people to rule here. And Renly was only a boy then." "He's not now?" Stannis yelled angrily, echoing in the empty hall. "A boy who tried to steal the crown from my head. Why should Renly covet the throne? He's always in court, He only joked with Littlefinger, and when it came to the tourney, he put on that beautiful suit of armor, and was shot down by a man of great martial arts. That's the sum of my brother Renly's deeds, and he thinks he deserves to be king! I asked You, what crime did I do to be with such a brother in this life?" "I cannot answer for the gods." "The way I see it, there's a lot you can't answer these days. Who is Renly's maester? Maybe I should get him and see if his advice will help. My brother decided to steal mine. What do you think the maester said when he took the crown? What advice did your colleague give my traitorous brother?" "Your Majesty, I believe that Lord Renly did not seek advice from others." Duke Stephen's youngest son grew up to be a foolhardy man, often acting impulsively without thinking.In this, and in many other ways, Renly resembled his elder brother Robert as much as he did Stannis. "'Your Majesty'?" Stannis repeated bitterly. "You use the title of king to amuse me, but what kind of king am I? Dragonstone, and a few stones in the Narrow Sea, this is my kingdom!" He walked down the steps of the high chair and stood in front of the map table, his elongated shadow cast over the mouth of the Blackwater Bay and the woods where King's Landing is now.He stood in contemplation, looking at the country he wanted to obtain, which was clearly close at hand, but out of reach. "I'm going to entertain the princes tonight. Although there are very few of them, Celtigar, Velaryon, and Baer Ammon are not capable characters, but that's all my brother left me. Other than that Besides, the theres pirate Salador Sann will bring my recent bills, Morosh the Myrish will talk about the tides and autumn winds to make me cautious, and Lord Sanglas will be pious I will chant prayers in the name of the seven gods. After that, Celtigar will ask me to explain which lords of Storm's End have decided to join, and Velaryon will threaten me to go home unless I send troops immediately. What should I tell them? What should I do?" "Your real enemy is the Lannister, Your Grace," Maester Cressen replied. "If you two brothers could fight together—" "I will never compromise with Renly," Stannis replied, in a tone that allowed no argument. "Unless he gives up being king." "Then don't make an alliance with him," the maester conceded. His master was hard and self-respecting, and once he made up his mind, there was no turning back. "Others can help you as well. Eddard Stark's son has made himself King in the North, with all the strength of Winterfell and Riverrun behind him." "He's only a boy," said Stannis, "and presumptuously king, too. Do you want me to sit and watch the kingdom fall apart?" "Half a kingdom is better than nothing," Cressen said, "and if you're willing to avenge that kid's father—" "Why should I avenge Eddard Stark? He means nothing to me. Well, Robert loves him, I know that, he used to say they were 'brothers', I don't know that How many times. His siblings are me, not Ned Stark, but you can never tell from his attitude towards me. I stood by Storm's End for him, and watched loyal subordinates starve to death one by one , while Mace Tyrell and Paxter Redwyne ate and drank outside the city. Did Robert thank me? No! He thanked the Starks for being the only ones left of us with rats and Leading the siege when weeds are in the belly. I was ordered by Robert to build him a fleet and take Dragonstone in his name. Did he shake my hand and say, 'Dude, well done Well, I really don't know what I'd do without you'? No! Instead he blamed me for letting William Darry run off with Viserys and the baby, as if I could stop them. I worked for him for fifteen years, helping Jon Arryn govern the country so that Robert could eat, drink, whore and gamble. After Jon died, did my brother appoint me as Prime Minister? No! Instead, he ran all the way to find a good one.朋友奈德·史塔克,将这份荣耀双手奉上。结果呢,事实证明对两人都没好处。” “陛下,请息怒。”克礼森学士温和地说,“纵然您过去遭受种种不公,然而逝者已矣,倘若您和史塔克家能齐心协力,未来仍然大有可为。除此之外,您还有其他盟友可资利用,可否考虑和艾林夫人合作呢?既然太后谋害了她丈夫,想必她亟欲为他复仇。她有个幼儿,也是琼恩·艾林的继承人,假如您将希琳许配给他——” “那小鬼体弱多病,”史坦尼斯公爵反对,“这点连他父亲都清楚,所以才要我把他带来龙石岛做养子。当几年侍从或许对他有好处,只可惜那该死的兰尼斯特女人抢先一步,毒死了艾林大人。现在莱莎把他藏在鹰巢城里,我可以向你保证,她是死也不会和那小鬼分开的。” “既然如此,您就把希琳送去鹰巢城吧,”学士敦促,“龙石岛太阴郁,本不适合孩子成长。让她的弄臣陪她一道去,这样她身边好歹有张熟悉的面孔。” “熟悉归熟悉,却也可怕得紧。”史坦尼斯皱眉思索,“不过……或许值得一试……” “身为七大王国的合法君主,难道得向寡妇和篡夺者摇尾乞怜吗?”一个女人的声音突然传来,语气尖锐地发问。 克礼森学士转身一看,忙低头致意。“夫人。”他嘴上这么说,心里却气恼自己竟没听见她进来。 史坦尼斯公爵眉头一皱,“我何时跟人摇尾乞怜了?我决不会,女人,你给我搞清楚。” “陛下,听您这么说,我很欣慰。”赛丽丝夫人几乎和她丈夫一般高,身形削瘦,脸庞尖细,双耳突出,鼻子的轮廓锐利,上唇生了好些汗毛。她每天必拔,时常抱怨,却还是长个没完。她的双眼色浅,嘴形严峻,声音锐利如鞭。此时,只听她厉声说道:“艾林夫人本应向你效忠,史塔克家、你弟弟蓝礼等人亦然,因为依照天上真主意旨,你是他们唯一的主君。既然如此,若向他们恳求协助,甚或为此讨价还价,岂不有失尊严?” 她说的是天上“真主”,而非“诸神”。显然那红袍女已经彻底掳获了她的心,使她背弃了七国新旧诸神,转而信奉他们称作“光之王”的神灵。 “你的真主意旨留着自己用吧。”史坦尼斯公爵说,他并不若妻子那般对新教狂热。“我要的是军队,不是祝福。你有没有藏起来的军队啊?”他的话中不带感情。史坦尼斯向来不擅与女性相处,连和自己妻子也不例外。当他前往劳勃的君临朝廷担任重臣期间,他把赛丽丝和女儿一并留在龙石岛。他的家信不多,探视更少,每年履行一两次婚姻义务,但从中得不到任何喜乐。他曾衷心盼望有个儿子,却始终未能如愿。 “我的兄弟、叔伯和表亲们有军队,”她告诉他,“佛罗伦家族会为你而战。” “佛罗伦家的兵力至多两千,”据说史坦尼斯对七国每家诸侯的实力都了若指掌,“更何况,夫人,恐怕我对他们没你那么有信心。佛罗伦家的领地离高庭太近,我看你伯父不敢与梅斯·提利尔作对。” “还有一个办法,”赛丽丝夫人靠过来,“陛下,请您看看窗外,高挂天际的正是您期待已久的预兆:它鲜红如火,正如真主的烈焰红心,这就是他的旗帜——也是您的!您看看它,像龙焰般飘扬于苍穹之上,而您正是龙石岛之主啊。陛下,这意味着您的时代已经来临,无须怀疑。您命中注定,将扬帆驶离这座孤岛,横扫千军,就像当年的征服者伊耿一样。如今,只消您一句话,光之王的力量就是您的了。” “光之王会给我多少军队?”史坦尼斯又问。 “要多少有多少,”他的妻子回答,“首先从风息堡、高庭及其旗下所有诸侯的兵力开始。” “这和戴佛斯报告的情况不一样,”史坦尼斯道,“你说的这些兵力早已向蓝礼宣誓效忠,他们爱的是我那风流倜傥的弟弟,正如他们当年爱戴劳勃……他们对我素无好感。” “话是没错,”她回答,“但若蓝礼一命归天……” 史坦尼斯眯眼盯着妻子瞧,最后克礼森终于忍不住了。“您千万不能这么想。陛下,无论蓝礼做了什么荒唐事——” “荒唐事?我看是叛国大罪吧。”史坦尼斯转向妻子,“我弟弟年轻力壮,掌握大军,身边更有他那群彩虹骑士。” “梅丽珊卓已从圣火中预见他的死期。” 克礼森大惊失色,“这是谋害亲弟啊……大人,此事邪恶卑鄙,令人发指,简直无法想像……求您务必听取我的建言。” 赛丽丝夫人上下打量他一番,“老师傅,敢问您要给他什么建言?若他向史塔克家卑躬屈膝,又把我们的女儿卖给莱莎·艾林,又如何能赢回半壁江山呢?” “克礼森,你的建议我已经听过了,”史坦尼斯公爵道,“现在我听听她的。你退下吧。” 克礼森学士弯动僵硬的关节,微微屈膝,缓步离去。在走出房间的过程中,他始终感受到赛丽丝夫人盯着他后背的目光。好不容易回到梯底,他已经快直不起身子了。“请你扶着我。”他对派洛斯说。 克礼森安然返回居室后,便遣走年轻助手,跛着脚又上阳台,站在石像鬼间,凝视汪洋。萨拉多·桑恩手下的一艘战船正航经城堡,船壳条纹斑斓,划桨起落,穿破灰绿浪花,稳健前进。他目送它消失于陆岬后方,心想:若我的诸多恐惧也能这么容易消失,那就好了。他活了这么大把年纪,最后竟要目睹如此悲剧吗? 作学士的一旦戴起颈链,便需放弃生儿育女的权利。然而克礼森却时常觉得自己像个父亲,自从怒海夺去史蒂芬公爵的性命后,劳勃、史坦尼斯和蓝礼……便像他的三个儿子,由他一手抚养长大。莫非他失职太甚,如今必须目睹儿子们自相残杀?他不能容许这种事发生,绝对不能。 问题的核心在于那名女子,并非赛丽丝夫人,而是另外那个。下人们都不敢直呼其名,乃称她为“红袍女”。“我倒不怕,”克礼森对他的地狱犬雕像说:“就是她,梅丽珊卓。”来自亚夏的梅丽珊卓是个女术士,是个缚影士,同时也是光之王拉赫洛的女祭司。拉赫洛乃圣焰之心,是影子与烈火的神。不,梅丽珊卓的种种疯狂行径绝不能散播到龙石岛之外。 与晨间的明亮相较,他的房间此刻显得昏暗而阴沉。老人伸出颤抖的双手,燃起一根蜡烛,走到他位于通往鸦巢楼梯下方的工作室。各式软膏、药水和药材整齐罗列于架上,他从最上层一排由矮陶瓶所盛装的药粉后面找出一个与小指头差不多大小的靛蓝玻璃瓶,稍加摇晃,瓶内便传出声响。克礼森吹开表面灰尘,将瓶子拿回桌边。他瘫坐在椅子上,打开瓶盖,倒出内物。那是十来颗种籽大小的结晶,滚过他原本正在阅读的羊皮纸。烛光照映之下,它们闪闪发亮,有如珠宝,色泽奇紫,让老学士觉得自己彷彿从没真正见识这种颜色。 喉际项链越发沉重,他用小指指甲轻触其中一颗结晶。如此微小的东西,却有掌控生死的能力。结晶由某种植物制成,该植物只生长于半个世界外的玉海诸岛。叶片需经长期放置,随后浸泡于石灰水、糖汁以及某些产自盛夏群岛的珍贵香料中,之后丢弃叶片,在药水中加入灰烬,使其浓稠,然后静置结晶。其过程缓慢而艰难,所需配料价格昂贵,极难寻求。知道配方的仅包括里斯的炼金术士,布拉佛斯的“无面者”……以及他所属的学士组织,可这种东西是不能在学城之外讨论的。大家都知道学士锁链中的银片代表医疗之法——然而大家却往往假装忘记,懂得医疗之法的人,也同样懂得杀人之术。 克礼森已不记得亚夏人如何称呼这种叶子,也不记得里斯毒剂师给这种结晶取的名字,他只知道它在学城里被命名为“扼死者”,将它放进酒里溶化后,会使饮者喉部肌肉剧烈缩紧,使其气管阻塞,据说受害者面部往往呈现出与结晶相同的紫色,与噎死的症状如出一辙。 而就在今天晚上,史坦尼斯公爵将宴请诸侯和他的夫人……以及亚夏的红袍女梅丽珊卓。 我必须先休息,克礼森学士对自己说,天黑之后,我必须精力充沛,手不能颤抖,勇气不能衰退。此事虽然可怕,却是逼不得已。假如天上真有诸神,想必他们会原谅我的。近来他的睡眠状况很差,午睡片刻应该有助于他回复体力,面对即将来临的磨难。他虚弱地走到床边,然而当他闭上双眼,却依旧见到彗星的炽烈红光,栩栩如生地在他的黑暗梦境中闪亮。就在他睡着前的一刻,他意识模糊地想:或许这是我的彗星,一个染血凶兆,预示着即将来临的谋杀……是的…… 待他醒来,天已全暗。他的卧房漆黑一片,全身每个关节都隐隐作痛。克礼森头晕脑胀,勉力坐起,抓住柺杖,颤巍巍地下了床。都这么晚了,他心想,他们竟没通知我!每逢宴会,他都受邀参加,坐在盐罐旁,离史坦尼斯公爵很近。啊,公爵的脸浮现眼前,不是现在的他,而是他儿时的脸孔,那个永远站在冰冷阴影里,看着阳光照在哥哥身上的男孩。无论他做了些什么,劳勃永远抢先一步,而且做得更好。可怜的孩子……为了他,我一定要赶快行动。 老学士在桌上找到结晶,将之从羊皮纸边拨起。克礼森没有传闻中里斯毒剂师爱用的空心戒指,但他宽松的长袍袖子里倒是缝了各式大小口袋。他将“扼死者”结晶藏进其中一个口袋,开门喊道:“派洛斯,你在哪里?”无人应答,他便拉高音量再喊,“派洛斯,快来帮我!”仍然没有回应。怪了,年轻学士的寝室就在螺旋梯的中间,一定听得到的。 最后,克礼森只好叫唤仆人。“快点!”他吩咐他们,“我睡过头了。现在晚宴已经开始……酒也喝过了……怎么没叫醒我呢?”派洛斯学士到底怎么了?他实在不明白。 再一次,他必须穿越长廊。夜风锐利,充满海洋的气息,刮过高窗,传出低语。龙石岛城墙上火炬摇曳,城外的营地里篝火熊熊,彷如满天星星坠落凡尘。天际彗星依旧红光熠熠,其势恶毒。学士连忙安慰自己:以我的年纪和睿智,实在不该怕这种东西。 通往大厅的门是一只石雕巨龙的大口。走到门外,他遣走仆人,决定独自进去,才不会显得虚弱。于是克礼森拄着柺杖,勉力爬上最后几级石阶,来到入口的龙牙下。两名守卫打开厚重的红门,噪音和强光顿时穿出,克礼森走进巨龙的庞然巨口。 在刀叉碗盘的碰撞和席间的低声交谈中,他听见补丁脸正唱着:“……跳舞啊大人,跳舞啊大人!”牛铃响叮当。这正是他早上唱的那首可怕曲子。“影子来居住啊,大人,居住啊大人,居住啊大人!”下方的席位上坐满了骑士、弓箭手和佣兵队长,他们撕下大块黑面包沾鱼汤吃。任何可能破坏宴席格调的高声谈笑、恣意喧哗,在大厅里都找不到,因为史坦尼斯公爵不允许此种行径。 克礼森朝高起的平台走去,那里是诸侯和国王的座位。他远远绕路避开补丁脸,可是弄臣跳舞摇铃正在兴头上,既没看到也没听见他靠近。结果补丁脸单脚站立,换脚的时候,一头栽到了克礼森身上,撞开他的手杖,两人连滚带爬跌在草席上。众人哄堂大笑,这无疑是一幅十分滑稽的景象。 补丁脸半趴在他身上,那张五颜六色的小丑脸紧贴着他,头上的鹿角牛铃盔却没了踪影。“海底下你若跌倒,会往上掉!”他大声宣布,“我知道,我知道,噢噢噢!”小丑咯咯笑着滚到一边,弹跳起身,然后跳了一小段舞。 为表示风度,老学士露出虚弱的微笑,挣扎想起身,然而臀部剧痛不止,一时之间他真怕又把骨头给摔碎了。这时,有一双健壮的手伸到他两腋,扶他起来。“谢谢你,爵士先生。”他嗫嚅着,转头想看看是哪位骑士伸出援手…… “老师傅,”说话的人是梅丽珊卓夫人,她声音低沉,有着玉海地区独特的悦耳口音。“您要小心啊。”她一如往常,从头到脚全是红色,身上一件亮如明焰的滑丝长礼服,袖子很长,上衣有切口,露出里面颜色更深的血红衬衣。她的喉际有一条比任何学士锁链还要紧的红金项圈,嵌了一颗大红宝石。 她的头发,也并非红发男人常呈现的橙色或草莓色,而是磨亮的深红铜色,在火炬照映下闪闪发亮。就连她的眼睛也是红色……但她的皮肤却白晰滑嫩,毫无瑕疵,好似鲜奶油;她的身形优雅苗条,高过多数骑士,胸部丰满,腰身纤细,一张心形脸蛋。男人的视线一旦停在她身上,便很难移走,即便老学士也不例外。许多人称赞她美丽,但其实她并不美丽。她血红,可怖,血红。 “夫人……谢……谢谢你。” “您年纪大了,走路可千万要当心。”梅丽珊卓恭敬地说,“长夜黑暗,处处险恶啊。” 他知道这句话,那是她宗教里的一句祷词。没关系,我也有自己的信仰。“只有小孩子才怕黑。”他对她说。另一边,补丁脸也继续唱起那首歌,“影子来跳舞啊,大人,跳舞啊大人,跳舞啊大人!” “这可真奇了,”梅丽珊卓道,“你们一个是聪明的傻子,另一个却是愚蠢的智者。”她弯下腰,捡起补丁脸掉落地面的头盔,扣在克礼森头上。锡桶滑下双耳,牛铃轻声作响。“学士先生,我看这顶王冠正好配得上您的颈链。”她宣布。周围的人跟着哄笑不停。 克礼森抿紧嘴唇,强忍怒火。她以为他年老力衰,一无是处,但在今晚结束以前,她就会见识到他的厉害。老归老,他可是个出身学城的学士。“我不需宝冠,只求真相。”他告诉她,说着自头上摘下小丑盔。 “世界上有些真相,旧镇里是没有教的。”梅丽珊卓红衣一甩,转身走回高台餐桌,史坦尼斯国王夫妇便坐在那里。克礼森把鹿角锡桶盔还给补丁脸,随后跟上。 派洛斯学士坐在他的位子上。 老人不禁停下脚步,睁大眼睛。“派洛斯学士,”最后他终于开口,“你……你怎么没叫醒我?” “陛下要我让您休息,”派洛斯倒还知道脸红,“他说无须惊动您。” 克礼森环顾四周,众多骑士、队长和诸侯一言不发地坐在位子上。坏脾气的赛提加伯爵已经上了年纪,披风上缀有红榴石雕成的螃蟹。英俊的瓦列利安伯爵选择了海绿色的丝质上衣,装饰喉际的白金海马正与他一头亮金长发相衬。巴尔艾蒙伯爵是个肥胖的十四岁男孩,全身裹着层层紫天鹅绒衣服,镶有白海豹皮装饰。亚赛尔·佛罗伦爵士虽穿了狐皮大衣,仍旧不能改变他的平凡相貌。笃信七神的桑格拉斯伯爵脖颈、腕部和手上都戴了月长石。至于来自里斯的萨拉多·桑恩船长,则是一身大红缎子礼服和金饰珠宝。唯有戴佛斯爵士衣着俭朴,一件褐色上衣,绿羊毛披风。也唯有戴佛斯和他四目相交,眼带悲悯。 “老头子,你病得太重,不中用了。”这听起来像是史坦尼斯公爵的声音,但不可能啊,怎么可能?“从今以后,改由派洛斯学士来辅佐我。反正从你无法登上鸦巢那天起,信鸦早就交他管理。我可不想让你因为帮我做事而送命。” 克礼森学士眨眨眼睛。史坦尼斯,国王陛下,我可怜的、郁郁寡欢的孩子,我始终没有得到的儿子,你千万不能这么做,难道你不知我有多么照顾你,为你而活着,难道你不知不管发生了什么,我依旧对你疼爱有加吗?是的,对你疼爱有加,比对劳勃、甚至对蓝礼还要深,因为你最缺乏爱,你最需要我。但他说出口的却是:“遵命,陛下。不过……不过我肚子很饿,可否请您给我一个位子?”让我坐在你身边,好好守着你…… 戴佛斯爵士从长凳上站起来,“陛下,如果学士愿意坐在我旁边,我会深感荣幸。” “好吧。”史坦尼斯公爵转过头去跟梅丽珊卓说话,她坐在他右边,是地位最高的贵宾。赛丽丝夫人坐在他左边,脸上闪过一抹耀眼但脆弱的笑容,好似她配戴的首饰。 距离太远了,克礼森看着戴佛斯爵士的位子,木然地想。前走私者和主桌中间隔了一半的诸侯。要把“扼死者”放进她的杯子,我必须靠近些,可该怎么做呢? 当老学士缓缓绕过桌子,朝戴佛斯·席渥斯走去时,补丁脸正在手舞足蹈。“在这儿咱们吃鱼!”弄臣把一条鳕鱼当权杖挥舞,开心地向大家宣布,“在海里面咱们被鱼吃!我知道,我知道,噢噢噢!” 戴佛斯爵士往长凳旁边挪动,空出位子来。“今晚我们都该穿上小丑服,”克礼森学士坐下时,他口气沉重地说:“因为我们即将去办的事,实在只有傻子才干的出来。红袍女从她的火堆里预见了我军胜利,所以史坦尼斯不顾兵力差距,打算立刻出兵。恐怕还没等她闹完,我们就会见识补丁脸曾经经历的奇遇了——在海底。” 克礼森把手伸进袖子取暖,隔着羊毛,感觉到结晶隆起的硬块。“史坦尼斯大人。” 史坦尼斯从红袍女那边回过头,但赛丽丝夫人却抢先开口:“是史坦尼斯'陛下'。学士先生,您太没分寸了。” “他年纪大了,脑筋不清楚。”国王没好气地说,“克礼森,怎么了?有话快说。” “既然您决定渡海出征,还请您务必和史塔克大人及莱莎夫人同心协力……” “我绝不和他们为伍。”史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩道。 “正如光明绝不与黑暗为伍。”赛丽丝夫人握住他的手。 史坦尼斯点点头,“兰尼斯特家僭越为王,史塔克家意图窃取我半壁江山,舍弟则夺走于法归我所有的封地臣属。他们都是大逆不道的叛徒,皆为我的死敌。” 我失去他了,克礼森绝望地想。如果他能想办法在不知不觉的情况下接近梅丽珊卓……只需与她的酒杯短暂接触。“您是令兄劳勃合法的继承人,是七大王国真正的统治者,安达尔人、洛伊拿人和先民的国王,”他绝望地说,“即便如此,倘若孤军奋战,胜利终将无望。” “谁说他孤军奋战?”赛丽丝夫人道,“光之王拉赫洛乃是圣焰之心,影子与烈火的真主,也是他最有力量的盟友。” “迷信神灵太不可靠,”老人坚持,“何况该神在此毫无威能可言。” “谁说的?”梅丽珊卓转过头,喉际的红宝石反射光芒,一时之间仿如彗星红光。“学士先生,您这样满口胡言,恐怕该再戴上那顶王冠才是哟。” “没错,”赛丽丝夫人同意,“补丁脸的帽子很适合你,老头。快把它戴上,我命令你。” “海底下没人戴帽子!”补丁脸说:“我知道,我知道,噢噢噢!” 史坦尼斯公爵的眼睛被浓眉的阴影所遮蔽,他嘴唇紧闭,下巴无声地蠕动。他生气的时候,总会这样磨牙。“傻子,”最后他咆哮道,“你听见我夫人的话了,快把你的帽子拿给克礼森。” 不,老学士心想,这不是你,不是你的作风,你向来公正,虽然严厉却不至残忍,从来不会,你从不知道什么是嘲弄,就像你永远也不懂得欢笑。 补丁脸跳着舞,靠过来,牛铃响个不停,喀啷啷、叮叮、喀呤喀啷喀呤喀啷。学士静静坐着,任由弄臣为他戴上鹿角桶。因为桶子重,克礼森禁不住低头,铃铛就叮当响起来。“我看啊,日后他若想发表意见,干脆也唱出来好了。”赛丽丝夫人道。 “女人,你不要得寸进尺!”史坦尼斯公爵说,“他是老人家,何况他跟了我半辈子。” 我到死都会跟着您,我亲爱的大人,我可怜的、孤单寂寞的孩子,克礼森想着,突然有了主意。戴佛斯爵士的酒杯正在他面前,装了半杯的酸红酒。他从袖中摸出一颗结晶硬块,紧扣于拇指和食指之间,伸手去拿酒杯。我必须动作自然,流畅敏捷,绝不能在这个节骨眼上失手,他暗自祈祷。总算诸神保佑,只一眨眼功夫,手中之物便消失不见。他的双手已多年没有如此稳健,这般流利了。只有戴佛斯瞧见了,但除此之外没有别人,他非常笃定。于是他手握酒杯,站起身来。“或许我真是老糊涂了。梅丽珊卓夫人,您可愿意同我喝一杯?让我们藉此荣耀您的真主光之王,喝这一杯,向他的威能致敬,您说好么?” 红袍女打量着他,“好吧。” 他可以感觉到,此刻所有人的目光都集中在自己身上。离开长凳时,戴佛斯用那被史坦尼斯公爵削短的手指抓住他的袖子,“你这是做什么?”他悄声道。 “我非这么做不可,”克礼森学士回答,“为了国家,更为了我们大人的灵魂。”他甩开戴佛斯,一滴酒洒在草席上。 她走下高台餐桌来会他,两人成为众目所集的焦点,但克礼森眼中只有她一个人:血红眼睛,血红长袍,血红宝石,还有那噘起淡淡微笑的血红嘴唇。她伸出手,握住他拿酒杯的指头,皮肤滚烫,像在发烧。“学士先生,把酒倒掉还来得及。” “不,”他嘶哑地低语,“绝不。” “也罢。”于是来自亚夏的梅丽珊卓自他手中接过酒杯,仰头深吸一大口。当她将杯子还给他时,里面还剩小半杯。 "It's your turn." 他的双手颤抖不止,但他强作镇定。学城的学士绝不能害怕。这酒尝起来很酸,喝完他松开手指,任由空杯落地碎裂。“大人,他在此依旧是有能的。”那女人说,“圣火将保护信徒,涤尽一切邪恶。”在她喉际,那颗血红宝石正闪闪发光。 克礼森试图应答,声音却卡在喉咙里。他努力想吸进空气,结果只咳出细得吓人的嘶声。他的脖子彷彿被钢铁般的手指紧紧勒住,最后他双脚瘫软,无力地跪下,但他仍旧摇着头,否认她,否认她的力量,否认她的魔法,否认她的神灵。鹿角上的牛铃纷纷脱落,傻子,傻子,傻子,而红袍女面带怜悯,看着他倒下。她那双血红血红的眼睛里,烛焰狂舞。
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