Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire III: A Storm of Swords

Chapter 63 Chapter 62: James

The king was dead, and they told him, without knowing that Joffrey was his son as much as his lord. "The little devil cut the king's throat with a dagger," a fruit seller shouted as the party spent the night in a roadside inn, "and then drank His Majesty's blood from a golden cup." Who was the knight with the big bat in one hand and on the shield? No one in the store recognized him, so James heard a lot of things that he couldn't have heard otherwise. "He was poisoned to death!" the shopkeeper retorted. "The child's face was as black as a foreign plum."

"May Heavenly Father judge Your Majesty fairly." A monk murmured. "The dwarf's wife is an accomplice," an archer in a Rowan uniform swore. "When it's done, she sprinkles a handful of brimstone and disappears in the smoke. A ghost of a direwolf was seen with a bloody mouth in the Red Keep." Wandering inside." James sat and listened, the words coming in one ear and out the other, and the horn of ale forgotten in his left hand.Joffrey, my blood, my firstborn, my child.He tried to recall the boy's face, but no matter what he thought, Cersei came to mind.She must have been devastated, with disheveled hair, red and swollen eyes, and trembling lips that could not speak.When she saw me, she would try her best to endure, but she couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face.Except when she was alone with him, her sister seldom cried. She didn't want others to think she was weak, and she was only willing to show her scars in front of her twin brother.This time, she will surely turn to me for consolation and vengeance.

The next day, at Jaime's request, the team changed to a haste march.My son is dead and my sister needs me. It was getting darker when the dark watchtower of the capital city loomed ahead.Jaime Lannister rode up to Ironlegs Wharton, ahead of Nagy holding the peace banner. "What's going on? It stinks!" the northerner complained. The stench of death, thought Jaime, but what he said was, "Smoke, sweat, and shit—welcome to King's Landing. A traitor can be smelled out here, by the nose. By the way, you Have you never smelled a city?" "Yes, I've been to White Harbor, and it's the stinkiest place in the world."

"White Harbor stands to King's Landing as my brother Tyrion stands to Ser Gregor Clegane." Najib led them up a small hill, and the seven long-tailed peace flags were raised high, fluttering in the wind, and the shiny seven-pointed star at the top reflected the sun.I'll be seeing Cersei, Tyrion, and Father soon.Did my brother really kill my son? James couldn't believe it. In fact, he was surprisingly calm.Parents should be maddened with grief when a child dies, and Jaime knew I should rip my hair out, curse the gods, and swear vengeance.But why was he so indifferent? Was it because he thought he was Robert Baratheon's offspring from birth to death?

Yes, Jaime watched his birth, but it wasn't him that was his main concern, it was Cersei...and he hadn't had a chance to hold the baby even once in his life. "How can that happen?" When he made a request, his sister warned, "You and Xiao Qiao look so much alike, it's dangerous enough." After hearing this, James had to give up silently. The baby, the screaming little pink thing, took up Cersei's time, her love, and her boobs.For a time he was also Robert's favourite. Now he is dead.James pictured in his mind a picture of Xiao Qiao lying quietly, his face bruised and purple from the poison, but he couldn't feel the slightest throbbing.Maybe he was really the monster he was said to be: if the Father gave him the chance to choose between his son and his right hand, he knew he would choose his right hand without hesitation.After all, he still had a son, and enough seed to produce many, many sons.If Cersei wants it, I'll give her another one... this time I'll hold him, and the White Walkers can't separate father from son.Robert stinks in his grave, and Jaime has had enough of the lies.

He turned his horse sharply and went to the end of the line to find Brienne.God knows what I do! She's the most unlucky, depressing, worst company I've ever had in my life.Niu not only rode last, but walked a few yards away from the line, as if to declare that she was not one of them.On the way, people put together a man's clothes for her: coat, cloak, breeches and hooded cloak, and even found an old iron breastplate.She looked much better in men's clothes, but there was no dress in the world that could make her look smart, and there was no dress that would make her happy.No sooner had she left Harrenhal than her pig head was stubborn again. "Please return my weapons and armor," she insisted. "Oh, yes, there's a way to get you to wear the iron skins again," James replied. "Especially the helmet. When you shut up and put your visor back on, everyone's happy."

Brienne complied, but the gloomy silence ruined his good mood as thoroughly as Qybain's endless flattery.Didn't know I'd miss Cleo Frey as a sidekick, gods have mercy! He's starting to regret not leaving her with Black Bear. "King's Landing has come," James announced to her. "Our journey is over, my dear lady. You kept your vows and sent me back to King's Landing . . . though five fingers and a hand were missing." Brienne's eyes darkened. "This is only half of my vow to Lady Catelyn to bring back her two daughters, at least Sansa, no matter what. But now..."

She never met Robb Stark, but mourns him more than I mourn young Jo.Perhaps it was Lady Catelyn she was mourning.They had intercepted the "message" in Boarwood, from a fat and panting knight, Bentum Bisbury, whose sigil was three beehives on a black and yellow stripe.He told them that Lord Piper's party had just passed by here yesterday, flying toward King's Landing with a banner of peace. Renee was jaw-dropping like a choking cow chewing its cud, so it was up to James to ask about the details of the Red Wedding. "Each of the seven major families has its own competitors, and they are always looking for opportunities to replace them." When he was alone, he explained to Niu'er, "My father has the Tarbeck family and the Reyes family, and Tyrell has the Florent family. Home, Horst Tully has Walder Frey. Only the main family is strong enough to force them to keep their duties. Once they are smelled of weakness... Do you know? In the Age of Heroes, the Bolton family People flay Starks for cloaks." She looked pitiful, and Jaime couldn't help comforting her.

Brienne had been half-dead since that day, and calling her "baby" to her face didn't elicit any response.Her powers are gone.The woman who fell on Robin Legge with a falling rock, fought a tall black bear with a blunt sword, bit off Vargo Hurt's ear, and knocked Jaime Lannister out of breath... now she was broken. "I will persuade my father with good words and send you back to Tarth as soon as possible," he told her, "If you want to stay, I will also find you a position in the palace." "To be the Queen Mother's female companion?" she asked numbly.

He remembered how she looked in that pink satin dress, if the elder sister saw her, he would be surprised. "No, maybe in the capital defense team..." "I will never serve oath-breakers and murderers!" Can't you just stop making these nonsense statements? He tries to laugh at the retort, but swallows the words back. "As you please, Brienne." He turned the horse's head with one hand, away from her. The door of the gods was wide open, and the road outside the door was lined with more than twenty wagons, loaded with barrels of cider, boxes of apples and bales of hay, and the largest pumpkins James had ever seen in his life.There are guards at every side of the car: soldiers embroidered with the coat of arms of minor nobles on their chests, mercenaries in mail armor and boiled leather armor, and even the sons of peasants holding earthen spears hardened by fire, with immature and honest faces.Jaime smiled at them as he rode, and walked to the door to find that the gold cloaks charged a lot of money for traders to enter the city. "Why is that?" Iron Legs asked curiously.

"According to the instructions of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, all goods entering the city will be strictly taxed." James looked at the long queue of carriages, carts and load horses, "If that's the case, it's still crowded?" "The war is just over, and the money is easy to earn," said a miller in the nearest carriage cheerfully. "The Lannisters are in charge of the city now, so it's very safe. Their leader is Lord Tywin of Rock City. It is said that the shit they pull out is silver." "Gold," James corrected dryly, "I swear Littlefinger can squeeze money out of plants." "The present Chancellor of the Exchequer is an imp," said the Gate Captain, "at least, until he was arrested for murdering the king." He eyed the Northman suspiciously. "Who are you guys?" "We are the subordinates of Earl Bolton, and we have been ordered to come to King's Landing on business to meet His Excellency the Prime Minister." The captain looked at the peace flag in Najib's hand. "Well, come and bow your knees. You are already behind, go in, go directly to the castle, and don't cause trouble." He waved his hand and continued to deal with the carriage. Would the citizens of King's Landing mourn King Joffrey? At least James couldn't see it.He only saw a ragged beggar brother praying loudly for Xiao Qiao's soul on Seed Street, but passers-by turned a blind eye to it, as if it was noise.Everyone has their place: gold-cloaked guards patrolling in black mail, boys selling jam cakes, bread, and hot pies, whores with half-open corsets poking their heads out of windows, men reeking of shit and piss. poor.Five men dragged a dead horse from an alley, and a juggler performed dagger-wheeling for a crowd of drunken Tyrell soldiers and children. Walking in the familiar streets with two hundred northerners, a collarless bachelor, and an ugly strange woman, James didn't know whether to be troubled or thankful when he found that no one gave him a second look. "They don't know me anymore," he couldn't help saying to Iron Legs as they crossed Shoemaker's Square. "It's not surprising. Your face has changed and your hands are gone," said the northerner. "Besides, they have a new kingslayer." The gate of the Red Castle was open, and outside the gate were guarded by a dozen golden robes with guns.They lowered their weapons as Ironlegs approached, but Jaime recognized the Whiterider in command, "Ser Meryn." Ser Meryn Tran's listless eyes flashed, then opened wide. "Ser Jaime?" "Yo, yes, finally someone recognizes me. Let them stand aside." It had been so long since someone had followed his instructions so cleanly that James had almost forgotten how good it felt. There are also two Royal Guards in the outer court, both newcomers.Hmph, Cersei appointed me as the captain of the iron guard, but stuffed people into it without authorization. "It seems that I have two new brothers." He greeted as he got off his horse. "It's our honor, Sir." The Knight of Flowers in white scale armor and white silk was so handsome and delicate, James felt like a vulgar thing, unsightly. He turned to Meryn Tran. "Ser, you have failed to teach our new brethren the basics of duty." "What duty?" Marin Tran said defensively. "Protect the king's life. How many kings have died since I left the city? Two?" At this time, Sir Balon saw his severed limb, "Your hand..." James forced himself to smile. "I hit with my left hand now, which is more of a challenge. Where is my lord father?" "Speak to Lord Tyrell and Prince Oberyn in the study." Mace Tyrell having dinner with the Red Viper? Weird, really weird. "Her Majesty the Queen Mother is here?" "No, my lord," Ser Balon answered, "your Grace is in the sept, for King Joffrey—" "you!" Brienne is spotted by Loras Tyrell after the last of the Northmen dismounts. "Ser Loras." She held the reins, holding her head up stupidly and stubbornly. Loras Tyrell strode up to her. "Why?" he roared. "Tell me why! Why did you kill him when he treated you so well, and gave you the honor of Guardian of the Rainbow?" "I didn't. I adored him and would die for him." "Oh, you will." Ser Loras drew his sword. "I didn't kill it." "Ser Eamon Cue swore it was you before he died." "He was outside the tent and didn't see—" "There was no one in the camp but you and Lady Stark. Don't tell me that old woman could have hacked through His Majesty's gorget!" "There was a shadow there, and I know it sounds crazy, but... I was helping Renly into his armor, and then the candle went out, and there was blood everywhere. It was Stannis, Lady Catelyn assured me, it was him." . . . his shadow. I swear on my honor that I had nothing to do with it..." "You have bullshit honor! Draw your sword, I will not kill empty-handed people." James stepped between the two, "Drop your arms, ser." Ser Loras shunned him reluctantly. "Brennie, it's not enough for you to be a killer, but also a coward? I should have known that this is how you ran away with your hands stained with His Majesty's blood! Draw your sword, woman!" "You'd better hope she doesn't," James said again, "or we'll probably have to collect your body later. The girl isn't as ugly as Gregor Clegane, but she's stronger than him." "It's none of your business!" Ser Loras pushed him away. James grabbed the boy with his left hand and pulled him back. "I'm Captain of the Kingsguard, you unrefined little bastard! As long as you wear your white robes for a day, you must obey me. Put your sword away, damn it, or I'll throw it at Renly I can't find it anywhere!" The boy hesitated for a moment, before Ser Balon Swann interrupted, "Do as the Captain tells you, Loras." The surrounding gold cloaks had drawn their weapons, and the men of the Dreadfort were not to be outdone.Beautiful, thought Jaime, when I got back to the palace, there was a big scuffle. Ser Loras Tyrell drew the longsword back into its sheath with a thud. "It's not that heavy, is it?" "I demand her arrest," Ser Loras insisted. "Miss Brienne, I accuse you of murdering Lord Renly Baratheon." "Whether honor is treasure or bullshit," James said, "this girl has honor, and much more than I've seen from you. I'll take her word for it. Let me tell you, girl isn't a Wise man, even my horse is better at lying than she is. Since you insist on the accusation, well... Sir Baron, please escort Miss Brienne to the tower room for interrogation, and arrange for guards to protect it properly. And, settle down Good iron leg and his men, waiting for my father to summon some day." "As you order, my lord." When Ser Balon Swann and a dozen gold cloaks led her away, Brienne's large blue eyes were full of regret.You should kiss me, fool, he thought, why am I misunderstood for everything I do the hell? It's Aerys, and I've lived in his shadow all my life.James stopped eyeing Niu, turned and walked across the courtyard without looking back. The door of the royal sept was guarded by another knight in white armor, a tall man with a black beard, broad shoulders, and a large hooked nose.Seeing James, he squinted and smiled, "Where do you want to go?" "Enter the sept," James said, raising his limb and pointing towards the door. "It's right behind you. I want to see the queen." "His Majesty is in mourning. Who do you think you are, wanting to see Your Majesty?" Damn, I'm her lover, the father of her son, he almost blurted out. "Seven layers of hell, who are you?" "I'm a knight of the Kingsguard. Be respectful and disabled. Otherwise, I'll cut off your other hand too. From now on, you'll have to eat porridge on your stomach!" "I am the queen's brother, ser." Bai Qitu laughed out loud. "Oh, you escaped? How did you grow taller in prison, my lord?" "I'm her eldest brother, idiot, captain of the Kingsguard. Get out of my way, or you'll have to watch." After hearing this, the idiot knight took a good look at him. "You, you are... Ser James," he straightened up. "I am very sorry, my lord, for my blindness. I am Sir Osmund Kettleblack. It is an honor to meet you." Pleasure? To hell, sycophant. "I want to talk to my sister alone, Sir, no one is allowed to enter the church. If you can't, you can come and see me." "Yes, sir, yes, sir." Sir Osmond opened the door hastily. Cersei knelt before the altar of the Virgin, and Joffrey's coffin lay under the statue of the Stranger - the one who guides the dead to the other world.There is a strong scent of incense in the air, and a hundred candles are burning, sending out a hundred blessings.May Xiao Qiao enjoy these hundred blessings... The sister glanced back. "Who?" she asked, then exclaimed, "James?" She jumped to her feet with tears in her eyes. "Is it really you?" She didn't run over, she never would, he thought, she would just wait, wait for me to run over.She gives, but I must ask first. "You should have come back sooner," she whispered when he put his arms around her. "Why didn't you come back sooner? Why didn't you protect him? My son..." our son. "I did my best." He broke free from her embrace and took a step back. "Sister, there is a war outside." "You're so skinny, your hair, golden hair..." "Hair can grow back," James said, holding up the severed limb, and she had to know sooner or later, "this one won't." Her eyes widened. "How dare Stark..." "No, it's Wag Hurt's work." She didn't know the name at all. "Who?" "The goats of Harrenhal, at least for the time being." Cersei looked away, looking at Young Jon's coffin, where the dead king was dressed in gilded armor, and he looked like a young Jaime.The visor of the helmet is closed, and under the light of the candle, it emits a faint golden light, showing the heroic and glorious image of the dead.Candlelight also lit the dark rubies of Cersei's mourning dress, her hair hanging down her shoulders, unbrushed and disheveled. "He did it, Jaime, as he threatened me: 'One day, when you think you're safe and happy, joy will turn to ashes in your mouth,' I always remember his oath." "Tyrion really said that?" James couldn't believe it.Killing relatives is worse than killing kings, and now my younger brother has both, and it is at a wedding banquet where the gods watch over and the world gathers.He knew the child was mine.By gods, I love Tyrion, I've always been nice to him, uh, except for that one time...but brother doesn't know the truth.Did he know? "What was his purpose in killing Xiao Qiao?" "For a whore." She grabbed his left hand and held it tightly with both. "He even threatened me with it. Little Joe knew who the murderer was, and when he was dying, he pointed at him like hell, at our damned, deformed, loathsome brother." She kissed James' finger. He takes revenge, right? You will take revenge for our son." James pulled his hand away, "He's my own brother anyway." He held the severed limb up in front of her so she could see it clearly, "And, how do I kill someone like this?" "You still have a hand, don't you? I don't want you to fight the Hound. Tyrion's just a dwarf in a prison. And no guards will stop you." The thought of his sister disturbed him greatly. "No, I have to know the truth, and I can't just rely on one-sided words." "You'll know the truth," Cersei promised, "there's going to be a trial, and then it'll be clear, and you'll want to kill him more than I do." She stroked his face, "I'm so lost without you, Jaime .I'm afraid that Stark will send your head back. Oh, I can't stand it." She kissed him, very lightly, just a light sweep of the lips, but he could feel the trembling in the other person, so He reached out and hugged her tightly, "I'm not complete without you." There was no tenderness in his kiss back, only hunger and thirst.She opened her mouth to accommodate his tongue. "No," she protested feebly as he kissed her from the neck down, "not here, monks..." "Fuck the monk, let the White Walkers take it all," he continued, kissing silently, long enough until she moaned.Next he swept away the candles, lifted her to the altar of the Virgin, and lifted the dress and the silk underneath.She beat his chest lightly with her fist and murmured about risks, crises, fathers, monks, blasphemy, but he didn't care.He unbuttoned the breeches, climbed up to the altar, parted her white thighs, slipped his left hand into them, reached into the shorts, and tore them open.She's menstruating, but that's okay. "Quick," she said softly, "quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, oh, James James Jam." She directed him with her own hand. "Yes," she said, as he thrust in and thrust, "brother, good brother, yes, that's it, yes, I want you, you're home, you're home, you're home." She Kissing his ears, stroking his stubby hair, James lost consciousness in carnal desire.He could feel her heartbeat just as he could feel his own, and the two had become one, blood and semen fused, inseparable. But after finishing the matter, the Queen Mother immediately said, "Pull me up, if I'm found out..." Reluctantly, he got up and helped her off the altar.The white marble table was stained with blood. James wiped it off with his sleeve, then bent down to pick up the candle he had swept away.Luckily, they were all extinguished when they hit the ground, otherwise we wouldn't have cared if the sanctuary had just been on fire. "It's a stupid thing to do," Cersei said, adjusting her dress. "Father is in the city... Jaime, we must be careful." "I'm tired of being careful. Targaryens are brother and sister marriages, why shouldn't we? Marry me, Cersei, stand up and say it's me you love. I'll throw a big party for you The wedding ceremony, followed by the birth of a new son in Joffrey's place." She took a step back. "That's not funny." "You think I'm joking?" "Have you forgotten all your sanity at Riverrun?" Her voice rose. "You know very well that Tommen's claim to the throne began with Robert." "He will inherit Casterly Rock in the future, isn't that enough? Fuck him, let father be king, all I want is you." He wanted to touch her face, but old habits die hard, and it was his right hand that was held out. She dodges his severed limb. "Don't...don't talk like that, you scared the shit out of me, Jaime, don't do the stupid stuff. You know what? If word of this gets around for a second, we're done. What the hell did they do to you?" "They chopped off my hands." "No, more than that, you have changed." She took another step back, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I locked Sansa Stark's handmaidens in the tower room, and now I have to go to interrogation... you go to your father. " "I traveled thousands of miles and lost my most precious things just to see you. Please don't just let me go." "Go see your father," she repeated, turning her head away. James fastened his breeches and did as she was told.Although he was exhausted, he didn't dare to fall asleep, because the news of returning to the city must have reached the ears of his lord father. The guard of the Prime Minister's Tower is a member of the Lannister family, and he can be recognized at a glance. "By the mercy of the gods, you have finally come back, sir." A soldier sighed as he opened the door. "The gods have nothing to do with it. Catelyn Stark set me free, er, and Lord Bolton of the Dreadfort." He climbed the stairs, entered the study without waiting for a knock, and found his father sitting alone by the fire.Thankfully, he didn't want Mace Tyrell or the Red Viper to see his severed limb, and it was even worse when they were together. "James," said Lord Tywin, with a tone as if they had just met each other at breakfast, "according to Lord Bolton's letter, I expect you to come back sooner so that you can attend the wedding." "There was a delay on the way." James closed the door softly. "I heard that my sister was extravagant, didn't you? Seventy-seven feasts and a regicide are unheard of before. When did you know I free?" "A few days after you escaped, the eunuch got the news, so I immediately sent people to search the riverland. Gregor Clegane, Samwell Spicer, Brother Plumm and others were all dispatched. Varys I also informed some forces in Hejian of the situation and asked them for assistance, but I didn’t make a big deal of it. We all agree that the less people know about it, the safer you will be.” "Did Varys mention this?" He moved over to the fireplace so his father could have a better look. Lord Tywin stood up abruptly, gritting his teeth. "Who did it? Lady Catelyn—" "No, Lady Catelyn just put a sword at my throat and made me promise to return her two daughters. That's what your goat did, Vargo Hurt, Lord of Harrenhal!" Tywin turned his head away in disgust. "Not anymore. Ser Gregor has retaken the castle, and he has been abandoned by his mercenaries. The servants of the former Countess of Hoian offered to open a side door for our army. When Clegane entered, he found the goat sitting alone Furnace Hall, mad with fever and pain from an infected wound. He's got his ear bitten off, it's said." James was overwhelmed.What sweet revenge! Ears! He couldn't wait to tell Brienne the news, even if she wasn't going to laugh about it. "Is he dead?" "Come on. Clegane cut off his hands and feet one by one, as if wanting to watch the spit of the Qohor people slowly." James suppressed his smile, "Where are the other members of the Brave Squad?" "Several people who stayed at Harrenhal who resisted were killed or executed, and the rest scattered, probably trying to flee to the port, or hide in the forest." He finally looked back at Jaime's severed limb, his lips tingling with anger. And squeeze tight. "I want their heads, none of them can escape. By the way, can you still use a sword with your left hand?" I can't even wear clothes on my left hand.James held out his arms, answering his father's question. "Not four fingers, one thumb, no difference. Why can't you use a sword?" "Very good," my father sat down, "very good, I have prepared a gift for you, originally to commemorate your safe return. Uh, Varys said this before..." "It doesn't just happen to be a novice, does it? Forget it, we'll talk about that later." James took a seat opposite his father. "How did Joffrey die?" "It's poison. Symptoms are similar to choking on food, but I ordered the maester to open his throat and couldn't find any blockage." "Cersei thinks Tyrion did it." "Your brother dedicated the poisoned wine to the king with his own hands, and the thousand guests in the hall can testify." "Really? He's so stupid." "I have detained Tyrion's squire and his wife's handmaidens for a detailed investigation. Ser Adam's gold cloaks were responsible for the search of the Stark girl, and Varys has announced a reward for it. All in all, the king's The law must be enforced." King's law. "You intend to execute your own son?" "He's charged with two felony charges of parricide and regicide. If innocent, he has nothing to fear, but first we have to hear two pieces of evidence." evidence.In this city of lies, James knew what kind of evidence there would be. "Isn't Renly's death also strange? The timing is just in Stannis' interest." "Duke Renly was killed by bodyguards, reportedly a woman from the Isle of Tarth." "Thanks to the woman of Tarth, I am able to sit here and talk to you today. I have locked her up for a while to appease Ser Loras, but if I think she killed Renly, it is better to let I believe Renly's ghost can be alive. In my opinion, Stannis—" "Enough, there is no witchcraft in this world, and only poison killed Joffrey." Duke Tywin looked at James' severed limb again. "Without the sword, you don't have to keep the Kingsguard—" "Of course I want to keep it," he interrupted his father, "and I must keep it. I have read the "White Code" and know many precedents. Regardless of whether it is disabled or not, as long as the Kingsguard takes an oath, it must serve for life." "Tradition was broken when Cersei usurped Ser Barristan's office in the name of old age. Now we need only make a generous gift to the High Septon, and he will be more than happy to relieve you. Indeed , your sister's expulsion of Selmy was a great folly, but on the other hand it opened the door for us—" "—so someone has to step up and lock it up," James stood up. "Father, I've had enough of other people's gossip, and I don't want to add to that. Besides, I'm not going to be Captain of the Kingsguard myself. , but since the job falls to him, it is his responsibility—” "Of course you are responsible," Duke Tywin also stood up, "responsibility to the Lannister family. You used to be the heir of Casterly Rock City, and you should be in the future. I decided to hand Tommen over to you to discipline and let him be your squire and foster son, only at Casterly Rock can he learn how to be a true Lannister. I don't want his mother to spoil him, instead I'll find a husband for Cersei. Oberyn Martell should be fine , but I have to convince Lord Tyrell that this matter will not harm the interests of Highgarden. You should also get married, the Tyrells insist on passing Margaery to Tommen, and I plan to use you instead—" "No!" James whirled, barely able to stand.No no no no.He had had enough, enough of the nobles' lies, enough of his father and his sister, enough of this whole dirty business. "No, no, no, no, no! How many times do I have to say 'no' before you listen to Oberyn Martell? He's a notorious fellow, and poisoning his sword is a minor fault Evil, did you know? He has more bastards than Robert, and he...he sleeps with boys! Besides, you thought I'd marry Joffrey's widow..." "Lord Tyrell promises she's still a virgin." "I don't care if she lives to be eighty or a virgin! I don't want her, and I don't want your Casterly Rock!" "you are my son--" "I am a knight of the Kingsguard! Captain of the Kingsguard! This is what I live for!" The fire shone on Lord Tywin's strong golden beard, and the reflection of gold reflected his face.A vein in my father's neck popped out, but he didn't speak, didn't speak, didn't speak. The tension and silence continued, until finally James felt a little sorry. "Father..." he said. "You are not my son." Duke Tywin turned his head. "You say you are the captain of the Kingsguard, and that is what you live for. Very well, Sir, I will not delay your official duties."
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